[{"id":362238,"last_updated":"2024-01-16 16:10:37","id_people":485252,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"book_chapter","type_order":2,"type_people":"bookPart","title":"An interface for linking ancient languages","year":2024,"authors_people":"Michele Mallia, Michela Bandini, Valeria Quochi","authors_cnr":["Mallia, Michele","Bandini, Michela","Quochi, Valeria"],"authors_cnr_id":["11893"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Mallia, M.","Bandini, M.","Quochi, V."],"abstract":"The paper focuses on the linking potentials offered by the EpiLexO web-based front-end for the creation and editing of an ecosystem of digital resources for ancient languages, developed in the context of a project on the languages of fragmentary attestation of ancient Italy. The focus is particularly on mechanisms introduced for linking lexical information to other information bits either internally or externally, e.g. for creating attestations by linking lexical forms to their variants in relevant inscriptions, as well as for linking lexical data to external independent LOD datasets available on a remote endpoint. Finally, in the conclusions, we briefly introduce some future planned or desired enhancements as well as the final platform component, a parallel interface that constitutes the fruition application, which will be open to anyone on the web and will allow for browsing, searching, cross-querying and visualising the created set of interlinked resources.","keywords":["eLexicography","Ancient languages","Linguistic Linked Open Data","Digital historical linguistics"],"pages":"1-12","url":"https:\/\/publications.cnr.it\/doc\/485252","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"Kiril Simov and Petya Osenova","editors":["Simov, K.","Osenova, P."],"published":"Proceedings of the CLaDA-BG 2023 Conference: Language Technologies and Digital Humanities: Resources and Applications (LTaDH-RA), Sofia, Bulgaria, 10-12 May 2023","publisher":"CEUR-WS. org (Aachen, DEU)","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":366734,"last_updated":"2024-01-11 08:33:24","id_people":491319,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"misc","type_order":12,"type_people":"other","title":"EpiLexO-User Manual","year":2024,"authors_people":"Michela Bandini Valeria Quochi","authors_cnr":["Bandini, Michela","Quochi, Valeria"],"authors_cnr_id":["11893"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Bandini, M.","Quochi, V."],"abstract":"This document contains a user manual for EpiLexO, a specialized web platform designed for the creation and editing of lexical resources, associated evidence, references, and relevant bibliography of fragmentary languages of ancient Italy such as Oscan, Faliscan, and Venetic in the context of the project: Languages and Cultures of Ancient Italy. Historical Linguistics and Digital Models (PRIN 2017XJLE8J). The platform, a single-page web application, includes several sections, each of which provides functionality for generating or editing lexical resources and establishing connections and links between their elements and different sets of internal and external resources. This User Manual aims to help users understand the interface by illustrating its functions with step-by-step instructions, examples, and troubleshooting guidance. Its target audience includes historical linguists, digital humanists and epigraphists whose research is based on linguistics and philology.","keywords":["Digital Epigraphy","Restsprachen","Lexicon Linking","Ancient Languages","eLexicography","User Manual","Interface"],"pages":"1-77","url":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.5281\/zenodo.10475219","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132495,"last_updated":"2023-07-06 10:49:06","id_people":463923,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"journal_article","type_order":0,"type_people":"article","title":"Commerce Num\u00e9rique: traffic signals for the crossroads between cultures","year":2021,"authors_people":"Ouafae Nahli; Antonietta Sanna; Michela Bandini; and Federico Boschetti","authors_cnr":["Bandini, Michela","Boschetti, Federico","Nahli, Ouafae"],"authors_cnr_id":["14630","18787"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Nahli, O.","Sanna, A.","Bandini, M.","Boschetti, F."],"abstract":"Commerce is a literary French journal founded by Princess Margherita Caetani, involving three prestigious collaborators: Paul Val\u00e9ry, L\u00e9on-Paul Fargue, Val\u00e9ry Larbaud. It is composed by 29 volumes published between 1924 and 1932. Each volume collects different literary material of various well-known and unknown writers as poems or novels, translating some of the most important authors like Joyce, T.S. Eliot, Pirandello, Ungaretti, Saint-John Perse, Rilke, Hofmannsthal. Considering the historical, literary, and cultural importance of the Commerce journal, our project \"Commerce num\u00e9rique\" aims to digitize and to make the journal contents freely available online to both the general public and the research community. This article presents how the journal was encoded. Also, we give importance to the coding of poems present in Commerce. Indeed, some poems are original in another language and they are accompanied by their French translation. Other poems are a French-translated form without original text. In order to fully and accurately express the phenomena and their structures, we have adopted some aspects of the TEI framework, which we will explain in detail. Particular attention was paid to the French translation of a Moroccan Arabic poem from the 13th century. On the one hand, the original Arabic poetry is interesting because it presents some aspects of the Moroccan dialect and some aspects of the oral text. On the other hand, the study and the encoding of Arabic poetry in parallel to its translation highlight some important structural differences between Arabic poetry and Western poetry.","keywords":["Commerce Journal","OCR","TEI encoding","literary journal","digital resources","Arabic poetry"],"pages":"36-45","url":"https:\/\/innove.org\/ijist\/index.php\/ijist\/article\/view\/193","volume":"5","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"International Journal of Information Science and Technology","publisher":"[El Mohajir Mohammed] ([S. l. ], Marocco)","issn":"2550-5114","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""}]