[{"id":359592,"last_updated":"2023-07-18 16:22:40","id_people":484489,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"book_chapter","type_order":2,"type_people":"bookPart","title":"Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Annotations of Ancient Texts: The Euporia System","year":2023,"authors_people":"Federico Boschetti, Luigi Bambaci, Angelo Mario Del Grosso, Gloria Mugelli, Anas Fahad Khan, Andrea Bellandi, and Andrea Taddei","authors_cnr":["Boschetti, Federico","Bellandi, Andrea","Del Grosso, Angelo Mario","Khan, Anas Fahad Aslam"],"authors_cnr_id":["14630","17627","17769","18790"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Boschetti, F.","Bambaci, L.","Del Grosso, A. M.","Mugelli, G.","Khan, A. F.","Bellandi, A.","Taddei, A."],"abstract":"Euporia is an annotation system originally created to study the ritual dynamics in ancient Greek tragedies from an anthropological perspective. The system is designed to be flexible enough so that it can be easily extended in other directions of multidisciplinary research. The system combines the simplicity of a web interface pared down to its essential elements with the expressivity of a domain-specific language parsed with ANTLR, that avoids the verbosity of general-purpose markup languages (such as XML-TEI) during the annotation phase. In this way, the user is focused on domain-specific tasks by writing concise annotations. Upon exportation of our data, interoperability is ensured by two measures: references to the annotated text are translated from a system based on progressive word numbers to the Canonical Text Services (CTS) system, and the annotations are translated into XML-TEI. An annotation is constituted by a text reference, a condition related to variant readings and interpretations of the same text, as well as by a sequence of tags. Tags are created by following a bottom-up approach: they are progressively introduced and reused by the domain-expert during the annotation process. During revisions, tags are grouped and mapped onto an ontology, in order to enable and to exploit the identification of relations among the tags in querying the annotated corpus. Being designed for interoperability, our approach can be extended to other research fields (e.g. philology, archaeology) through the creation of new domain-specific languages and domain-specific tagsets, in order to improve the functionalities of the Euporia system.","keywords":["Digital Humanities","Euporia","Domain Specific Languages","CoPhiLab","Digital Philology"],"pages":"172-223","url":"https:\/\/publications.cnr.it\/doc\/484489","volume":"6","doi":"10.1163\/9789004527119_008","editors_people":"Vanessa Bigot Juloux, Alessandro Di Ludovico, and Sveta Matskevich","editors":["Juloux, V. B.","Di Ludovico, A.","Matskevich, S."],"published":"The Ancient World Goes Digital","publisher":"Brill Academic Publishers (Leiden, NLD)","issn":"","isbn":"9789004527119","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":343201,"last_updated":"2023-07-10 10:33:07","id_people":472419,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"From Inscriptions to Lexica and Back: A Platform for Editing and Linking the Languages of Ancient Italy","year":2022,"authors_people":"Valeria Quochi, Andrea Bellandi, Fahad Khan, Michele Mallia, Francesca Murano, Silvia Piccini, Luca Rigobianco, Alessandro Tommasi, Cesare Zavattari","authors_cnr":["Mallia, Michele","Zavattari, Cesare","Quochi, Valeria","Bellandi, Andrea","Piccini, Silvia","Khan, Anas Fahad Aslam"],"authors_cnr_id":["11893","17627","17738","18790"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Quochi, V.","Bellandi, A.","Khan, F.","Mallia, M.","Murano, F.","Piccini, S.","Rigobianco, L.","Tommasi, A.","Zavattari, C."],"abstract":"Available language technology is hardly applicable to scarcely attested ancient languages, yet their digital semantic representation, though challenging, is an asset for the purpose of sharing and preserving existing cultural knowledge. In the context of a project on the languages and cultures of ancient Italy, we took up this challenge. This paper thus describes the development of a user friendly web platform, EpiLexO, for the creation and editing of an integrated system of language resources for ancient fragmentary languages centered on the lexicon, in compliance with current digital humanities and Linked Open Data principles. EpiLexo allows for the editing of lexica with all relevant cross-references: for their linking to their testimonies, as well as to bibliographic information and other (external) resources and common vocabularies. The focus of the current implementation is on the languages of ancient Italy, in particular Oscan, Faliscan, Celtic and Venetic; however, the technological solutions are designed to be general enough to be potentially applicable to different contexts and scenarios.","keywords":["Digital Epigraphy","Restsprachen","Lexicon Editing and Linking","tools for DH"],"pages":"59-67","url":"https:\/\/aclanthology.org\/2022.lt4hala-1.0\/","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Sprugnoli, Rachele; Passarotti, Marco","editors":["Sprugnoli, R.","Passarotti, M."],"published":"Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA 2022)","publisher":"European language resources association (ELRA) (Paris, FRA)","issn":"","isbn":"979-10-95546-78-8","conference_name":"Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA 2022)","conference_place":"Marseille, France","conference_date":"25\/06\/2022"},{"id":132494,"last_updated":"2022-05-05 11:42:29","id_people":463877,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"technical_report","type_order":8,"type_people":"report","title":"D5. 3 Overview of Online Tutorials and Instruction Manuals","year":2022,"authors_people":"Toma Tasovac, Carole Tiberius, Claudia Bamberg, Andrea Bellandi, Thomas Burch, Rute Costa, Matej ?ur?o, Francesca Frontini, Julia Hennemann, Kris Heylen, Milo? Jakub\u00ed?ek, Fahad Khan, Anne Klee, Iztok Kosem, Vojt?ch Kov\u00e1?, Ond?ej Matu?ka, John McCrae, Monica Monachini, Karlheinz M\u00f6rth, Tina Munda, Valeria Quochi, Andra? Repar, Christophe Roche, Ana Salgado, Henrike Sievers, Tam\u00e1s V\u00e1radi, Sandra Weyand, Anna Woldrich, Susanne Zhanial","authors_cnr":["Monachini, Monica","Quochi, Valeria","Frontini, Francesca","Bellandi, Andrea","Khan, Anas Fahad Aslam"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945","11893","15911","17627","18790"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Tasovac, T.","Tiberius, C.","Bamberg, C.","Bellandi, A.","Burch, T.","Costa, R.","\u010eur\u010do, M.","Frontini, F.","Hennemann, J.","Heylen, K.","Jakub\u00ed\u010dek, M.","Khan, F.","Klee, A.","Kosem, I.","Kov\u00e1\u0159, V.","Matu\u0161ka, O.","McCrae, J.","Monachini, M.","M\u00f6rth, K.","Munda, T.","Quochi, V.","Repar, A.","Roche, C.","Salgado, A.","Sievers, H.","V\u00e1radi, T.","Weyand, S.","Woldrich, A.","Zhanial, S."],"abstract":"The ELEXIS Curriculum is an integrated set of training materials which contextualizes ELEXIS tools and services inside a broader, systematic pedagogic narrative. This means that the goal of the ELEXIS Curriculum is not simply to inform users about the functionalities of particular tools and services developed within the project, but to show how such tools and services are a) embedded in both lexicographic theory and practice; and b) representative of and contributing to the development of digital skills among lexicographers. The scope and rationale of the curriculum are described in more detail in the Deliverable D5.2 Guidelines for Producing ELEXIS Tutorials and Instruction Manuals. The goal of this deliverable, as stated in the project DOW, is to provide \"a clear, structured overview of tutorials and instruction manuals developed within the project.