@INPROCEEDINGS{CHIARELLA_2023_INPROCEEDINGS_CCF_481820, AUTHOR = {Chiarella, D. and Cutugno, P. and Ferretti, M.}, TITLE = {A linguistic approach of sound characterisation and polarization: first steps}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {The activities of the "TRIPLO: TRasporti e collegamenti Innovativi e sostenibili tra Porti e piattaforme LOgistiche" project, funded with funds from the Interregional Operational Programme Italy-France Maritime 2014-2020, have as their particular goal to increase the sustainability of commercial ports and associated logistic platforms, helping to lessen noise pollution [1][2]. In some project activities, the acoustic impact on the people exposed to noise from back port activities is evaluated in connection to how each person perceives the noise. Only technical investigations, which cannot ensure a phenomena's universality in terms of perception, can objectively describe a phenomenon in environmental surveys [3]; A sound can be viewed as both a physical reality that can be measured using objective criteria and a sound perception phenomenon that is of a subjective character and related to the subject's psycho-physical-emotional state. Because these two traits are inextricably linked, it is not enough to just look at them independently. Driven by these motivations, we created questionnaires concerning the perception of sounds, the structure and first results of which can be consulted in [4] [5] [6]. In this article, in the first part we present a methodology to identify adjectives characterising each sound via TF-IDF (term frequency - inverse document frequency) [7][8][9][10]; in the second part we analyse the positive or negative emotions described by the adjectives given for each sounds with TexBlob, a sentiment analysis classifier, and subsequently we compare the results obtained with the ones shown in [6].}, KEYWORDS = {sentiment analysis, TF-IDF, sound polarization, sound characterisation}, PAGES = {86-91}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/481820}, ISBN = {978-959-7174-41-7}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XVIII° Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {23-27/01/2023}, BOOKTITLE = {Serie de Comunicación Social 2022-2023}, } @INCOLLECTION{CUTUGNO_2021_INCOLLECTION_CFCM_443221, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Ferretti, M. and Chiarella, D. and Marconi, L.}, TITLE = {A Linguistic preliminary study about noise perception}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {The activities of the project "TRIPLO: TRasporti e collegamenti Innovativi e sostenibili tra Porti e piattaforme Logistiche", financed with the resources of the Interregional Operational Programme Italy-France Maritime 2014- 2020, have as specific objective to improve the sustainability of commercial ports and related logistic platforms, contributing to the reduction of noise pollution [1][2]. Some activities in the project are aimed at assessing the acoustic impact on the population exposed to noise generated by back port activities, in relation to individual perception. In environmental surveys, only technical investigations can objectively describe a phenomenon [3], but at the same time they do not guarantee its universality with respect to perception; a sound can be considered both as a physical phenomenon, and therefore measurable through objective parameters, and as a phenomenon linked to sound perception, of a subjective nature and consequent to the psycho-physical-emotional state of the subject. These two characteristics are strictly interdependent, so it is insufficient to limit to examine them separately. The population constitutes a precious source of information in the evaluation of the quality of the space in which they live or work, suggesting the relationships between environment, comfort and productivity. It is therefore important to use subjective investigation tools through which the opinion of the population can become a valid support to traditional methods of analysis and improve the overall evaluation.}, KEYWORDS = {nosie perception, questionnaire, applied linguistics}, PAGES = {57-61}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/443221}, ISBN = {978-959-7174-40-0}, BOOKTITLE = {Contribuciones a la Lingüística y a la Comunicación Social. Tributo a Vitelio Ruiz Hernández}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{FERRETTI_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_FCCMDCM_456166, AUTHOR = {Ferretti, M. and Chiarella, D. and Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Di Feo, G. and Cerniglia, A. and Magrini, A.}, TITLE = {A linguistic and psychoacoustic study for questionnaire analysis: first results}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {This research is inspired by the consideration that language represents a significant dimension of perception and description of the soundscape. A language is a strategic tool that can consistently describe the qualities of physical acoustic environments, introducing an efficient metric to describe the sound perception by people. In this paper, we explore the possibility of using sentiment analysis for extracting the emotional impact of noise from lists of adjectives that describe sounds. To address this, an investigation campaign was conducted to identify the Italian adjectives that best describe the noise sources associated with port and retro-port infrastructures. 402 Italian university students responded to a listening experiment. They were asked to associate adjectives with audios. The association of these adjectives with the sources of sound formed the basis for sentiment analysis. Psychoacoustic parameters were calculated following measurements and processed for each of the sounds administered to look for possible correlations between the different perceptual aspects. The first results show how industrial or traffic sounds are as expected associated with negative sentiment whereas natural sounds evoke positive emotions. The proposed sentiment analysis, in connection with the psychoacoustic investigations developed, provides a framework for future research in the investigation of sound perception.}, KEYWORDS = {Sound perception, Sentiment Analysis, Psychoacoustics, Acoustics, Synesthesia}, PAGES = {8}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/456166}, ISBN = {978-83-7880-799-5}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Praga}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {11-16/07/2021}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration}, } @ARTICLE{CININI_2019_ARTICLE_CCFFMMN_407448, AUTHOR = {Cinini, A. and Cutugno, P. and Ferraris, C. and Ferretti, M. and Marconi, L. and Morgavi, G. and Nerino, R.}, TITLE = {Final results of the NINFA project: impact of new technologies in the daily life of elderly people}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Background:The paper presents the work carried out within NINFA (iNtelligent Integrated Network For Aged people), a project for the wellbeing of the elderly people at home. Aims:The impact of new technologies on elderly people is evaluated with respect to the three main topics faced by NINFA. Methods:NINFA was structured into three main topics: (1) active user engagement from the very beginning of the plan-ning stage: the use of specially designed questionnaires to evaluate the acceptability of new technology in general and robot caregiver specifically; (2) assessment of the well-being through non-invasive techniques: natural language processing for language change monitoring in elderly subjects; (3) automated assessment of motor and cognitive functions at home: systems to deliver tests and exergames through user interfaces compliant with elderly subjects. Results:The analysis shows that there is no a priori closure to support the technology, but it must not be invasive and must allow social interactions. The study of speech transcripts shows that a large variations in the number of words used to describe the same situation could be a sign on the onset of cognitive impairments. The specifically designed systems highlight, after the training period, significant improvements in the performances of the participants and a satisfaction with regards to the systems usability. Conclusions: The outcomes of NINFA project highlight some important aspects of the relationship between elderly people and new technologies concerning: engagement and acceptability, assessment of the wellbeing and of the modifications of motor, cognitive and language functions.