[{"id":359398,"last_updated":"2023-07-12 11:20:03","id_people":484278,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"technical_report","type_order":8,"type_people":"report","title":"DEEPHEALTH-D6. 2 Validation of DeepHealth platforms and use cases","year":2022,"authors_people":"Franco Alberto Cardillo et al","authors_cnr":["Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":["17547"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Cardillo, F. A."],"abstract":"Final report on the validation of DeepHealth platforms and use cases (WP6, T6.2)","keywords":["Artificial Intelligence HPC Machine Learning"],"pages":"","url":"https:\/\/publications.cnr.it\/doc\/484278","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":297419,"last_updated":"2022-06-10 08:50:13","id_people":458770,"institutes":["ILC","ISTI"],"type":"journal_article","type_order":0,"type_people":"article","title":"Fuzzy OWL-Boost: learning fuzzy concept inclusions via real-valued boosting","year":2021,"authors_people":"Cardillo F.A.; Straccia U.","authors_cnr":["Straccia, Umberto","Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":["625","17547"],"authors_cnr_institute":["074","048"],"authors":["Cardillo, F. A.","Straccia, U."],"abstract":"OWL ontologies are nowadays a quite popular way to describe structured knowledge in terms of classes, relations among classes and class instances. In this paper, given an OWL ontology and a target class T, we address the problem of learning fuzzy concept inclusion axioms that describe sufficient conditions for being an individual instance of T (and to which degree). To do so, we present FUZZY OWL-BOOST that relies on the Real AdaBoost boosting algorithm adapted to the (fuzzy) OWL case. We illustrate its effectiveness by means of an experimentation with several ontologies.","keywords":["OWL Ontology","Machine Learning","Fuzzy Logic","Boosting"],"pages":"164-186","url":"https:\/\/www.sciencedirect.com\/science\/article\/abs\/pii\/S0165011421002426","volume":"438","doi":"10.1016\/j.fss.2021.07.002","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"Fuzzy sets and systems","publisher":"North-Holland (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi)","issn":"0165-0114","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132347,"last_updated":"2020-09-07 11:13:25","id_people":421741,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"book_chapter","type_order":2,"type_people":"bookPart","title":"Psycho-computational modelling of the mental lexicon","year":2020,"authors_people":"Pirrelli, Vito; Marzi, Claudia; Ferro, Marcello; Cardillo, Franco Alberto; Baayen, Harald R.; Milin, Petar","authors_cnr":["Pirrelli, Vito","Marzi, Claudia","Ferro, Marcello","Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","8389","11870","17547"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Pirrelli, V.","Marzi, C.","Ferro, M.","Cardillo, F. A.","Baayen, H. R.","Milin, P."],"abstract":"Over the last decades, a growing body of evidence on the mechanisms governing lexical storage, access, acquisition and processing has questioned traditional models of language architecture and word usage based on the hypothesis of a direct correspondence between modular components of grammar competence (lexicon vs. rules), processing correlates (memory vs. computation) and neuro-anatomical localizations (prefrontal vs. temporo-parietal perisylvian areas of the left hemisphere). In the present chapter, we explore the empirical and theoretical consequences of a distributed, integrative model of the mental lexicon, whereby words are seen as emergent properties of the functional interaction between basic, language-independent processing principles and the language- specific nature and organization of the input. From this perspective, language learning appears to be inextricably related to the way language is processed and internalized by the speakers, and key to an interdisciplinary understanding of such a way, in line with Tomaso Poggio's suggestion that the development of a cognitive skill is causally and ontogenetically prior to its execution (and sits \"on top of it\"). In particular, we discuss conditions, potential and prospects of the epistemological continuity between psycholinguistic and computational modelling of word learning, and illustrate the yet largely untapped potential of their integration. We use David Marr's hierarchy to clarify the complementarity of the two viewpoints. Psycholinguistic models are informative about how speakers learn to use language (interfacing Marr's levels 1 and 2). When we move from the psycholinguistic analysis of the functional operations involved in language learning to an algorithmic description of how they are computed, computer simulations can help us explore the relation between speakers' behavior and general learning principles in more detail. In the end, psycho-computational models can be instrumental to bridge Marr's levels 2 and 3, bringing us closer to understanding the nature of word knowledge in the brain.","keywords":["mental lexicon","word storage and processing","psycholinguistics","computational linguistics","connectionist models","discriminative learning"],"pages":"23-82","url":"https:\/\/www.degruyter.com\/view\/book\/9783110440577\/10.1515\/9783110440577-002.xml","volume":"337","doi":"10.1515\/9783110440577-002","editors_people":"Vito