\"","keywords":["ELEXIS","lexicography","training materials"],"pages":"31","url":"https:\/\/elex.is\/wp-content\/uploads\/ELEXIS_D5_3_Overview-of-Online-Tutorials-and-Instruction-Manuals.pdf","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132471,"last_updated":"2022-02-11 09:19:08","id_people":461550,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"journal_article","type_order":0,"type_people":"article","title":"Annotating ritual in ancient greek tragedy: A bottom-up approach in action","year":2021,"authors_people":"Mugelli G.; Boschetti F.; Bellandi A.; Del Gratta R.; Khan A.F.; Taddei A.","authors_cnr":["Del Gratta, Riccardo","Boschetti, Federico","Bellandi, Andrea","Khan, Anas Fahad"],"authors_cnr_id":["11933","14630","17627","18790"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Mugelli, G.","Boschetti, F.","Bellandi, A.","Del Gratta, R.","Khan, A. F.","Taddei, A."],"abstract":"EuporiaRAGT is one of the pilot projects that adopt the Euporia system as a digital support to an historico-anthropological research on the form and function of rituals in the texts of ancient Greek tragedy. This paper describes the bottom-up approach adopted in the project: During the annotation stage, performed with a Domain Specific Language designed with a usercentred approach, the domain expert can annotate ritual and religious phenomena, with the possibility of registering different textual and interpretive variants; the design of a search engine, in a second phase of the work, allows the database to be tested and reorganized. Finally, the construction of an ontology allows to structure the tags, in order to perform complex queries on the database.","keywords":["digital philology","dsl","ancient Greek"],"pages":"17","url":"http:\/\/www.scopus.com\/record\/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85117031943&origin=inward","volume":"15","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"Digital humanities quarterly","publisher":"Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations ([Providence, RI?], Stati Uniti d'America)","issn":"1938-4122","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132424,"last_updated":"2021-02-03 13:14:44","id_people":443609,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_misc","type_order":6,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di FAIR?","year":2021,"authors_people":"Francesca Frontini Anas Fahad Khan","authors_cnr":["Frontini, Francesca","Khan, Anas Fahad"],"authors_cnr_id":["15911","18790"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Frontini, F.","Khan, A. F."],"abstract":"Nel 2016 un consorzio di scienziati afferenti a diverse istituzioni e discipline enuncia i principi FAIR; in questi quattro anni l'importanza e la portata del programma FAIR \u00e8 divenuta sempre pi\u00f9 evidente. L'adesione a tali principi nelle discipline umanistiche sembra farsi largo, ma non senza difficolt\u00e0 e interrogativi. Questo lavoro propone una riflessione sulle implicazioni della proposta FAIR per la gestione dei dati scientifici, confrontandola con la sua effettiva ricezione nella comunit\u00e0 delle DH in Italia e in Europa.","keywords":["Principi FAIR","Open Data","dati della ricerca","politiche della ricerca","EOSC"],"pages":"19-24","url":"https:\/\/aiucd2021.labcd.unipi.it\/en\/book-of-abstracts-conference\/","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Angelo Mario Del Grosso, Federico Boschetti, Enrica Salvatori","editors":["Del Grosso, A. M.","Boschetti, F.","Salvatori, E."],"published":"AIUCD 2021-DH per la societ\u00e0: e-guaglianza, par-tecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale. Raccolta degli abstract estesi della 10a conferenza nazionale, Pisa, 2021","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"9788894253559","conference_name":"AIUCD 2021-DH per la societ\u00e0: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale","conference_place":"","conference_date":"19-22\/01\/2021"},{"id":132370,"last_updated":"2020-09-11 11:12:46","id_people":429245,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"book_chapter","type_order":2,"type_people":"bookPart","title":"LexO: Where Lexicography Meets the Semantic Web","year":2019,"authors_people":"Andrea Bellandi, Monica Monachini and Fahad Khan","authors_cnr":["Monachini, Monica","Bellandi, Andrea","Khan, Anas Fahad"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945","17627","18790"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Bellandi, A.","Monachini, M.","Khan, F."],"abstract":"LexO is a collaborative web editor used for the creation and management of (multilingual) lexical and terminological resources as linked data resources. The editor makes use of Semantic Web technologies (which enrich web data with semantic information in order to make them machine readable) and the linked data publishing paradigm in order to ensure that lexical resources can be more easily shared and reused by the scientific community.","keywords":["Semantic Web technologies","multilingual lexical resources","collaborative web editor"],"pages":"43-47","url":"https:\/\/publications.cnr.it\/doc\/429245","volume":"2","doi":"","editors_people":"Fiser, Darja; Lenardic, Jakob","editors":["Fiser, D.","Lenardic, J."],"published":"Tour de CLARIN volume two","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132263,"last_updated":"2018-08-13 16:54:50","id_people":387178,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"One Language to rule them all: modelling Morphological Patterns in a Large Scale Italian Lexicon with SWRL","year":2018,"authors_people":"Khan Fahad, Bellandi Andrea, Frontini Francesca, Monachini Monica","authors_cnr":["Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica","Bellandi, Andrea"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945","17627"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Khan, F.","Bellandi, A.","Frontini, F.","Monachini, M."],"abstract":"We present an application of Semantic Web Technologies to computational lexicography. More precisely we describe the publication of the morphological layer of the Italian Parole Simple Clips lexicon (PSC-M) as linked open data. The novelty of our work is in the use of the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) to encode morphological patterns, thereby allowing the automatic derivation of the inflectional variants of the entries in the lexicon. By doing so we make these patterns available in a form that is human readable and that therefore gives a comprehensive morphological description of a large number of Italian word.","keywords":["Morphology","Linked Open Data","Italian Lexicon","SWRL","SQVRL"],"pages":"4385-4389","url":"http:\/\/www.lrec-conf.org\/proceedings\/lrec2018\/pdf\/844.pdf","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference chair, Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Koiti Hasida, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, H\u00e9l\u00e8ne Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis, Takenobu Tokunaga","editors":["Calzolari, N."],"published":"Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)","publisher":"European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA)","issn":"","isbn":"979-10-95546-00-9","conference_name":"Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)","conference_place":"Miyazaki, Japan","conference_date":"7-12\/05\/2018"},{"id":132264,"last_updated":"2018-08-13 16:55:17","id_people":387203,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Towards the Construction of a Lexical Data and