}, KEYWORDS = {User Engagement, Wellbeing assessment, Linguistic and Cognitive Analysis, Movement Analysis, Exergames, At-Home monitoring, Postural stability}, PAGES = {1-10}, URL = {https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s40520-019-01357-6.pdf}, DOI = {10.1007/s40520-019-01357-6}, PUBLISHER = {Editrice Kurtis (Milano, Italia)}, ISSN = {1720-8319}, JOURNAL = {Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (Online)}, } @INCOLLECTION{RUSSO_2019_INCOLLECTION_RMCM_429036, AUTHOR = {Russo, I. and Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {Le parole sono ponti: risorse digitali per l'integrazione in contesti multilingue}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Nel presente lavoro esporremo due esperienze inerenti all'uso e alla produzione di risorse linguistiche multilingui, svolte da alcuni ricercatori dell'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "Antonio Zampolli" (ilc) del cnr. Più nello specifico verrà descritta la realizzazione di un glossario nell'ambito del progetto Ascolto Accoglienza Azioni Offresi (aaa Offresi) e l'uso sperimentale di ImagAct (Moneglia et alii 2012) - una risorsa lessicale multilingue sui verbi d'azione - in una scuola primaria caratterizzata da una forte presenza di alunni stranieri. Il fine della ricerca è quello di favorire l'emergere delle competenze metalinguistiche degli apprendenti, valorizzando la diversità linguistica e culturale.}, KEYWORDS = {Multilingual lexical resources, I2 teaching, Translanguaging, Public administration terminology}, PAGES = {127-136}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/429036}, VOLUME = {I}, DOI = {10.36173/PLURIMI-2019-1/09}, PUBLISHER = {Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Roma, ITA)}, ISBN = {9788880803775}, BOOKTITLE = {Linguaggi, ricerca, comunicazione. Focus CNR}, EDITOR = {Cadeddu, M. E. and Marras, C.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CERNIGLIA_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_CCCMMDF_403916, AUTHOR = {Cerniglia, A. and Chiarella, D. and Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Magrini, A. and Di Feo, G. and Ferretti, M.}, TITLE = {QUESTIONNAIRE ANALYSIS TO DEFINE THE MOST SUITABLE SURVEY FOR PORT-NOISE INVESTIGATION}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {The high level of noise pollution affecting the areas between ports and logistic platforms represents a problem that can be faced from different points of view. Acoustic monitoring, mapping, short-term measurements, port and road traffic flows analyses can give useful indications on the strategies to be proposed for a better management of the problem. A survey campaign through the preparation of questionnaires to be submitted to the population exposed to noise in the back-port areas will help to better understand the subjective point of view. The paper analyses a sample of questions suitable for the specific research, chosen as part of the wide database of questionnaires internationally proposed for subjective investigations. The preliminary results of a first data collection campaign are consid-ered to verify the adequacy of the number, the type of questions, and the type of sample noise used for the survey. The questionnaire will be optimized to be distributed in the TRIPLO project (TRans-ports and Innovative sustainable connections between Ports and LOgistic platforms). The results of this survey will be the starting point for the linguistic investigation carried out in combination with the acoustic monitoring, to improve understanding the connections between personal feeling and tech-nical aspects.}, KEYWORDS = {port noise, acoustic monitoring, subjective survey, psychoacoustics}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/403916}, ISBN = {978-1-9991810-0-0}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {26th International Congress on Sound \& Vibration}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Montréal, Canada}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {7-11/07/2019}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CUTUGNO_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_CMFC_400412, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Ferretti, M. and Chiarella, D.}, TITLE = {Estudios lingüísticos en antologías narrativas sobre la experiencia del viaje}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Las antologías "Partire: Antologia narrativa di geografia emozionale" y "Partire: Antologia illustrata per eterni viaggiatori" fueron elaboradas por el CTS: Centro turístico Studentesco e Giovanile, en 2009, 2010, 2011 y 2013. Las cuatro obras relacionan historias, imágenes y pequeñas frases referidas con un "viaje de los sueños", que contiene el lugar y por qué ese viaje es el de los deseos. Cada obra contiene imágenes o historias relacionadas con temas específicos en los que se coloca cada narración; para cada una de las ediciones se anzó un concurso para estimular la participación en la redacción de las narraciones de jóvenes italianos entre dieciocho y treinta y cinco años sobre el tema del viaje. En otro artículo previamente producido, fueron analizados los componentes gramaticales de las contribuciones escritas. Los objetivos fueron identificar las posibles diferencias de las partes del discurso en los textos que componen los distintos volúmenes y, al mismo tiempo, tratar de establecer para los diversos textos, dentro de qué gama de valores se coloca la relación entre sustantivos y verbos. El análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de las palabras más frecuentes permitió monitorear cómo algunos de los relatos de viaje se convierten en reflexiones introspectivas cambiando el enfoque de los que escriben del viaje en el mundo a los que lo hacen sobre el viaje de la vida y viceversa.}, KEYWORDS = {viaggio, analisi linguistica, linguistica computazionale}, PAGES = {117-120}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/400412}, ISBN = {9789597174363}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XVI° Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {21-25/01/2019}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MAGRINI_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_MDCMCCF_403914, AUTHOR = {Magrini, A. and Di Feo, G. and Cerniglia, A. and Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P. and Chiarella, D. and Ferretti, M.}, TITLE = {INDAGINE SOGGETTIVA FINALIZZATA ALLA VALUTAZIONE DEL DISTURBO DA RUMORE NELLE ZONE RETROPORTUALI}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Vengono presentati alcuni risultati preliminari di una ricerca sulla percezione del rumore in zone retroportuali, che si inserisce nelle azioni previste nell'ambito del progetto TRIPLO (Programma Interreg Italia-Francia Marittimo 2014-2020). Le valutazioni riguardano le prime fasi di realizzazione e somministrazione di un questionario preliminare, realizzato su piattaforma web, e delle relative risposte: attraverso questo strumento si vogliono mettere in relazione rumori e percezione soggettiva, mediante l'uso di termini linguistici ritenuti più appropriati dai soggetti intervistati.}, KEYWORDS = {port noise, acoustic monitoring, subjective survey, psychoacoustics}, PAGES = {2}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/403914}, ISBN = {978-88-88942-59-9}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {46° Convegno Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Acustica}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pesaro}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {29-31 maggio 2019}, } @ARTICLE{CHIARELLA_2018_ARTICLE_CBBCRZMC_393262, AUTHOR = {Chiarella, D. and Bibuli, M. and Bruzzone, G. and Caccia, M. and Ranieri, A. and Zereik, E. and Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P.}, TITLE = {A Novel Gesture-Based Language for Underwater Human-Robot Interaction}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {The underwater environment is characterized by hazardous conditions that make it difficult to manage and monitor even the simplest human operation. The introduction of a robot companion with the task of supporting and monitoring the divers during their activities and operations underwater can help to solve some of the problems that usually arise in this scenario. In this context, a proper communication between the diver and the robot is imperative for the success of the dive. However, the underwater environment poses a set of technical challenges which are not readily surmountable thus limiting the spectrum from which possibilities can be chosen. This paper presents the design and development of a gesture-based communication language which has been employed for the entire duration of the European project CADDY (Cognitive Autonomous Diving Buddy). This language, the Caddian, was built upon consolidated and standardized underwater gestures that are commonly used in recreational and professional diving. Its use and integration during field tests with a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) is also shown.