Pirrelli, Ingo Plag and Wolfgang U. Dressler","editors":["Pirrelli, V.","Plag, I.","Dressler, W. U."],"published":"Word Knowledge and Word Usage","publisher":"De Gruyter Saur (Berlin\/Munich, DEU)","issn":"","isbn":"9783110440577","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132368,"last_updated":"2020-12-03 19:21:42","id_people":428576,"institutes":["ILC","ISTI"],"type":"technical_report","type_order":8,"type_people":"report","title":"Fuzzy OWL-BOOST: Learning Fuzzy Concept Inclusions via Real-Valued Boosting","year":2020,"authors_people":"Cardillo F.A.; Straccia U.","authors_cnr":["Straccia, Umberto","Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":["625","17547"],"authors_cnr_institute":["074","048"],"authors":["Cardillo, F. A.","Straccia, U."],"abstract":"OWL ontologies are nowadays a quite popular way to describe structured knowledge in terms of classes, relations among classes and class instances. In this paper, given a target class T of an OWL ontology, we address the problem of learning fuzzy concept inclusion axioms that describe sufficient conditions for being an individual instance of T. To do so, we present Fuzzy OWL-BOOST that relies on the Real AdaBoost boosting algorithm adapted to the (fuzzy) OWL case. We illustrate its effectiveness by means of an experimentation. An interesting feature is that the learned rules can be represented directly into Fuzzy OWL 2. As a consequence, any Fuzzy OWL 2 reasoner can then be used to automatically determine\/classify (and to which degree) whether an individual belongs to the target class T.","keywords":["Fuzzy Logic","Description Logics","OWL 2","Machine Learning","AdaBoost"],"pages":"1-26","url":"https:\/\/arxiv.org\/abs\/2008.05297","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132331,"last_updated":"2019-06-12 15:27:34","id_people":403045,"institutes":["ILC","ISTI"],"type":"journal_article","type_order":0,"type_people":"article","title":"Supermetric search","year":2019,"authors_people":"Connor R.; Vadicamo L.; Cardillo F.A.; Rabitti F.","authors_cnr":["Vadicamo, Lucia","Rabitti, Fausto","Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":["17547"],"authors_cnr_institute":["074","074","048"],"authors":["Connor, R.","Vadicamo, L.","Cardillo, F. A.","Rabitti, F."],"abstract":"Metric search is concerned with the efficient evaluation of queries in metric spaces. In general, a large space of objects is arranged in such a way that, when a further object is presented as a query, those objects most similar to the query can be efficiently found. Most mechanisms rely upon the triangle inequality property of the metric governing the space. The triangle inequality property is equivalent to a finite embedding property, which states that any three points of the space can be isometrically embedded in two-dimensional Euclidean space. In this paper, we examine a class of semimetric space which is finitely four-embeddable in three-dimensional Euclidean space. In mathematics this property has been extensively studied and is generally known as the four-point property. All spaces with the four-point property are metric spaces, but they also have some stronger geometric guarantees. We coin the term supermetric(1) space as, in terms of metric search, they are significantly more tractable. Supermetric spaces include all those governed by Euclidean, Cosine,(2) Jensen-Shannon and Triangular distances, and are thus commonly used within many domains. In previous work we have given a generic mathematical basis for the supermetric property and shown how it can improve indexing performance for a given exact search structure. Here we present a full investigation into its use within a variety of different hyperplane partition indexing structures, and go on to show some more of its flexibility by examining a search structure whose partition and exclusion conditions are tailored, at each node, to suit the individual reference points and data set present there. Among the results given, we show a new best performance for exact search using a well-known benchmark. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.","keywords":["Similarity search","Metric space","Supermetric space","Metric indexing","Four-point property","Hilbert Exclusion"],"pages":"108-123","url":"https:\/\/www.sciencedirect.com\/science\/article\/pii\/S0306437917301588?via%3Dihub","volume":"80","doi":"10.1016\/j.is.2018.01.002","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"Information systems (Oxf.)","publisher":"Pergamon (Oxford, Regno Unito)","issn":"0306-4379","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132124,"last_updated":"2021-01-05 18:41:07","id_people":403463,"institutes":["ILC","ISTI"],"type":"technical_report","type_order":8,"type_people":"report","title":"Towards Ontology-based Explainable Classification of Rare Events","year":2019,"authors_people":"Cardillo F.A.; Straccia U.","authors_cnr":["Straccia, Umberto","Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":["625","17547"],"authors_cnr_institute":["074","048"],"authors":["Cardillo, F. A.","Straccia, U."],"abstract":"Rare events (e.g. major floods, violent conflicts) are events that have potentially widespread and\/or disastrous impact