Technology Ecosystem: The Experience of ILC-CNR","year":2018,"authors_people":"Monica Monachini, Anas Fahad Khan","authors_cnr":["Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Monachini, M.","Khan, A. F."],"abstract":"This paper describes the activities and projects being carried on at the \"A. Zampolli\" Institute for Computational Linguistics (ILC) at the crossroads between computational lexicography and e- lexicography and that are intended to assist in the creation of a queryable and interconnected ecosystem of standardised lexicographic datasets and technologies.","keywords":["e-lexicography","computational lexicography","lexical resources","standards","LOD"],"pages":"52-54","url":"https:\/\/globalex.link\/globalex2018\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/03\/Globalex-2018_proceedings.pdf","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Ilan Kernerman, Simon Krek","editors":["Kernerman, I.","Krek, S."],"published":"Proceedings of the LREC 2018 Workshop \"Globalex 2018-Lexicography & WordNets\"","publisher":"European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA)","issn":"","isbn":"979-10-95546-28-3","conference_name":"LREC 2018 Workshop \"Globalex 2018-Lexicography & WordNets","conference_place":"Miyazaki, Japan","conference_date":"7-12\/05\/2018"},{"id":132163,"last_updated":"2017-08-01 14:58:53","id_people":366612,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_misc","type_order":6,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Provando e riprovando modelli di dizionario storico digitale: collegare voci, citazioni, interpretazioni","year":2017,"authors_people":"Andrea Bellandi, Federico Boschetti, Anas Fahad Khan, Angelo Mario Del Grosso, Monica Monachini","authors_cnr":["Del Grosso, Angelo Mario","Bellandi, Andrea","Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica","Boschetti, Federico"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945","14630"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Bellandi, A.","Boschetti, F.","Khan, A. F.","Del Grosso, A. M.","Monachini, M."],"abstract":"Il dizionario storico \u00e8 il luogo d'incontro privilegiato di linguistica e lessicografia e filologia e critica letteraria. Nella prima parte prendiamo in considerazione un caso di studio piuttosto noto, relativo all'espressione \"provando e riprovando\", per mostrare come perfino i luoghi citati nei dizionari, che sono introdotti con lo scopo di disambiguare i termini in contesto, non siano privi di controversie interpretative. Nella seconda parte, molto pi\u00f9 dettagliata e pi\u00f9 tecnica, tentiamo di aggiungere ai modelli lessicali e citazionali gi\u00e0 esistenti ed aperti soluzioni minime che ci permettano di collegare voci, citazioni e interpretazioni all'interno dell'universo dei Linked Open Data.","keywords":["Linked Open Data LOD"],"pages":"119-125","url":"http:\/\/aiucd2017.aiucd.it\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/01\/book-of-abstract-AIUCD-2017.pdf","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"AIUCD 2017 Conference","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"AIUCD 2017 Conference & 3rd EADH Day","conference_place":"Roma, Universit\u00e0 \"Sapienza\"","conference_date":"24-28 January 2017"},{"id":132160,"last_updated":"2021-04-12 20:29:46","id_people":364960,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"journal_article","type_order":0,"type_people":"article","title":"A user-centred design to annotate ritual facts in ancient greek tragedies","year":2016,"authors_people":"Mugelli G.; Boschetti F.; Del Gratta R.; Del Grosso A.M.; Khan F.; Taddei A.","authors_cnr":["Del Grosso, Angelo Mario","Khan, Anas Fahad","Del Gratta, Riccardo","Boschetti, Federico"],"authors_cnr_id":["11933","14630"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Mugelli, G.","Boschetti, F.","Del Gratta, R.","Del Grosso, A. M.","Khan, F.","Taddei, A."],"abstract":"Euporia is an annotation system developed with a user-centred approach for the study of ritual and religion in ancient Greek tragedy. Euporia adopts a domain specific language (DSL) and a lightweight web user interface in order to offer digital support to an anthropological study of ancient Greek tragedy that compares ritual as it is performed or described in Greek tragedy with ancient ritual as it can be reconstructed from literary, archaeological, and epigraphic sources. The case study discussed in this paper (Aesch. Ag 67-71) shows one of the main features of Euporia: the ability to annotate different readings and different interpretations of the text and their consequences in the reconstruction of ancient Greek ritual.","keywords":["Digital Philology","Digital Humanities","Digital Classicist","Computational philology","Computational Linguistics"],"pages":"103-120","url":"http:\/\/www.scopus.com\/record\/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85007489227&origin=inward","volume":"59","doi":"10.1111\/j.2041-5370.2016.12041.x","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"Bulletin-University of London. Institute of Classical Studies","publisher":"Institute of Classical Studies, University of London (London, Regno Unito)","issn":"0076-0730","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132107,"last_updated":"2017-01-09 10:03:49","id_people":353799,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"book_chapter","type_order":2,"type_people":"bookPart","title":"Cooperative philology on the way to web services: The case of the cophiwordnet platform","year":2016,"authors_people":"Del Gratta R.; Boschetti F.; Del Grosso A.; Khan F.; Monachini M.","authors_cnr":["Del Grosso, Angelo Mario","Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica","Del Gratta, Riccardo","Boschetti, Federico"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945","11933","14630"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048","048","048","048"],"authors":["Del Gratta, R.","Boschetti, F.","Del Grosso, A.","Khan, F.","Monachini, M."],"abstract":"In this paper we present ongoing research carried out at the Institute for Computational Linguistics \"A. Zampolli\" (ILC) in Pisa. The institute has been active since many years in the field of Digital Humanities providing resources, tools and solutions to address issues of the to digital humanists. Starting from those previous initiatives, we show how to re-engineer them as Web Services in order to make connections between lexicons, semantic resources and a fine grained text management. Linked Open Data is chosen as the paradigm used to link the different resources as well as the modality of data presentation.","keywords":["Canonical text services","Cooperative philology","Linked open data","Web services"],"pages":"173-187","url":"http:\/\/www.scopus.com\/inward\/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84961744725&partnerID=q2rCbXpz","volume":"9442","doi":"10.1007\/978-3-319-31468-6_13","editors_people":"Yohei Murakami, Donghui Li","editors":["Murakami, Y.","Li, D."],"published":"Worldwide Language Service Infrastructure: Second International Workshop, WLSI 2015, Kyoto, Japan, January 22-23, 2015. Revised Selected Papers","publisher":"Springer International Publishing (Switzerland, CHE)","issn":"","isbn":"978-3-319-31468-6","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132114,"last_updated":"2016-08-08 14:20:42","id_people":355434,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"edited_volume","type_order":3,"type_people":"book","title":"Language and Ontology (LangOnto2) & Terminology and Knowledge Structures (TermiKS)","year":2016,"authors_people":"Fahad Khan, ?pela Vintar , Pilar Le\u00f3n Ara\u00faz, Pamela Faber, Francesca Frontini, Artemis Parvizi, Larisa Gr?i?