@INCOLLECTION{BOSCHETTI_2023_INCOLLECTION_BBDMKBT_484489, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Bambaci, L. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Mugelli, G. and Khan, A. F. and Bellandi, A. and Taddei, A.}, TITLE = {Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Annotations of Ancient Texts: The Euporia System}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {Euporia is an annotation system originally created to study the ritual dynamics in ancient Greek tragedies from an anthropological perspective. The system is designed to be flexible enough so that it can be easily extended in other directions of multidisciplinary research. The system combines the simplicity of a web interface pared down to its essential elements with the expressivity of a domain-specific language parsed with ANTLR, that avoids the verbosity of general-purpose markup languages (such as XML-TEI) during the annotation phase. In this way, the user is focused on domain-specific tasks by writing concise annotations. Upon exportation of our data, interoperability is ensured by two measures: references to the annotated text are translated from a system based on progressive word numbers to the Canonical Text Services (CTS) system, and the annotations are translated into XML-TEI. An annotation is constituted by a text reference, a condition related to variant readings and interpretations of the same text, as well as by a sequence of tags. Tags are created by following a bottom-up approach: they are progressively introduced and reused by the domain-expert during the annotation process. During revisions, tags are grouped and mapped onto an ontology, in order to enable and to exploit the identification of relations among the tags in querying the annotated corpus. Being designed for interoperability, our approach can be extended to other research fields (e.g. philology, archaeology) through the creation of new domain-specific languages and domain-specific tagsets, in order to improve the functionalities of the Euporia system.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Euporia, Domain Specific Languages, CoPhiLab, Digital Philology}, PAGES = {172-223}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484489}, VOLUME = {6}, DOI = {10.1163/9789004527119_008}, PUBLISHER = {Brill Academic Publishers (Leiden, NLD)}, ISBN = {9789004527119}, BOOKTITLE = {The Ancient World Goes Digital}, EDITOR = {Juloux, V. B. and Di Ludovico, A. and Matskevich, S.}, } @MISC{GIOVANNETTI_2023_MISC_GABCGMPS_491773, AUTHOR = {Giovannetti, E. and Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Carniani, E. and Guidi, L. and Marchi, S. and Papini, M. and Sciolette, F.}, TITLE = {Maia}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {Maia is an open and collaborative web tool based on semantic web and linked open data technologies for text annotation, e-lexicography, and lexical linking.}, KEYWORDS = {maia, linked open data, e-lexicography, text annotation, lexical linking, collaborative tools}, URL = {https://github.com/klab-ilc-cnr/Maia}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{QUOCHI_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_QBKMMPRTZ_472419, AUTHOR = {Quochi, V. and Bellandi, A. and Khan, F. and Mallia, M. and Murano, F. and Piccini, S. and Rigobianco, L. and Tommasi, A. and Zavattari, C.}, TITLE = {From Inscriptions to Lexica and Back: A Platform for Editing and Linking the Languages of Ancient Italy}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Available language technology is hardly applicable to scarcely attested ancient languages, yet their digital semantic representation, though challenging, is an asset for the purpose of sharing and preserving existing cultural knowledge. In the context of a project on the languages and cultures of ancient Italy, we took up this challenge. This paper thus describes the development of a user friendly web platform, EpiLexO, for the creation and editing of an integrated system of language resources for ancient fragmentary languages centered on the lexicon, in compliance with current digital humanities and Linked Open Data principles. EpiLexo allows for the editing of lexica with all relevant cross-references: for their linking to their testimonies, as well as to bibliographic information and other (external) resources and common vocabularies. The focus of the current implementation is on the languages of ancient Italy, in particular Oscan, Faliscan, Celtic and Venetic; however, the technological solutions are designed to be general enough to be potentially applicable to different contexts and scenarios.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Epigraphy, Restsprachen, Lexicon Editing and Linking, tools for DH}, PAGES = {59-67}, URL = {https://aclanthology.org/2022.lt4hala-1.0/}, PUBLISHER = {European language resources association (ELRA) (Paris, FRA)}, ISBN = {979-10-95546-78-8}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA 2022)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Marseille, France}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {25/06/2022}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA 2022)}, EDITOR = {Sprugnoli, R. and Passarotti, M.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{QUOCHI_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_QBMTZ_472422, AUTHOR = {Quochi, V. and Bellandi, A. and Mallia, M. and Tommasi, A. and Zavattari, C.}, TITLE = {Supporting Ancient Historical Linguistics and Cultural Studies with EpiLexO}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {This contribution presents a system of independent software components meant to support the creation of ecosystems of interrelated language data (i.e. lexica linked to textual testimonies, concepts, metadata, bibliographic references, and other external lexical resources) according to the current state-of-the-art representational models for the semantic web. The system is implemented as a set of autonomous servers exposing Restful APIs that in principle can serve different frontend applications and use cases. In this work they serve the EpiLexO GUI application designed and geared to support scholars of ancient languages of fragmentary attestation in their studies. The development of both the back-ends and the front-end is still work-in progress, but a first version is ready for use.}, KEYWORDS = {tools for DH, ancient languages, restsprachen, lexicon editor, corpus management, lexicon-text linking}, PAGES = {39-43}, URL = {https://office.clarin.eu/v/CE-2022-2118-CLARIN2022_ConferenceProceedings.pdf}, VOLUME = {ISSN 2773-2177}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CLARIN Annual Conference 2022}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Prague, Czechia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {10-12/10/2022}, BOOKTITLE = {CLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings 2022}, EDITOR = {Erjavec, T. and Eskevich, M.}, } @TECHREPORT{ALBANESI_2022_TECHREPORT_ABCGMPS_470012, AUTHOR = {Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Colombo, M. and Giovannetti, E. and Marchi, S. and Papini, M. and Sciolette, F.