on society. The overall goal is to build a framework capable to classify, predict and explain such rare events. To do so, we envisage the usage of a mixture of sub-symbolic Machine Learning (ML) and Ontology-based Statistical Relatio-nal Learning (OSRL) techniques to generate rare events classifiers and predictors, which additionally may be mapped into natural language to ease human interpretability of the decision process.","keywords":["Ontologies Explainable Classification of Rare Events","Statistical Relational Machine Learning"],"pages":"1-2","url":"https:\/\/hal.archives-ouvertes.fr\/hal-02104520","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132311,"last_updated":"2021-04-09 18:23:33","id_people":396348,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"journal_article","type_order":0,"type_people":"article","title":"Deep Learning of Inflection and the Cell-Filling Problem","year":2018,"authors_people":"Cardillo, F.A.; Ferro, M.; Marzi, C.; Pirrelli, V.","authors_cnr":["Pirrelli, Vito","Marzi, Claudia","Ferro, Marcello","Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","8389","11870","17547"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Cardillo, F. A.","Ferro, M.","Marzi, C.","Pirrelli, V."],"abstract":"Machine learning offers two basic strategies for morphology induction: lexical segmentation and surface word relation. The first approach assumes that words can be segmented into morphemes. Inferring a novel inflected form requires identification of morphemic constituents and a strategy for their recombination. The second approach dispenses with segmentation: lexical representations form part of a network of associatively related inflected forms. Production of a novel form consists in filling in one empty node in the network. Here, we present the results of a task of word inflection by a recurrent LSTM network that learns to fill in paradigm cells of incomplete verb paradigms. Although the task does not require morpheme segmentation, we show that accuracy in carrying out the inflection task is a function of the model's sensitivity to paradigm distribution and morphological structure.","keywords":["Deep Learning","LSTM","Cell-Filling Problem"],"pages":"57-75","url":"https:\/\/publications.cnr.it\/doc\/396348","volume":"4","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics","publisher":"aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia)","issn":"2499-4553","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132282,"last_updated":"2021-04-09 17:32:20","id_people":390504,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"ReadLet: Reading for Understanding","year":2018,"authors_people":"Marcello Ferro; Claudia Cappa; Sara Giulivi; Claudia Marzi; Ouafae Nahli; Franco Alberto Cardillo; Vito Pirrelli","authors_cnr":["Nahli, Ouafae","Pirrelli, Vito","Marzi, Claudia","Ferro, Marcello","Cardillo, Franco Alberto","Cappa, Claudia"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","8389","11870","17547","29386"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Ferro, M.","Cappa, C.","Giulivi, S.","Marzi, C.","Nahli, O.","Cardillo, F. A.","Pirrelli, V."],"abstract":"This paper focuses on motivation, objectives, design issues and preliminary results of ReadLet, an ICT platform for assessing reading efficiency in primary school children. Test data are discussed on a sample of 200 early graders, reading French, Italian and Standard Modern Arabic (SMA).","keywords":["Reading","text comprehension","Specific Learning Disorders","multimodal signal processing","cloud computing","portable assistive technology"],"pages":"404-409","url":"https:\/\/publications.cnr.it\/doc\/390504","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"IEEE (New York, USA)","issn":"","isbn":"978-1-5386-4385-3","conference_name":"IEEE-CIST2018 LED-ICT","conference_place":"Marrakech, Morocco","conference_date":"21-27\/10\/2018"},{"id":132316,"last_updated":"2019-06-12 15:27:55","id_people":396593,"institutes":["IFC","ILC"],"type":"conference_misc","type_order":6,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"ReadLet: piattaforma ICT per valutare l'efficienza di lettura","year":2018,"authors_people":"Cappa, C.; Ferro, M.; Giulivi, S.; Marzi, C.; Nahli, O.; Cardillo, F.A.; Pirrelli, V.","authors_cnr":["Nahli, Ouafae","Pirrelli, Vito","Marzi, Claudia","Ferro, Marcello","Cardillo, Franco Alberto","Cappa, Claudia"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","8389","11870","17547","29386"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Cappa, C.","Ferro, M.","Giulivi, S.","Marzi, C.","Nahli, O.","Cardillo, F. A.","Pirrelli, V."],"abstract":"ReadLet \u00e8 una piattaforma ICT pensata per valutare accuratamente l'efficienza di lettura nei bambini della scuola primaria. Combina tecnologia ICT portatile e cloud-computing\u009d con una serie di moduli software, specifici per modalit\u00e0 di somministrazione. Questi, implementati come servizi web, includono: i) valutazione dell'elaborazione del testo e della leggibilit\u00e0; ii) valutazione della velocit\u00e0 di lettura (ad alta voce e silente) e delle sue fluttuazioni); iii) valutazione della correttezza della decodifica ad alta voce; iv) valutazione della comprensione del testo (in lettura silente e da ascolto). Un prototipo della tecnologia