@ARTICLE{DELGRATTA_2022_ARTICLE_DDZBB_472290, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Zenzaro, S. and Boschetti, F. and Bambaci, L.}, TITLE = {La Filologia come sistema dinamico}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Introduciamo un approccio formale all'evoluzione del contenuto informativo veicolato da documenti umanistici, con particolare attenzione alla prospettiva filologica e alle problematiche tipiche ad essa connesse (studio della tradizione, confronto tra testimoni, selezione e scelta delle lezioni, edizione di un testo, etc). Proponiamo un modello matematico in grado di formalizzare diversi fenomeni complessi in vari ambiti di ricerca quali la Linguistica Computazionale, la Filologia Digitale e l'Ingegneria del Software, soprattutto quando questi vengono applicati all'analisi di documenti e testi di interesse storico-letterario.}, KEYWORDS = {computational philology, formal philology, digital humanities}, PAGES = {1-20}, URL = {https://umanisticadigitale.unibo.it/article/view/13684}, VOLUME = {13}, DOI = {10.6092/issn.2532-8816/13684}, ISSN = {2532-8816}, JOURNAL = {Umanistica Digitale}, } @ARTICLE{BOSCHETTI_2021_ARTICLE_BM_472309, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Mugelli, G.}, TITLE = {Il metodo Euporia per creare nuovi archivi digitali sulla tragedia greca}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {This article illustrates Euporia, i.e. a method for annotating literary texts based on Domain-Specific Languages. The annotation systems developed using this method are modeled on the needs of the users, their specific habits of studying and annotating texts, and the aims of their research. The two case studies discussed in this contribution show the application of the method in the context of two projects focused on the texts of Greek tragedy: on the one hand, a didactic project based on Aeschylus' Persians, on the other hand, a research project in the field of anthropology of the ancient world, based on the entire corpus of the Greek tragedy. The discussion aims to illustrate how text annotation through DSL can have both a didactic function and a scientific interest.}, KEYWORDS = {Domain-Specific Languages, textual annotation, Ancient Greek Tragedy}, PAGES = {83-113}, URL = {https://ojs.cimedoc.uniba.it/index.php/fc/article/view/1381}, VOLUME = {7}, DOI = {10.15162/2465-0951/1381}, PUBLISHER = {Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca di Studi sulla Tradizione CIRST (Bari, Italia)}, ISSN = {2465-0951}, JOURNAL = {FuturoClassico FCl}, } @ARTICLE{DELGRATTA_2021_ARTICLE_DBBS_461498, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Bambaci, L. and Sarnari, F.}, TITLE = {Document analysis and Textual philology: A Formal Perspective}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {We introduce a formal approach to document and text analysis. The method proposed herein results in a mathematical model/framework which can formalize different challenges in research fields such as computational linguistics, digital philology, and software engineering, principally if applied to document and text analysis. We examine texts and documents from an evolutionary perspective, where both corruption and correction are involved. We describe document evolution via fibre bundles formalism. We also provide other examples to demonstrate the capabilities of the model.}, KEYWORDS = {Formal model, document analysis, evolutionary approach, fibre bundles}, PAGES = {5-15}, URL = {https://www.innove.org/ijist/index.php/ijist/article/view/192}, VOLUME = {5}, PUBLISHER = {[El Mohajir Mohammed] ([S. l. ], Marocco)}, ISSN = {2550-5114}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Information Science and Technology}, } @ARTICLE{BOSCHETTI_2020_ARTICLE_BD_472293, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A.}, TITLE = {L'annotazione di testi storico-letterari al tempo dei social media}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {The annotation of historical and literary texts is approached differently by traditional philologists and digital philologists. The former are concentrated on the detailed study of a given text (close reading) while the latter are focused on the study of large quantities of texts (distant reading). A structured and collaborative annotation makes it possible both to add information to particular passages of individual texts, as in a traditional linear comment, and to connect data from entire textual collections through rigorous protocols. However, the standards developed by digital philologists are not highly appreciated by traditional academics, since the effort necessary to apply the proposed technologies allegedly diverts researchers' attention from the object of study. As opposed to this objection, we intend to highlight that it is indeed possible to maintain the precision requisite for the application of computational tools to digital resources without renouncing the annotation practices established in traditional contexts. In support of the method, we report a number of case studies of digital scientific editions whose goals include both reconstructing respective texts and encouraging the dissemination of contents and public participation in the academic debate. In particular, we will discuss the following projects: a) the stylistic annotation of three different editions of Giacomo Leopardi's translation of the Batracomiomachia; b) the scientific edition of Bellini's letters; c) the multi-level annotated edition of Bassani; and d) the comparison of Umberto Eco's variants of his Il nome della rosa.