}, KEYWORDS = {marine robotics, underwater human-robot interaction, gesture-based language, field trials}, PAGES = {19}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1312/6/3/91}, VOLUME = {6}, DOI = {10.3390/jmse6030091}, PUBLISHER = {Molecular Diversity Preservation International (Basel)}, ISSN = {2077-1312}, JOURNAL = {Journal of marine science and engineering}, } @INCOLLECTION{MARCONI_2017_INCOLLECTION_MMC_406349, AUTHOR = {Marconi, L. and Miyares, L. R. and Cutugno, P.}, TITLE = {Características distributivas del español de Cuba a partir del análisis de dos estudios lingüísticos}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un estudio sobre las características distributivas de un subconjunto del español de Cuba; se refiere a la información recogida en el Diccionario Ortográfico del Español -con la exclusión de las lexías complejas y de las locuciones-, o sea de los 7927 lemas que han sido generados a partir de las 93759 palabras flexionadas con sus categorías gramaticales; también se analizarán los datos del Léxico Activo-Funcional del Escolar Cubano para hacer un mapeo de las palabras utilizadas por los escolares. El artículo contiene también una serie de comparaciones de algunas propiedades distributivas derivadas del tratamiento de los datos del DOE con los resultados obtenidos mediante el análisis del Léxico Activo-Funcional del Escolar Cubano. Cuando se habla de propiedades distributivas de una lengua, estas pueden ser consideradas en relación con los lemas, con las diversas palabras flexionadas o con el número de apariciones en un corpus específico. En este artículo nos referiremos a una muestra de lemas y flexiones derivada del Diccionario Ortográfico del Español y solamente a las flexiones del Léxico Activo-Funcional del Escolar Cubano.}, KEYWORDS = {Léxico, escolares, Cuba, propiedades distributivas}, PAGES = {87-111}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/406349}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Ministero de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {978-959-7174-34-9}, BOOKTITLE = {Estudios de Lexicología y Lexicografía Homenaje a Eloína Miyares Bermúdez}, EDITOR = {Miyares, L. R.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MORGAVI_2017_INPROCEEDINGS_MMFMCLC_370916, AUTHOR = {Morgavi, G. and Morando, M. and Ferretti, M. and Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P. and Lucentini, R. and Chiarella, D.}, TITLE = {Active aging: a user centred approach for designing a virtual village network architecture}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {Currently many solutions for domotic housing have been created to provide a better autonomous life for older people and to reduce health and caregiving costs. Unfortunately, assistive technology is often not accepted by old users. This may be due to the technology-oriented approach adopted in designing such systems, which does not consider enough the users' needs. This paper proposes a procedure to design an AAL(Ambient Assisted Living) system to support active aging based on the User-Centred Design approach. A virtual network architecture integrating different solutions have been designed involving final users from the very beginning of the planning stage. The result is a high usable and flexible platform that allows creating user-friendly products as well as services and realizing also high-level functions by integrating data from completely different contexts.}, KEYWORDS = {Virtual Village Network, Active aging, Ambient Assisted Living, User-Centred Design Approach}, PAGES = {5}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/370916}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Ministero de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {9789597174325}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XV° Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social, Eloína Miyares in memoriam}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {23-27/01/2017}, } @INCOLLECTION{MORGAVI_2015_INCOLLECTION_MNMCFCM_333210, AUTHOR = {Morgavi, G. and Nerino, R. and Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P. and Ferraris, C. and Cinini, A. and Morando, M.}, TITLE = {An Integrated Approach to the Well-Being of the Elderly People at Home}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {The paper presents the outline and the preliminary developments of NINFA (iNtelligent Integrated Network For Aged people), a project for the well-being of the elderly people at home. This architecture is based on a service platform suited for elder people called the Virtual Village Network, whose user interface allows to deliver different services at home, namely: user supervision, communication and interaction among users for social inclusion, exergame delivering, monitoring of the wellness status.}, KEYWORDS = {ICT platform, Wellness network services, 3D movement analysis, Linguistic and cognitive analysis, exergames, "at-home" technologies}, PAGES = {265-274}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/333210}, VOLUME = {XIV}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-18374-9_25}, ISBN = {978-3-319-18373-2}, BOOKTITLE = {Springer-Ambient Assisted Living-Italian Forum 2014}, EDITOR = {Andò, P. B. and Siciliano, P. P. and Marletta, P. V. and Monteriù, P. A.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CHIARELLA_2015_INPROCEEDINGS_CBBCRZMC_336688, AUTHOR = {Chiarella, D. and Bibuli, M. and Bruzzone, G. and Caccia, M. and Ranieri, A. and Zereik, E. and Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P.}, TITLE = {Gesture-based Language for Diver-Robot Underwater Interaction}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {Underwater environment is characterized by harsh conditions and is difficult to monitor. The CADDY project deals with the development of a companion robot devoted to support and to monitor human operations and activities during the dive. In this scenario the communication and correct reception of messages between the diver and the robot are essential for success of the dive goals. However, the underwater environment poses a set of technical constraints hardly limiting the communication possibilities. For such reasons the solution proposed is to develop a communication language based on the consolidated and standardized diver gestures, commonly employed during professional and recreational dives, thus leading to the definition of a CADDY language, called CADDIAN, and a communication protocol. This article focuses on the creation of the language providing alphabet, syntax and semantics: future work will explain the part of recognition of gestures that is still in progress.}, KEYWORDS = {gesture language, human robot interaction, mobile robots, underwater environment, marine systems}, PAGES = {9}, URL = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7271710\&filter=AND%28p_Publication_Number:7227859%29}, DOI = {10.1109/OCEANS-Genova.2015.7271710}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE-Genova}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Genova}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {18-21/05/2015}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CHIARELLA_2015_INPROCEEDINGS_CCML_383465, AUTHOR = {Chiarella, D. and Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Lucentini, R.}, TITLE = {Domain-specific languages: a gesture-based approach for Human Robot Interaction in underwater environments}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {This paper introduces a gesture-based language for Human Robot Interaction (HRI) specifically aimed to divers. Divers generally operate in environments with harsh conditions and, at the same time, difficult to monitor; in this scenario, any sudden event can create an emergency situation that may compromise the immersion or even turns into worse consequences involving the safety of divers themselves. To cope with such situations, standard procedures suggest to dive in pairs and to follow well-defined rules to avoid the risk of accidents. However, these procedures may not be sufficient to avoid dangerous events such as failure in the breathing apparatus, burst eardrum, decompression sickness and nitrogen narcosis. FP7 CADDY project was developed to overcome these problems, with the idea to transfer robotics technology in diving: the main aim is improving the level of safety during diving. CADDY project focuses, in fact, on the development of a companion robot designed to support human operations and activities during the dive, as well as to monitor the status of the diver and in such a way to prevent harmful events. Various problems have to be confronted to provide the diver a reliable and useful supporting robotic vehicle: one of them is the development of a communication and interaction methodology that allows the diver and the robot to cooperate actively for the fulfilment of tasks required when diving. Communication and correct reception of messages between the diver and underwater robot are essential for the success of the objectives of immersion. However, the underwater environment poses a number of difficult technical constraints limiting the possibilities of communication (electro-magnetic waves strong attenuation and signal scattering and dispersion). The most reliable solution for underwater communication is acoustic technology, with two main drawbacks: high prices of devices and very low data rates. To solve these issues, the solution proposed is the development of acommunication language (called CADDIAN) based, partly, on the consolidated and standardized diver gestures that are commonly employed during professional and recreational dives.