ReadLet \u00e8 stato sperimentato su circa 200 alunni (8-11 anni), che variano per stato socio-economico, lingua (italiana, francese, araba) e area geografica (Italia, Svizzera, Marocco). L'utilizzo del tablet per la lettura \u00e8 stato percepito dai bambini come un'esperienza coinvolgente e piacevole. Gli insegnanti hanno trovato lo strumento facile da utilizzare e in grado di fornire maggiori informazioni rispetto agli strumenti tradizionali.","keywords":["leggere per capire","disturbi del linguaggio","screening"],"pages":"","url":"https:\/\/www.airipa.it\/congresso\/pluginfile.php\/2781\/mod_resource\/content\/1\/Programma%20Congresso%20AIRIPA_Arezzo_dettagliato-3.pdf","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"XXVII Congresso Nazionale AIRIPA","conference_place":"Arezzo (Italy)","conference_date":"28-29\/09\/2018"},{"id":132314,"last_updated":"2019-06-12 15:27:52","id_people":396591,"institutes":["IFC","ILC"],"type":"conference_misc","type_order":6,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"ReadLet: an ICT platform for the assessment of reading efficiency in early graders","year":2018,"authors_people":"Ferro, M.; Cappa, C.; Giulivi, S.; Marzi, C.; Cardillo, F.A.; Pirrelli, V.","authors_cnr":["Pirrelli, Vito","Marzi, Claudia","Ferro, Marcello","Cardillo, Franco Alberto","Cappa, Claudia"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","8389","11870","17547","29386"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Ferro, M.","Cappa, C.","Giulivi, S.","Marzi, C.","Cardillo, F. A.","Pirrelli, V."],"abstract":"Reading is not just word decoding, but the joint product of decoding and deep linguistic comprehension [ 1 , 2 ]. Effective linguistic comprehension relies on language skills such as semantic and syntactic awareness. Both decoding and linguistic comprehension are necessary for reading comprehension, and neither is by itself sufficient [ 2 ]. However, current protocols for reading assessment measure decoding (reading accuracy and speed) and reading comprehension separately [ 3 , 4 , 5 ]. This does not allow evaluation of reading efficiency [ 6 ], defined as the ability to fully understand connected texts by minimising reading time, a cognitive ability that lies at the roots of students' academic achievement [ 8 , 7 ]. ReadLet is an ICT platform specifically designed to provide accurate, evidence-based assessment of reading efficiency in early grade children, by offering an ecological, non-invasive protocol for extensive data elicitation, storage and analysis. With ReadLet, early graders at school can read a one or two page text displayed on a tablet touchscreen, either silently or aloud. Children are asked to slide their finger across the words as they read, to guide directional tracking. After reading, the child is prompted with a few multiple-answer questions on text content presented one at a time, while the text remains displayed on the screen for the child to be able to retrieve relevant information. In the process, the tablet keeps track of time-aligned multimodal data: voice recording, finger sliding time, time of reading, time of question answering, and number of correct answers. Data are recorded, stored locally, sent to the ReadLet server through an internet connection, and processed remotely by a battery of cloud-based services, analysing data automatically to produce a detailed quantitative signature of each reading session. A server-based database aggregates anonymised data to make them available for specialists. Also individual's longitudinal profiles are stored, for them be queried and inspected upon authorised access. The platform combines portable ICT technology and cloud computing with a number of modality-specific software modules, implemented as web services including: i) a text processing and readability assessment service, consisting in a battery of tools for automated linguistic annotation of written texts and a machine-learning component assigning a readability score to annotated texts [ 9 ]; ii) a finger touch processing service aligning the child's finger sliding with the written text and measuring speed fluctuations; iii) a speech processing and decoding assessment service, aligning the acoustic record of child's reading with the written text and assessing correctness of recoding [ 10 ]. At the time of writing, the platform includes the first two modules only. Preliminary testing of a prototype version of ReadLet technology with a population of about 200 pupils aged 8 to 11, both male and female, varying for socio-economic status, language (Italian, French and Arabic) and geographical area (Italy and Morocco), showed that children are extremely responsive to using a tablet for reading, and very easy to engage in what they perceive as an enjoyable experience. We expect online databases of automatically classified cross-sectional and longitudinal data, accurate statistical modelling and developmental trends of reading literacy to help education professionals and clinical specialists assess the level of reading skills reached by the child, and decide which intervention programmes and measures are most appropriate. While information technology cannot and should not supplant the role and professional judgement of teachers and therapists, the project