}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, collaborative annotation, communities, digital scholarly edition, formalisation}, PAGES = {65-99}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/472293}, VOLUME = {11}, DOI = {10.15804/IW.2020.11.1.03}, PUBLISHER = {Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek (Torun, Polonia)}, ISSN = {2084-4514}, JOURNAL = {Italica Wratislaviensia (Print)}, } @ARTICLE{KHALFI_2020_ARTICLE_KZN_438041, AUTHOR = {Khalfi, M. and Zarghili, A. and Nahli, O.}, TITLE = {A New Rich Lexical Resource For Classical Arabic}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {Currently, large lexical resources are getting a high potential relevance for information systems and need of Lexical resources in Natural Language Processing (NLP) fields is paramount. To contribute meet these needs, we build a lexical resource from the famous dictionary al=q?m?s al=mu???(AQAM). Using a rule based approach, we have designed a system that allows extracting morpho-syntactical, semantics and lexical information from the famous dictionary. So, we obtained a digitized and structured version of AQAM, enriched by morpho-syntactical and lexical explicit information. In addition, the obtained resource is enriched by English translations of lemma and accompanying senses using a bilingual English-Arabic dictionary. Then we present an overview of an experiment alignment of the section of the letter b?" on Princeton"s WordNet (PWN) and Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO). This experience turned out to be interesting because it revealed that mapping an Arabic lexical resource on an English resource shows commonality between the two languages, but it allows especially to emphasize the non-equivalences between them. All obtained resources are represented in XML format anddistributed under free license}, KEYWORDS = {Information Extraction Arabic Lexicon Al Qamus Al Muhit Machine-readable dictionary Arabic Lexical Resource}, PAGES = {3863-3884}, URL = {https://www.ijact.in/index.php/ijact/article/view/1196}, VOLUME = {Volume-IX, Issue-X}, PUBLISHER = {Research India Publications (New Delhi, India)}, ISSN = {2249-3123}, JOURNAL = {International journal of advanced computer science and technology}, } @INCOLLECTION{VAGIONAKIS_2022_INCOLLECTION_VDBBDMM_472291, AUTHOR = {Vagionakis, I. and Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Baroni, P. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Mancinelli, T. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' Meets CLARIN-IT}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {This paper presents 'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions', a resource in the domain of Digital Epigraphy developed at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice and supported by CLARIN-IT as part of its actions addressed to initiatives, projects and events in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. The paper begins with a brief outline of the project within which the resource was created and then goes into a more in-depth description of the main methodologies used to develop the resource (EpiDoc and EFES) and of their benefits. The paper then focuses on the cooperation of the project with the Venice Centre of Digital and Public Humanities and the Italian node of CLARIN, also illustrating the dockerization process applied to the resource hosted on the CLARIN-IT servers. Some desiderata for future developments are outlined as well. The paper ends with some remarks about the widening of CLARIN horizons towards Digital Epigraphy and on the role of its K-Centres in this respect.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Epigraphy, Digital Classics, Ancient Greek, Crete, Institutions, Text Encoding Initiative, TEI, EpiDoc, EpiDoc Front-End Services, EFES, Virtual Language Observatory, Dockerization, ILC4CLARIN, CLARIN-IT, CLARIN}, PAGES = {139-150}, URL = {https://ecp.ep.liu.se/index.php/clarin/article/view/424/382}, VOLUME = {189}, DOI = {10.3384/9789179294441}, ISBN = {978-91-7929-444-1}, BOOKTITLE = {Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021}, EDITOR = {Monachini, M. and Eskevich, M.}, } @INCOLLECTION{BOSCHETTI_2021_INCOLLECTION_BDS_461545, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Spinazzè, L.}, TITLE = {La galassia Musisque Deoque: storia e prospettive}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {The resources in support of Latin scholars created under the scientific direction of Paolo Mastandrea are numerous; the undertaking of Musisque Deoque, which aims at equipping the entire corpus of ancient Latin poetry with "significant variants", is the most emblematic effort, open to further developments. Looking at the general history of these projects, we try to trace the future path of the "Musisque Deoque galaxy" within Open Science.}, KEYWORDS = {Classical philology, Latin poetry, Intertextuality, Open data, FAIR principles}, PAGES = {405-419}, URL = {https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/media/pdf/books/978-88-6969-558-2/978-88-6969-558-2-ch-26.pdf}, VOLUME = {32}, DOI = {10.30687/978-88-6969-557-5/026}, PUBLISHER = {Edizioni Ca' Foscari (Venezia, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-6969-557-5}, BOOKTITLE = {Paulo maiora canamus-Raccolta di studi per Paolo Mastandrea}, EDITOR = {Venuti, M. and Manca, M.}, } @INCOLLECTION{BOSCHETTI_2017_INCOLLECTION_BDD_382022, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {The role of digital scholarly editors in the design of components for cooperative philology}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {This contribution is focused on the role of the digital scholarly editor in the continuous process of analysis, development and evaluation of libraries of components for cooperative philology.