@INCOLLECTION{CALAMAI_2022_INCOLLECTION_CPPCSM_467178, AUTHOR = {Calamai, S. and Piccardi, D. and Pretto, N. and Candeo, G. and Stamuli, M. F. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {Not Just Paper: Enhancement of Archive Cultural Heritage}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Oral archives and digital technologies have gone hand-in-hand for a very long time. Both sides benefit from this interdisciplinary junction: technology enhances the preservation and diffusion of oral materials, while exploiting them to develop cutting-edge tools for their treatment. This chapter deals with an Italian instantiation of this mutual relationship: the Archivio Vi.Vo. project. Offering innovative solutions concerning metadata, audio restoration, description, and access, Archivio Vi.Vo. aims to build an online platform to host the oral archives from Tuscany. The project is powered by CLARIN-IT, which guarantees its compliance with standards and offers resources for data access and discoverability. Archivio Vi.Vo. has not been built from scratch: it is instead a cross-fertilization of previous initiatives and research projects (e.g., the Gra.fo project). Moreover, the chapter presents the related, contemporary work of a multidisciplinary group striving to synthesize a Vademecum for future generations of oral archive researchers. Lastly, a brief list of tentative ideas for future developments of the Archivio Vi.Vo. platform will be presented.}, KEYWORDS = {digital oral archives, research infrastructures, models for digital preservation}, URL = {https://www.degruyter.com/document/isbn/9783110767377/html}, VOLUME = {1}, DOI = {10.1515_9783110767377-025}, PUBLISHER = {Walter De Gruyter \& Co (Berlin, DEU)}, ISBN = {9783110767377}, BOOKTITLE = {CLARIN The Infrastructure for Language Resources}, EDITOR = {FiĊĦer, D. and Witt, A.}, } @ARTICLE{MONACHINI_2021_ARTICLE_MSCPB_466817, AUTHOR = {Monachini, M. and Stamuli, M. F. and Calamai, S. and Pretto, N. and Bianchi, S.}, TITLE = {The Grey-side of Audio Archives}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Archives often include documents that can hardly be considered publications or grey literature as such, yet they maintain their documentary value and play a role of primary sources for the specialists. These documents, indeed, can help archivists to reveal the sedimentation process of the archive itself and to preserve the authentic context of the documentary production. They also appear to be very useful for the community of researchers and scholars. This happens more frequently with oral archives which include 'non-conventional sources', thus bringing together audio documents, fieldworks notes, correspondence, slipcases, analogic compact cassettes or open reels. At the cross-road of two disciplines, Archival Science and Grey Literature, this paper aims to argue the applicability of the concept of grey literature to this wide range of documentary materials, by showing the experience of Archivio Vi.Vo, a regional project aiming at building a model for archiving, preserving, managing and disseminating audio documents.}, KEYWORDS = {oral archives, infrastructures}, PAGES = {34-37}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/466817}, VOLUME = {22}, PUBLISHER = {TransAtlantic (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi)}, ISSN = {1386-2316}, JOURNAL = {The GL-conference series. Conference proceedings}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CALAMAI_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_CPSPCBM_466824, AUTHOR = {Calamai, S. and Pretto, N. and Stamuli, M. F. and Piccardi, D. and Candeo, G. and Bianchi, S. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {COMMUNITY-BASED SURVEY AND ORAL ARCHIVE INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE ARCHIVIO VI. VO. PROJECT}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Audio and audiovisual archives are at the crossroads of different fields of knowledge, yet they require common solutions for both their long-term preservation and their description, availability, use and reuse. Archivio Vi.Vo. is an Italian project financed by the Tuscany Region, aiming to (i) explore methods for long-term preservation and secure access to oral sources and (ii) develop an infrastructure under the CLARIN-IT umbrella offering several services for scholars from different domains interested in oral sources. This paper describes the project's infrastructure and its methodology through a case study on the Caterina Bueno's audio archive.}, KEYWORDS = {inglese}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/466824}, VOLUME = {180}, DOI = {10.3384/ecp180}, ISBN = {978-91-7929-609-4}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CLARIN2020 Annual Conference}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {virtual}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5/10/2020-7/10/2020}, BOOKTITLE = {SELECTED PAPERS FROM THE CLARIN ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2020}, EDITOR = {Navarretta, C. and Eskevich, M.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CALAMAI_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_CPMSBB_466823, AUTHOR = {Calamai, S. and Pretto, N. and Monachini, M. and Stamuli, M. F. and Bianchi, S. and Bonazzoli, P.}, TITLE = {Building a Home for Italian Audio Archives}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {Audio and audiovisual archives are at the crossroads of different fields of knowledge, yet they require common solutions for both their long-term preservation and their description, availability, use and reuse. Archivio Vi.Vo. is an Italian project financed by the Tuscany Region, aiming to (i) explore methods for long-term preservation and secure access to oral sources and (ii) develop an infrastructure under the CLARIN-IT umbrella offering several services for scholars from different domains interested in oral sources. This paper describes the project's infrastructure and its methodology through a case study on the Caterina Bueno's audio archive.}, KEYWORDS = {oral archives, infrastructures}, PAGES = {112-116}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/466823}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CLARIN2020 Annual Conference Proceedings ISSN 2773-2177 (online)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {virtual}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5/10/2020-7/10/2020}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BIANCHI_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_BCMPS_466816, AUTHOR = {Bianchi, S. and Calamai, S. and Monachini, M. and Pretto, N. and Stamuli, M. F.}, TITLE = {The grey-side of audio archives}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {Archives often include documents that can hardly be considered publications or grey literature as such, yet they maintain their documentary value and play a role of primary sources for the specialists. These documents, indeed, can help archivists to reveal the sedimentation process of the archive itself and to preserve the authentic context of the documentary production. They also appear to be very useful for the community of researchers and scholars. This happens more frequently with oral archives which include 'non-conventional sources', thus bringing together audio documents, fieldworks notes, correspondence, slipcases, analogic compact cassettes or open reels. At the cross-road of two disciplines, Archival Science and Grey Literature, this paper aims to argue the applicability of the concept of grey literature to this wide range of documentary materials, by showing the experience of Archivio Vi.Vo, a regional project aiming at building a model for archiving, preserving, managing and disseminating audio documents.}, KEYWORDS = {archivi orali}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/466816}, VOLUME = {2020-November}, PUBLISHER = {TransAtlantic (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi)}, ISSN = {1386-2316}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {GL2020 22nd International Conference on Grey Literature}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {20/11/2020}, BOOKTITLE = {The GL-conference series. Conference proceedings}, }