}, TITLE = {Traduco: l'Applicazione Web Linguistico-Computazionale per il Progetto di Traduzione del Talmud Babilonese-Rapporto tecnico 21}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {La presente relazione tecnico-scientifica descrive l'attività svolta da ILC-CNR nel contesto del Progetto Traduzione Talmud Babilonese nel periodo novembre 2021 - aprile 2022. Le principali attività tecniche svolte sul sistema Traduco sono state la risoluzione di bug e l'implementazione di nuove funzionalità richieste. Parallelamente, è stata realizzata una applicazione per la consultazione del corpus biblico e sono proseguite le attività volte alla visualizzazione di risorse lessicali tramite grafi e per l'analisi, l'allineamento di testi, l'aggiornamento e la conversione del lessico computazionale PSC da utilizzarsi per la consultazione avanzata, su base morfologica e semantica, del testo talmudico tradotto in italiano.}, KEYWORDS = {Traduzione Assistita dal Calcolatore, Traduzione Collaborativa, Lessici elettronici, rappresentazione della conoscenza, Linguistica Computazionale, traduzione di testi religiosi}, PAGES = {23}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/470012}, } @TECHREPORT{TASOVAC_2022_TECHREPORT_TTBBBCUFHHJKKKKMMMMMQRRSSVWWZ_463877, AUTHOR = {Tasovac, T. and Tiberius, C. and Bamberg, C. and Bellandi, A. and Burch, T. and Costa, R. and Ďurčo, M. and Frontini, F. and Hennemann, J. and Heylen, K. and Jakubíček, M. and Khan, F. and Klee, A. and Kosem, I. and Kovář, V. and Matuška, O. and McCrae, J. and Monachini, M. and Mörth, K. and Munda, T. and Quochi, V. and Repar, A. and Roche, C. and Salgado, A. and Sievers, H. and Váradi, T. and Weyand, S. and Woldrich, A. and Zhanial, S.}, TITLE = {D5. 3 Overview of Online Tutorials and Instruction Manuals}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {The ELEXIS Curriculum is an integrated set of training materials which contextualizes ELEXIS tools and services inside a broader, systematic pedagogic narrative. This means that the goal of the ELEXIS Curriculum is not simply to inform users about the functionalities of particular tools and services developed within the project, but to show how such tools and services are a) embedded in both lexicographic theory and practice; and b) representative of and contributing to the development of digital skills among lexicographers. The scope and rationale of the curriculum are described in more detail in the Deliverable D5.2 Guidelines for Producing ELEXIS Tutorials and Instruction Manuals. The goal of this deliverable, as stated in the project DOW, is to provide "a clear, structured overview of tutorials and instruction manuals developed within the project."}, KEYWORDS = {ELEXIS, lexicography, training materials}, PAGES = {31}, URL = {https://elex.is/wp-content/uploads/ELEXIS_D5_3_Overview-of-Online-Tutorials-and-Instruction-Manuals.pdf}, } @MISC{FRONTINI_2022_MISC_FBQMMZUW_463506, AUTHOR = {Frontini, F. and Bellandi, A. and Quochi, V. and Monachini, M. and Mörth, K. and Zhanial, S. and Ďurčo, M. and Woldrich, A.}, TITLE = {CLARIN Tools and Resources for Lexicographic Work}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {This course introduces lexicographers to the CLARIN Research Infrastructure and highlights language resources and tools useful for lexicographic practices. The course consists of two parts. In Part 1, you will learn about CLARIN, its technical and knowledge infrastructure, and about how to deposit and find lexical resources in CLARIN. In Part 2, you will become acquainted with CLARIN tools that can be used to create lexical resources.}, KEYWORDS = {CLARIN, lexicography}, URL = {https://elexis.humanistika.org/id/UnwYPq70Dewbn7XDEjsMM}, } @MISC{QUOCHI_2022_MISC_QB_463856, AUTHOR = {Quochi, V. and Bellandi, A.}, TITLE = {LexO editor: the basics-video tutorial}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Video tutorial sull'uso di LexO, un editor di lessici secondo il modello Ontolex-lemon. Il tutoria è parte dell' ELEXIS training programme disponibile sulla piattaforma DARIAH-teach.}, KEYWORDS = {lexicon editor, video tutorial, training material, lexO, online web application}, URL = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KE0laMaTAs\&list=PLoD829qNERpYKq8JRkY4EIGgZCdi0QHOd}, } @ARTICLE{GIOVANNETTI_2021_ARTICLE_GABDDM_457778, AUTHOR = {Giovannetti, E. and Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Dattilo, D. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {An ontology of masters of the Babylonian Talmud}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {The purpose of this research is to build an ontology of the masters appearing in the Babylonian Talmud (BT). The ontology built so far has been shared as a Linked Open Data and it will be linked to existing vocabularies. This work has been developed in the context of the Babylonian Talmud Translation Project, where more than eighty Talmudists are working together, since 2012, at the translation (comprehensive of explicative notes and glossaries) of the Talmud into Italian. The construction of the resource has involved the application of tools leveraging on computational linguistics approaches. The ontology, already describing more than 500 masters, constitutes the first portion of a more comprehensive Talmudic Knowledge Base where the text itself, the terminology, the entities, and the concepts constituting the BT will be formalized and linked to each other.}, KEYWORDS = {ontology, babylonian talmud, terminology, word alignment, linked open data, semantic web, knowledge representation}, PAGES = {725-737}, URL = {https://academic.oup.com/dsh/article-abstract/37/3/725/6410110}, VOLUME = {37}, DOI = {10.1093/llc/fqab043}, PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press (Oxford, UK, Regno Unito)}, ISSN = {2055-7671}, JOURNAL = {Digital Scholarship in the Humanities}, } @ARTICLE{MUGELLI_2021_ARTICLE_MBBDKT_461550, AUTHOR = {Mugelli, G. and Boschetti, F. and Bellandi, A. and Del Gratta, R. and Khan, A. F. and Taddei, A.}, TITLE = {Annotating ritual in ancient greek tragedy: A bottom-up approach in action}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {EuporiaRAGT is one of the pilot projects that adopt the Euporia system as a digital support to an historico-anthropological research on the form and function of rituals in the texts of ancient Greek tragedy. This paper describes the bottom-up approach adopted in the project: During the annotation stage, performed with a Domain Specific Language designed with a usercentred approach, the domain expert can annotate ritual and religious phenomena, with the possibility of registering different textual and interpretive variants; the design of a search engine, in a second phase of the work, allows the database to be tested and reorganized. Finally, the construction of an ontology allows to structure the tags, in order to perform complex queries on the database.}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, dsl, ancient Greek}, PAGES = {17}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85117031943\&origin=inward}, VOLUME = {15}, PUBLISHER = {Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations ([Providence, RI?], Stati Uniti d'America)}, ISSN = {1938-4122}, JOURNAL = {Digital humanities quarterly}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{GIOVANNETTI_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_GABMPS_463795, AUTHOR = {Giovannetti, E. and Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Marchi, S. and Papini, M. and Sciolette, F.