}, KEYWORDS = {digital editions, collaborative and cooperative philology, digital philology}, PAGES = {249-253}, URL = {https://www.sidestone.com/books/advances-in-digital-scholarly-editing}, ISBN = {978-90-8890-484-4}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing}, EDITOR = {Boot, P. and Cappellotto, A. and Dillen, W. and Fischer, F. and Kelly, A. and Mertgens, A. and Sichani, A. and Spadini, E. and Van Hulle, D.}, } @INCOLLECTION{DELGRATTA_2016_INCOLLECTION_DBDKM_353799, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. and Khan, F. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {Cooperative philology on the way to web services: The case of the cophiwordnet platform}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present ongoing research carried out at the Institute for Computational Linguistics "A. Zampolli" (ILC) in Pisa. The institute has been active since many years in the field of Digital Humanities providing resources, tools and solutions to address issues of the to digital humanists. Starting from those previous initiatives, we show how to re-engineer them as Web Services in order to make connections between lexicons, semantic resources and a fine grained text management. Linked Open Data is chosen as the paradigm used to link the different resources as well as the modality of data presentation.}, KEYWORDS = {Canonical text services, Cooperative philology, Linked open data, Web services}, PAGES = {173-187}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84961744725\&partnerID=q2rCbXpz}, VOLUME = {9442}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-31468-6_13}, PUBLISHER = {Springer International Publishing (Switzerland, CHE)}, ISBN = {978-3-319-31468-6}, BOOKTITLE = {Worldwide Language Service Infrastructure: Second International Workshop, WLSI 2015, Kyoto, Japan, January 22-23, 2015. Revised Selected Papers}, EDITOR = {Murakami, Y. and Li, D.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_BBDDGNZ_472289, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Burgassi, C. and Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Guadagnini, E. and Nahli, O. and Zenzaro, S.}, TITLE = {Il Laboratorio di Filologia Collaborativa e Cooperativa (CoPhiLab) del CNR-ILC: dati, strumenti, servizi e infrastrutture}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Questo contributo illustra le attività e le risorse del Laboratorio di Filologia Collaborativa e Cooperativa (CoPhiLab) dell'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "A. Zampolli" del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-ILC), con particolare attenzione all'uso delle infrastrutture di ricerca nazionali e internazionali.}, KEYWORDS = {Filologia Computazionale, Modelli Formali, Lingua Araba, Domain-Specific Languages, Ingegneria del Software}, PAGES = {45-50}, URL = {https://www.eventi.garr.it/it/conf22}, DOI = {10.26314/GARR-Conf22-proceedings}, PUBLISHER = {Associazione Consortium GARR (Roma, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-946629-1-7}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CondiVisioni. La rete come strumento per costruire il futuro}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Palermo}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {18/05/2022-20/05/2022}, BOOKTITLE = {CONDIVISIONI La rete come strumento per costruire il futuro}, EDITOR = {Mieli, M. and Volpe, C.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ZENZARO_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_ZDBR_472278, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F. and Ranocchia, G.}, TITLE = {Verso la definizione di criteri per valutare soluzioni di scholarly editing digitale: il caso d'uso GreekSchools}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo propone alcuni criteri di valutazione per l'analisi degli approcci all'editing testuale. Dopo averli presentati brevemente, si mostra come sono stati applicati alle attività finora svolte nel contesto del progetto ERC-885222 GreekSchools per quanto riguarda la progettazione e lo sviluppo di una piattaforma web collaborativa che fa uso di linguaggi specifici di dominio (DSL) finalizzata allo studio scientifico e alla pubblicazione di testi papiracei mediante edizioni critiche digitali.}, KEYWORDS = {DSL linguaggi specifici di dominio, filologia computazionale, ingegneria del software, papirologia digitale, Domain Driven Design}, PAGES = {20-25}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/6848/1/Proceedings_AIUCD2022.pdf#page=30}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6848}, ISBN = {9788894253566}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2022. Culture digitali. Intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Lecce}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {1/06/2022-3/06/2022}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2022-Proceedings. Culture digitali. Intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media}, EDITOR = {Ciracì, F. and Miglietta, G. and Gatto, C.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGRATTA_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_DBDB_472299, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Bambaci, L.}, TITLE = {La Filologia come sistema dinamico: qualche considerazione preliminare}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {In questo articolo introduciamo un approccio formale all'evoluzione dei documenti con particolare attenzione alla prospettiva filologica e alle problematiche tipiche connesse. Proponiamo un modello/framework matematico in grado di formalizzare diversi fenomeni complessi in vari ambiti di ricerca quali la Linguistica Computazionale, la Filologia Digitale e l'Ingegneria del Software, in particolare quando questa viene applicata all'analisi di documenti e testi di interesse storico-letterario.