-Simeunovi?, Christina Unger","authors_cnr":["Khan, Anas Fahad","Frontini, Francesca"],"authors_cnr_id":["15911"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048"],"authors":["Khan, F.","Vintar, \u0160.","Le\u00f3n Ara\u00faz, P.","Faber, P.","Frontini, F.","Parvizi, A.","Gr\u010di\u0107 Simeunovi\u0107, L.","Unger, C."],"abstract":"This joint workshop brings together two different but closely related strands of research. On the one hand it looks at the overlap between ontologies and computational linguistics and on the other it explores the relationship between knowledge modelling and terminologies. In particular the workshop aims to create a forum for discussion in which the different relationships and commonalities between these two areas can be explored in detail, as well as presenting cutting edge research in each of the two individual areas. A significant amount of human knowledge can be found in texts. It is not surprising that languages such as OWL, which allow us to formally represent this knowledge, have become more and more popular both in linguistics and in automated language processing. For instance ontologies are now of core interest to many NLP fields including Machine Translation, Question Answering, Text Summarization, Information Retrieval, and Word Sense Disambiguation. At a more abstract level, however, ontologies can also help us to model and reason about phenomena in natural language semantics. In addition, ontologies and taxonomies can also be used in the organisation and formalisation of linguistically relevant categories such as those used in tagsets for corpus annotation. Notably also, the fact that formal ontologies are being increasingly accessed by users with limited to no background in formal logic has led to a growing interest in developing accessible front ends that allow for easy querying and summarisation of ontologies. It has also led to work in developing natural language interfaces for authoring ontologies and evaluating their design. Additionally in recent years there has been a renewed interest in the linguistic aspects of accessing, extracting, representing, modelling and transferring knowledge. Numerous tools for the automatic extraction of terms, term variants, knowledge-rich contexts, definitions, semantic relations and taxonomies from specialized corpora have been developed for a number of languages, and new theoretical approaches have emerged as potential frameworks for the study of specialized communication. However, the building of adequate knowledge models for practitioners (e.g. experts, researchers, translators, teachers etc.), on the one hand, and NLP applications (including cross-language, cross-domain, cross-device, multi-modal, multi-platform applications), on the other hand, still remains a challenge. The papers included in the workshop range across a wide variety of different areas and reflect the strong inter-disciplinary approach, which characterises both areas of research. In addition we are very happy to include two invited talks in the program presented by authorities in their respective fields: Pamela Faber from the field of terminology, and John McCrae, an expert on linguistic linked data and the interface between NLP and ontologies.","keywords":["lexicons","ontologies"],"pages":"","url":"http:\/\/www.lrec-conf.org\/proceedings\/lrec2016\/index.html","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132113,"last_updated":"2017-03-17 09:44:40","id_people":355425,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"LREC as a Graph: People and Resources in a Network","year":2016,"authors_people":"Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., Khan F., Soria C., Calzolari N.","authors_cnr":["Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica","Soria, Claudia","Bartolini, Roberto","Del Gratta, Riccardo","Frontini, Francesca","Pardelli, Gabriella","Zamorani, Nicoletta"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945","9887","10441","11933","15911","16333","26123"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048","048","048","048","048","048","048"],"authors":["Del Gratta, R.","Frontini, F.","Monachini, M.","Pardelli, G.","Russo, I.","Bartolini, R.","Khan, F.","Soria, C.","Calzolari, N."],"abstract":"This proposal describes a new way to visualise resources in the LREMap, a community-built repository of language resource descriptions and uses. The LREMap is represented as a force-directed graph, where resources, papers and authors are nodes. The analysis of the visual representation of the underlying graph is used to study how the community gathers around LRs and how LRs are used in research.","keywords":["Language Resources","Resources Documentation","Data Visualisation"],"pages":"2529-2532","url":"http:\/\/www.lrec-conf.org\/proceedings\/lrec2016\/index.html","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair), Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Marko Grobelnik, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, H\u00e9l\u00e8ne Mazo, Asunci\u00f3n Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis","editors":["Calzolari, N.","Choukri, K.","Declerck, T.","Goggi, S.","Grobelnik, M.","Maegaard, B.","Mariani, J.","Mazo, H.","Moreno, A.","Odijk, J.","Piperidis, S."],"published":"","publisher":"European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA)","issn":"","isbn":"978-2-9517408-9-1","conference_name":"Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)","conference_place":"Portoroz, Slovenia","conference_date":"23-28 may"},{"id":132161,"last_updated":"2017-08-01 14:58:59","id_people":366525,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Tools and Instruments for Building and Querying Diachronic Computational Lexica","year":2016,"authors_people":"Anas Fahad Khan, Andrea Bellandi, Monica Monachini","authors_cnr":["Bellandi, Andrea","Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Khan, A. F.","Bellandi, A.","Monachini, M."],"abstract":"This article describes work on enabling the addition of temporal information to senses of words in linguistic linked open data lexica based on the lemonDia model. Our contribution in this article is twofold. On the one hand, we demonstrate how lemonDia enables the querying of diachronic lexical datasets using OWL-oriented Semantic Web based technologies. On the other hand, we present a preliminary version of an interactive interface intended to help users in creating lexical datasets that model meaning change over time.","keywords":["OWL-oriented Semantic Web based technologies"],"pages":"164-171","url":"https:\/\/www.clarin-d.net\/images\/lt4dh\/pdf\/LT4DH22.pdf","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"978-4-87974-708-2","conference_name":"Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities (LT4DH 2016)","conference_place":"Osaka, Japan","conference_date":"December 11-16, 2016"},{"id":132118,"last_updated":"2018-01-30 15:30:19","id_people":355470,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Representing Polysemy and Diachronic Lexico-Semantic Data on the Semantic Web","year":2016,"authors_people":"Khan F., D\u00edaz-Vera Javier E., Monachini M.","authors_cnr":["Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Khan, F.","D\u00edaz Vera, J. E.","Monachini, M."],"abstract":"In this article we will outline two different vocabularies, both extensions of the lemon model, for representing diachronic lexico-semantic data on the Semantic Web. This is especially useful for repre-senting the evolution of scientific terminologies where many terms are polysemous and or imported from other languages. The first vocabulary, polyLemon , allows for the representation of data about polysemy; the second, lemonDIA the representation of meaning shift over time.","keywords":["Language Resources","Resource Data Framework (RDF)"],"pages":"37-45","url":"http:\/\/ceur-ws.org\/Vol-1595\/paper4.pdf","volume":"1595","doi":"","editors_people":"Isabelle Draelants, Catherine Faron Zucker, Alexandre Monnin, Arnaud Zucker","editors":["Draelants, I.","Zucker, C. F.","Monnin, A.","Zucker, A."],"published":"SWASH 2016 Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage co-located with 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016)","publisher":"M. Jeusfeld c\/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen (Aachen, Germania)","issn":"1613-0073","isbn":"","conference_name":"Second International Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage co-located with 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016)","conference_place":"Heraklion, Greece","conference_date":"May 30th, 2016"},{"id":132116,"last_updated":"2016-07-21 12:44:40","id_people":355442,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"The Representation of an Old English Emotion Lexicon as Linked Open Data","year":2016,"authors_people":"Khan F., D\u00edaz-Vera J., Monachini M.","authors_cnr":["Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048"],"authors":["Khan, F.","D\u00edaz Vera, J.","Monachini, M."],"abstract":"We present the ongoing conversion of a lexicon of emotion terms in Old English (OE) into RDF using an extension of lemon called lemonDIA and which we briefly describe. We focus on the translation of the subset of the lexicon dealing with terms for shame and guilt and give a number of illustrative example.","keywords":["Linguistic Linked Open Data","Old English","Lexicon"],"pages":"73-76","url":"http:\/\/www.lrec-conf.org\/proceedings\/lrec2016\/index.html","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"John P. McCrae, Christian Chiarcos, Elena Montiel Ponsoda, Thierry Declerck, Petya Osenova, Sebastian Hellmann","editors":["McCrae, J. P.","Chiarcos, C.","Ponsoda, E. M.","Declerck, T.","Osenova, P.","Hellmann, S."],"published":"LDL 2016 5th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Managing, Building and Using Linked Language Resources","publisher":"European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA)","issn":"","isbn":"978-2-9517408-9-1","conference_name":"Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)","conference_place":"Portoroz, Slovenia","conference_date":"23-28 may"},{"id":132115,"last_updated":"2018-08-23 10:41:03","id_people":355436,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Al Qamus al Muhit, a Medieval Arabic Lexicon in LMF","year":2016,"authors_people":"Nahli O., Frontini F., Monachini M., Khan F., Zarghili A., Khalfi M.","authors_cnr":["Nahli, Ouafae","Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica","Frontini, Francesca"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945","15911"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048","048","048"],"authors":["Nahli, O.","Frontini, F.","Monachini, M.","Khan, F.","Zarghili, A.","Khalfi, M."],"abstract":"This paper describes the conversion into LMF, a standard lexicographic digital format of 'al-q?m?s al-mu???, a Medieval Arabic lexicon. The lexicon is first described, then all the steps required for the conversion are illustrated. The work is will produce a useful lexicographic resource for Arabic NLP, but is also interesting per se, to study the implications of adapting the LMF model to the Arabic language. Some reflections are offered as to the status of roots with respect to previously suggested representations. In particular, roots are, in our opinion are to be not treated as lexical entries, but modeled as lexical metadata for classifying and identifying lexical entries. In this manner, each root connects all entries that are derived from it.","keywords":["Arabic Lexicon","LMF","Al Qamus al Muhi"],"pages":"943-950","url":"http:\/\/www.lrec-conf.org\/proceedings\/lrec2016\/index.html","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair), Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Marko Grobelnik, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, H\u00e9l\u00e8ne Mazo, Asunci\u00f3n Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis","editors":["Calzolari, N.","Choukri, K.","Declerck, T.","Goggi, S.","Grobelnik, M.","Maegaard, B.","Mariani, J.","Mazo, H.","Moreno, A.","Odijk, J.","Piperidis, S."],"published":"","publisher":"European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA)","issn":"","isbn":"978-2-9517408-9-1","conference_name":"Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)","conference_place":"Portoroz, Slovenia","conference_date":"23-28 may"},{"id":132149,"last_updated":"2017-08-01 14:58:57","id_people":363708,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_misc","type_order":6,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Misurare Memorata Poetis: prime statistiche","year":2016,"authors_people":"Silvia Arrigoni, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini, Federico Boschetti","authors_cnr":["Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica","Boschetti, Federico"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945","14630"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Arrigoni, S.","Khan, F.","Monachini, M.","Boschetti, F."],"abstract":"","keywords":["intertestualit\u00e0","temi e motivi"],"pages":"151-155","url":"http:\/\/www.himeros.eu\/aiucd2016\/c47.pdf","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Federico Boschetti","editors":["Boschetti, F."],"published":"AIUCD 2016-Book of Abstracts","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"Quinto Convegno Annuale AIUCD. Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilit\u00e0, analisi del testo e infrastrutture","conference_place":"Ca' Dolfin, Venezia, Italia","conference_date":"7-9\/9\/2016"},{"id":131901,"last_updated":"2015-12-11 14:42:39","id_people":287051,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"journal_article","type_order":0,"type_people":"article","title":"Converting the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexicon into RDF with lemon","year":2015,"authors_people":"Del Gratta Riccardo, Francesca Frontini, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini","authors_cnr":["Del Gratta, Riccardo","Frontini, Francesca","Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048","048","048"],"authors":["Del Gratta, R.","Frontini, F.","Khan, F.","Monachini, M."],"abstract":"This paper describes the publication and linking of (parts of) PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS (PSC), a large scale Italian lexicon, to the Semantic Web and the Linked Data cloud using the lemon model. The main challenge of the conversion is discussed, namely the reconciliation between the PSC semantic structure which contains richly encoded semantic information, following the qualia structure of the Generative Lexicon theory and the lemon view of lexical sense as a reified pairing of a lexical item and a concept in an ontology. The result is two datasets: one consists of a list of lemon lexical entries with their lexical properties, relations and senses; the other consists of a list of OWL individuals representing the referents for the lexical senses. These OWL individuals are linked to each other by a set of semantic relations and mapped onto the SIMPLE OWL ontology of higher level semantic types.","keywords":["lemon","linked data","generative lexicon","RDF","OWL","lexical