}, TITLE = {The role of a computational lexicon for query expansion in full-text search}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {This work describes the first experiments conducted with a computational lexicon of Italian in a context of query expansion for full-text search. An application, composed of a graphical user interface and backend services to access the lexicon and the database containing the corpus to be queried, was developed. The text was morphologically analysed to improve the precision of the search process. Some examples of queries are given to show the potential of a text search approach supported by a complex and stratified lexical resource.}, KEYWORDS = {full-text search, computational lexicon, query expansion}, PAGES = {162-168}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85121247840\&origin=inward}, VOLUME = {3033}, DOI = {10.4000/books.aaccademia.10417}, PUBLISHER = {Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA)}, ISSN = {1613-0073}, ISBN = {9791280136947}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CLiC-it 2021 Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics 2021}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Milan, Italy}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {January 26-28, 2022}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eight Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (Clic-it 2021)}, EDITOR = {Fersini, E. and Passarotti, M. and Patti, V.}, } @TECHREPORT{ALBANESI_2021_TECHREPORT_ABCPGS_463868, AUTHOR = {Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Colombo, M. and Papini, M. and Giovannetti, E. and Sciolette, F.}, TITLE = {Traduco: l'Applicazione Web Linguistico-Computazionale per il Progetto di Traduzione del Talmud Babilonese-Rapporto tecnico 19}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {La presente relazione tecnico-scientifica descrive l'attività svolta da ILC-CNR nel contesto del Progetto Traduzione Talmud Babilonese nel periodo novembre 2020 - aprile 2021. Le principali attività tecniche svolte sul sistema Traduco sono state la risoluzione di bug, l'implementazione di nuove funzionalità richieste e lo sviluppo di una nuova interfaccia grafica utente. Le attività di ricerca sono state condotte, in continuità a quelle descritte nel rapporto precedente, nella rappresentazione del lessico, della terminologia e della conoscenza del Talmud.}, KEYWORDS = {Linguistica Computazionale, Traduzione di Testi Religiosi, Traduzione Assistita dal Calcolatore, Traduzione Collaborativa, Lessici elettronici, rappresentazione della conoscenza}, PAGES = {28}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/463868}, } @TECHREPORT{ALBANESI_2021_TECHREPORT_ABCPGS_463870, AUTHOR = {Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Colombo, M. and Papini, M. and Giovannetti, E. and Sciolette, F.}, TITLE = {Traduco: l'Applicazione Web Linguistico-Computazionale per il Progetto di Traduzione del Talmud Babilonese-Rapporto tecnico 20}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {La presente relazione tecnico-scientifica descrive l'attività svolta da ILC-CNR nel contesto del Progetto Traduzione Talmud Babilonese nel periodo maggio 2021 - ottobre 2021. Le principali attività tecniche svolte sul sistema Traduco sono state la risoluzione di bug e l'implementazione di nuove funzionalità richieste. Parallelamente, sono proseguite le attività volte alla visualizzazione di risorse testuali e linguistiche tramite grafi e per la conversione e l'utilizzo del lessico computazionale PSC a supporto di ricerca "full-text" sul testo talmudico italiano.}, KEYWORDS = {Traduzione Assistita dal Calcolatore, Traduzione Collaborativa, Lessici elettronici, rappresentazione della conoscenza, Linguistica Computazionale, traduzione di testi religiosi}, PAGES = {20}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/463870}, } @ARTICLE{GIOVANNETTI_2020_ARTICLE_GBDDMPP_453583, AUTHOR = {Giovannetti, E. and Bellandi, A. and Dattilo, D. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S. and Pecchioli, A. and Piccini, S.}, TITLE = {The Terminology of the Babylonian Talmud: Extraction, Representation and Use in the Context of Computational Linguistics}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {A formal digital structuring of the terminology of the Talmud is being carried out in the context of the Project for the Translation of the Babylonian Talmud in Italian. The terminological resource was encoded in the form of a multi-language Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary (Hebrew-Aramaic-Italian) according to the principles of the Meaning-Text Theory. The construction of such a resource was supported by text processing and computational linguistics techniques aimed at automatically extracting terms from the Italian translation of the Talmud and aligning them with the corresponding Hebrew/Aramaic source terms. The paper describes the process that was set up for the construction of the terminological resource with the ultimate goal of illustrating the advantages of the adoption of a formal linguistic model. The terminological resource aims, indeed, to be a useful tool to deepen the characteristics of the languages of the Talmud, to help translators in their work and more generally scholars in their study of the Talmud itself.}, KEYWORDS = {Babylonian Talmud, Computational Linguistics, Explanatory and Combinatorial Lexicology}, PAGES = {61-74}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/453583}, VOLUME = {XXV}, DOI = {10.1400/283235}, PUBLISHER = {Giuntina (Firenze, Italia)}, ISSN = {2282-4499}, JOURNAL = {Materia giudaica Print}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLANDI_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_BG_427282, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {Involving Lexicographers in the LLOD Cloud with LexO, an Easy-to-use Editor of Lemon Lexical Resources}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {In this contribution, we show LexO, a user-friendly web collaborative editor of lexical resources based on the lemon model. LexO has been developed in the context of Digital Humanities projects, in which a key point in the design of an editor was the ease of use by lexicographers with no skill in Linked Data or Semantic Web technologies. Though the tool already allows creating a lemon lexicon from scratch and lets a team of users work on it collaboratively, many developments are possible. The involvement of the LLOD community appears now crucial both to find new users and application fields where to test it, and, even more importantly, to understand in which way it should evolve.}, KEYWORDS = {lexO, lexical resources editor, semantic web, llod}, PAGES = {70-74}, URL = {https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.ldl-1.10.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA)}, ISBN = {979-10-95546-36-8}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {7th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2020)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Marseille, France}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {22-23/06/2020}, EDITOR = {Ionov, M. and McCrae, J. P. and Chiarcos, C. and Declerck, T. and Bosque Gil, J. and Gracia, J.}, } @INCOLLECTION{BELLANDI_2019_INCOLLECTION_BMK_429245, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Monachini, M. and Khan, F.}, TITLE = {LexO: Where Lexicography Meets the Semantic Web}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {LexO is a collaborative web editor used for the creation and management of (multilingual) lexical and terminological resources as linked data resources. The editor makes use of Semantic Web technologies (which enrich web data with semantic information in order to make them machine readable) and the linked data publishing paradigm in order to ensure that lexical resources can be more easily shared and reused by the scientific community.