}, KEYWORDS = {domain-specific languages, human robot interaction, gesture-based language, underwater communication}, PAGES = {12}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/383465}, ISBN = {9789597152347}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {IX Conferencia Científica Internacional Lingüística}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {La Habana Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {25-27/11/2015}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CUTUGNO_2015_INPROCEEDINGS_CLMC_304735, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Lucentini, R. and Marconi, L. and Chiarella, D.}, TITLE = {Relaciones sin violencia: lenguaje, estereotipos y sexismo benévolo}, YEAR = {2015}, PAGES = {200-204}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/304735}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Ministero de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {9789597174295}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XIV Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social: retos y perspectivas}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19-23 gennaio 2015}, BOOKTITLE = {Comunicación Social: retos y perspectivas Vol. I°}, EDITOR = {Ruiz Miyares, L. and Muñoz Alvarado, A. and Alvarez Silva, M. R. and Pérez Joa, Y. and Jackson Rodríguez, D.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MARCONI_2015_INPROCEEDINGS_MCLCMM_304763, AUTHOR = {Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P. and Lucentini, R. and Chiarella, D. and Morgavi, G. and Morando, M.}, TITLE = {La tecnología como sostén de la organización de datos lingüísticos concernientes a las plantas medicinales}, YEAR = {2015}, PAGES = {605-609}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/304763}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Ministero de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {9789597174301}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XIV Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social: retos y perspectivas}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19-23 gennaio 2015}, BOOKTITLE = {Comunicación Social: retos y perspectivas Vol. II°}, EDITOR = {Ruiz Miyares, L. and Muñoz Alvarado, A. and Alvarez Silva, M. R. and Pérez Joa, Y. and Jackson Rodríguez, D.}, } @MISC{CININI_2015_MISC_CCM_390864, AUTHOR = {Cinini, A. and Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L.}, TITLE = {Sviluppo di una banca dati strutturata di trascrizioni di parlato di singoli soggetti anziani monitorati nel tempo}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {L'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "Antonio Zampolli" del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ILC-CNR, in qualità di partner del progetto Ninfa "iNtelligent Integrated Network For Aged people" e nell'ambito del WP3 "Analisi e test di implementazione di deficit cognitivo attraverso l'analisi del linguaggio", ha realizzato una banca dati strutturata costituita da un corpus di registrazioni e di trascrizioni dei singoli soggetti anziani monitorati nel tempo.}, KEYWORDS = {Natural Language Processing, Cognitive Impairment, trattamento automatico del linguaggio, analisi del linguaggio}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390864}, } @ARTICLE{CUTUGNO_2014_ARTICLE_CMMCM_282735, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Morgavi, G. and Chiarella, D. and Morando, M.}, TITLE = {Analysis of new collaborative writing within Web 2. 0}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {In recent years, the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 enabled the creation of content by the users of the Network: social networks, blogs, forums, chats and wikis have arisen.. Phenomena, such as collaborative/collective writing, already born at the beginning of the 20th century, found their natural setting, a wide audience of reference of writers and readers in multiple languages within the Web 2.0. In this paper our goal is to verify if and how the characteristics of the textual analysis of narrative plots can be used for the analysis of collaborative narrative texts. In particular, we will check if features like correctness, completeness, consistency and coherence together with tools for statistical analysis of language suitable for analysing the new collaborative writing 2.0.}, PAGES = {91-97}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/282735}, VOLUME = {22}, PUBLISHER = {WSEAS Press (Wisconsin (Stati Uniti d'America), Stati Uniti d'America)}, ISSN = {1790-5109}, JOURNAL = {Recent Advances in Computer Engineering A Series of Reference Books and Textbooks}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CHIARELLA_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_CCMMM_282739, AUTHOR = {Chiarella, D. and Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Morando, M. and Morgavi, G.}, TITLE = {La pesca, la caza, la agricultura y el bosque: una organización de datos lingüísticos por un léxico con referencia al mundo fang}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {El lenguaje es una forma privilegiada de desarrollo de ideas, expresión de sentimientos y conocimientos, enfrentarse con otros y también de cohesión social; el saber es generalmente procesado y transmitido a través del lenguaje. Cada persona está tan acostumbrada a vivir en su propia realidad cultural que la cree universal; cada cultura tiende a ponerse al centro del mundo y considerarse como un punto de referencia y medida de todas las otras. Un fenómeno evidente de la lengua fang es la falta de "palabras - conceptos" en sentido occidental, o palabras que abarcan una cantidad de objetos que tienen características en común.En la estructuración del diccionario hemos elegido algunos elementos de la cultura fang como organización y jerarquía social, constitución de la familia, ámbito económico, ámbito artístico, ámbito literario, ámbito de la medicina; además hemos examinado unos aspectos de la representación del tiempo y del espacio, algunas topologías de danza y juegos y unos elementos descriptivos del bosque.}, KEYWORDS = {Fang Spagnolo lessici specifici}, PAGES = {16}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/282739}, PUBLISHER = {Centro Cultural Africano "Fernando Ortiz (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {9789592840195}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XIII° Conferencia Internacional de Cultura Africana y Afroamericana}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {12-16 Aprile 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MORGAVI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_MNMCFCM_312489, AUTHOR = {Morgavi, G. and Nerino, R. and Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P. and Ferraris, C. and Cinini, A. and Morando, M.}, TITLE = {NINFA iNtelligent Integrated Network For Aged people}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present the NINFA project outline and its preliminary developments. The project is based on a service platform suited for elder people called the Virtual Village Network, whose user interface allows to deliver at home different services. i.e.: user supervision, communication and interaction among users for social inclusion, exergame delivering, monitoring of the wellness status. The preliminary work done on ICT technologies acceptability issues and on the implementation of the User Interface (UI) and of the Human Computer Interface (HCI) is presented. The HCI we developed is particularly suited for elderly people and motor impaired patients because the interaction is managed only by finger/hand gestures and vocal control. Furthermore, the relationship between a sets of motor, linguistic and cognitive parameters evaluated during exergame execution and the wellness status of the user is investigated.}, KEYWORDS = {service platform, elder people, at home services, exergame delivering, tele-monitoring, wellness status, human computer interface}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/312489}, VOLUME = {11}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-18374-9_25}, PUBLISHER = {Springer (London, GBR)}, ISBN = {978-3-319-18374-9}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {5° Forum Italiano per l'Ambient Assisted Living-ForitAAL}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Catania, Italy}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {2-5 Settembre 2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Ambient assisted living, Italian Forum 2014}, EDITOR = {Andò, P. B. and Siciliano, P. P.