resource"],"pages":"387-392","url":"http:\/\/www.semantic-web-journal.net\/content\/converting-parole-simple-clips-lexicon-rdf-lemon-0","volume":"6","doi":"10.3233\/SW-140168","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"Semantic web (Print)","publisher":"IOS Press (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi)","issn":"1570-0844","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132093,"last_updated":"2021-04-08 08:30:49","id_people":342213,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Visualising Italian Language Resources: a Snapshot","year":2015,"authors_people":"Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini, Monica Monachini, Gabriella Pardelli, Irene Russo, Roberto Bartolini, Sara Goggi, Fahad Khan, Valeria Quochi, Claudia Soria, Nicoletta Calzolari","authors_cnr":["Del Gratta, Riccardo","Russo, Irene","Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica","Soria, Claudia","Goggi, Sara","Bartolini, Roberto","Quochi, Valeria","Frontini, Francesca","Pardelli, Gabriella","Zamorani, Nicoletta"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945","9887","10172","10441","11893","15911","16333","26123"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Del Gratta, R.","Frontini, F.","Monachini, M.","Pardelli, G.","Russo, I.","Bartolini, R.","Goggi, S.","Khan, F.","Quochi, V.","Soria, C.","Calzolari, N."],"abstract":"This paper aims to provide a first snapshot of Italian Language Resources (LRs) and their uses by the community, as documented by the papers presented at two different conferences, LREC2014 and CLiC-it 2014. The data of the former were drawn from the LOD version of the LRE Map, while those of the latter come from manually analyzing the proceedings. The results are presented in the form of visual graphs and confirm the initial hypothesis that Italian LRs require concrete actions to enhance their visibility.","keywords":["Italian Language Resources"],"pages":"100-104","url":"https:\/\/books.openedition.org\/aaccademia\/1277?lang=it","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Cristina Bosco, Sara Tonelli, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto","editors":["Bosco, C.","Tonelli, S.","Zanzotto, F. M."],"published":"Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"978-88-99200-62-6","conference_name":"Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015","conference_place":"Trento","conference_date":"3-4 December 2015"},{"id":132052,"last_updated":"2015-09-17 16:53:10","id_people":329646,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Using Ontologies to Model Polysemy in Lexical Resources","year":2015,"authors_people":"Fahad Khan, Francesca Frontini","authors_cnr":["Frontini, Francesca","Khan, Anas Fahad"],"authors_cnr_id":[""],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048"],"authors":["Khan, F.","Frontini, F."],"abstract":"In this article we look at how the use of ontologies can assist in analysing polysemy in natural languages. We develop a model, the Lexical-Sense-Ontology model (LSO), to represent the interaction between a lexicon and ontology, based on lemon. We use the LSO model to show how default rules can be used to represent semi-productivity in polysemy as well as discussing the kinds of ontological information that are useful for studying polysemy.","keywords":["Polysemy","Ontology","Default Logic"],"pages":"","url":"http:\/\/www.aclweb.org\/anthology\/W\/W15\/W15-0404.pdf","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"Proceedings of the Workshop on Language and Ontologies","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"Workshop on Language and Ontologies","conference_place":"London","conference_date":"14\/04\/2015"},{"id":131868,"last_updated":"2015-02-20 15:48:49","id_people":285395,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"The LREMap for Under-Resourced Languages","year":2014,"authors_people":"Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini, Fahad Khan, Joseph Mariani, Claudia Soria","authors_cnr":["Frontini, Francesca","Khan, Anas Fahad","Soria, Claudia","Del Gratta, Riccardo"],"authors_cnr_id":["9887","11933"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048","048","048"],"authors":["Del Gratta, R.","Frontini, F.","Khan, F.","Mariani, J.","Soria, C."],"abstract":"A complete picture of currently available language resources and technologies for the under-resourced languages of Europe is still lacking. Yet this would help policy makers, researchers and developers enormously in planning a roadmap for providing all languages with the necessary instruments to act as fully equipped languages in the digital era. In this paper we introduce the LRE Map and show its utility for documenting available language resources and technologies for under-resourced languages. The importance of the serialization of the LREMap into (L)LOD along with the possibility of its connection to a wider world is also introduced.","keywords":["language resources","less-resourced languages","linguistic linked open data"],"pages":"78-83","url":"http:\/\/www.lrec-conf.org\/proceedings\/lrec2014\/index.html","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Laurette Pretorius, Claudia Soria, Paola Baroni","editors":["Pretorius, L.","Soria, C.","Baroni, P."],"published":"Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages in the Linked Open Data Era (CCURL 2014)","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"Workshop on Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages in the Linked Open Data Era (CCURL 2014)","conference_place":"Reykjavik","conference_date":"26\/05\/2014"},{"id":132019,"last_updated":"2015-02-20 17:24:02","id_people":286824,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Using lemon to Model Lexical Semantic \u00a0Shift in Diachronic Lexical Resources","year":2014,"authors_people":"Fahad Khan, Federico Boschetti, Francesca Frontini","authors_cnr":["Frontini, Francesca","Khan, Anas Fahad","Boschetti, Federico"],"authors_cnr_id":["14630"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048","048"],"authors":["Khan, F.","Boschetti, F.","Frontini, F."],"abstract":"In this paper we propose a model, called lemonDIA, for representing lexical semantic change using the lemon framework and based on the ontological notion of the perdurant. Namely we extend the notion of sense in lemon by adding a temporal dimension and then define a class of perdurant entities that represents a shift in meaning of a word and which contains different related senses. We start by discussing the general problem of semantic shift and the utility of being able to easily access and represent such information in diachronic lexical resources. We then describe our model and illustrate it with examples.","keywords":["lemon","linked data","OWL","ontologies","perdurants","semantic shift"],"pages":"","url":"http:\/\/www.lrec-conf.org\/proceedings\/lrec2014\/workshops\/LREC2014Workshop-LDL2014%20Proceedings.pdf","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Christian Chiarcos, John Philip McCrae, Petya Osenova, Cristina Vertan","editors":["Chiarcos, C.","McCrae, J. P.","Osenova, P.","Vertan, C."],"published":"Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2014)","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"3rd Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Multilingual Knowledge Resources and Natural Language Processing (LDL2014)","conference_place":"Reykjavik","conference_date":"May 27th, 2014"},{"id":131897,"last_updated":"2014-11-12 17:07:02","id_people":286990,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"The IMAGACT Visual Ontology. an Extendable Multilingual Infrastructure for the Representation of Lexical Encoding of Action","year":2014,"authors_people":"Massimo Moneglia, Susan