}, KEYWORDS = {Semantic Web technologies, multilingual lexical resources, collaborative web editor}, PAGES = {43-47}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/429245}, VOLUME = {2}, BOOKTITLE = {Tour de CLARIN volume two}, EDITOR = {Fiser, D. and Lenardic, J.}, } @ARTICLE{PECCHIOLI_2018_ARTICLE_PABGM_397525, AUTHOR = {Pecchioli, A. and Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Giovannetti, E. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Annotazione Linguistica Automatica dell'Ebraico Mishnaico: Esperimenti sul Talmud Babilonese}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {The automatic linguistic analysis of ancient Hebrew represents a new research opportunity in the field of Jewish studies. In fact, very little has been produced, both in terms of linguistic resources and, above all, of tools for the analysis of ancient Hebrew. This article illustrates a work born within the Italian Translation of the Babylonian Talmud Project aimed at the construction of an automatic linguistic annotator of Mishnaic Hebrew.}, KEYWORDS = {Babylonian Talmud, Natural Language Processing, Mishnaic Hebrew}, PAGES = {281-291}, URL = {http://aisg.cise.unipi.it/Materia-giudaica-2018/018-Pecchioli%20pp%20281-292B.pdf}, VOLUME = {XXIII}, PUBLISHER = {Giuntina (Firenze, Italia)}, ISSN = {2282-4499}, JOURNAL = {Materia giudaica Print}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2018_INPROCEEDINGS_DBGMN_390296, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Bellandi, A. and Giovannetti, E. and Marchi, S. and Nahli, O.}, TITLE = {Scanning is Just the Beginning: Exploiting Text and Language Technologies to Enhance the Value of Historical Manuscripts}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present a digital process for the explicitation of the textual, linguistic and semantic content of historical manuscripts. The proposed workflow is composed of a sequence of incremental steps, each of which is described both on a methodological and practical perspective. The steps are: 1) visualization and structuring of metadata, 2) transcription, 3) structural encoding, 4) annotation, 5) lexical and conceptual structuring.}, KEYWORDS = {Computational Lexica, Digital Scholarly Editing, Digital Humanities, al-Qamus al-Muhit}, PAGES = {214-219}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390296}, DOI = {10.1109/CIST.2018.8596373}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE (New York, USA)}, ISBN = {978-1-5386-4385-3}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CIST 2018 WH-MNLP}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {MARRAKECH, MOROCCO}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {21-27/10/2018}, BOOKTITLE = {Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST}, EDITOR = {Al Achhab, M. and El Mohajir, M. and Jellouli, I. and El Mohajir, B. E.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{KHAN_2018_INPROCEEDINGS_KBFM_387178, AUTHOR = {Khan, F. and Bellandi, A. and Frontini, F. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {One Language to rule them all: modelling Morphological Patterns in a Large Scale Italian Lexicon with SWRL}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {We present an application of Semantic Web Technologies to computational lexicography. More precisely we describe the publication of the morphological layer of the Italian Parole Simple Clips lexicon (PSC-M) as linked open data. The novelty of our work is in the use of the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) to encode morphological patterns, thereby allowing the automatic derivation of the inflectional variants of the entries in the lexicon. By doing so we make these patterns available in a form that is human readable and that therefore gives a comprehensive morphological description of a large number of Italian word.}, KEYWORDS = {Morphology, Linked Open Data, Italian Lexicon, SWRL, SQVRL}, PAGES = {4385-4389}, URL = {http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2018/pdf/844.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA)}, ISBN = {979-10-95546-00-9}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Miyazaki, Japan}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {7-12/05/2018}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)}, EDITOR = {Calzolari, N.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLANDI_2018_INPROCEEDINGS_BGP_385403, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Giovannetti, E. and Piccini, S.}, TITLE = {Collaborative Editing of Lexical and Termino-ontological Resources: a Quick Introduction to LexO}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {We here present LexO, a web collaborative editor of lexical and termino-ontological resources. As the underlying lexical model we adopted lemon, which appeared to be perfect for our purposes, in particular regarding the separation between the conceptual and linguistic dimensions .}, KEYWORDS = {lemon model, lexo, collaborative editor, termino-ontological resource}, PAGES = {23-27}, URL = {http://euralex2018.cjvt.si/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2018/12/Euralex2018_book_of_abstracts_FINAL.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XVIII EURALEX International Congress}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Ljubljana, Slovenia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {17-21/07/2018}, BOOKTITLE = {The XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts-Book of Abstracts}, EDITOR = {Čibej, J. and Gorjanc, V. and Kosem, I. and Krek, S.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{GIOVANNETTI_2018_INPROCEEDINGS_GABDDPP_385407, AUTHOR = {Giovannetti, E. and Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Dattilo, D. and Dollinar, M. and Pecchioli, A. and Piperno, C.}, TITLE = {Il Progetto Traduzione del Talmud Babilonese: il Ruolo della Tecnologia e della Linguistica Computazionale}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {L'obiettivo principale del Progetto Traduzione del Talmud Babilonese è produrre la traduzione del Talmud in italiano. La traduzione, affidata ad un team di circa 80 studiosi, è condotta con l'aiuto di Traduco, un software preposto ad agevolare tutte le fasi di lavoro previste dal progetto, dall'attribuzione degli utenti alle sezioni da tradurre, fino al supporto all'impaginazione finale. La presenza di una piattaforma collaborativa digitale che già, di per sé, costituisce una innovazione nell'ambito dei grandi progetti di traduzione, è arricchita da algoritmi per il trattamento automatico del testo e della lingua, in costante evoluzione, attraverso i quali il traduttore, il revisore o lo studioso possono contare su funzionalità sempre più avanzate.}, KEYWORDS = {Linguistica Computazionale, Traduzione di Testi Religiosi, Traduzione Assistita dal Calcolatore, Traduzione Collaborativa}, PAGES = {144-146}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/5997/}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5997}, ISBN = {9788894253528}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2018 Conference}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Bari}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {31/01/2018-02/02/2018}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2018-Book of abstracts}, EDITOR = {Spampinato, D.