intends to provide portable tools, models and data for timely screening and daily management of reading difficulties and disorders.","keywords":["reading efficiency","decoding","comprehension","language specific disorders"],"pages":"61-61","url":"https:\/\/mentallexicon2018.ca\/","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon","conference_place":"Edmonton, Alberta (Canada)","conference_date":"25-28\/09\/2018"},{"id":132212,"last_updated":"2018-01-10 11:55:11","id_people":380237,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"journal_article","type_order":0,"type_people":"article","title":"For a performance-oriented notion of regularity in inflection: the case of Modern Greek conjugation","year":2017,"authors_people":"Bompolas, Stavros; Ferro, Marcello; Marzi, Claudia; Cardillo, Franco Alberto; Pirrelli, Vito","authors_cnr":["Pirrelli, Vito","Marzi, Claudia","Ferro, Marcello","Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","8389","11870","17547"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Bompolas, S.","Ferro, M.","Marzi, C.","Cardillo, F. A.","Pirrelli, V."],"abstract":"Paradigm-based approaches to word processing\/learning assume that word forms are not acquired in isolation, but through associative relations linking members of the same word family (e.g. a paradigm, or a set of forms filling the same paradigm cell). Principles of correlative learning offer a set of equations that are key to modelling this complex dynamic at a considerable level of detail. We use these equations to simulate acquisition of Modern Greek conjugation, and we compare the results with evidence from German and Italian. Simulations show that different Greek verb classes are processed and acquired differentially, as a function of their degrees of formal transparency and predictability. We relate these results to psycholinguistic evidence of Modern Greek word processing, and interpret our findings as supporting a view of the mental lexicon as an emergent integrative system.","keywords":["paradigm-based morphology","gradient (ir)regularity","recurrent self-organisng networks"],"pages":"77-92","url":"http:\/\/www.ai-lc.it\/IJCoL\/v3n1\/IJCOL_3_1_5_bompolas_et_al.pdf?v=2a47ad90f2ae","volume":"3","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics","publisher":"aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia)","issn":"2499-4553","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132144,"last_updated":"2021-04-07 21:26:07","id_people":363052,"institutes":["ILC","ISTI"],"type":"journal_article","type_order":0,"type_people":"article","title":"Hilbert exclusion: improved metric search through finite isometric embeddings","year":2017,"authors_people":"Connor R.; Cardillo F. A.; Vadicamo L.; Rabitti F.","authors_cnr":["Vadicamo, Lucia","Cardillo, Franco Alberto","Rabitti, Fausto"],"authors_cnr_id":["18021"],"authors_cnr_institute":["074","048","074"],"authors":["Connor, R.","Cardillo, F. A.","Vadicamo, L.","Rabitti, F."],"abstract":"Most research into similarity search in metric spaces relies on the triangle inequality property. This property allows the space to be arranged according to relative distances to avoid searching some subspaces. We show that many common metric spaces, notably including those using Euclidean and Jensen-Shannon distances, also have a stronger property, sometimes called the four-point property: In essence, these spaces allow an isometric embedding of any four points in three-dimensional Euclidean space, as well as any three points in two-dimensional Euclidean space. In fact, we show that any space that is isometrically embeddable in Hilbert space has the stronger property. This property gives stronger geometric guarantees, and one in particular, which we name the Hilbert Exclusion property, allows any indexing mechanism which uses hyperplane partitioning to perform better. One outcome of this observation is that a number of state-of-the-art indexing mechanisms over high-dimensional spaces can be easily refined to give a significant increase in performance; furthermore, the improvement given is greater in higher dimensions. This therefore leads to a significant improvement in the cost of metric search in these spaces.","keywords":["Similarity search","Metric space","Metric indexing","Four-point property","Hilbert embedding","H. Information systems. Data structures","H. Information systems. Multidimensional range search","H. Information systems. Proximity search","H. Information systems. Database query processing","H. Information systems. Retrieval models and ranking","Information systems. Retrieval efficiency","H. Information systems. Multimedia information systems","F. Theory of computation. Random projections and metric embeddings"],"pages":"17-27","url":"http:\/\/doi.acm.org\/10.1145\/3001583","volume":"35","doi":"10.1145\/3001583","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"ACM transactions on information systems","publisher":"Association for Computing Machinery (New York, NY, Stati Uniti d'America)","issn":"1046-8188","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132213,"last_updated":"2020-09-16 13:32:45","id_people":381090,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"How \"deep\" is learning word inflection?","year":2017,"authors_people":"Cardillo, Franco