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CHIARELLA_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_CCMM_304969, AUTHOR = {Chiarella, D. and Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Morgavi, G.}, TITLE = {Trame narrative nel social publishing}, YEAR = {2014}, PAGES = {13-13}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/304969}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {IV Congresso Nazionale CKBG "Tecnologia e Leggerezza" ovvero come rimuovere 'peso' dagli individui, organizzazioni, comunità, città}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pavia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {29-31 gennaio 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CUTUGNO_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_CCLMN_304809, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Chiarella, D. and Lucentini, R. and Marconi, L. and Noberini, S.}, TITLE = {EMOCHA: an everlasting temporary exhibition}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/304809}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {RENEWAL, INNOVATION AND CHANGE: HERITAGE AND EUROPEAN SOCIETY (RICHES) First International Conference}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {4-5 dicembre 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{LUCENTINI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_LCCMNC_304827, AUTHOR = {Lucentini, R. and Chiarella, D. and Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Noberini, S. and Castelletti, S.}, TITLE = {A digital archive for cultural heritage: the case of the Luzzati Museum}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/304827}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {RENEWAL, INNOVATION AND CHANGE: HERITAGE AND EUROPEAN SOCIETY (RICHES) First International Conference}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {4-5 dicembre 2014}, } @TECHREPORT{CHIARELLA_2014_TECHREPORT_CCM_306248, AUTHOR = {Chiarella, D. and Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L.}, TITLE = {D3. 1 Initial list of gestures and syntax}, YEAR = {2014}, PAGES = {1-17}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/306248}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CHIARELLA_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_CCCMMS_282744, AUTHOR = {Chiarella, D. and Cutugno, P. and Cinini, A. and Marconi, L. and Morgavi, G. and Sbrulli, S.}, TITLE = {Análisis de documentos en red sobre la renuncia del Papa Ratzinger y la elección del Papa Francisco}, YEAR = {2013}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/282744}, ISBN = {9789597152194}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {VIII Conferencia Científica Internacional Lingüística}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Habana}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-29 Novembre 2013}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CHIARELLA_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_CCMM_264938, AUTHOR = {Chiarella, D. and Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Morgavi, G.}, TITLE = {Mnemosynet: "una red para seguir los caminos de la memoria colectiva"}, YEAR = {2013}, PAGES = {390-394}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/264938}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Ministero de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {9789597174226}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social: Actualizaciones en Comunicación Social}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {21-25 gennaio 2013}, BOOKTITLE = {Actualizaciones en Comunicación Social-Vol. I}, EDITOR = {Ruiz Miyares, L. and Álvarez Silva, M. R. and Muñoz Alvarado, A.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MARCONI_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_MCCMS_282745, AUTHOR = {Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P. and Chiarella, D. and Morgavi, G. and Sassi, M.}, TITLE = {Análisis de Blogs y Temas en "Narrarsi in rete: linguaggi a confronto"}, YEAR = {2013}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/282745}, ISBN = {9789597152194}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {VIII Conferencia Científica Internacional Lingüística}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Habana}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-29 Novembre 2013}, } @INCOLLECTION{CAVIONI_2012_INCOLLECTION_CCMRZ_264766, AUTHOR = {Cavioni, V. and Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Renati, R. and Zanetti, M. A.}, TITLE = {Essere e apparire: le identità digitali costruite in rete}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {Identità, apprendimento e comunità sono parole chiavi attraverso cui è possibile capire la portata innovativa che i nuovi ambienti di comunicazione on line stanno apportando alla vita sociale, culturale e privata di coloro che entrano in rete. In quest'ottica, il volume analizza i processi di interazione on line, di identità digitali, di comunità virtuali, con particolare riferimento ad ambienti e strumenti tecnologici di diverso tipo: forum, blog, Facebook. L'accesso ad Internet permette agli individui l'ingresso in uno spazio, non solo digitale, ma anche psicologico. La possibilità di comunicare senza vincoli di tempo e di spazio attraverso molteplici modalità comunicative permette alle persone di sentirsi realmente parte di una comunità all'interno della quale ogni "mente" è collegata alle altre. L'identità online non è soltanto definita dalle caratteristiche auto-attribuite da un utente a sé stesso, ma essa risulta determinata dai feedback di risposta dagli altri utenti, i quali danno ulteriori significati ai contenuti online in risposta a comportamenti agiti nel cyberspazio. Nella rete, quindi, è possibile rinegoziare la propria struttura identitaria, attraverso continui processi di differenziazione/identificazione, riflessioni e narrazioni di Sé nella comunità virtuale. Il linguaggio, come sistema di simboli volontariamente prodotti e attraverso il quale si esprime e realizza la comunicazione all'interno di una determinata comunità o gruppo sociale, costituisce indubbiamente un elemento essenziale dei processi di costruzione dell'identità. E' interessante esplorare nello specifico le modalità di scrittura, in particolare i testi online prodotti dalle giovani generazioni al fine identificarne i tratti salienti integrando gli aspetti di analisi linguistica con quelli maggiormente di tipo psicologico. L'obiettivo è stato quello di esplorare le modalità di scrittura dei giovani, identificandone similarità e specificità con i modi tradizionali di comunicare. Nello specifico è stata condotta un'analisi relativa agli aspetti linguistici e psicologici propri della scrittura in rete prodotta nei blog.}, KEYWORDS = {conoscenza, linguistica, media education, didattica, formazione}, PAGES = {105-123}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/264766}, VOLUME = {9788856845891}, PUBLISHER = {Franco Angeli Edizioni (Roma-Milano, ITA)}, ISBN = {9788856845891}, BOOKTITLE = {Identità, apprendimento e comunità virtuali. Strumenti e attività on line}, EDITOR = {Albanese, O. and Ligorio, M. B. and Zanetti, M. A.}, } @INCOLLECTION{MORGAVI_2012_INCOLLECTION_MMMC_186569, AUTHOR = {Morgavi, G. and Marconi, L. and Morando, M. and Cutugno, P.}, TITLE = {From human creative cognitive processes to adaptable artificial system design}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {In epigenetic robotics, a new research field, interdisciplinary theory and empirical evidences are used to inform adaptive robotic models, and, vice-versa, these models can be used as tools to make experimental predictions in developmental psychology. A truly autonomous robot should be capable of evolving and `growing up' through experience. Following different psychological points of view, growing up implies a knowledge creative process called: change of functional meaning; increased complexity; enlargement of the internal knowledge map; abstraction and insight. To understand this creative process, we organized an experiment with pre-school children diving with the abstraction process. The cognitive development of children of this age do not include the ability of abstraction, but they are able to explain the process they are thinking. Forty-two metaphoric sentences have been proposed to eight working-groups, of nine to ten children each, asking for their abstracted meanings. After a preliminary "brainstorming" phase , where the free creative associations were prevalent, we addressed children's attention towards the individuation of the metaphoric meaning. The process has been recorded and then we analyzed and classified the answers. Collective speech have been analyzed to compensate the individual differences. The children disclosure was mostly driven by their value system, their motivations and their emotions. They tried many different strategies to reach the abstract meaning, starting from their concrete knowledge and experiences. Each children followed a set of thinking paths that resulted in some very interesting suggestions for the architecture of an adaptive and evolving robot: i.e. the importance of multi-sensor perception, motivation and emotional drives are underlined and, the growing up insights shows similarities to emergent self-organized behaviours.