}, KEYWORDS = {approccio evoluzionistico, modello formale, analisi documentale e testuale, sistema dinamico, filologia computazionale}, PAGES = {484-490}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/6712/1/AIUCD2021_BOA-versione3A.pdf#page=500}, VOLUME = {aiucd2021}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6712}, ISBN = {9788894253559}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale-DHs for society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19/01/2021-22/01/2021}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale-DHs for society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age. Book of extended abstracts of the 10th national conference}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{VAGIONAKIS_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_VDBBDMM_461540, AUTHOR = {Vagionakis, I. and Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Baroni, P. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Mancinelli, T. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' Meets CLARIN-IT}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {This paper describes a project in the domain of Digital Epigraphy named 'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' and developed at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. The project is supported by CLARIN-IT as part of the actions addressed to initiatives, projects and events in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. The main goal is to make the project visible through CLARIN channels with the hope that it will be a forerunner for other digital epigraphy projects in CLARIN. The article illustrates also the dockerization process applied to the 'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' project, currently hosted on the CLARIN-IT servers.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Epigraphy, Digital Classics, Ancient Greek, Crete, Institutions, Text Encoding Initiative, TEI, EpiDoc, EpiDoc Front-End Services, EFES, Virtual Language Observatory, Dockerization, ILC4CLARIN, CLARIN-IT, CLARIN}, PAGES = {48-53}, URL = {https://office.clarin.eu/v/CE-2021-1923-CLARIN2021_ConferenceProceedings.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CLARIN Annual Conference 2021}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Virtual Edition}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-29/09/2021}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2021 (Virtual Edition)}, EDITOR = {Monachini, M. and Eskevich, M.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGRATTA_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_DBBS_462341, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Bambaci, L. and Sarnari, F.}, TITLE = {Approaching document analysis with a formal model}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {We introduce a formal approach to document and text analysis. The method proposed herein results in a mathematical and physical model/framework which can formalize different challenges in research fields such as computational linguistics, digital philology, and software engineering, principally if applied to document and text analysis. We examine texts and documents from an evolutionary perspective, where both corruption and correction are involved. We describe document evolution via fiber bundles formalism.}, KEYWORDS = {Formal model, document analysis, evolutionary approach}, PAGES = {208-214}, URL = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=\&arnumber=9357202\&tag=1}, DOI = {10.1109/CIST49399.2021.9357202}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {6th International IEEE Colloquium on Information Science and Technology}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Agadir, Morocco}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5-12/06/2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{NAHLI_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_ND_439789, AUTHOR = {Nahli, O. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Creating Arabic Lexical Resources in TEI; A Schema for Discontinuous Morphology Encoding}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {This article aims at formally grouping lexical and morphological information in order to obtain an electronic resource with respect to the Arabic language starting from the classical dictionary al=q?m?s al=mu???. This contribution examines practical aspects about the adoption of the guidelines provided by the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) to encode the Arabic dictionary as a primary source. Moreover, the contribution points out a possible way to integrate semantic, morphological and syntactic information characterizing word patterns within the same TEI document. Specifically, the formalization of word patterns allows us to emphasize additional morphosyntactic regularities mainly concerning word distribution within sentences. Consequently, the obtained digital object represents both the medieval Arabic dictionary and a suitable resource that can be exploited for a number of Natural Language Processing tasks.}, KEYWORDS = {classical Arabic dictionary, digital lexicography, al=q?m?s al=mu???, word patterns, TEI}, PAGES = {9}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/439789}, DOI = {10.1109/CiSt49399.2021.9357273}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE (New York, USA)}, ISBN = {978-1-7281-6646-9}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {IEEE-CIST2020 DPWH}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Agadir-Essaouira, Morocco}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5/06/2021-12/06/2021}, }