Alberto; Ferro, Marcello; Marzi, Claudia; Pirrelli, Vito","authors_cnr":["Pirrelli, Vito","Marzi, Claudia","Ferro, Marcello","Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","8389","11870","17547"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Cardillo, F. A.","Ferro, M.","Marzi, C.","Pirrelli, V."],"abstract":"Machine learning offers two basic strategies for morphology induction: lexical segmentation and surface word relation. The first one assumes that words can be segmented into morphemes. Inducing a novel inflected form requires identification of morphemic constituents and a strategy for their recombination. The second approach dispenses with segmentation: lexical representations form part of a network of associatively related inflected forms. Production of a novel form consists in filling in one empty node in the network. Here, we present the results of a recurrent LSTM network that learns to fill in paradigm cells of incomplete verb paradigms. Although the process is not based on morpheme segmentation, the model shows sensitivity to stem selection and stem-ending boundaries.","keywords":["LSTM","Morphology induction","Cognitive modelling"],"pages":"77-82","url":"http:\/\/www.scopus.com\/record\/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85037368972&origin=inward","volume":"2006","doi":"10.4000\/books.aaccademia.2314","editors_people":"R. Basili; M. Nissim; G. Satta","editors":["Basili, R.","Nissim, M.","Satta, G."],"published":"Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2017)","publisher":"Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA)","issn":"1613-0073","isbn":"978-88-99982-76-8","conference_name":"Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics","conference_place":"Roma","conference_date":"11-13\/12\/2017"},{"id":132215,"last_updated":"2018-03-12 15:05:40","id_people":381125,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_misc","type_order":6,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Transparency and predictability in Modern Greek conjugation: Implications for models of word processing","year":2017,"authors_people":"Bompolas, Stavros; Marzi, Claudia; Ferro, Marcello; Cardillo, Franco Alberto; Pirrelli, Vito; Ralli, Angela","authors_cnr":["Pirrelli, Vito","Marzi, Claudia","Ferro, Marcello","Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","8389","11870","17547"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Bompolas, S.","Marzi, C.","Ferro, M.","Cardillo, F. A.","Pirrelli, V.","Ralli, A."],"abstract":"We argue that the Greek evidence calls for a substantial revision of the clear-cut interaction between transparency\/predictability and regularity, to make room for a more process-oriented notion of regularity. According to this view, regularity is no longer an epiphenomenon of the design of the human language faculty and the purported dualism between rule-based and memory-based routes, but the graded result of the varying interaction of several structural factors concurrently affecting the human word processor.","keywords":["Inflectional regularity","Word Processing","Modern Greek Conjugation"],"pages":"17-19","url":"http:\/\/www.lilec.it\/mmm\/wp\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/02\/Book-of-abstracts_MMM11_Final.pdf","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"MMM 11: 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting","conference_place":"Cyprus","conference_date":"22-25\/06\/2017"},{"id":132214,"last_updated":"2018-01-10 11:55:15","id_people":381117,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_misc","type_order":6,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Paradigm Relative Entropy and Discriminative Learning","year":2017,"authors_people":"Pirrelli, Vito; Marzi, Claudia; Ferro, Marcello; Cardillo, Franco Alberto","authors_cnr":["Pirrelli, Vito","Marzi, Claudia","Ferro, Marcello","Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","8389","11870","17547"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Pirrelli, V.","Marzi, C.","Ferro, M.","Cardillo, F. A."],"abstract":"In the present contribution, we show that principles of discriminative learning of symbolic time series go a long way in accounting for these effects, thus making an important contribution to our understanding of the human lexical processor and its sensitivity to word distributions both within and across paradigms.","keywords":["Paradigm Entropy","Discriminative Learning","Mental Lexicon","Verb Inflection"],"pages":"5","url":"http:\/\/w3.erss.univ-tlse2.fr\/ParadigMo2017\/program.html","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"ParadigMo 2017: First Workshop on Paradigmatic Word Formation Modeling","conference_place":"Toulouse","conference_date":"19-20\/06\/2017"},{"id":132136,"last_updated":"2017-01-16 14:24:29","id_people":360723,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"journal_article","type_order":0,"type_people":"article","title":"Effects of frequency and regularity in an integrative model of word storage and processing","year":2016,"authors_people":"Marzi, Claudia; Ferro, Marcello; Cardillo, Franco Alberto; Pirrelli, Vito","authors_cnr":["Cardillo, Franco