12 records in 3.643 seconds (source: PEOPLE) BibTeX | JSON | Journal articles |  |  | 1
| Marzi C., Melloni C., and Vender M. (2023) “Finger-tracking reading profiles in monolingual and bilingual early graders”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, published by Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XXII, pp. 327-361. |  |  | 2
| Marzi C., Narzisi A., Milone A., Masi G., and Pirrelli V. (2022) “Reading behaviors through patterns of finger-tracking in Italian children with autism spectrum disorder”, Brain sciences, ISSN 2076-3425, published by Molecular Diversity Preservation International (Basel), vol. 12, pp. 1-17. | Book chapters |  | | 3
| Crepaldi D., Ferro M., Marzi C., Nadalini A., Pirrelli V., and Taxitari L. (2022) “Finger movements and eye movements during adults' silent and oral reading”, Developing language and literacy-Studies in Honor of Dorit Diskin Ravid, ISBN 978-3-030-99890-5, Levie R., Bar On A., Ashkenazi O., Dattner E., and Brandes G. (eds.), published by Springer (Dordrecht, NLD), vol. 23, pp. 443-471. |  | | 4
| Cappa C., Ferro M., and Giulivi S. (2021) “Valutare l'efficienza di lettura in classe, fra "ecologia" e tecnologie”, Didattica dell'italiano, ISBN 978-88-6923-829-1, Garulli V., Pasetti L., and Viale M. (eds.), published by Bononia University Press (Bologna, ITA), vol. 3, pp. 49-69. | Conference papers |  |  | 5
| Bruno E., Giulivi S., Cappa C., Marini M., and Ferro M. (2021) “Evaluating the accuracy of decoding in children who read aloud”, Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA'21), ISBN 978-88-5518-449-6, 12th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA'21), Firenze (Italy), 14-16/12/2021, Manfredi C. (ed.), published by Firenze University Press (Firenze, ITA), pp. 145-148. |  | | 6
| Taxitari L., Cappa C., Ferro M., Marzi C., Nadalini A., and Pirrelli V. (2021) “Using mobile technology for reading assessment”, ISBN 9781728166469, 6th IEEE Congress on Information Science & Technology (IEEE CIST'20), online, 05/06/2021, pp. 1-6. |  | | 7
| Marzi C., Rodella A., Nadalini A., Taxitari L., and Pirrelli V. (2020) “Does finger-tracking point to child reading strategies?”, Proceedings of the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, ISSN 1613-0073, Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics 2020, Bologna, 1-3/03/2021, Monti J., Dell'Orletta F., and Tamburini F. (eds.), published by CEUR-WS. org (Aachen, DEU), vol. vol-2769, pp. 1-7. |  | | 8
| Ferro M., Cappa C., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Nahli O., Cardillo F. A., and Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: Reading for Understanding”, ISBN 978-1-5386-4385-3, IEEE-CIST2018 LED-ICT, Marrakech, Morocco, 21-27/10/2018, published by IEEE (New York, USA), pp. 404-409. | Conference contributions |  | | 9
| Marzi C., Narzisi A., Ferro M., Masi G., Milone A., Viglione V., Pelagatti S., Tomassini I., and Pirrelli V. (2022) “Patterns of finger-tracking in Italian early readers with Autism Spectrum Disorder”, 2022 annual meeting abstract book, INSAR, Austin, Texas, 11-14/05/2022, vol. 2022, pp. 192-192. |  | | 10
| Pirrelli V., Cappa C., Crepaldi D., Del Pinto V., Ferro M., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Nadalini A., and Taxitari L. (2020) “Tracking the pace of reading with finger movements”, Words in the World International Conference, Montreal (Canada), 16-18/10/2020, 1 page. |  | | 11
| Cappa C., Ferro M., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Nahli O., Cardillo F. A., and Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: piattaforma ICT per valutare l'efficienza di lettura”, XXVII Congresso Nazionale AIRIPA, Arezzo (Italy), 28-29/09/2018. |  | | 12
| Ferro M., Cappa C., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Cardillo F. A., and Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: an ICT platform for the assessment of reading efficiency in early graders”, 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada), 25-28/09/2018, pp. 61-61. | rendered in 0.002 seconds | powered by lib_pipol v4.0.20 |