@ARTICLE{VENUTI_2023_ARTICLE_VDBTPBCM_485318, AUTHOR = {Venuti, M. C. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F. and Tessarolo, L. and Prontera, A. and Bovet, D. and Cattaneo, G. and Melis, V.}, TITLE = {La 'Galassia MQDQ: ' un concetto di filologia tradizionale, digitale, sostenibile}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {The investigation of intertextuality within a corpus of Latin poetry is the main objective of the research functions of the so-called 'Musisque Deoque Galaxy': formular recurrences, and lexical and metric-verbal co-occurrences draw a dense network of relationships between texts, where poetic memory presents itself in various modalities. This contribution aims to analyse the latest developments in the "Musisque Deoque Galaxy" both from the point of view of the tools created to enable new textual acquisitions and new analyses, and from the technological point of view, with reference to the work carried out to ensure a long-term sustainability.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital textual corpora, Domain Specific Languages (DSL), Sustainability, Latin poetry, Carmina Latina Epigraphica, MQDQ Galaxy}, PAGES = {71-120}, URL = {https://hdl.handle.net/10278/5032220}, VOLUME = {4}, DOI = {10.30687/mag/2724-3923/2023/07/003}, PUBLISHER = {Edizioni Ca' Foscari (Venezia, Italia)}, ISSN = {2724-3923}, JOURNAL = {Magazèn}, } @INCOLLECTION{BOSCHETTI_2023_INCOLLECTION_BBDMKBT_484489, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Bambaci, L. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Mugelli, G. and Khan, A. F. and Bellandi, A. and Taddei, A.}, TITLE = {Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Annotations of Ancient Texts: The Euporia System}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {Euporia is an annotation system originally created to study the ritual dynamics in ancient Greek tragedies from an anthropological perspective. The system is designed to be flexible enough so that it can be easily extended in other directions of multidisciplinary research. The system combines the simplicity of a web interface pared down to its essential elements with the expressivity of a domain-specific language parsed with ANTLR, that avoids the verbosity of general-purpose markup languages (such as XML-TEI) during the annotation phase. In this way, the user is focused on domain-specific tasks by writing concise annotations. Upon exportation of our data, interoperability is ensured by two measures: references to the annotated text are translated from a system based on progressive word numbers to the Canonical Text Services (CTS) system, and the annotations are translated into XML-TEI. An annotation is constituted by a text reference, a condition related to variant readings and interpretations of the same text, as well as by a sequence of tags. Tags are created by following a bottom-up approach: they are progressively introduced and reused by the domain-expert during the annotation process. During revisions, tags are grouped and mapped onto an ontology, in order to enable and to exploit the identification of relations among the tags in querying the annotated corpus. Being designed for interoperability, our approach can be extended to other research fields (e.g. philology, archaeology) through the creation of new domain-specific languages and domain-specific tagsets, in order to improve the functionalities of the Euporia system.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Euporia, Domain Specific Languages, CoPhiLab, Digital Philology}, PAGES = {172-223}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484489}, VOLUME = {6}, DOI = {10.1163/9789004527119_008}, PUBLISHER = {Brill Academic Publishers (Leiden, NLD)}, ISBN = {9789004527119}, BOOKTITLE = {The Ancient World Goes Digital}, EDITOR = {Juloux, V. B. and Di Ludovico, A. and Matskevich, S.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ZENZARO_2023_INPROCEEDINGS_ZDBR_484956, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F. and Ranocchia, G.}, TITLE = {Ease the collaboration making Scholarly Editions: the GreekSchools case study}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {CophiEditor is a Digital Scholarly Editing Web platform based on Domain Specific Languages (DSL-based DSE). We are developing this platform in the context of the GreekSchools-885222 ERC project in which it is being used for the constitutio textus of Philodemus of Gadara's Arrangement of the Philosophers. The digital papyrological edition of these texts is challenging in many ways, as most of the Herculaneum papyri are highly fragmentary because they are carbonized and damaged. One of the main goals of the CophiEditor is to provide a full-fledged collaborative environment in order to support the scholar's editorial work. In this poster we show how the progress of CophiEditor eases the collaboration between scholars and the role played by the Web Annotation Data Model (WADM) for data representation and interchange.}, KEYWORDS = {Domain Specific Languages Computational Philology Digital Philology Web Annotation Data Model DSE tools}, PAGES = {230-232}, URL = {http://www.aiucd2023.unisi.it/atti/}, PUBLISHER = {Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna (Bologna, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-942535-7-3}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {LA MEMORIA DIGITALE: XII CONVEGNO ANNUALE AIUCD}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Siena}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5-7 giugno 2023}, EDITOR = {Carbé, E. and Lo Piccolo, Gabrieleand Valenti, Alessia and Stella, F.}, } @ARTICLE{DELGRATTA_2022_ARTICLE_DDZBB_472290, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Zenzaro, S. and Boschetti, F. and Bambaci, L.}, TITLE = {La Filologia come sistema dinamico}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Introduciamo un approccio formale all'evoluzione del contenuto informativo veicolato da documenti umanistici, con particolare attenzione alla prospettiva filologica e alle problematiche tipiche ad essa connesse (studio della tradizione, confronto tra testimoni, selezione e scelta delle lezioni, edizione di un testo, etc). Proponiamo un modello matematico in grado di formalizzare diversi fenomeni complessi in vari ambiti di ricerca quali la Linguistica Computazionale, la Filologia Digitale e l'Ingegneria del Software, soprattutto quando questi vengono applicati all'analisi di documenti e testi di interesse storico-letterario.}, KEYWORDS = {computational philology, formal philology, digital humanities}, PAGES = {1-20}, URL = {https://umanisticadigitale.unibo.it/article/view/13684}, VOLUME = {13}, DOI = {10.6092/issn.2532-8816/13684}, ISSN = {2532-8816}, JOURNAL = {Umanistica Digitale}, } @INCOLLECTION{VAGIONAKIS_2022_INCOLLECTION_VDBBDMM_472291, AUTHOR = {Vagionakis, I. and Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Baroni, P. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Mancinelli, T. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' Meets CLARIN-IT}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {This paper presents 'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions', a resource in the domain of Digital Epigraphy developed at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice and supported by CLARIN-IT as part of its actions addressed to initiatives, projects and events in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. The paper begins with a brief outline of the project within which the resource was created and then goes into a more in-depth description of the main methodologies used to develop the resource (EpiDoc and EFES) and of their benefits. The paper then focuses on the cooperation of the project with the Venice Centre of Digital and Public Humanities and the Italian node of CLARIN, also illustrating the dockerization process applied to the resource hosted on the CLARIN-IT servers. Some desiderata for future developments are outlined as well. The paper ends with some remarks about the widening of CLARIN horizons towards Digital Epigraphy and on the role of its K-Centres in this respect.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Epigraphy, Digital Classics, Ancient Greek, Crete, Institutions, Text Encoding Initiative, TEI, EpiDoc, EpiDoc Front-End Services, EFES, Virtual Language Observatory, Dockerization, ILC4CLARIN, CLARIN-IT, CLARIN}, PAGES = {139-150}, URL = {https://ecp.ep.liu.se/index.php/clarin/article/view/424/382}, VOLUME = {189}, DOI = {10.3384/9789179294441}, ISBN = {978-91-7929-444-1}, BOOKTITLE = {Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021}, EDITOR = {Monachini, M. and Eskevich, M.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_BBDDGNZ_472289, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Burgassi, C. and Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Guadagnini, E. and Nahli, O. and Zenzaro, S.}, TITLE = {Il Laboratorio di Filologia Collaborativa e Cooperativa (CoPhiLab) del CNR-ILC: dati, strumenti, servizi e infrastrutture}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Questo contributo illustra le attività e le risorse del Laboratorio di Filologia Collaborativa e Cooperativa (CoPhiLab) dell'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "A. Zampolli" del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-ILC), con particolare attenzione all'uso delle infrastrutture di ricerca nazionali e internazionali.}, KEYWORDS = {Filologia Computazionale, Modelli Formali, Lingua Araba, Domain-Specific Languages, Ingegneria del Software}, PAGES = {45-50}, URL = {https://www.eventi.garr.it/it/conf22}, DOI = {10.26314/GARR-Conf22-proceedings}, PUBLISHER = {Associazione Consortium GARR (Roma, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-946629-1-7}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CondiVisioni. La rete come strumento per costruire il futuro}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Palermo}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {18/05/2022-20/05/2022}, BOOKTITLE = {CONDIVISIONI La rete come strumento per costruire il futuro}, EDITOR = {Mieli, M. and Volpe, C.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ZENZARO_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_ZDBR_472278, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F. and Ranocchia, G.}, TITLE = {Verso la definizione di criteri per valutare soluzioni di scholarly editing digitale: il caso d'uso GreekSchools}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo propone alcuni criteri di valutazione per l'analisi degli approcci all'editing testuale. Dopo averli presentati brevemente, si mostra come sono stati applicati alle attività finora svolte nel contesto del progetto ERC-885222 GreekSchools per quanto riguarda la progettazione e lo sviluppo di una piattaforma web collaborativa che fa uso di linguaggi specifici di dominio (DSL) finalizzata allo studio scientifico e alla pubblicazione di testi papiracei mediante edizioni critiche digitali.}, KEYWORDS = {DSL linguaggi specifici di dominio, filologia computazionale, ingegneria del software, papirologia digitale, Domain Driven Design}, PAGES = {20-25}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/6848/1/Proceedings_AIUCD2022.pdf#page=30}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6848}, ISBN = {9788894253566}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2022. Culture digitali. Intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Lecce}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {1/06/2022-3/06/2022}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2022-Proceedings. Culture digitali. Intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media}, EDITOR = {Ciracì, F. and Miglietta, G. and Gatto, C.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_BDGZ_484475, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Guadagnini, E. and Zenzaro, S.