Alberto","Pirrelli, Vito","Marzi, Claudia","Ferro, Marcello"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","8389","11870"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Marzi, C.","Ferro, M.","Cardillo, F. A.","Pirrelli, V."],"abstract":"Considerable evidence has accrued on the role of paradigms as both theoretical and cognitive structures regimenting the way words are processed and acquired. The evidence supports a view of the lexicon as an emergent integrative system, where word forms are concurrently and competitively stored as repeatedly successful processing patterns, and on-line processing crucially depends on the internal organisation of stored patterns.","keywords":["Lexical access","word recall","serial processing","parallel activation","inflectional paradigms","mental lexicon"],"pages":"79-114","url":"http:\/\/www.scopus.com\/record\/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-84986550295&origin=inward","volume":"28","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"Rivista di Linguistica","publisher":"Pacini (Ospedaletto, Italia)","issn":"1120-2726","isbn":"","conference_name":"","conference_place":"","conference_date":""},{"id":132140,"last_updated":"2020-09-16 13:38:02","id_people":362297,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Reassessing inflectional regularity in Modern Greek conjugation","year":2016,"authors_people":"Bompolas, Stavros; Marzi, Claudia; Ferro, Marcello; Cardillo, Franco Alberto; Pirrelli, Vito","authors_cnr":["Cardillo, Franco Alberto","Pirrelli, Vito","Marzi, Claudia","Ferro, Marcello"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","8389","11870"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Bompolas, S.","Marzi, C.","Ferro, M.","Cardillo, F. A.","Pirrelli, V."],"abstract":"Paradigm-based approaches to word processing\/learning assume that word forms are not acquired in isolation, but through associative relations linking members of the same word family (e.g. a paradigm, or a set of forms filling the same paradigm cell). Principles of correlative learning offer a set of dynamic equations that are key to modelling this complex dynamic at a considerable level of detail. We use these dynamic equations to simulate acquisition of Modern Greek conjugation, and we compare the results with evidence from German and Italian. Simulations show that different Greek verb classes are processed and acquired differentially, depending on their degrees of formal transparency and predictability. We relate these results to psycholinguistic evidence on Modern Greek word processing, and interpret our findings as supporting a view of the mental lexicon as an emergent integrative system.","keywords":["word processing","paradigm-based learning","morphological processing","Greek stem allomoprhy","Temporal Self-Organising Map"],"pages":"72-77","url":"http:\/\/www.scopus.com\/record\/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85009242702&origin=inward","volume":"1749","doi":"10.4000\/books.aaccademia.1721","editors_people":"Basile, Piepaolo; Corazza, Anna; Monetmagni, Simonetta; Nissim, Malvina; Patti, Viviana; Semeraro, Giovanni; Sprugnoli, Rachele","editors":["Basile, P.","Corazza, A.","Monetmagni, S.","Nissim, M.","Patti, V.","Semeraro, G.","Sprugnoli, R."],"published":"CLiC-it & EVALITA 2016-Proceedings of Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016)","publisher":"Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA)","issn":"1613-0073","isbn":"978-88-99982-08-9","conference_name":"Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016)","conference_place":"Napoli, Italy","conference_date":"05-07\/12\/2016"},{"id":132154,"last_updated":"2017-01-17 14:31:45","id_people":364655,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Quantifying the specificity of near-duplicate image classification functions","year":2016,"authors_people":"Richard Connor Franco Alberto Cardillo","authors_cnr":["Cardillo, Franco Alberto"],"authors_cnr_id":[""],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Connor, R.","Cardillo, F. A."],"abstract":"There are many published methods for detecting similar and near-duplicate images. Here, we consider their use in the context of unsupervised near-duplicate detection, where the task is to find a (relatively small) near-duplicate intersection of two large candidate sets. Such scenarios are of particular importance in forensic near-duplicate detection. The essential properties of a such a function are: performance, sensitivity, and specificity. We show that, as collection sizes increase, then specificity becomes the most important of these, as without very high specificity huge numbers of false positive matches will be identified. This makes even very fast, highly sensitive methods completely useless. Until now, to our knowledge, no attempt has been made to measure the specificity of near-duplicate finders, or even to compare them with each other. Recently, a benchmark set of near-duplicate images has been established which allows such assessment by giving a near-duplicate ground truth over a large general image collection. Using this we establish a methodology for calculating specificity. A number of the most likely candidate functions are compared with each other and accurate measurement of sensitivity vs. specificity are given. We believe these are the first such figures be to calculated for any such