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{PICCINI_2018_INPROCEEDINGS_PBG_385401, AUTHOR = {Piccini, S. and Bellandi, A. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {A Semantic Web Approach to Modelling and Building a Bilingual Chinese-Italian Termino-ontological Resource}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {This paper introduces a bilingual Chinese-Italian onto-terminological resource, devoted to modelling the Chinese terminology of Matteo Ricci's World Map (1602), together with the Italian translation by Pasquale D'Elia (1835) [3]. The Map was created in collaboration with the Chinese mathematician and astronomer Li Zizhao, and is entitled ? ? ? ? ? ? Kunyu Wanguo Quantu (literally "Map of the Ten Thousand Countries of the Earth"). Its publication in China was significant as it was the first map to show the Americas, and to represent the world as a sphere. Its large number of cartouches provide information about the geography, history and customs of the world at that time as well as cosmological and cosmographic data. The map had a revolutionary impact from a linguistic standpoint as well: a large number of neologisms were introduced by Ricci, many of which have survived until today.}, KEYWORDS = {termino-ontological resource, classical chinese, lemon model}, PAGES = {87-90}, URL = {http://euralex2018.cjvt.si/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2018/12/Euralex2018_book_of_abstracts_FINAL.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XVIII EURALEX International Congress}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Ljubljana, Slovenia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {17-21/07/2018}, BOOKTITLE = {The XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts-Book of Abstracts}, EDITOR = {Čibej, J. and Gorjanc, V. and Kosem, I. and Krek, S.}, } @ARTICLE{GIOVANNETTI_2017_ARTICLE_GABB_364947, AUTHOR = {Giovannetti, E. and Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Benotto, G.}, TITLE = {Traduco: A collaborative web-based CAT environment for the interpretation and translation of texts}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {Traduco is a web-based collaborative tool aimed at supporting the translation of texts that pose particular challenging interpretative issues. Nowadays, Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools are mainly applied to the translation of technical manuals or legislative texts and are aimed at speeding up the translation process. Traduco extends most of the standard components of a traditional CAT tool with specific features necessary to support the interpretation and translation of complex texts (like the Babylonian Talmud, that we here present as a case study), which pose particular comprehension issues. Traduco goes beyond the translation and its printing: it includes features for the addition of notes and annotations and the creation of glossaries. Translators, editors, supervisors, and end-users accessing Traduco are able to use components that can ease the translation process through the use of CAT technologies, the supervision and managing of the whole process of translation and publishing, the exporting of translations and notes in standard formats for desktop publishing software and TEI format, and, soon, the possibility to perform automatic linguistic analysis of the text. Moreover, Traduco allows the users to insert notes, comments, annotations, and bibliographical references. The design and development of Traduco required the adoption of a multidisciplinary approach, leveraging on advances in software engineering, computational linguistics, knowledge engineering, and publishing.}, KEYWORDS = {computer-assisted translation, talmud, progetto traduzione del talmud babilonese}, PAGES = {47-62}, URL = {http://dsh.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2016/10/26/llc.fqw054}, VOLUME = {32}, DOI = {10.1093/llc/fqw054}, PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press (Oxford, UK, Regno Unito)}, ISSN = {2055-7671}, JOURNAL = {Digital Scholarship in the Humanities}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLANDI_2017_INPROCEEDINGS_BGPW_377421, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Giovannetti, E. and Piccini, S. and Weingart, A.}, TITLE = {Developing LexO: a Collaborative Editor of Multilingual Lexica and Termino-ontological Resources in the Humanities}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present a first version of LexO, a collaborative editor of multilingual lexica and termino-ontological resources. It is based on the lemon model, and aims at supporting lexicographers and terminologists in their work. Although the development of LexO is still ongoing, the editor is already being used within two research projects in the field of Computational Linguistics applied to Humanities: DiTMAO and Totus Mundus. This allowed to test the functionalities of LexO, and prove its high degree of flexibility according to the different extensions of the lemon model needed to fulfill the needs of the involved scholars.}, KEYWORDS = {lexo, multi-lingual termino-ontological resources, DiTMAO, Totus Mundus}, URL = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W17-7000}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Workshop on Language, Ontology, Terminology and Knowledge Structures-LOTKS 2017}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Montpellier}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19/09/2017}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Language, Ontology, Terminology and Knowledge Structures Workshop (LOTKS 2017)}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{GIOVANNETTI_2017_INPROCEEDINGS_GABDD_377423, AUTHOR = {Giovannetti, E. and Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Dattilo, D. and Dell'Orletta, F.}, TITLE = {Stylometry in Computer-Assisted Translation: Experiments on the Babylonian Talmud}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {The purpose of this research is to experiment the application of stylometric techniques in the area of Computer-Assisted Translation to reduce the revision effort in the context of a collaborative, large scale translation project. The obtained results show a correlation between the editing extent and the compliance to some specific linguistic features, proving that supporting translators in writing translations following a desired style can actually reduce the number of following necessary interventions (and, consequently, save time) by revisors, editors and curators.}, KEYWORDS = {traduco, babylonian talmud, computer-assisted translation, stylometry, readability}, PAGES = {177-182}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/377423}, PUBLISHER = {Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA)}, ISBN = {9788899982942}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Roma}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {11-13/12/2017}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 4th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it)}, EDITOR = {Basili, R. and Nissim, M. and Satta, G.