}, TITLE = {L'annotazione del testo}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo illustra le potenzialità offerte dall'uso dei Linguaggi Specifici di Dominio (DSL) per la produzione di note, commenti, apparati e testi scientifici. Il modello Euporia e l'approccio DSL-Based DSE sono richiamati come possibile alternativa alla codifica mediante XML/TEI per la produzione di edizioni scientifiche digitali.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Filologia Digitale, Domain Specific Languages, Euporia, DSL-based DSE}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484475}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Filologia Digitale e Testi Italiani Antichi. Verso un sistema integrato di ricerca}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-28/06/2022}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_DZB_484339, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Zenzaro, S. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {CNR-ILC team e il progetto ERC 885222-GreekSchools}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Presentazione del team di lavoro e delle attività svolte in seno al progetto ERC 885222-GreekSchools durante il convegno di Papirologia Ercolanese organizzato dal 5 al 9 settembre 2022 presso il Castello Pasquini di Castiglioncello (Livorno).}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Digital Papyrology, Digital Scholarly Edition, ERC, GreekSchools, DSL-based DSE}, URL = {https://greekschools.eu}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Convegno di Papirologia Ercolanese}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Castiglioncello}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5-9/09/2022}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MARINETTI_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_MMQBBDPRSZMM_479194, AUTHOR = {Marinetti, A. and Murano, F. and Quochi, V. and Ballerini, M. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Piccini, S. and Rigobianco, L. and Solinas, P. and Zinzi, M. and Mallia, M. and Middei, E.}, TITLE = {Challenges in Encoding Fragmentary Attested Languages}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {The ItAnt project investigates the langages of ancient Italy, whose only attestation consist in epigraphic evidence, focusing on Venetic, Oscan, Faliscan and Celtic languages. For this purpose, the project combines the traditional method proper to historical linguistics with the setting up of digital technologies, developing computational tools specifically designes to create a digital set of interrelated resources.}, KEYWORDS = {digital epigraphy, eLexicography, Linguistic Linked Open Data, Text Encoding}, URL = {https://ciegl2022.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/30}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XVI Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia greca e latina}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Bordeaux}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {29 agosto-settembre 2022}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{RANOCCHIA_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_RPVPFVAMRRCPPZBDE_472284, AUTHOR = {Ranocchia, G. and Puglia, E. and Vassallo, C. and Pernigotti, C. and Fleischer, K. and Verhasselt, G. and Alessandrelli, M. and Miliani, C. and Romano, F. P. and Rosi, F. and Caliri, C. and Pavone, D. P. and Preisler, Z. and Zenzaro, S. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Enea, A.}, TITLE = {The Greek philosophical schools according to Europe's earliest history of philosophy. Towards a new pioneering critical edition of Philodemus' Arrangement of the Philosophers}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Our knowledge about Greek philosophical schools is mostly second-hand and based on Diogenes Laërtius' Lives of Eminent Philosophers (3rd century AD) and Philodemus' Arrangement of the Philosophers (75-50 BC), a treatise in several books which represents the earliest 'history of philosophy' to have reached us directly from antiquity. From this work exclusively preserved by the Herculaneum papyri we may derive a virtually systematic account of the history of Greek philosophical schools, which is unique in its kind.}, KEYWORDS = {papyrology, digital papyrology, digital humanities, digital cultural heritage}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/472284}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XXXth International Congress of Papyrology}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Paris}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {25/07/2022-30/07/2022}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2022_MISC_BD_484483, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Una bussola per navigare nei mari digitali: il ruolo di un K-Centre CLARIN per le esigenze degli studiosi}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {The contribution will give an overview about the structure of the Common Language Research Infrastructure (CLARIN) and its initiatives devoted to the DH, both at the European and at the national level as well as the activities of a new CLARIN Knowledge Centre: the DiPText-KC. Furthermore, it will introduce the practices that we suggest for a workflow to digit(al)ize texts and how to host projects in ILC4CLARIN through the assistance of the DiPText-KC.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, CLARIN, DiPText-KC, CoPhiLab, Digital Philology}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484483}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2022_MISC_BDMTP_484468, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Macchiarelli, A. and Tanozzi, F. and Puliero, J.}, TITLE = {The Remains of the Text-Natural Language Processing}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {The seminar presents some digital technologies for the study of texts of literary nature mediated by the use of computational tools. Specifically, the following topics are addressed: a) Coronelli's Epitome Cosmografica; b) Aratus' Phaenomena and the art of composing acrostics; c)Latin poets between astronomy and mythology d) Lemmatisation and Semi-automated linguistic analysis of Latin texts e) Musisque Deoque: a powerful instrument to study intertextuality.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Digital Philology, Summer School, MQDQ, NLP}, URL = {https://www.unive.it/data/33113/2/60398}, } @MISC{ZENZARO_2022_MISC_ZBD_472305, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Relazione sugli avanzamenti della piattaforma per il progetto GreekSchools}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Relazione sugli avanzamenti della piattaforma per il progetto GreekSchools}, KEYWORDS = {GreekSchools, Digital Humanities, Digital papyrology}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/472305}, } @MISC{ZENZARO_2022_MISC_ZDB_484324, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {CophiEditor & Viewer}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Piattaforma di Filologia Digitale, Computazionale, Collaborativa e Cooperativa in sviluppo presso CNR-ILC nel contesto del progetto ERC Advanced Grant 885222-GreekSchools "The Greek Philosophical Schools according to Europe's earliest 'history of philosophy'. Towards a new pioneering critical edition of Philodemus' Arrangement of the Philosopher". La piattaforma implementa il modello di Edizioni Scientifiche Digitali DSL-based DSE.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Filologia Digitale, Filologia Computazionale, Filologia Collaborativa, Edizione Scientifica Digitale, GreekSchools, DSL-based DSE}, URL = {https://cophi.github.io/gs-data-service-api/#/}, } @ARTICLE{BOSCHETTI_2021_ARTICLE_BM_472309, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Mugelli, G.}, TITLE = {Il metodo Euporia per creare nuovi archivi digitali sulla tragedia greca}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {This article illustrates Euporia, i.e. a method for annotating literary texts based on Domain-Specific Languages. The annotation systems developed using this method are modeled on the needs of the users, their specific habits of studying and annotating texts, and the aims of their research. The two case studies discussed in this contribution show the application of the method in the context of two projects focused on the texts of Greek tragedy: on the one hand, a didactic project based on Aeschylus' Persians, on the other hand, a research project in the field of anthropology of the ancient world, based on the entire corpus of the Greek tragedy. The discussion aims to illustrate how text annotation through DSL can have both a didactic function and a scientific interest.}, KEYWORDS = {Domain-Specific Languages, textual annotation, Ancient Greek Tragedy}, PAGES = {83-113}, URL = {https://ojs.cimedoc.uniba.it/index.php/fc/article/view/1381}, VOLUME = {7}, DOI = {10.15162/2465-0951/1381}, PUBLISHER = {Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca di Studi sulla Tradizione CIRST (Bari, Italia)}, ISSN = {2465-0951}, JOURNAL = {FuturoClassico FCl}, } @ARTICLE{DELGRATTA_2021_ARTICLE_DBBS_461498, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Bambaci, L. and Sarnari, F.}, TITLE = {Document analysis and Textual philology: A Formal Perspective}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {We introduce a formal approach to document and text analysis. The method proposed herein results in a mathematical model/framework which can formalize different challenges in research fields such as computational linguistics, digital philology, and software engineering, principally if applied to document and text analysis. We examine texts and documents from an evolutionary perspective, where both corruption and correction are involved. We describe document evolution via fibre bundles formalism. We also provide other examples to demonstrate the capabilities of the model.}, KEYWORDS = {Formal model, document analysis, evolutionary approach, fibre bundles}, PAGES = {5-15}, URL = {https://www.innove.org/ijist/index.php/ijist/article/view/192}, VOLUME = {5}, PUBLISHER = {[El Mohajir Mohammed] ([S. l. ], Marocco)}, ISSN = {2550-5114}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Information Science and Technology}, } @ARTICLE{MUGELLI_2021_ARTICLE_MBBDKT_461550, AUTHOR = {Mugelli, G. and Boschetti, F. and Bellandi, A. and Del Gratta, R. and Khan, A. F. and Taddei, A.}, TITLE = {Annotating ritual in ancient greek tragedy: A bottom-up approach in action}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {EuporiaRAGT is one of the pilot projects that adopt the Euporia system as a digital support to an historico-anthropological research on the form and function of rituals in the texts of ancient Greek tragedy. This paper describes the bottom-up approach adopted in the project: During the annotation stage, performed with a Domain Specific Language designed with a usercentred approach, the domain expert can annotate ritual and religious phenomena, with the possibility of registering different textual and interpretive variants; the design of a search engine, in a second phase of the work, allows the database to be tested and reorganized. Finally, the construction of an ontology allows to structure the tags, in order to perform complex queries on the database.