}, KEYWORDS = {epigenetis robotics, growing up, abstraction}, PAGES = {133-145}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-84892171708\&origin=inward}, DOI = {10.4324/9780203325988}, PUBLISHER = {Psychology Press (London, GBR)}, ISBN = {9780203325988}, BOOKTITLE = {Attention, Representation, and Human Performance: Integration of Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation}, EDITOR = {Slim, M. M. and Dai David, Y. and Abdelmajid, N.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CUTUGNO_2011_INPROCEEDINGS_CCZMM_264929, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Chiarella, D. and Zini, V. and Marconi, L. and Morgavi, G.}, TITLE = {CorLES: Corpus e Lessico Elementare Scritto. Realización de un corpus y léxico del italiano escrito en las escuelas}, YEAR = {2011}, PAGES = {935-938}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/264929}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Ministero de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {9789597174196}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social: Comunicación Social en el siglo XXI}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {SANTIAGO DE CUBA}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {17-21 gennaio 2011}, BOOKTITLE = {Comunicación Social en el siglo XXI-Vol. II}, EDITOR = {Ruiz Miyares, L. and Alvarez Silva, M. R.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CUTUGNO_2011_INPROCEEDINGS_CZCM_264928, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Zini, V. and Chiarella, D. and Marconi, L.}, TITLE = {To tell oneself on the web: the case of the teenager blog}, YEAR = {2011}, PAGES = {939-943}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/264928}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Ministero de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {9789597174196}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social: Comunicación Social en el siglo XXI}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {SANTIAGO DE CUBA}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {17-21 gennaio 2011}, BOOKTITLE = {Comunicación Social en el siglo XXI-Vol. II}, EDITOR = {Ruiz Miyares, L. and Alvarez Silva, M. R.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CUTUGNO_2011_INPROCEEDINGS_CCZRMZCA_304915, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Cavioni, V. and Zanetti, M. A. and Renati, R. and Marconi, L. and Zini, V. and Chiarella, D. and Aloisio, V.}, TITLE = {Blog, identità virtuale, narrazione, analisi linguistica, adolescenza}, YEAR = {2011}, PAGES = {91-91}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/304915}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CKGB Terzo Congresso Nazionale "Empowerment, Formazione e Tecnologie. L'individuo, il Gruppo e l'Organizzazione"}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Bari}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {6-8 Aprile 2011}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MORGAVI_2009_INPROCEEDINGS_MMCMTB_167344, AUTHOR = {Morgavi, G. and Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P. and Morando, M. and Turrini, G. and Baroni, P.}, TITLE = {WIKIMEMO: A Portal for Italian Language and Culture Heritage Conservation}, YEAR = {2009}, ABSTRACT = {Since 150 years Italian people migrated abroad. Today the community with people with Italian origin add up to 10 million of people, including immigrant descendants in different countries. For these community the link with their original root can be useful for maintaining the self identity. In this paper we present the architecture for the design of Wikimemo, a portal for Italian Language and Culture Heritage conservation. From one side it aims to supply instruments to retrieve the records of the immigration experiences allowing their story telling through voices, sounds, pictures, documents, objects, from the others it offers didactical instruments (like texts, frequency lexicon, form vocabulary, anagrams lists etc.) useful for ameliorating the language knowledge. The whole project is focused on the autobiographical writing, the importance of free sharing of experiences and memories, of linguistic and cultural resources, of tools supporting the Italian language learning. The problems connected with the importance of a friendly user interface and of the usage of security tools is underlined.}, KEYWORDS = {Patrimonio Culturale, Italiano}, PAGES = {298-302}, URL = {http://www.santiago.cu/hosting/linguistica/descargar.php?d=634}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de linguística aplicada, Ministerio de ciencia, tecnología y medio ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {978-959-7174-14-1}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XI simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19-23 gennaio 2009}, BOOKTITLE = {Actas, XI Simposio Internacional Comunicación Social}, EDITOR = {Alvarez Silva, M. R. and Alvares Moreno, C. and Ruiz Miyares, L.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MORGAVI_2009_INPROCEEDINGS_MMMC_79934, AUTHOR = {Morgavi, G. and Marconi, L. and Morando, M. and Cutugno, P.}, TITLE = {From creative cognitive learning to adaptable artificial system design}, YEAR = {2009}, ABSTRACT = {Background: Over the last decade, a number of researchers have suggested a developmental perspective on AI and robotics. The ultimate shared goal among them seems to be the idea of bootstrapping high-level cognition through a process in which the agent interacts with a real physical environment over extended periods of time [2]. These studies generated epigenetic robotics, a new AI/ robotics field which includes the two-fold goal of understanding biological systems by the interdisciplinary integration between social/life and engineering sciences and, simultaneously, that of enabling robots and other artificial systems to autonomously develop skills for any particular environment (instead of programming them to solve particular goals for a specific environment). Interdisciplinary theory and empirical evidence are used to inform epigenetic robotic models, and these models can be used as theoretical tools to make experimental predictions in developmental psychology and other disciplines studying cognitive development in living systems. One of the fundamental methodological assumptions is that cognition is embodied, which means that it arises from bodily interactions with the real world[1]. The next logical step along the road towards truly autonomous robots that can dive in unpredictable environments is to investigate how one might design robots that are capable of `growing up' through experience. A living artifact grows up when its capabilities, abilities/knowledge, shift to a further level of complexity [3]. Following different psychological points of view, growing up implies: adaptation, change of functional meaning; increased complexity; enlargement of the internal knowledge map; abstraction and insight.}, KEYWORDS = {creative processes, abstraction, growing up}, PAGES = {257-260}, URL = {http://www.isefc.rnu.tn/cem09/Downloads/Cem09_Abstracts_Book.pdf}, ISBN = {978-9973-13-009-9}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CEM09 International Congress on Cognition, Emotion \& Motivation}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Hammamet, Tunisia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {2-5 Novembre 2009}, EDITOR = {Masmoudi, S. and Naceur, A.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ZAMPONI_2009_INPROCEEDINGS_ZMCM_84745, AUTHOR = {Zamponi, R. and Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P. and Morgavi, G.}, TITLE = {La lengua fang de la oralidad al diccionario: cuestiones y problemas atados a la realización de un diccionario bilingüe fang-español y español-fang}, YEAR = {2009}, ABSTRACT = {El fang es una lengua bantú de Africa centro-occidental a tradición oral y a fuerte fragmentación dialectal, sin un estandard y una norma ortográfica de referencia, que mustra hoy día, en Guinea Ecuatorial, país en que reside más allá de la mitad de los suyos ca. 450.000 hablantes, señales de desintegración bajo el empuje del español (lengua oficial y hegemónica). En las notas que siguen se delinean algunas cuestiones y problemas emergidos en la compilación de un diccionario bilingue fang-español y español-fang atados a el estatus sociolinguístico del fang, a la ausencia de estudios gramaticales detallados y de diccionarios modernos de esta lengua y, en fin, a la tradución del material léxico recogido por nosotros.