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLANDI_2017_INPROCEEDINGS_BBKDM_366612, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Boschetti, F. and Khan, A. F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {Provando e riprovando modelli di dizionario storico digitale: collegare voci, citazioni, interpretazioni}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {Il dizionario storico è il luogo d'incontro privilegiato di linguistica e lessicografia e filologia e critica letteraria. Nella prima parte prendiamo in considerazione un caso di studio piuttosto noto, relativo all'espressione "provando e riprovando", per mostrare come perfino i luoghi citati nei dizionari, che sono introdotti con lo scopo di disambiguare i termini in contesto, non siano privi di controversie interpretative. Nella seconda parte, molto più dettagliata e più tecnica, tentiamo di aggiungere ai modelli lessicali e citazionali già esistenti ed aperti soluzioni minime che ci permettano di collegare voci, citazioni e interpretazioni all'interno dell'universo dei Linked Open Data.}, KEYWORDS = {Linked Open Data LOD}, PAGES = {119-125}, URL = {http://aiucd2017.aiucd.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/book-of-abstract-AIUCD-2017.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2017 Conference \& 3rd EADH Day}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Roma, Università "Sapienza"}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {24-28 January 2017}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2017 Conference}, } @MISC{ALBANESI_2017_MISC_ABBCDGCP_427294, AUTHOR = {Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Bulleri, F. and Carniani, E. and Dattilo, D. and Giovannetti, E. and Colombo, M. and Papini, M.}, TITLE = {Traduco}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {il Progetto Traduzione del Talmud Babilonese ha permesso di allestire una "officina digitale" specializzata nella traduzione di testi di particolare complessità interpretativa, quali, appunto, il Talmud Babilonese. Per la realizzazione della complessa opera di traduzione è stata costituita una équipe multidisciplinare che ha coinvolto traduttori, revisori di contenuto, redattori, curatori e grafici che, attraverso la piattaforma digitale Traduco hanno potuto lavorare congiuntamente sul testo da diversi luoghi del mondo. Traduco è uno strumento web collaborativo per la traduzione assistita di testi, per lo sviluppo del quale sono state condotte ricerche specifiche, sia nell'ambito dell'Ingegneria del Software che in quello della Linguistica Computazionale. Attraverso il lavoro di ricerca, è stato possibile mettere a punto un ambiente "intelligente" di supporto alla traduzione con caratteristiche innovative. Traduco ha consentito, come side effect positivo del processo vero e proprio di traduzione, di produrre innovazione tecnologica e scientifica.}, KEYWORDS = {traduzione collaborativa, traduzione assistita dal calcolatore, linguistica computazionale, traduco, talmud babilonese}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/427294}, } @ARTICLE{BELLANDI_2016_ARTICLE_BABG_364945, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Albanesi, D. and Benotto, G. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {Il Sistema Traduco nel Progetto Traduzione del Talmud Babilonese}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {Nell'ambito del Progetto Traduzione del Talmud Babilonese, l'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR ha sviluppato Traduco, uno strumento web collaborativo con alcune caratteristiche che lo rendono particolarmente adatto alla traduzione di testi che pongono problemi interpretativi. Ad oggi, gli strumenti per la traduzione assistita (in inglese, Computer-Assisted Translation, o CAT) sono utilizzati tipicamente per la traduzione di manuali tecnici, testi legislativi o siti Web e hanno principalmente lo scopo di accelerare il processo di traduzione. Traduco riprende la maggior parte dei componenti standard di uno strumento di traduzione assistita tradizionale, ma li estende con caratteristiche specifiche necessarie per supportare l'interpretazione e la traduzione di testi complessi che pongono particolari problemi di comprensione. In questo articolo presenteremo un caso di studio specifico, relativo a un testo con queste caratteristiche: il Talmud Babilonese. Traduco include funzionalità per l'aggiunta di note, riferimenti bibliografici, annotazioni semantiche e creazione di glossari. Traduttori, revisori, redattori, supervisori e utenti finali che accedono al Sistema sono supportati nell'intero processo di traduzione, che va dall'interpretazione del testo originario alla fase ditoriale per la stampa delle traduzioni, attraverso l'uso di tecnologie di traduzione assistita, l'annotazione semantica del testo, l'arricchimento delle traduzioni con informazioni esplicative, l'esportazione delle traduzioni in XML e in TEI e l'integrazione di tecniche per il trattamento automatico della lingua. La progettazione e lo sviluppo di Traduco ha richiesto l'adozione di un approccio multidisciplinare che combina aspetti di ingegneria del software, linguistica computazionale, ingegneria della conoscenza ed editoria digitale.}, KEYWORDS = {traduco, traduzione-assistita, talmud}, PAGES = {109-126}, URL = {https://journals.openedition.org/ijcol/404}, VOLUME = {2}, PUBLISHER = {aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia)}, ISSN = {2499-4553}, JOURNAL = {Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLANDI_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_BBDG_364953, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Benotto, G. and Di Segni, G. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {Investigating the Application and Evaluation of Distributional Semantics in the Translation of Humanistic Texts: a Case Study}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {Digital Humanities are persisting ascending and the need for translating humanistic texts using Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools demands for a specific investigation both of the available technologies and of the evaluation techniques. Indeed, humanistic texts can present deep differences from texts that are usually translated with CAT tools, due to complex interpretative issues, the request of heavy rephrasing, and the addition of explicative parts in order to make the translation fully comprehensible to readers and, also, stylistically pleasant to read. In addition, these texts are often written in peculiar languages for which no linguistic analysis tool can be available. We faced this situation in the context of the project for the translation of the Babylonian Talmud from Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic into Italian. In this paper we describe a work in progress on the application of distributional semantics to the informing of the Translation Memory, and on the evaluation issues arising from its assessment.}, KEYWORDS = {computer-assisted translation, distributional semantics, talmud}, PAGES = {6-11}, URL = {http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2016/workshops/LREC2016Workshop-NLP4TM_Proceedings.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA)}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Translation Memories (NLP4TM 2016)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Portorož, Slovenia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {28/05/2016}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Translation Memories (NLP4TM 2016)}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{KHAN_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_KBM_366525, AUTHOR = {Khan, A. F. and Bellandi, A. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {Tools and Instruments for Building and Querying Diachronic Computational Lexica}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {This article describes work on enabling the addition of temporal information to senses of words in linguistic linked open data lexica based on the lemonDia model. Our contribution in this article is twofold. On the one hand, we demonstrate how lemonDia enables the querying of diachronic lexical datasets using OWL-oriented Semantic Web based technologies. On the other hand, we present a preliminary version of an interactive interface intended to help users in creating lexical datasets that model meaning change over time.}, KEYWORDS = {OWL-oriented Semantic Web based technologies}, PAGES = {164-171}, URL = {https://www.clarin-d.net/images/lt4dh/pdf/LT4DH22.pdf}, ISBN = {978-4-87974-708-2}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities (LT4DH 2016)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Osaka, Japan}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {December 11-16, 2016}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{PICCINI_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_PBBG_388601, AUTHOR = {Piccini, S. and Bellandi, A. and Benotto, G. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {La modellazione diacronica di risorse termino-ontologiche nell'ambito delle digital humanities: Esperimenti su clavius}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {In this work, we present an experiment in the modeling of a diachronic termino-ontological resource named CLAVIUS through both the N-ary relations model and the 4D-fluents approach. Some of the salient differences of these two models are discussed. The overall objective of this research is to illustrate the main advantages and disadvantages in the adoption of a given model to build diachronic resources.}, KEYWORDS = {Diachronic terminology, termino-ontological resources, n-ary models, perdurantist models}, PAGES = {205-245}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85009289234\&origin=inward}, VOLUME = {1749}, PUBLISHER = {Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA)}, ISSN = {1613-0073}, ISBN = {9788899982089}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Napoli}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics}, BOOKTITLE = {CEUR workshop proceedings}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{PICCINI_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_PGBR_282572, AUTHOR = {Piccini, S. and Giovannetti, E. and Bellandi, A. and Ruimy, N.}, TITLE = {Le lexique électronique de la terminologie de Ferdinand de Saussure: une première}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {Le Projet italien intitulé "Per un'edizione digitale dei manoscritti di Ferdinand de Saussure" a pour objectif la création d'un prototype d'édition numérique des textes du grand linguiste genevois, réalisé à partir d'une sélection de ses documents autographes. Dans ce projet, l'un des volets novateurs est la création du premier thésaurus-lexique électronique de la terminologie linguistique Saussurienne. Afin de réaliser cette base de connaissance, nous nous sommes inspirés du modèle lexical SIMPLE qui a permis le développement de vastes lexiques sémantiques informatisés, et l'avons adapté aux exigences de notre domaine de la connaissance. Le lexique réalisé a été conçu dans le but d'offrir un outil performant pour les études saussuriennes. Il fournit en effet une représentation structurée de la terminologie de Saussure, une définition du contenu sémantique de chacun des termes ainsi qu'un cadre explicite de la nature et de l'importance des liens qui les unissent. Ce faisceau d'informations devrait donc contribuer de manière significative à mieux maîtriser le vocabulaire saussurien et, partant, à éclairer certains aspects originaux de la pensée du père de la linguistique moderne.}, KEYWORDS = {Saussure, lessici computazionali, ontologie}, PAGES = {255-267}, URL = {http://www.atilf.fr/cilpr2013/actes/section-16/CILPR-2013-16-Piccini-Giovannetti-Bellandi-Ruimy.pdf}, ISBN = {979-10-91460-32-3}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XXVII Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Nancy}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {15-20/06/2013}, BOOKTITLE = {Section 16: Projets en cours; ressources et outils nouveaux}, EDITOR = {Trotter, D. and Bozzi, A. and Fairon, C.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ALBANESI_2015_INPROCEEDINGS_ABBDG_332922, AUTHOR = {Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Benotto, G. and Di Segni, G. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {When Translation Requires Interpretation: Collaborative Computer-Assisted Translation of Ancient Texts}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {This paper introduces the main features of Traduco, a Web-based, collaborative Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tool developed to support the translation of ancient texts. In addition to the standard components offered by traditional CAT tools, Traduco includes a number of features designed to ease the translation of ancient texts, such as the Babylonian Talmud, posing specific structural, stylistic, linguistic and hermeneutical challenges.}, KEYWORDS = {Computer-Assisted Translation, Babylonian Talmud}, PAGES = {84-88}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/332922}, ISBN = {978-1-941643-63-1}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {9th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2015)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Bejing}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {July 30, 2015}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLANDI_2015_INPROCEEDINGS_BBG_282565, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Bellusci, A. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {Computer Assisted Translation of Ancient Texts: the Babylonian Talmud Case Study}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper we introduce some of the features of the Computer Assisted Translation web application developed to support the translation of the Babylonian Talmud (BT) in Italian. The BT is a late antique Jewish anthological corpus, which, as other ancient texts, presents a number of hurdles related to its intrinsic linguistic and philological nature. In this work, we illustrate the solutions we adopted in the system, with particular emphasis on the Translation Memory and the translation suggestion component.}, KEYWORDS = {computer-assisted translation, Babylonian Talmud, Translation Memory}, PAGES = {287-302}, URL = {https://www.degruyter.com/view/book/9781501501289/10.1515/9781501501289.287.xml}, PUBLISHER = {De Gruyter Saur (Berlin/Munich, DEU)}, ISBN = {9781501501289}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {NLPCS 2014: 11th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Venezia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-29 ottobre 2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, Proceedings 2014}, EDITOR = {Sharp, B. and Delmonte, R.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ALBANESI_2015_INPROCEEDINGS_ABBG_340309, AUTHOR = {Albanesi, A. and Bellandi, A. and Benotto, G. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {Translation, Annotation and Knowledge Modelling of the Babylonian Talmud: the Traduco System}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {In this work, we are going to present the Traduco System, a collaborative web-based application for the translation of the Babylonian Talmud (BT) into Italian. The System has been designed around a Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) component, constituting its core. However, Traduco is not limited to assist the translation process and to provide printing functionalities. In fact, it allows linguistic and semantic annotations and advanced searches, paving the way to the construction of a talmudic knowledge base. In order to achieve these results, the Traduco development process abided by a model that took into account aspects of Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. The component based architectural structure was implemented using the object oriented Java 2 Enterprise Edition framework.}, KEYWORDS = {Computer-Assisted Translation, Interpretation, Semantic Annotation, Babylonian Talmud}, URL = {https://dh-abstracts.library.virginia.edu/works/2399}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Digital Humanities 2015}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Sydney}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {29/06-03/07/2015}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLANDI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BABBG_311736, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Albanesi, D. and Bellusci, A. and Bozzi, A. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {The Talmud System: a Collaborative Web Application for the Translation of the Babylonian Talmud Into Italian}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/311736}, PUBLISHER = {Pisa University Press srl (Pisa, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-8-86741-472-7}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2014)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {9-11 dicembre 2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2014)}, EDITOR = {Basili, R. and Lenci, A. and Magnini, B.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLANDI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BBCG_282568, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Bellusci, A. and Cappelli, A. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {Graphic Visualization in Literary Text Interpretation}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {We here illustrate a possible approach combining existing technologies for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) and Data Visualization in a coherent Decision Support System (DSS). The approach to the development of the system we are working on can be articulated in two main steps: the customization and integration of existing tools for automatic text annotation (at least linguistic, lexicographic and semantic) and the construction of a user-friendly and highly expressive GUI. The interface should allow a user to: upload her/his own text, run the desired annotation tools, visually interact with the resulting multilayered network to: i) proof-read the results of the automatic annotations, ii) manually add missing elements and/or relations between elements and, finally, iii) formulate and verify specific interpretative hypotheses.}, KEYWORDS = {Computational Hermeneutics, Text processing, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Data Visualization}, PAGES = {392-397}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/282568}, DOI = {10.1109/IV.2014.62}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE (New York, USA)}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {18th International Conference on Information Visualisation}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Parigi}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {15, 16, 17, 18 luglio 2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Information Visualisation}, EDITOR = {Banissi, E. and Bannatyne, M. W. M. and Marchese, F. T. and Sarfraz, M. and Ursyn, A. and Venturini, G. and Wyeld, T. G. and Cvek, U. and Trutschl, M. and Grinstein, G. and Geroimenko, V. and Kenderdine, S. and Bouali, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLANDI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BBCG_282571, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Bellusci, A. and Carniani, E. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {Content Elicitation: Towards a New Paradigm for the Analysis and Interpretation of Texts}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper we show how semantic technologies can be exploited, with the help of user friendly interfaces, to identify and structure the knowledge embedded in literary texts. The proposed approach, that we have called Content Elicitation, supports the experts in defining hierarchical and associative relationships between semantically annotated chunks of text denoting relevant entities, allowing visual structuring of knowledge, which can be edited by different experts in a collaborative way. This knowledge, formally coded as an ontology, can then be used by scholars and students as a guide for the analysis of the text and for the discovery of potential novel interpretations. We are testing and evaluating this approach on the Babylonian Talmud, due to its historical, linguistic, semantic and structural richness.}, KEYWORDS = {semantic annotation, knowledge representation, text ontology, content elicitation, literary computing, data visualization}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/282571}, DOI = {10.2316/P.2014.810-031}, PUBLISHER = {Acta press (Calgary, CAN)}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {The 13th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Innsbruck}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {17-19 febbraio 2014}, EDITOR = {Hamza, M. H.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLUSCI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BBBCGM_311735, AUTHOR = {Bellusci, A. and Bellandi, A. and Benotto, G. and Cappelli, A. and Giovannetti, E. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Towards a Decision Support System for Text Interpretation}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {This article illustrates the first steps towards the implementation of a Decision Support System aimed to recreate a research environment for scholars and provide them with computational tools to assist in the processing and interpretation of texts. While outlining the general characteristics of the system, the paper presents a minimal set of user requirements and provides a possible use case on Dante's Inferno.}, KEYWORDS = {DDS, XML, text interpretation, literary computing}, PAGES = {58-62}, URL = {http://clic.humnet.unipi.it/proceedings/vol1/CLICIT2014112.pdf}, VOLUME = {I}, DOI = {10.12871/CLICIT2014118}, ISBN = {9788867414727}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2014)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {9-11 dicembre 2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2014)}, EDITOR = {Basili, R. and Lenci, A. and Magnini, B.}, } @INCOLLECTION{RUIMY_2013_INCOLLECTION_RPGB_272216, AUTHOR = {Ruimy, N. and Piccini, S. and Giovannetti, E. and Bellandi, A.}, TITLE = {Lessicografia Computazionale e Terminologia Saussuriana}, YEAR = {2013}, PAGES = {161-179}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/272216}, PUBLISHER = {Edizioni dell'Orso (Alessandria, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-6274-478-2}, BOOKTITLE = {Guida per un'edizione digitale dei manoscritti di Ferdinand de Saussure}, }