}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, dsl, ancient Greek}, PAGES = {17}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85117031943\&origin=inward}, VOLUME = {15}, PUBLISHER = {Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations ([Providence, RI?], Stati Uniti d'America)}, ISSN = {1938-4122}, JOURNAL = {Digital humanities quarterly}, } @ARTICLE{NAHLI_2021_ARTICLE_NSBB_463923, AUTHOR = {Nahli, O. and Sanna, A. and Bandini, M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Commerce Numérique: traffic signals for the crossroads between cultures}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Commerce is a literary French journal founded by Princess Margherita Caetani, involving three prestigious collaborators: Paul Valéry, Léon-Paul Fargue, Valéry Larbaud. It is composed by 29 volumes published between 1924 and 1932. Each volume collects different literary material of various well-known and unknown writers as poems or novels, translating some of the most important authors like Joyce, T.S. Eliot, Pirandello, Ungaretti, Saint-John Perse, Rilke, Hofmannsthal. Considering the historical, literary, and cultural importance of the Commerce journal, our project "Commerce numérique" aims to digitize and to make the journal contents freely available online to both the general public and the research community. This article presents how the journal was encoded. Also, we give importance to the coding of poems present in Commerce. Indeed, some poems are original in another language and they are accompanied by their French translation. Other poems are a French-translated form without original text. In order to fully and accurately express the phenomena and their structures, we have adopted some aspects of the TEI framework, which we will explain in detail. Particular attention was paid to the French translation of a Moroccan Arabic poem from the 13th century. On the one hand, the original Arabic poetry is interesting because it presents some aspects of the Moroccan dialect and some aspects of the oral text. On the other hand, the study and the encoding of Arabic poetry in parallel to its translation highlight some important structural differences between Arabic poetry and Western poetry.}, KEYWORDS = {Commerce Journal, OCR, TEI encoding, literary journal, digital resources, Arabic poetry}, PAGES = {36-45}, URL = {https://innove.org/ijist/index.php/ijist/article/view/193}, VOLUME = {5}, PUBLISHER = {[El Mohajir Mohammed] ([S. l. ], Marocco)}, ISSN = {2550-5114}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Information Science and Technology}, } @ARTICLE{SALVATORI_2021_ARTICLE_SBD_472280, AUTHOR = {Salvatori, E. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {A un anno da AIUCD2021}, YEAR = {2021}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, AIUCD}, PAGES = {1-4}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85127630558\&origin=inward}, VOLUME = {2021}, DOI = {10.6092/issn.2532-8816/14209}, ISSN = {2532-8816}, JOURNAL = {Umanistica Digitale}, } @INCOLLECTION{BOSCHETTI_2021_INCOLLECTION_BDS_461545, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Spinazzè, L.}, TITLE = {La galassia Musisque Deoque: storia e prospettive}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {The resources in support of Latin scholars created under the scientific direction of Paolo Mastandrea are numerous; the undertaking of Musisque Deoque, which aims at equipping the entire corpus of ancient Latin poetry with "significant variants", is the most emblematic effort, open to further developments. Looking at the general history of these projects, we try to trace the future path of the "Musisque Deoque galaxy" within Open Science.}, KEYWORDS = {Classical philology, Latin poetry, Intertextuality, Open data, FAIR principles}, PAGES = {405-419}, URL = {https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/media/pdf/books/978-88-6969-558-2/978-88-6969-558-2-ch-26.pdf}, VOLUME = {32}, DOI = {10.30687/978-88-6969-557-5/026}, PUBLISHER = {Edizioni Ca' Foscari (Venezia, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-6969-557-5}, BOOKTITLE = {Paulo maiora canamus-Raccolta di studi per Paolo Mastandrea}, EDITOR = {Venuti, M. and Manca, M.}, } @EDITORIAL{SALVATORI_2021_EDITORIAL_SBD_484494, AUTHOR = {Salvatori, E. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale (Selected Papers AIUCD 2021)}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Curatela dei selected paper (Dossier) della conferenza AIUCD2021.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, AIUCD2021, AIUCD, Umanistica Digitale, Informatica Umanistica}, PAGES = {1-197}, URL = {https://umanisticadigitale.unibo.it/issue/view/1033}, VOLUME = {11}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGRATTA_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_DBDB_472299, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Bambaci, L.}, TITLE = {La Filologia come sistema dinamico: qualche considerazione preliminare}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {In questo articolo introduciamo un approccio formale all'evoluzione dei documenti con particolare attenzione alla prospettiva filologica e alle problematiche tipiche connesse. Proponiamo un modello/framework matematico in grado di formalizzare diversi fenomeni complessi in vari ambiti di ricerca quali la Linguistica Computazionale, la Filologia Digitale e l'Ingegneria del Software, in particolare quando questa viene applicata all'analisi di documenti e testi di interesse storico-letterario.}, KEYWORDS = {approccio evoluzionistico, modello formale, analisi documentale e testuale, sistema dinamico, filologia computazionale}, PAGES = {484-490}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/6712/1/AIUCD2021_BOA-versione3A.pdf#page=500}, VOLUME = {aiucd2021}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6712}, ISBN = {9788894253559}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale-DHs for society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19/01/2021-22/01/2021}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale-DHs for society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age. Book of extended abstracts of the 10th national conference}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{VAGIONAKIS_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_VDBBDMM_461540, AUTHOR = {Vagionakis, I. and Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Baroni, P. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Mancinelli, T. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' Meets CLARIN-IT}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {This paper describes a project in the domain of Digital Epigraphy named 'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' and developed at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. The project is supported by CLARIN-IT as part of the actions addressed to initiatives, projects and events in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. The main goal is to make the project visible through CLARIN channels with the hope that it will be a forerunner for other digital epigraphy projects in CLARIN. The article illustrates also the dockerization process applied to the 'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' project, currently hosted on the CLARIN-IT servers.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Epigraphy, Digital Classics, Ancient Greek, Crete, Institutions, Text Encoding Initiative, TEI, EpiDoc, EpiDoc Front-End Services, EFES, Virtual Language Observatory, Dockerization, ILC4CLARIN, CLARIN-IT, CLARIN}, PAGES = {48-53}, URL = {https://office.clarin.eu/v/CE-2021-1923-CLARIN2021_ConferenceProceedings.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CLARIN Annual Conference 2021}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Virtual Edition}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-29/09/2021}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2021 (Virtual Edition)}, EDITOR = {Monachini, M. and Eskevich, M.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MARINETTI_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_MMQBBDPRS_461529, AUTHOR = {Marinetti, A. and Murano, F. and Quochi, V. and Ballerini, M. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Piccini, S. and Rigobianco, L. and Solinas, P.}, TITLE = {Languages and Cultures of Ancient Italy. Historical Linguistics and Digital Models}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {The abstract accompanies a poster presenting an overview of the project "Languages and cultures of Ancient Italy", which had just started. The project brings together competences from Historical Linguistics, Computational Lexicography and Digital Humanities. The main objective of the project is to investigate the cultures of ancient Italy on the basis of theirlinguistic documentation (7th - 1stc. B.C.) by means of digital tools specifically tailored for their peculiarities.}, KEYWORDS = {digital epigraphy, computational lexicons, text-lexicon linking, restsprachen, digital models, digital humanities}, PAGES = {528-532}, URL = {https://aiucd2021.labcd.unipi.it/en/book-of-abstracts-conference/}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {10th National Conference of Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa (Virtuale)}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19-22 gennaio 2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ZENZARO_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_ZBD_472303, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Domain Specific Languages on editing papyri: the GreekSchools case study}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Within the ERC AdG 885222-GreekSchools we aim to manage the edit of multiple papyrologic texts: diplomatic and literary editions and the corresponding apparatuses and their translations. To endow scholars with automatic consistency and coherence of editorial choices and to support the whole editing process, we leverage Domain Specific Languages (DSLs): a formal language definition in a bounded domain. Digital text editing can be handled in multiple ways depending on the editorial purpose. We identify four possible editing approaches to digital textual scholarship: (1) word processor; (2) structured text (e.g. XML); (3) GUI-centric; (4) domain specific language (DSL). Each of them has pros and cons. In particular we analyse five dimensions: familiarity, compactness, completeness, data elaboration support, and the need of technical training. With familiarity we refer to how much the scholar can avoid shifting his established working paradigm/environment. Compactness is the ratio between quantity of information and formalisation size. Completeness refers to the information the content represents. The capability to extract or deduce information from the data is addressed by data elaboration support. Finally, we consider important to evaluate the amount of technical training for text editing. For example, structured texts grant completeness of information, while requiring extensive technical training. In this context only the DSL approach encompasses all these dimensions while the other approaches compromises on some of them. We propose a DSL-based editor that will support and improve the editing workflow in the context of the ERC project.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Digital Papyrology, GreekSchools, Computational philology}, URL = {https://www.clarin.eu/content/clarin-bazaar-2021#data-curation-using-nlp}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CLARIN Annual Conference 2021}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-29/09/2021}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2021_MISC_BD_484394, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Problemi tecnici e questioni teoriche nella gestione degli archivi digitali di testi}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Il seminario illustra alcune potenzialità offerte dalla rappresentazione digitale di testi d'interesse umanistico. Si prenderà spunto dall'archivio di testi latini conservato e fruibile dalla piattaforma Musisque Deoque per poi passare ad alcuni esempi di indagine condotti mediante il linguaggio di interrogazione XQuery.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Filologia Digitale, Filologia Computazionale, MQDQ, Archivi Digitali di Testi, XML/TEI}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484394}, } @MISC{TESSAROLO_2021_MISC_TDB_484490, AUTHOR = {Tessarolo, L. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {florilegiasyriaca}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Il portale di produzione e fruizione delle edizioni dei testi critici restituiti al pubblico durante il lavoro del team del progetto ERC 758732-FLOS}, KEYWORDS = {ERC, Digital Humanities, Digital Philology, FLOS, DSL-based DSE}, URL = {https://www.florilegiasyriaca.eu/}, } @MISC{ZENZARO_2021_MISC_ZDB_472307, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {CophiEditor A collaborative web platform for the creation of scholarly digital editions}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Relazione di avanzamento della piattaforma per il progetto GreekSchools}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Digital papyrology, GreekSchools}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/472307}, } @ARTICLE{BOSCHETTI_2020_ARTICLE_BD_472293, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A.}, TITLE = {L'annotazione di testi storico-letterari al tempo dei social media}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {The annotation of historical and literary texts is approached differently by traditional philologists and digital philologists. The former are concentrated on the detailed study of a given text (close reading) while the latter are focused on the study of large quantities of texts (distant reading). A structured and collaborative annotation makes it possible both to add information to particular passages of individual texts, as in a traditional linear comment, and to connect data from entire textual collections through rigorous protocols. However, the standards developed by digital philologists are not highly appreciated by traditional academics, since the effort necessary to apply the proposed technologies allegedly diverts researchers' attention from the object of study. As opposed to this objection, we intend to highlight that it is indeed possible to maintain the precision requisite for the application of computational tools to digital resources without renouncing the annotation practices established in traditional contexts. In support of the method, we report a number of case studies of digital scientific editions whose goals include both reconstructing respective texts and encouraging the dissemination of contents and public participation in the academic debate. In particular, we will discuss the following projects: a) the stylistic annotation of three different editions of Giacomo Leopardi's translation of the Batracomiomachia; b) the scientific edition of Bellini's letters; c) the multi-level annotated edition of Bassani; and d) the comparison of Umberto Eco's variants of his Il nome della rosa.}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, collaborative annotation, communities, digital scholarly edition, formalisation}, PAGES = {65-99}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/472293}, VOLUME = {11}, DOI = {10.15804/IW.2020.11.1.03}, PUBLISHER = {Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek (Torun, Polonia)}, ISSN = {2084-4514}, JOURNAL = {Italica Wratislaviensia (Print)}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_BDMBMD_462360, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R. and Monachini, M. and Buzzoni, M. and Monella, P. and Del Turco, R. R.}, TITLE = {"Tea for two": the Archive of the Italian Latinity of the Middle Ages meets the CLARIN infrastructure}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {This paper presents the Archive of the Italian Latinity of the Middle Ages (ALIM) and focuses, particularly, on its structure and metadata for its integration into the ILC4CLARIN repository. Access to this archive of Latin texts produced in Italy during the Middle Ages is of great importance in providing CLARIN-IT and the CLARIN community, at large, with critically reliable texts for the use of philologists, historians of literature, historians of institutions, culture and science of the Middle Ages.}, KEYWORDS = {Latin resources, CLARIN, corpus, repository}, PAGES = {121-125}, URL = {https://office.clarin.eu/v/CE-2020-1738-CLARIN2020_ConferenceProceedings.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CLARIN Annual Conference 2020}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {05-07/10/2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGRATTA_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_DBBS_462341, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Bambaci, L. and Sarnari, F.}, TITLE = {Approaching document analysis with a formal model}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {We introduce a formal approach to document and text analysis. The method proposed herein results in a mathematical and physical model/framework which can formalize different challenges in research fields such as computational linguistics, digital philology, and software engineering, principally if applied to document and text analysis. We examine texts and documents from an evolutionary perspective, where both corruption and correction are involved. We describe document evolution via fiber bundles formalism.}, KEYWORDS = {Formal model, document analysis, evolutionary approach}, PAGES = {208-214}, URL = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=\&arnumber=9357202\&tag=1}, DOI = {10.1109/CIST49399.2021.9357202}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {6th International IEEE Colloquium on Information Science and Technology}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Agadir, Morocco}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5-12/06/2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{LENCI_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_LMBDDDDMPPVL_435958, AUTHOR = {Lenci, A. and Montemagni, S. and Boschetti, F. and De Felice, I. and Dei Rossi, S. and Dell'Orletta, F. and Di Giorgio, M. and Miliani, M. and Passaro, L. C. and Puddu, A. and Venturi, G. and Labanca, N.}, TITLE = {Voices of the Great War: A Richly Annotated Corpus of Italian Texts on the First World War}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {Voci della Grande Guerra ("Voices of the Great War") is the first large corpus of Italian historical texts dating back to the period of First World War. This corpus differs from other existing resources in several respects. First, from the linguistic point of view it gives account of the wide range of varieties in which Italian was articulated in that period, namely from a diastratic (educated vs. uneducated writers), diaphasic (low/informal vs. high/formal registers) and diatopic (regional varieties, dialects) points of view. From the historical perspective, through a collection of texts belonging to different genres it represents different views on the war and the various styles of narrating war events and experiences. The final corpus is balanced along various dimensions, corresponding to the textual genre, the language variety used, the author type and the typology of conveyed contents. The corpus is annotated with lemmas, part-of-speech, terminology, and named entities. Significant corpus samples representative of the different "voices" have also been enriched with meta-linguistic and syntactic information. The layer of syntactic annotation forms the first nucleus of an Italian historical treebank complying with the Universal Dependencies standard. The paper illustrates the final resource, the methodology and tools used to build it, and the Web Interface for navigating it.}, KEYWORDS = {Historical Corpora, Linguistic and Meta-linguistic Annotation, Information Extraction}, PAGES = {911-918}, URL = {https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.lrec-1.114.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA)}, ISBN = {979-10-95546-34-4}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {11-16/05/2020}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{RICCI_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_RMBSD_430888, AUTHOR = {Ricci, L. and Melighetti, F. and Boschetti, F. and Salvatori, E. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {DH as an Ideal Educational Environment: the Ethnographic Museum of La Spezia}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {The authors present the outcomes of an educational experimentation that took place in the academic year 2018-2019 at the degree course in Informatica Umanistica at the University of Pisa. The first objective of the project concerned the digitization of a corpus of postcards from the period of the First World War owned by the ethnographic Museum of La Spezia "G. Podenzana". The aims of the work are not only the historical study of the corpus, but also the organization of a public history project with the Museum.}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities}, PAGES = {222-226}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/id/eprint/6316}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6316}, ISBN = {978-88-942535-4-2}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Milano}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {15/01/2020-17/01/2020}, BOOKTITLE = {Quaderni di Umanistica Digitale}, EDITOR = {Marras, C. and Passarotti, M. and Franzini, G. and Litta, E.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{SANNA_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_SCBN_439796, AUTHOR = {Sanna, A. and Cinerari, R. and Boschetti, F. and Nahli, O.}, TITLE = {Digitizing and Encoding a Multilingual Literary Review: Commerce Numerique}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {Commerce was an important literary review founded in Paris by Princess Margherita Caetani, Prince Roffredo Caetani's wife. Born in America, she was polyglot and maecenas. Between 1924 and 1932 she surrounded herself with three prestigious collaborators: Paul Valéry, Léon-Paul Fargue, Valéry Larbaud. The review promoted the translation of World and European literature in French, translating some of the most important authors like Joyce, T.S. Eliot, Pirandello, Ungaretti, Saint-John Perse, Rilke, Hofmannsthal. The aim of this project is to promote by digitizing the dissemination of the review, to develop studies and research concerning the Caetani family's cultural activities in Europe. All the volumes of the literary review Commerce have been scanned, acquired by OCR and encoded in TEI-XML. The cultural value of the operation is discussed and the work-flow to create the digital textual corpus is described in detail.}, KEYWORDS = {Review Commerce, OCR, TEI encoding, literary review, digital resources}, PAGES = {4}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/439796}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE (New York, USA)}, ISBN = {978-1-7281-6646-9}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {IEEE-CIST2020 DPWH}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Agadir-Essaouira, Morocco}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5/06/2021-12/06/2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_BDM_416444, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {Latin digital archives and research infrastructures: just a trendy option or a substantive need?}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {Latin digital archives and research infrastructures: just a trendy option or a substantive need?}, KEYWORDS = {Research Infrastructure, Digital Libraries, Latin}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/416444}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {ALIM and beyond}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Venezia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-28/01/2020}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2020_MISC_BD_484370, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Textual markup (typographic, structural, semantic: HTML, CSS, XML)}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {Lezione tenuta nel contesto dell Summer School organizzata nel 2020 dal centro Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH)}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Public Humanities, XML/TEI, Digital Scholarly Edition, VeDPH}, URL = {https://vedph.github.io/summercamp/}, } @ARTICLE{SPRUGNOLI_2019_ARTICLE_SPBD_403257, AUTHOR = {Sprugnoli, R. and Pardelli, G. and Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R.