}, KEYWORDS = {Lingua Fang}, PAGES = {553-556}, URL = {http://www.santiago.cu/hosting/linguistica/descargar.php?d=791}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de linguística aplicada, Ministerio de ciencia, tecnología y medio ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {978-959-7174-14-1}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XI simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19-23 gennaio 2009}, BOOKTITLE = {Actas, XI Simposio Internacional Comunicación Social}, EDITOR = {Alvarez Silva, M. R. and Alvares Moreno, C. and Ruiz Miyares, L.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MORGAVI_2009_INPROCEEDINGS_MMMC_184927, AUTHOR = {Morgavi, G. and Marconi, L. and Morando, M. and Cutugno, P.}, TITLE = {From creative cognitive learning to adaptable artificial system design}, YEAR = {2009}, ABSTRACT = {Background: Over the last decade, a number of researchers have suggested a developmental perspective on AI and robotics. The ultimate shared goal among them seems to be the idea of bootstrapping high-level cognition through a process in which the agent interacts with a real physical environment over extended periods of time [2]. These studies generated epigenetic robotics, a new AI/ robotics field which includes the two-fold goal of understanding biological systems by the interdisciplinary integration between social/life and engineering sciences and, simultaneously, that of enabling robots and other artificial systems to autonomously develop skills for any particular environment (instead of programming them to solve particular goals for a specific environment). Interdisciplinary theory and empirical evidence are used to inform epigenetic robotic models, and these models can be used as theoretical tools to make experimental predictions in developmental psychology and other disciplines studying cognitive development in living systems. One of the fundamental methodological assumptions is that cognition is embodied, which means that it arises from bodily interactions with the real world[1]. The next logical step along the road towards truly autonomous robots that can dive in unpredictable environments is to investigate how one might design robots that are capable of `growing up' through experience. A living artifact grows up when its capabilities, abilities/knowledge, shift to a further level of complexity [3]. Following different psychological points of view, growing up implies: adaptation, change of functional meaning; increased complexity; enlargement of the internal knowledge map; ; abstraction and insight.}, KEYWORDS = {creative processes, abstraction, growing up}, PAGES = {257-260}, URL = {http://www.isefc.rnu.tn/cem09/Downloads/Cem09_Abstracts_Book.pdf}, ISBN = {978-9973-13-009-9}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CEM09 International Congress on Cognition, Emotion \& Motivation}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Hammamet, Tunisia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {2-5 Novembre 2009}, BOOKTITLE = {Cognition Emotion Motivation Percept-Concept-Decision: Application to Learning Activities}, EDITOR = {Masmoudi, S. and Naceur, A.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CUTUGNO_2007_INPROCEEDINGS_CMMM_172459, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Morgavi, G. and Morando, M.}, TITLE = {CoLFIS: sistemas de interrogación online}, YEAR = {2007}, ABSTRACT = {CoLFIS: sistemas de interrogación online. CoLFIS es una base de datos de la lengua italiana escrita de 3.798.275 palabras, formada de textos escritos de varios generes pesados oportunamente y selecionados en tres distintos sectores: diarios, periodicos y libros. El producto realizado representa el italiano leido mas bien que toda la lengua italiana escrita. Esta eleccion se justifica en cuanto se deseaba construir un corpus, y en consecuencia un lexico de frecuencia, que se acercara los mas posible al lexico mental de un hablante de media cultura y no a un diccionario de la lengua italiana. Los diarios con 1.836.119 palabras se han extraido de los tres diarios mas importantes y leidos en Italia: Il Corriere Della Sera, Repubblica, La Stampa. En cada diario se han elegidos textos de 9 diferentes subsectores: economia, cronica local, cronica mundana, cronica negra, politica exterior, politica interior, ciencia, espectaculo y deporte. El sector de los periodicos es constituido por 1.306.653 palabras elejdas entre 12 differentes subsectores: arte-ciencia-tecnica, auto-nautica, ninos-muchachos, casa-hobby, femenino, fotonovelas, informacion general, cronica mundana, radio-television, deporte, viajes-ecologia y otro. El sector de los libros es constituido por 655.503 palabras elejdas entre 13 generos literarios: arte, ninos, ficcion, gialli espionaje, hobby y viajes, narrativa clasica, narrativa moderna, rosa, ensaystica, ciencias naturales y exactas, ciencias sociales y humanas, teatro y poesia. El corpus CoLFIS ha sido sometido a una lematizacion completa y se han desarrollado paquetes software de analisis estadistico para producir los lexicos de frecuencia relativos al corpus total y a los distintos sectores para cada lema y formas relativas. . En este trabajo seran explicados los metodos de interogacion realizados para ayudar el usuario que quiere acercarse al corpus, puesto a disposicion en internet, y obtener informaciones del corpus, del corpus con lematizacion, de los lexicos de frecuencia. Ademas se ensenarà un estudio sobre los adverbios derivados, es decir los adverbios que terminan en -mente, como ejemplo de posibles investigaciones permitidas del material linguistico y del sistema de interogacion a disposicion. Se presenteran los porcentajes de las distintas tipologias adverbiales y se analizara la posicion del adverbio en la oracion buscando evaluar sus posibilidades combinatorias.}, KEYWORDS = {Corpora, Lessico, Italiano}, PAGES = {505-510}, URL = {http://www.santiago.cu/hosting/linguistica/descargar.php?d=425}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de linguística aplicada, Ministerio de ciencia, tecnología y medio ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {959-7174-08-1}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {X Simposio Internacional Comunicacion Social}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {22-26 gennaio 2007}, BOOKTITLE = {Actas-I X Simposio Internacional Comunicación Social}, EDITOR = {Miyares, L. R. and Alvarado, A. M. and Moreno, C. A.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MORGAVI_2007_INPROCEEDINGS_MMMC_168916, AUTHOR = {Morgavi, G. and Morando, M. and Marconi, L. and Cutugno, P.}, TITLE = {Instruments for evaluating communication processes}, YEAR = {2007}, ABSTRACT = {When humans want to use language to communicate orally with each other, they are faced with a sort of coordination problem: no one monopolizes the floor but the participants take turns to speak. This important concept in linguistic interaction is called "turn-taking". Recent studies showed that turn taking depends on whether speakers have a specific task and role. Often the turn taking is guided by a set of rules that speakers in a conversation adhere to. In the Psychological interviews, i.e., speakers have a non-symmetric role in the conversation; one speaker is supposed to provide information about a certain task, while the other speaker should carefully listen to the interviewee, giving a set of accepting feedbacks. Usually, we evaluate this whole communication process focusing our attention on semantic meanings of pronounced words, but actually this analysis cannot be automatically performed. In this paper we propose the extraction of some information on the evolution of the interview process through simple turn taking quantitative measurements. Over 1000 research interviews made from students during their psychology university course have been analyzed. Each whole interview process has been considered as a complex system evolving in the time. Our approach founds on analogies between interviews and mathematical chaotic processes. The proposed procedure allows the extraction of information on the conversation evolution: phase portraits with anomalous paths indicate situations where the communication has been troubled from external references. Some parameters showing very good indication on the process evolution are proposed.}, KEYWORDS = {turn taking, chaotic modeling, linguistic interaction}, PAGES = {485-489}, URL = {http://www.santiago.cu/hosting/linguistica/descargar.php?d=415}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de linguística aplicada, Ministerio de ciencia, tecnología y medio ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {959-7174-08-1}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {X Simposio Internacional Comunicacion Social}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {22-26 Gennaio}, BOOKTITLE = {ACTAS-I X Simposio Internacional Comunicacion Social}, EDITOR = {Miyares, L. R. and Alvarado, A. M. and Moreno, C. A.