Brown, Francesca Frontini, Gloria Gagliardi, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini and Alessandro Panunzi","authors_cnr":["Frontini, Francesca","Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048"],"authors":["Moneglia, M.","Brown, S.","Frontini, F.","Gagliardi, G.","Khan, F.","Monachini, M.","Panunzi, A."],"abstract":"Action verbs have many meanings, covering actions in different ontological types. Moreover, each language categorizes action in its own way. One verb can refer to many different actions and one action can be identified by more than one verb. The range of variations within and across languages is largely unknown, causing trouble for natural language processing tasks. IMAGACT is a corpus-based ontology of action concepts, derived from English and Italian spontaneous speech corpora, which makes use of the universal language of images to identify the different action types extended by verbs referring to action in English, Italian, Chinese and Spanish. This paper presents the infrastructure and the various linguistic information the user can derive from it. IMAGACT makes explicit the variation of meaning of action verbs within one language and allows comparisons of verb variations within and across languages. Because the action concepts are represented with videos, extension into new languages beyond those presently implemented in IMAGACT is done using competence-based judgments by mother-tongue informants without intense lexicographic work involving underdetermined semantic description","keywords":["Lexicon","Lexical Database","Ontologies"],"pages":"3425-3432","url":"http:\/\/www.lrec-conf.org\/proceedings\/lrec2014\/index.html","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, T. Declerck, H. Loftsson, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, A. Moreno, J. Odijk, S. Piperidis","editors":["Calzolari, N.","Choukri, K.","Declerck, T.","Loftsson, H.","Maegaard, B.","Mariani, J.","Moreno, A.","Odijk, J.","Piperidis, S."],"published":"","publisher":"European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA)","issn":"","isbn":"978-2-9517408-8-4","conference_name":"9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014","conference_place":"Reykjavik, Iceland","conference_date":"26-31 may"},{"id":131937,"last_updated":"2015-04-22 15:36:17","id_people":288058,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_misc","type_order":6,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"A top-down approach to the design of components for the philological domain","year":2014,"authors_people":"Federico Boschetti, Angelo Mario Del Grosso, Anas Fahad Khan, Marion Lam\u00e9, Ouafae Nahli","authors_cnr":["Del Grosso, Angelo Mario","Nahli, Ouafae","Khan, Anas Fahad","Lam\u00e9, Marion","Boschetti, Federico"],"authors_cnr_id":["14630"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048","048","048","048"],"authors":["Boschetti, F.","Del Grosso, A. M.","Khan, A. F.","Lam\u00e9, M.","Nahli, O."],"abstract":"This paper focuses on the methodology applied to the development of components in the domain of collaborative philology in the Memorata Poetis Project. This initiative, led by the University of Venice, coordinates eight units sharing the same cyber-infrastructure and is co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research (PRIN 2010\/11). The project aims to study the multilingual intertextuality between epigraphic texts and literary epigrams, the transmission of themes, motives, etc. between different communicative situations (epigraphic versus literary) and different civilisations (Greek, Latin and Italian). As a control group, we analyse a corpus of epigraphic and literary texts in Arabic which do not belong to the same tradition as the others. The study of intertextuality affects both the reconstruction of the text (constitutio textus), by providing variants from the indirect tradition, and its interpretation (interpretatio), by widening the contexts in which the text has been reused.","keywords":[""],"pages":"","url":"https:\/\/publications.cnr.it\/doc\/288058","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"Digital Humanities 2014-Book of Abstracts","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"DH2014","conference_place":"Lausanne","conference_date":"8-12 july 2014"},{"id":131986,"last_updated":"2014-12-16 12:49:41","id_people":291637,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_misc","type_order":6,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"A Model for Representing Diachronic Semantic Information in Lexico-Semantic Resources on the Semantic Web","year":2014,"authors_people":"Khan F., Frontini F., Monachini M.","authors_cnr":["Frontini, Francesca","Khan, Anas Fahad","Monachini, Monica"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048","048"],"authors":["Khan, F.","Frontini, F.","Monachini, M."],"abstract":"The Semantic Web offers a way of publishing structured data online that facilitates the interlinking of different datasets stored at different online locations? indeed one of the main aims of the Semantic Web movement is to actively encourage this enrichment of online datasets with information from other resources, in order to avoid the problem of so called 'data islands'. In contrast to conventional hyperlinks however the links between different resources on the Semantic Web can be given semantic types and classified hierarchically. Data published on the Semantic Web is referred to as Linked Data? if, in addition, this data is available with an open license then it can be referred to as Linked Open Data (Heath 2011).","keywords":["Cultural resources","Heritage resources"],"pages":"1-3","url":"http:\/\/www.dh.uni-leipzig.de\/wo\/wp-content\/uploads\/2014\/11\/Fahad-Khan-Francesca-Frontini-and-Monica-Monachini-A-Model-for-Representing.pdf","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"Greek and Latin in an age of Open Data. Open Philology Project","conference_place":"University of Leipzig, GERMANY","conference_date":"December 1-4, 2014"},{"id":131910,"last_updated":"2014-11-17 16:07:50","id_people":287346,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"IMAGACT E-learning Platform for Basic Action Types. In: Pixel (ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference ICT for Language Learning","year":2013,"authors_people":"Moneglia M., Panunzi A., Gagliardi G., Monachini M., Russo I., De Felice I., Khan F. & Frontini F.","authors_cnr":["Russo, Irene","Frontini, Francesca","Khan, Anas Fahad","De Felice, Irene","Monachini, Monica"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048","048","048","048"],"authors":["Moneglia, M.","Panunzi, A.","Gagliardi, G.","Monachini, M.","Russo, I.","De Felice, I.","Khan, F.","Frontini, F."],"abstract":"Action verbs express important information in a sentence and they are the most frequent elements in speech, but they are also one of the most difficult part of the lexicon to learn for L2 language learners, because languages segment these concepts in very different ways. The two sentences \"Mary folds her shirt\" and \"Mary folds her arms\" refer to two completely different types of action, as becomes evident when they are translated into another language (e.g., in Italian they would be translated as \"Maria piega la camicia\" and \"Maria incrocia le braccia\" respectively). IMAGACT e-learning platform aims to make these differences evident by creating a cross-linguistic ontology of action types, whose nodes consist of 3D scenes, each of which relates to one action type. In order to identify these types, contexts of use have been extracted from English and Italian spontaneous speech corpora for around 