}, TITLE = {Un'Analisi Multidimensionale della Ricerca Italiana nel Campo delle Digital Humanities e della Linguistica Computazionale}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {This article proposes the first comparative study of four years of Italian conferences in the fields of Digital Humanities and Computational Linguistics. More specifically, we created a corpus consisting of the contributions presented in the AIUCD and CLiC-it conferences between 2014 and 2017 to which we applied a multidimensional analysis taking into consideration: (i) the study of collaborations between authors using social networks analysis techniques, (ii) the automatic extraction of terminology and information and (iii) the examination of citational practices. By combining both qualitative and quantitative methods of investigation, this paper aims to shed light on convergences and discrepancies between two research areas that historically have common origins.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Computational Linguistics, Comparative study}, PAGES = {59-89}, URL = {https://umanisticadigitale.unibo.it/article/view/8581}, VOLUME = {5}, DOI = {10.6092/issn.2532-8816/8581}, ISSN = {2532-8816}, JOURNAL = {Umanistica Digitale}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_BPV_409872, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Pardelli, G. and Venturi, G.}, TITLE = {Nove Anni di jTEI: What's New?}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Questo contributo illustra metodi e strumenti per studiare il cambiamento diacronico degli interessi di ricerca della comunità TEI grazie all'uso di metodi di estrazione automatica della terminologia da corpora di dominio.}, KEYWORDS = {Natural Language Processing, Digital Humanities}, PAGES = {1-6}, URL = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2481}, VOLUME = {Vol-2481 urn: nbn: de: 0074-2481-7}, PUBLISHER = {CEUR-WS. org (Aachen, DEU)}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CLiC-it 2019-Sesta Conferenza Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Bari}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {13-15/11/2019}, BOOKTITLE = {CLiC-it 2019 Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics}, EDITOR = {Bernardi, R. and Navigli, R. and Semeraro, G.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{PARDELLI_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_PGB_398956, AUTHOR = {Pardelli, G. and Goggi, S. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Strolling around the dawn of Digital Humanities}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Nelle ricerche umanistiche l'impiego dell'elaboratore elettronico prende il via nella seconda metà del ventesimo secolo favorendo l'uso di metodi statistici sia nello studio di opere letterarie che nello studio delle lingue, promuovendo un sodalizio interdisciplinare che è arrivato ai giorni nostri senza interruzione. In questo contributo tentiamo di fissare alcuni momenti salienti del processo che ha visto la nascita comune della Linguistica Computazionale e delle Digital Humanities nonché i loro alterni allontanamenti e ricongiungimenti.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities (DH), Computational Linguistics (CL), History}, PAGES = {261-264}, URL = {http://aiucd2019.uniud.it/book-of-abstracts/}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {8th Annual Conference AIUCD 2019. Teaching and research in Digital Humanities' era}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Udine, Dipartimento Di Studi Umanistici e Patrimonio Culturale, Università di Udine}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {23-25 gennaio 2019}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{SALVATORI_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_SBD_400259, AUTHOR = {Salvatori, E. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {From collaborative transcription to interdisciplinary education: the postcards of the Great War case}, YEAR = {2019}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Public History, Collaborative Philology, Text Encoding, Digital Philology, Web Application, Educational, Digital Textual Scholarship}, PAGES = {211-215}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/6361/}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6361}, ISBN = {978-88-942535-3-5}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Didattica e ricerca al tempo delle Digital Humanities / Teaching and research in Digital Humanities' era}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Udine}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {23-25/01/2019}, BOOKTITLE = {Didattica e ricerca al tempo delle Digital Humanities / Teaching and research in Digital Humanities' era. Ottavo Convegno Annuale 8th Annual Conference AIUCD 2019 (Udine, 23-25 gennaio 2019) Book of Abstracts}, EDITOR = {Allegrezza, S.}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2019_MISC_BD_430372, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Digital Philology}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Session outline: 1) Introduction 1a) Computational Linguistics and Digital Philology 1b) Collaboration vs Cooperation 1c) Defining Data Types and APIs for Scholarly Editing 1d) The Hermeneutical circle 2) Digital Ecdotics 2a) Representation of Textual Phenomena by TEI-XML 2b) Representation of Textual Phenomena by Domain-Specific Languages 2c) Visual Presentation of Encoded Data 2d) Stemma Codicum and Alignment of Variants 2e) Querying Encoded Data 3) Digital Hermeneutics 3a) Linguistic and Stylistic Analyses 3b) Thematic Analysis 3c) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Philological Issues 3d) Semantic Querying 4) Conclusion 4a) Putting All Together 4b) Further Perspectives Seminar readings - Boschetti, Federico, e Angelo Mario Del Grosso. 2015. «TeiCoPhiLib: A Library of Components for the Domain of Collaborative Philology». Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, n. 8. https://doi.org/10.4000/jtei.1285 - Burnard, Lou. 2014. WHAT IS THE TEXT ENCODING INITIATIVE?. OpenEdition Press. http://books.openedition.org/oep/426 - Schmidt, Desmond. 2010. «The inadequacy of embedded markup for cultural heritage texts». Literary and Linguistic Computing 25 (3): 337-56. https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqq007 Further reading - Berti, Monica, Bridget Almas, David Dubin, Greta Franzini, Simona Stoyanova, e Gregory Ralph Crane. 2014. «The Linked Fragment: TEI and the Encoding of Text Reuses of Lost Authors». JTEI 8. https://doi.org/10.4000/jtei.1218 - Bozzi, Andrea. 2014. «Computer-assisted Scholarly Editing of Manuscript Sources». In New publication cultures in the humanities: exploring the paradigm shift, P. Davidhazi (ed.), 99-115. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. http://www.oapen.org/record/515678 - Driscoll, Matthew James, e Elena Pierazzo, (eds) 2016. Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories and Practices. Vol. 4. Digital Humanities Series. Open Book Publishers. Chapters 2-4. http://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/483/digital-scholarly-editing-theories-and-practices/eec262cdd3121ebd5eb2bf78581594f2}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, digital humanities}, URL = {https://github.com/SunoikisisDC/SunoikisisDC-2018-2019/wiki/Summer2019-Session2}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2018_MISC_BD_390656, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Euporia: Piattaforma digitale per l'annotazione tramite Domain Specific Languages di testi multilingui disposti in parallelo}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {Piattaforma digitale per l'annotazione tramite Domain Specific Languages di testi multilingui disposti in parallelo}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities, computational philology, digital philology}, URL = {https://github.com/CoPhi/euporia}, } @ARTICLE{ROBERTSON_2017_ARTICLE_RB_381705, AUTHOR = {Robertson, B. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Large-Scale Optical Character Recognition of Ancient Greek}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {This paper documents our campaign to undertake the large-scale optical character recognition of ancient, or polytonic, Greek. Building upon the Gamera OCR engine and developing a suite of post-processing tools, including automatic spellcheck, we processed 1,200 volumes comprising 329,002,271 Greek words. A sample of 10 pages is studied in detail; they demonstrate the degree to which each step of post-processing improved the results, and with which source documents. These pages attain an average character accuracy of about 96%. These results will provide a basis for further improvements, including the training of other open-source OCR engines.}, KEYWORDS = {OCR, Ancient Greek}, PAGES = {341-359}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.3138/mous.14.3-3}, VOLUME = {14 (III series)}, PUBLISHER = {University of Calgary Press, for the Classical Association of Canada (Calgary, Canada)}, ISSN = {1496-9343}, JOURNAL = {Mouseion (Calg.)}, } @INCOLLECTION{BOSCHETTI_2017_INCOLLECTION_BDD_382022, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {The role of digital scholarly editors in the design of components for cooperative philology}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {This contribution is focused on the role of the digital scholarly editor in the continuous process of analysis, development and evaluation of libraries of components for cooperative philology.}, KEYWORDS = {digital editions, collaborative and cooperative philology, digital philology}, PAGES = {249-253}, URL = {https://www.sidestone.com/books/advances-in-digital-scholarly-editing}, ISBN = {978-90-8890-484-4}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing}, EDITOR = {Boot, P. and Cappellotto, A. and Dillen, W. and Fischer, F. and Kelly, A. and Mertgens, A. and Sichani, A. and Spadini, E. and Van Hulle, D.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLANDI_2017_INPROCEEDINGS_BBKDM_366612, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Boschetti, F. and Khan, A. F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {Provando e riprovando modelli di dizionario storico digitale: collegare voci, citazioni, interpretazioni}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {Il dizionario storico è il luogo d'incontro privilegiato di linguistica e lessicografia e filologia e critica letteraria. Nella prima parte prendiamo in considerazione un caso di studio piuttosto noto, relativo all'espressione "provando e riprovando", per mostrare come perfino i luoghi citati nei dizionari, che sono introdotti con lo scopo di disambiguare i termini in contesto, non siano privi di controversie interpretative. Nella seconda parte, molto più dettagliata e più tecnica, tentiamo di aggiungere ai modelli lessicali e citazionali già esistenti ed aperti soluzioni minime che ci permettano di collegare voci, citazioni e interpretazioni all'interno dell'universo dei Linked Open Data.}, KEYWORDS = {Linked Open Data LOD}, PAGES = {119-125}, URL = {http://aiucd2017.aiucd.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/book-of-abstract-AIUCD-2017.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2017 Conference \& 3rd EADH Day}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Roma, Università "Sapienza"}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {24-28 January 2017}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2017 Conference}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{PARDELLI_2017_INPROCEEDINGS_PGBD_366597, AUTHOR = {Pardelli, G. and Giannini, S. and Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R.