function.","keywords":["near-duplicate image detection"],"pages":"647-654","url":"https:\/\/publications.cnr.it\/doc\/364655","volume":"","doi":"","editors_people":"","editors":[""],"published":"","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"11th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications","conference_place":"Roma","conference_date":"27-29\/02\/2016"},{"id":132145,"last_updated":"2021-01-26 13:08:49","id_people":363066,"institutes":["ILC","ISTI"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Supermetric search with the four-point property","year":2016,"authors_people":"Connor R.; Vadicamo L.; Cardillo F.A.; Rabitti F.","authors_cnr":["Vadicamo, Lucia","Cardillo, Franco Alberto","Rabitti, Fausto"],"authors_cnr_id":["18021"],"authors_cnr_institute":["074","048","074"],"authors":["Connor, R.","Vadicamo, L.","Cardillo, F. A.","Rabitti, F."],"abstract":"Metric indexing research is concerned with the efficient evaluation of queries in metric spaces. In general, a large space of objects is arranged in such a way that, when a further object is presented as a query, those objects most similar to the query can be efficiently found. Most such mechanisms rely upon the triangle inequality property of the metric governing the space. The triangle inequality property is equivalent to a finite embedding property, which states that any three points of the space can be isometrically embedded in two-dimensional Euclidean space. In this paper, we examine a class of semimetric space which is finitely 4-embeddable in three-dimensional Euclidean space. In mathematics this property has been extensively studied and is generally known as the four-point property. All spaces with the four-point property are metric spaces, but they also have some stronger geometric guarantees. We coin the term supermetric space as, in terms of metric search, they are significantly more tractable. We show some stronger geometric guarantees deriving from the four-point property which can be used in indexing to great effect, and show results for two of the SISAP benchmark searches that are substantially better than any previously published.","keywords":["Similarity search","Metric Space","Supermetric Space","Metric Indexing","Four-point property","Hilbert Embedding","H. 3. 3 INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL. Information Search and Retrieval"],"pages":"51-64","url":"https:\/\/link.springer.com\/chapter\/10.1007%2F978-3-319-46759-7_4","volume":"9939","doi":"10.1007\/978-3-319-46759-7_4","editors_people":"Amsaleg L., Houle M., Schubert E.","editors":["Amsaleg, L.","Houle, M.","Schubert, E."],"published":"Similarity Search and Applications. SISAP 2016","publisher":"","issn":"","isbn":"","conference_name":"Similarity Search and Applications. 9th International Conference","conference_place":"Tokyo, Japan","conference_date":"24-26 October 2016"},{"id":132141,"last_updated":"2021-04-28 17:17:44","id_people":362349,"institutes":["ILC"],"type":"conference_article","type_order":5,"type_people":"conferenceObject","title":"Written word production and lexical self-organisation: evidence from English (pseudo)compounds","year":2016,"authors_people":"Ferro, Marcello; Cardillo, Franco Alberto; Pirrelli, Vito; Gagn\u00e9, Christina L.; Spalding, Thomas L.","authors_cnr":["Cardillo, Franco Alberto","Pirrelli, Vito","Ferro, Marcello"],"authors_cnr_id":["326","11870"],"authors_cnr_institute":[""],"authors":["Ferro, M.","Cardillo, F. A.","Pirrelli, V.","Gagn\u00e9, C. L.","Spalding, T. L."],"abstract":"Elevation in typing latency for the initial letter of the second constituent of an English compound, relative to the latency for the final letter of the first constituent of the same compound, provides evidence that implementation of a motor plan for written compound production involves smaller constituents, in both semantically transparent and semantically opaque compounds. We investigate here the implications of this evidence for algorithmic models of lexical organisation, to show that effects of differential perception of the internal structure of compounds and pseudo-compounds can also be simulated as peripheral stages of lexical access by a self-organising connectionist architecture, even in the absence of morphosemantic information. This complementary evidence supports a maximizationof-opportunity approach to lexical modelling, accounting for the integration of effects of pre-lexical and lexical access.","keywords":["compound","pseudo-compound","written word production","lexical self-organisation","temporal self organising map"],"pages":"146-151","url":"http:\/\/ceur-ws.org\/Vol-1749\/","volume":"1749","doi":"10.4000\/books.aaccademia.1775","editors_people":"Basile, Pierpaolo; Corazza, Anna; Cutugno, Franco; Montemagni, Simonetta; Nissim, Malvina; Patti, Viviana; Semeraro, Giovanni; Sprugnoli, Rachele","editors":["Basile, P.","Corazza, A.","Cutugno, F.","Montemagni, S.","Nissim, M.","Patti, V.","Semeraro, G.","Sprugnoli, R."],"published":"Proceedings CLiC-it 2016","publisher":"Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA)","issn":"1613-0073","isbn":"9788899982546","conference_name":"Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016)","conference_place":"Napoli (Italia)","conference_date":"5-6\/12\/2016"}]