600 high frequency action verbs (for each language). All instances that refer to similar events (e.g., fold the shirt\/ the blanket) are grouped under one single action type: each one of these types is then represented by a linguistic best example and a short video that represents simple actions (e.g. a man taking a glass from a table).The action types extracted for Italian and English are compared and merged into one cross-linguistic ontology of action. IMAGACT has provided an internet based annotation infrastructure to derive this information from corpora. The project is now completed for the Italian and English lexicon, data extraction for Chinese and Spanish is ongoing. Reference to prototypical imagery is crucial in order to bootstrap the learning process. By selecting the set of 3D scenes referred to by a verb in one language and viewing the type of activity represented therein learners can directly understand the range of applicability of each verb. Thanks to an easy interface, a user can access the English\/Italian\/Chinese lexicon by lemma or directly by 3D scenes. For example, searching for the verb \"to turn\",s\/he will be presented with a number of scenes, showing the various action types associated to that verb.Clicking on a scene s\/he or she will know how this type of action is referred to in other the languages","keywords":["Ontology"],"pages":"85-89","url":"https:\/\/publications.cnr.it\/doc\/287346","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Pixel (ed.)","editors":["Pixel"],"published":"Conference Proceedings. ICT for Language Learning","publisher":"libreriauniversitaria. it (Limena, ITA)","issn":"","isbn":"978-88-6292-423-8","conference_name":"International Conference \"ICT for Language Learning\", 6th edition","conference_place":"Florence, Italy","conference_date":"14-15 november 2013"},{"id":131862,"last_updated":"2014-10-20 11:28:51","id_people":285373,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"(Fore)seeing actions in objects. Acquiring distinctive affordances from language","year":2013,"authors_people":"Irene Russo, Irene De Felice, Francesca Frontini, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini","authors_cnr":["Russo, Irene","Frontini, Francesca","Khan, Anas Fahad","De Felice, Irene","Monachini, Monica"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Russo, I.","De Felice, I.","Frontini, F.","Khan, F.","Monachini, M."],"abstract":"In this paper we investigate if conceptual information concerning objects' affordances as possibilities for actions anchored to an object can be at least partially acquired through language. Considering verb-noun pairs as the linguistic realizations of relations between actions performed by an agent and objects we collect this information from the ImagAct dataset, a linguistic resource obtained from manual annotation of basic action verbs, and from a web corpus(itTenTen). The notion of affordance verb as the most distinctive verb in ImagAct enables a comparison with distributional data that reveal how lemmas ranking based on a semantic association measure that mirror that of affordances as the most distinctive actions an object can be involved in.","keywords":[""],"pages":"151-161","url":"https:\/\/docs.google.com\/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxubHBjczIwMTN8Z3g6MTI0ZGMzYWYwYmMxNjY1Mg","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Bernadette Sharp, Michael Zock","editors":["Sharp, B.","Zock, M."],"published":"Proceedings of NLPCS 2013-10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"NLPCS 2013-10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science","conference_place":"Marseille","conference_date":"15-17\/10\/2013"},{"id":131914,"last_updated":"2014-11-18 12:04:03","id_people":287456,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Disambiguation of Basic Action Types through Nouns' Telic Qualia","year":2013,"authors_people":"Irene Russo, Francesca Frontini, Irene De Felice, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini","authors_cnr":["Russo, Irene","Frontini, Francesca","Khan, Anas Fahad","De Felice, Irene","Monachini, Monica"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Russo, I.","Frontini, F.","De Felice, I.","Khan, F.","Monachini, M."],"abstract":"Knowledge about semantic associations between words is effective to disambiguate word senses. The aim of this paper is to investigate the role and the relevance of telic information from SIMPLE in the disambiguation of basic action types of Italian HOLD verbs ( prendere, 'to take', raccogliere, 'to pick up', pigliare 'to grab' etc.). We propose an experiment to compare the results obtained with telic information from SIMPLE with basic co-occurrence information extracted from corpora (most salient verbs modifying nouns) classified in terms of general semantic classes to avoid data sparseness.","keywords":[""],"pages":"70-75","url":"http:\/\/www.aclweb.org\/anthology\/W13-5410","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Roser Saur\u00ed, Nicoletta Calzolari, Chu-Ren Huang, Alessandro Lenci, Monica Monachini, James Pustejovsky","editors":["Saur\u00ed, R.","Calzolari, N.","Huang, C.","Lenci, A.","Monachini, M.","Pustejovsky, J."],"published":"Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon. Generative Lexicon and Distributional Semantics","publisher":"Association for Computational Linguistics (Stroudsburg, USA)","issn":"","isbn":"978-1-937284-98-5","conference_name":"6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon Generative Lexicon and Distributional Semantics","conference_place":"Pisa, Italy","conference_date":"24-25\/09\/2013"},{"id":131756,"last_updated":"2013-05-30 09:58:13","id_people":220211,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Verb interpretation for basic action types: annotation, ontology induction and creation of prototypical scenes","year":2012,"authors_people":"Monachini, Monica [1]; Frontini, Francesca [1]; De Felice, Irene [1]; Russo, Irene [1]; Khan, Fahad [1]; Gagliardi, Gloria [2]; Panunzi, Alessandro [2]","authors_cnr":["Russo, Irene","Frontini, Francesca","Khan, Anas Fahad","De Felice, Irene","Monachini, Monica"],"authors_cnr_id":["8945"],"authors_cnr_institute":["048","048","048","048","048"],"authors":["Monachini, M.","Frontini, F.","De Felice, I.","Russo, I.","Khan, F.","Gagliardi, G.","Panunzi, A."],"abstract":"In the last 20 years dictionaries and lexicographic resources such as WordNet have started to be enriched with multimodal content. Short videos depicting basic actions support the user's need (especially in second language acquisition) to fully understand the range of applicability of verbs. The IMAGACT project has among its results a repository of action verbs ontologically organised around prototypical action scenes in the form of both video recordings and 3D animations. The creation of the IMAGACT ontology, which consists in deriving action types from corpus instances of action verbs, intra and cross linguistically validating them and producing the prototypical scenes thereof, is the preliminary step for the creation of a resouce that users can browse by verb, learning how to match different action prototypes with the correct verbs in the target language. The mapping of IMAGACT types onto WordNet synsets allows for a mutual enrichment of both resources.","keywords":["ontology of actions","lexical resource","3D animations"],"pages":"69-80","url":"https:\/\/publications.cnr.it\/doc\/220211","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"COLING 2012-3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex-III)","conference_place":"Mumbai, India","conference_date":"15 Dicembre 2012"}]