}, TITLE = {AIUCD e CLiC-it: citazioni bibliografiche a confronto}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {Il lavoro propone l'analisi e il confronto dei riferimenti bibliografici delle cinque edizioni annuali della Conferenza dell'Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD) e del primo biennio (2014-2015) della Conferenza Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale (CLiC-it) per misurare la direzione in cui si muove il trend citazionale.. L'analisi muove dal principio di rilevanza della citazione nella trasmissione della conoscenza in un periodo di grandi cambiamenti socioculturali e di importanti evoluzioni nelle modalità di produzione e diffusione dei risultati della ricerca scientifica. Lo scopo dello studio è quello di misurare la gamma delle risorse citate in questa area del sapere mediante l'uso di indicatori volti a comprendere la loro ampiezza, l'estensione temporale, la varietà, le relazioni con il mondo editoriale e i modelli di riferimento. L'osservazione dei risultati consente di classificare i documenti citati, di descriverne le caratteristiche e di valutare eventuali trasformazioni rispetto alle modalità di citazione tradizionali. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The paper suggests the analysis of the bibliographic references - enclosed in the proceedings of the Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics - CLICit in 2014-2015 biennium and of five AIUCD Conference editions 2012-2016 . The analysis moves from the principle of relevance of citation in the transmission of knowledge in a period of great socio-cultural changes and important developments in the production and dissemination of the results in the scientific research. The purpose of the study is to measure the range of resources cited in this area of knowledge by the use of indicators aimed in understanding their wideness, the time extension, the variety, the relations with the publishing world and the reference models. The observation of the results allows to classify the cited document, to describe its characteristics and to assess any changes compared to the traditional citation mode.}, KEYWORDS = {Corpus bibliografico, Analisi di metadati}, PAGES = {38-50}, URL = {http://aiucd2017.aiucd.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/book-of-abstract-AIUCD-2017.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2017 Conference \& 3rd EADH Day}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Roma, Università "Sapienza"}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {24-28 January 2017}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2017 Conference}, } @ARTICLE{BOSCHETTI_2016_ARTICLE_BB_382026, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Buzzoni, M.}, TITLE = {Cronache-Edizioni digitali: Rappresentazione, Interoperabilità, Analisi del testo e Infrastrutture (Venezia, 7-9 settembre 2016)}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {Cronaca del quinto convegno annuale dell'Associazione di Informatica Umanistica e Cultura Digitale (AIUCD), che si è svolto dal 7 al 9 settembre 2016 presso l'Aula Magna di Ca' Dolfin dell'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia e ha avuto per tema: "Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilità, analisi del testo e infrastrutture".}, KEYWORDS = {convegno AIUCD}, PAGES = {269-274}, URL = {http://bit.ly/2CW0BOV}, VOLUME = {13}, PUBLISHER = {Carrocci (Roma, Italia)}, ISSN = {1825-5361}, JOURNAL = {Ecdotica (Roma)}, } @ARTICLE{MUGELLI_2016_ARTICLE_MBDDKT_364960, AUTHOR = {Mugelli, G. and Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Khan, F. and Taddei, A.}, TITLE = {A user-centred design to annotate ritual facts in ancient greek tragedies}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {Euporia is an annotation system developed with a user-centred approach for the study of ritual and religion in ancient Greek tragedy. Euporia adopts a domain specific language (DSL) and a lightweight web user interface in order to offer digital support to an anthropological study of ancient Greek tragedy that compares ritual as it is performed or described in Greek tragedy with ancient ritual as it can be reconstructed from literary, archaeological, and epigraphic sources. The case study discussed in this paper (Aesch. Ag 67-71) shows one of the main features of Euporia: the ability to annotate different readings and different interpretations of the text and their consequences in the reconstruction of ancient Greek ritual.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Philology, Digital Humanities, Digital Classicist, Computational philology, Computational Linguistics}, PAGES = {103-120}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85007489227\&origin=inward}, VOLUME = {59}, DOI = {10.1111/j.2041-5370.2016.12041.x}, PUBLISHER = {Institute of Classical Studies, University of London (London, Regno Unito)}, ISSN = {0076-0730}, JOURNAL = {Bulletin-University of London. Institute of Classical Studies}, } @INCOLLECTION{DELGRATTA_2016_INCOLLECTION_DBDKM_353799, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. and Khan, F. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {Cooperative philology on the way to web services: The case of the cophiwordnet platform}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present ongoing research carried out at the Institute for Computational Linguistics "A. Zampolli" (ILC) in Pisa. The institute has been active since many years in the field of Digital Humanities providing resources, tools and solutions to address issues of the to digital humanists. Starting from those previous initiatives, we show how to re-engineer them as Web Services in order to make connections between lexicons, semantic resources and a fine grained text management. Linked Open Data is chosen as the paradigm used to link the different resources as well as the modality of data presentation.}, KEYWORDS = {Canonical text services, Cooperative philology, Linked open data, Web services}, PAGES = {173-187}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84961744725\&partnerID=q2rCbXpz}, VOLUME = {9442}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-31468-6_13}, PUBLISHER = {Springer International Publishing (Switzerland, CHE)}, ISBN = {978-3-319-31468-6}, BOOKTITLE = {Worldwide Language Service Infrastructure: Second International Workshop, WLSI 2015, Kyoto, Japan, January 22-23, 2015. Revised Selected Papers}, EDITOR = {Murakami, Y. and Li, D.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BERTI_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_BCYBBD_363704, AUTHOR = {Berti, M. and Crane, G. and Yousef, T. and Bizzoni, Y. and Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R.}, TITLE = {Ancient Greek WordNet meets the Dynamic Lexicon: the example of the fragments of the Greek Historians}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {The Ancient Greek WordNet (AGWN) and the Dynamic Lexicon (DL) are multilingual resources to study the lexicon of Ancient Greek texts and their translations. Both AGWN and DL are works in progress that need accuracy improvement and manual validation. After a detailed description of the current state of each work, this paper illustrates a methodology to cross AGWN and DL data, in order to mutually score the items of each resource according to the evidence provided by the other resource. The training data is based on the corpus of the Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (DFHG), which includes ancient Greek texts with Latin translations.}, KEYWORDS = {wordnet}, PAGES = {34-38}, URL = {http://gwc2016.racai.ro/procedings.pdf}, ISBN = {978-606-714-239-6}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Global WordNet Conference}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Bucarest}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-30/01/2016}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ARRIGONI_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_AKMB_363708, AUTHOR = {Arrigoni, S. and Khan, F. and Monachini, M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Misurare Memorata Poetis: prime statistiche}, YEAR = {2016}, KEYWORDS = {intertestualità, temi e motivi}, PAGES = {151-155}, URL = {http://www.himeros.eu/aiucd2016/c47.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Quinto Convegno Annuale AIUCD. Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilità, analisi del testo e infrastrutture}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Ca' Dolfin, Venezia, Italia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {7-9/9/2016}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2016-Book of Abstracts}, EDITOR = {Boschetti, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_DBMG_360640, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F. and Marchi, S. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {Vantaggi dell'Astrazione attraverso l'Approccio Orientato agli Oggetti per il Digital Scholarly Editing}, YEAR = {2016}, KEYWORDS = {Object Oriented Design, ADT, Digital Textual Scholarship}, URL = {http://www.himeros.eu/aiucd2016/c33.pdf}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5559}, ISBN = {978-88-942535-0-4}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Quinto Convegno Annuale AIUCD. Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilità, analisi del testo e infrastrutture}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Ca' Dolfin, Venezia, Italia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {7-9/09/2016}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{NAHLI_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_NBAT_363709, AUTHOR = {Nahli, O. and Boschetti, F. and Arrigoni, S. and Tessarolo, L.}, TITLE = {Il corpus di testi arabi in Memorata Poetis}, YEAR = {2016}, KEYWORDS = {letteratura araba, temi e motivi}, PAGES = {157-162}, URL = {http://www.himeros.eu/aiucd2016/c03.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Quinto Convegno Annuale AIUCD. Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilità, analisi del testo e infrastrutture}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Ca' Dolfin, Venezia, Italia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {7-9/9/2016}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2016-Book of Abstracts}, EDITOR = {Boschetti, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{RIZZETTO_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_RTFPTBS_363705, AUTHOR = {Rizzetto, M. and Trevisiol, A. and Falcone, D. and Pilon, N. and Tomè, P. and Boschetti, F. and Springmann, U.}, TITLE = {Nuove frontiere delle Digital Humanities in classe: esperienze dal campo}, YEAR = {2016}, KEYWORDS = {didattica, ocr, latino umanistico}, PAGES = {119-122}, URL = {http://www.himeros.eu/aiucd2016/c32.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Quinto Convegno Annuale AIUCD. Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilità, analisi del testo e infrastrutture}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Ca' Dolfin, Venezia, Italia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {7-9/9/2016}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2016-Book of Abstracts}, EDITOR = {Boschetti, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{STANZIONE_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_SRMTBD_363706, AUTHOR = {Stanzione, A. and Re, G. and Mugelli, G. and Taddei, A. and Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R.}, TITLE = {Homeric Greek WordNet: costruire una risorsa lessico-semantica fra ricerca e didattica}, YEAR = {2016}, KEYWORDS = {wordnet, semantica, greco antico}, PAGES = {129-132}, URL = {http://www.himeros.eu/aiucd2016/c40.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Quinto Convegno Annuale AIUCD. Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilità, analisi del testo e infrastrutture}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Ca' Dolfin, Venezia, Italia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {7-9/9/2016}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2016-Book of Abstracts}, EDITOR = {Boschetti, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{PIRRELLI_2015_INPROCEEDINGS_PNBDM_333414, AUTHOR = {Pirrelli, V. and Nahli, O. and Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R. and Marzi, C.