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CUTUGNO_2005_INPROCEEDINGS_CMRR_175675, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Ratti, D. and Rolando, C.}, TITLE = {Informaciones estadísticas en CALIS: Corpus y Archivo Léxical del Italiano Escrito}, YEAR = {2005}, ABSTRACT = {Informaciones estadísticas en CALIS: Corpus y Archivo Léxical del Italiano Escrito. CALIS es una base de datos de la lengua italiana escrita de 3.798.275 palabras y esta formada de textos escritos de varios generes pesados oportunamente y selecionados en tres distintos sectores: diaros, periodicos y libros. Este producto representa el italiano efectivamente leido mas bien que toda la lengua italiana escrita. Esta eleccion se justifica en cuanto se deseaba construir un corpus, y en consecuencia un lexico de frecuencia, que se acercara los mas posible al lexico mental de un hablante de media cultura y no a un diccionario de la lengua italiana. Los diarios con 1.836.119 palabras estan extraido de tres diarios que son los mas importantes y leidos en Italia: Il Corriere Della Sera, Repubblica, La Stampa. En cada diario se han elegidos textos de 9 diferentes subsectores: economia, cronica local, cronica mundana, cronica negra, politica exterior, politica interior, ciencia, espectaculo y deporte. El sector de los periodicos esta constituido por 1.306.653 palabras elejdas entre 12 differentes subsectores: arte-ciencia-tecnica, auto-nautica, ninos-muchachos, casa-hobby, feminil, fotonovelas, informacion general, cronica mundana, radio-television, deporte, viajes-ecologia y otro. El sector de los libros esta constituido por 655.503 palabras elejdas entre 13 generos literarios: arte, ninos, fantascienza, gialli espionaje, hobby y viajes, narrativa clasica, narrativa moderna, rosa, ensaystica, ciencias naturales y exactas, ciencias sociales y humanas, teatro y poesia. En este trabajo se analizan las informaciones extraidas del lexico de frecuencia del corpus lematizado de CALIS (Corpus e Archivio Lessicale Italiano Scritto) relativamente a las diferentes categorias gramaticales, a los datos de frecuencia y de dispercion de cada lemma y de cada forma en los distintos sectores y subsectores. Se efectuan por algunos sectores analisis sobre el acrecentamiento de las formas/lemas con el fin de efectuar una evaluacion sobre las posibles y corectas dimensiones de un corpus para ser representativo de la lengua analizada.}, KEYWORDS = {Italiano, Analisi Statistica, Lessico di Frequenza}, PAGES = {361-365}, URL = {http://www.santiago.cu/hosting/linguistica/descargar.php?d=194}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de linguística aplicada, Ministerio de ciencia, tecnología y medio ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {959-7174-04-9}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {IX Simposio Internacional Comunicación Social}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {24-28 Gennaio 2005}, BOOKTITLE = {Actas-I IX Simposio Internacional Comunicación Social}, EDITOR = {Moreno, C. A. and Bolaños, J. P. and Rojas, L. H. and Miyares, L. R.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MARCONI_2005_INPROCEEDINGS_MRRC_84581, AUTHOR = {Marconi, L. and Ratti, D. and Rolando, C. and Cutugno, P.}, TITLE = {Hemeroteca telemática: instrumento para la organizacion y la circulación de la información}, YEAR = {2005}, ABSTRACT = {En estos últimos anos los progresos tecnológicos han aumentado, de forma exponencial, la capacidad de transmitir la información y han facilitado también la posibilidad de archivar los datos y recuperarlos. La hemeroteca telemática es una propuesta para el desarrollo y la realización de un archivo digital exhaustivo de todos los diarios italianos por medio de tecnologías adelantadas que faciliten el acceso, el recupero y la utilización de la información. La exhaustividad del archivo y la metodología de acceso a la informacion son las características principales del proyecto. La característica de la hemeroteca actual es de estar formada por un material muy deteriorable cual el papel, especialmente el papel usado para los diarios, muy sutil y sometido a usura en la sustancia y en el color. Las películas han resuelto el problema de la conservación de los datos pero solo parcialmente sea por los costes muy altos sea porque no representan un real auxilio a la búsqueda de la información. La realización de una hemeroteca digital podría ser además un ejemplo de prueba para el desarrollo de metodologías y instrumentos lingüísticos en sectores especializados de la información. De hecho los diarios representan un sector de la información bastante bien estructurado ya que están divididos en planas según el contenido, crónica, política del interior y del exterior, deporte, cultura, entretenimiento, etc.; además llevan informaciones de tipo no textual como fotos y viñitas satíricas que constituyen parte integrante de la información. De otro lado la mayor facilidad de acceso a enormes cantidades de información no significa que la información sea realmente utilizable por los expertos del sector o por el público. La explosión de la información en la red ha bien puesto en evidencia el problema de la saturación del canal por falta de instrumentos y estrategias aptos a la búsqueda y selección de la información pertinente. Una base de datos de la información periodística podría en fin constituir un archivo viviente, una testificación de la sociedad, un recurso esencial y altamente eficiente para nuestro país también desde un punto de vista económico, una empresa capaz de producir nuevos posibilidades trabajo y nuevas competencias, un instrumento en condiciones de contestar adecuadamente al desafió de la globalización. En nuestro estudio se analiza la metodología para la construcción de una hemeroteca italiana, se evidencian los problemas, se hace algunas hipótesis hacia las soluciones y se traza el camino para dar empuje a esta obra.}, KEYWORDS = {Italiano, Quotidiani, Emeroteca}, PAGES = {601-604}, URL = {http://www.santiago.cu/hosting/linguistica/descargar.php?d=211}, PUBLISHER = {Centro de linguística aplicada, Ministerio de ciencia, tecnología y medio ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB)}, ISBN = {959-7174-05-7}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {IX Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {24-28 Gennaio 2005}, BOOKTITLE = {Actas-II IX Simposio Internacional Comunicación Social}, EDITOR = {Moreno, C. A. and Bolaños, J. P. and Rojas, L. H. and Miyares, L. R. and Gutiérrez, Y. C.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CUTUGNO_2003_INPROCEEDINGS_CMMRRR_84566, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Miyares, B. E. and Ratti, D. and Rolando, C. and Ruiz, M. L.}, TITLE = {Thesaurus electrónico Italiano-Español: Instrumento hipertextual para la enseñanza y la traducción automatizada asistida en ambas lenguas}, YEAR = {2003}, PAGES = {585-587}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/84566}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {VIII Simposio Internacional de Comunicacion Social}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {2003}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CUTUGNO_2003_INPROCEEDINGS_CMRR_84558, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Ratti, D. and Rolando, C.}, TITLE = {VI e-book: gramática del verbo italiano}, YEAR = {2003}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/84558}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {VIII Simposio Internacional de Comunicacion Social}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Santiago de Cuba}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {2003}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CUTUGNO_2003_INPROCEEDINGS_CMRR_84565, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Ratti, D. and Rolando, C.}, TITLE = {The usability of e-book technology for the treatment of linguistic data}, YEAR = {2003}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/84565}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Advances in Technology-Based Education: Toward a Knowledge-Based Society II International Conference on Multimedia ICT's in Education}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Badajoz (Spagna)}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {2003}, } @MISC{CUTUGNO_2003_MISC_CMRR_157360, AUTHOR = {Cutugno, P. and Marconi, L. and Ratti, D. and Rolando, C.}, TITLE = {Il linguaggio burocratico e l'uso del computer}, YEAR = {2003}, KEYWORDS = {linguaggio, semplificazione, lessico}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/157360}, }