}, TITLE = {Computational Linguistics and Language Physiology: Insights from Arabic NLP and Cooperative Editing}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {Computer processing of written Arabic raises a number of challenges to traditional parsing architectures on many levels of linguistic analysis. In this contribution, we review some of these core issues and the demands they make, to suggest different strategies to successfully tackle them. In the end, we assess these issues in connection with the behaviour of neuro-biologically inspired lexical architectures known as Temporal Self-Organising Maps. We show that, far from being language-specific problems, issues in Arabic processing can shed light on some fundamental characteristics of the human language processor, such as structure-based lexical recoding, concurrent, competitive activation of output candidates and dynamic selection of optimal solutions.}, KEYWORDS = {Non-concatenative morphology, Optical Character Recognition, WordNet, Temporal Self-organising Maps, Mental Lexicon, Language neuro-physiology}, PAGES = {1-8}, URL = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2802612}, DOI = {10.1145/2802612.2802637}, ISBN = {978-1-4503-3295-8}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Third AIUCD Annual Conference-Humanities and Their Methods in the Digital Ecosystem}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Bologna (IT)}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {18-19/09/2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Third AIUCD Annual Conference-Humanities and Their Methods in the Digital Ecosystem}, EDITOR = {Tomasi, F. and Del Turco, R. R. and Tammaro, A. M.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2015_INPROCEEDINGS_BDDMDN_295474, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. and Monachini, M. and Diakoff, H. and Nahli, O.}, TITLE = {Collaborative Philology on the way to Web Services: the case of CoPhiWordnet}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {Starting from previous initiatives of the CoPhiLab, we show how they can be reinterpreted as Web Services, especially when they become part of a wider scenario: Web Services are used to make connections between lexicons, semantic resources and a fine grained text management. Linked Open Data is chosen to be the paradigm used to link the dierent resources, but also as the modality of data presentation.}, KEYWORDS = {Collaborative Philology, Web Services, Linked Open Data, Text Services, Text Interpretation}, URL = {http://langrid.org/wlsi2015/program.html}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {The Second International Workshop on Worldwide Language Service Infrastructure, WLSI 2015}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Kyoto}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {22-23rd January 2015}, } @MISC{DANCONA_2015_MISC_DBNFCBDM_390659, AUTHOR = {D'Ancona, C. and Bozzi, A. and Nahli, O. and Farina, M. and Coda, E. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Banca dati testuale Greek into Arabic}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {Banca dati testuale con la codifica XML della pericopatura dei testi Greco-Arabo di alcuni trattati delle Enneadi di Plotino.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Computational Philology, Greek into Arabic, http: //g2a. ilc. cnr. it}, URL = {http://g2a.ilc.cnr.it/}, } @INCOLLECTION{BOSCHETTI_2014_INCOLLECTION_B_288045, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Corpus Linguistics and Greek}, YEAR = {2014}, PAGES = {391-394}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288045}, ISBN = {9789004225978}, BOOKTITLE = {Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (3 vols)}, EDITOR = {Giannakis, G. K.}, } @INCOLLECTION{BOSCHETTI_2014_INCOLLECTION_B_308246, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Strumenti on-line per l'analisi e l'annotazione di testi letterari ed epigrafici bilingui}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {Il presente contributo illustra alcuni metodi e strumenti per l'allineamento di testi bilingui e descrive in particolare il sistema sviluppato presso l'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale «A. Zampolli» del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Pisa, corredato di funzioni specifiche per l'epigrafia digitale. Lo strumento informatico facilita l'interrogazione e la visualizzazione dei passi in parallelo, oltre a permettere allo studioso di annotare singole parole o porzioni più estese di testo che si corrispondono, a giudizio delle studioso stesso, in modo più o meno fedele nelle due lingue.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Epigraphy, Cooperative Philology}, PAGES = {1-9}, URL = {http://www.edizionicafoscari.unive.it/col/exp/30/59/Archivistica/3}, VOLUME = {3}, PUBLISHER = {Edizioni Ca' Foscari (Venezia, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-97735-94-6}, BOOKTITLE = {Memoria poetica e poesia della memoria-La versificazione epigrafica dall'antichità all'umanesimo}, EDITOR = {Pistellato, A.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BIZZONI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BBDDMC_286958, AUTHOR = {Bizzoni, Y. and Boschetti, F. and Diakoff, H. and Del Gratta, R. and Monachini, M. and Crane, G.}, TITLE = {The Making of Ancient Greek WordNet}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {This paper describes the process of creation and review of a new lexico-semantic resource for the classical studies: AncientGreekWord- Net. The candidate sets of synonyms (synsets) are extracted from Greek-English dictionaries, on the assumption that Greek words translated by the same English word or phrase have a high probability of being synonyms or at least semantically closely related. The process of validation and the web interface developed to edit and query the resource are described in detail. The lexical coverage of Ancient Greek WordNet is illustrated and the accuracy is evaluated. Finally, scenarios for exploiting the resource are discussed.}, KEYWORDS = {Ancient Greek, Multilingualism, Classical Philology}, PAGES = {1140-1147}, URL = {http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2014/index.html}, PUBLISHER = {European language resources association (ELRA) (Paris, FRA)}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {LREC 2014. European Language Resources Association ELRA: Paris (Francia)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Reykjavik, Iceland}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {26-31 may}, EDITOR = {Calzolari, N. and Choukri, K. and Declerck, T. and Loftsson, H. and Maegaard, B. and Mariani, J. and Moreno, A. and Odijk, J. and Piperidis, S.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_B_288048, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Acquisizione e Creazione di Risorse Plurilingui per gli Studi di Filologia Classica in Ambienti Collaborativi}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {Questo articolo illustra metodi e strumenti per l'acquisizione e l'estensione di risorse digitali plurilingui per gli studi classici, sviluppati in collaborazione tra il CoPhiLab dell'Ilc-Cnr e il Perseus Project della Tufts University. Si descrivono tre linee di intervento: a) la progettazione e l'implementazione di un sistema di correzione dell'output dell'Ocr applicato al Greco antico; b) la creazione e la valutazione di un nucleo di synsets per Ancient Greek WordNet e c) l'allineamento di un campione di testi greci e latini con le relative traduzioni italiane.}, KEYWORDS = {Greco Antico, OCR, WordNet, Allineamento}, PAGES = {55-67}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288048}, PUBLISHER = {CLEUP (Padova, ITA)}, ISBN = {9788867872602}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2013}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Collaborative Research Practices and Shared Infrastructures for Humanities Computing-2nd Aiucd Annual Conference, Aiucd 2013 Padua, Italy, 11-12 December 2013-Proceedings of Revised Papers}, EDITOR = {Agosti, M. and Tomasi, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_B_288052, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {La localizzazione del Perseus Project in lingua italiana}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {Si illustra il progetto di localizzazione in lingua italiana dell'infrastruttura per lo studio dei classici greci e latini costituita dal Perseus Project (Tufts University, Medford, MA), usando risorse per l'analisi della nostra lingua sviluppate presso l'ILC-CNR di Pisa e mettendo a disposizione nuovi componenti software per la visualizzazione e l'annotazione di testi bilingui.}, KEYWORDS = {filologia computazionale, allineamento, lessico dinamico}, PAGES = {221-234}, URL = {http://digilab2.let.uniroma1.it/ojs/index.php/Quaderni_DigiLab/issue/view/12}, VOLUME = {24}, DOI = {10.13133/978-88-98533-27-5}, ISBN = {978-88-98533-27-5}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2012}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Firenze}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {13-14 dicembre 2012}, BOOKTITLE = {Digital Humanities: progetti italiani ed esperienze di convergenza multidisciplinare-Atti del convegno annuale dell'Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD) Firenze, 13-14 dicembre 2012}, EDITOR = {Ciotti, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BCDLPPVML_288050, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Cimino, A. and Dell'Orletta, F. and Lebani, G. E. and Passaro, L. and Picchi, P. and Venturi, G. and Montemagni, S. and Lenci, A.}, TITLE = {Computational Analysis of Historical Documents: An Application to Italian War Bulletins in World War I and II}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {World War (WW) I and II represent crucial landmarks in the history on mankind: They have affected the destiny of whole generations and their consequences are still alive throughout Europe. In this paper we present an ongoing project to carry out a computational analysis of Italian war bulletins in WWI and WWII, by applying state-of-the-art tools for NLP and Information Extraction. The annotated texts and extracted information will be explored with a dedicated Web interface, allowing for multidimensional access and exploration of historical events through space and time.}, KEYWORDS = {World War I}, PAGES = {70-75}, URL = {http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2014/workshops/LREC2014Workshop-LRT4HDA%20Proceedings.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {European language resources association (ELRA) (Paris, FRA)}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {LREC 2014}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Reykjavik}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {26 May}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of workshop on Language resources and technologies for processing and linking historical documents and archives-Deploying Linked Open Data in Cultural Heritage-LREC 2014, 26 May, Reykjavik, Iceland}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BDL_288070, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R. and Lamé, M.}, TITLE = {Computer Assisted Annotation of Themes and Motifs in Ancient Greek Epigrams: First Steps}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {This paper aims at illustrating some tools to assist the manual annotation of themes and motifs in literary and epigraphic epigrams for the PRIN 2010/2011 Memorata Poetis Project.}, KEYWORDS = {Filologia collaborativa}, PAGES = {83-86}, URL = {http://clic.humnet.unipi.it/it/atti.html}, VOLUME = {1}, DOI = {10.12871/CLICIT2014158}, PUBLISHER = {Pisa University Press (Pisa, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-8-86741-472-7}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {9-11 dicembre 2014}, BOOKTITLE = {The First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics-Proceedings}, EDITOR = {Basili, R. and Lenci, A. and Magnini, B.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{KHAN_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_KBF_286824, AUTHOR = {Khan, F. and Boschetti, F. and Frontini, F.}, TITLE = {Using lemon to Model Lexical Semantic  Shift in Diachronic Lexical Resources}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper we propose a model, called lemonDIA, for representing lexical semantic change using the lemon framework and based on the ontological notion of the perdurant. Namely we extend the notion of sense in lemon by adding a temporal dimension and then define a class of perdurant entities that represents a shift in meaning of a word and which contains different related senses. We start by discussing the general problem of semantic shift and the utility of being able to easily access and represent such information in diachronic lexical resources. We then describe our model and illustrate it with examples.}, KEYWORDS = {lemon, linked data, OWL, ontologies, perdurants, semantic shift}, URL = {http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2014/workshops/LREC2014Workshop-LDL2014%20Proceedings.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {3rd Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Multilingual Knowledge Resources and Natural Language Processing (LDL2014)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Reykjavik}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {May 27th, 2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2014)}, EDITOR = {Chiarcos, C. and McCrae, J. P. and Osenova, P. and Vertan, C.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_B_288065, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {OCR: instruments linguistiques pour améliorer la précision de la reconnaissance optique des caractères dans le cas du grec ancien et de l'arabe}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288065}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Workshop International en Traitement Automatique de la Langue Arabe}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Fes, Marocco}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {8 maggio 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_B_288071, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {L'edizione scientifica digitale del testo letterario e del testo epigrafico: convergenze e divergenze-Parte I}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288071}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Risorse digitali e strumenti collaborativi per le Scienze dell'Antichità}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Venezia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {2-3 ottobre 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_B_288073, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Extracting Information Related To Writings From Traditional Paper Corpora}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {http://bit.ly/11ps2tD}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {EAGLE 2014 International Conference}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Paris}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {29-30 settembre 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BCD_288061, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Caruso, L. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Euporia: Un'esperienza di Filologia Collaborativa a scuola, per promuovere il circolo virtuoso fra ricerca e didattica}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288061}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Internet Festival}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {11 ottobre 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BDMNP_288372, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R. and Marzi, C. and Nahli, O. and Pirrelli, V.}, TITLE = {Modelli, metodi e strumenti per il trattamento automatico della lingua araba e per l'editing in ambienti collaborativi}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {La linguistica computazionale ha portato negli ultimi vent'anni a un profondo mutamento nello studio delle lingue e delle loro testimonianze scritte, spostando l'accento della ricerca da aspetti linguistico-formali all'uso linguistico in contesti comunicativi reali. Il presente contributo illustra l'impatto di questo cambio di prospettiva sullo studio della lingua araba, attraverso una rassegna di alcune attività di ricerca in corso presso l'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR di Pisa: I. acquisizione dei testi arabi tramite Optical Character Recognition (OCR) e sviluppo di strumenti per la correzione manuale del testo in ambienti collaborativi; II. sviluppo di algoritmi e strumenti per l'analisi morfologica della lingua araba; III. analisi delle dinamiche di acquisizione del lessico arabo mediante architetture bio-computazionali; IV. sviluppo della WordNet dell'Arabo collegata a Princeton WordNet, ItalWordNet, LatinWordNet e alla nascente AncientGreek WordNet. Queste attivit( sono rivolte sia all'analisi delle caratteristiche linguistiche dell'arabo che allo studio della produzione letteraria araba e dei suoi rapporti storico-culturali con altre lingue. In particolare, il contributo intende illustrare la fertilità di un approccio metodologico che metta in relazione le dinamiche di acquisizione del lessico arabo, con la messa a punto di procedure di analisi ed edizione critica del testo e con i principi di organizzazione ontologica di una lingua ad alta produttività derivazionale.}, URL = {http://aiucd2014.unibo.it/book-of-abstracts.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 3rd annual conference}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Bologna}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {18-19 settembre 2014}, BOOKTITLE = {La metodologia della ricerca umanistica nell'ecosistema digitale-AIUCD 2014 Terzo convegno annuale}, EDITOR = {Rossi, F. and Tomasi, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BD_288063, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Progetto Euporia: Gli studenti incontrano la Filologia Collaborativa}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288063}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Annotazione Linguistica e Retorica di Testi Greci con Traduzione a Fronte}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {San Marco dei Cavoti (BN)}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {23 Maggio 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BDKLN_288058, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Khan, A. F. and Lamé, M. and Nahli, O.}, TITLE = {A top-down approach to the design of components for the philological domain}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {This paper focuses on the methodology applied to the development of components in the domain of collaborative philology in the Memorata Poetis Project. This initiative, led by the University of Venice, coordinates eight units sharing the same cyber-infrastructure and is co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research (PRIN 2010/11). The project aims to study the multilingual intertextuality between epigraphic texts and literary epigrams, the transmission of themes, motives, etc. between different communicative situations (epigraphic versus literary) and different civilisations (Greek, Latin and Italian). As a control group, we analyse a corpus of epigraphic and literary texts in Arabic which do not belong to the same tradition as the others. The study of intertextuality affects both the reconstruction of the text (constitutio textus), by providing variants from the indirect tradition, and its interpretation (interpretatio), by widening the contexts in which the text has been reused.}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288058}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {DH2014}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Lausanne}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {8-12 july 2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Digital Humanities 2014-Book of Abstracts}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BF_288068, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Fortunato, L.}, TITLE = {Correcting Multiple Editions of Aeschylus}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288068}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Open Philology Meeting}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Leipzig}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {15 luglio 2014}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2014_MISC_BD_288059, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {La filologia computazionale e collaborativa al liceo}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288059}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2014_MISC_DB_390785, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Progetto pilota EUPORIA. Annotazione linguistica e retorica di testi greci con traduzione a fronte dell'Elena di Euripide}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo illustra i risultati del progetto Euporia.}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, computational philology, digital humanities}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390785}, } @ARTICLE{BOSCHETTI_2013_ARTICLE_B_276310, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Annotations in collaborative environments}, YEAR = {2013}, ABSTRACT = {This article discusses methodological aspects of the Greek into Arabic Web Application related to the annotation system. Collaborative environments for the philological studies manage multiple versions both of the reference edition with digital variants and of linguistic and exegetical annotations. The system must verify and maintain the consistency of interrelated information, which can change asynchronously. Strategies to align different versions of texts and annotations, in order to update the internal references and notify the users to verify the content consistency, are illustrated. Structural aspects that involve the granularity and overlapping of annotations are discussed, taking into account also that linguistic annotations automatically generated by morphological parsers can be the basis for extended comments in natural language. Finally, the article illustrates which features related to the annotation system are yet implemented in the G2A Web Application.}, KEYWORDS = {collaborative philology}, PAGES = {185-194}, URL = {http://www.greekintoarabic.eu/index.php?id=20}, VOLUME = {3}, PUBLISHER = {CNR, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (Pisa, Italia)}, ISSN = {2239-012X}, JOURNAL = {Studia graeco-arabica}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_DB_276328, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Collaborative multimedia platform for computational philology}, YEAR = {2013}, ABSTRACT = {This paper aims at illustrating a collaborative and modular web platform in the domain of digital and computational philology. The proposed work deals with parallel multilingual and multimedia resources. Two case studies are discussed in order to show the flexibility of the designed platform. The reusability of the components in different projects is achieved by abstract modeling and through the application of effective design patterns. The platform deals with textual resources and associated multimedia content, which can be retrieved by the metadata and shown in parallel (e.g., the page image of a manuscripts and the related transcription). The library of components will distribute under GPL 3.0 license and available at https://github.com/CoPhi.}, KEYWORDS = {Computational philology, Digital philology, Enterprise systems, Multilingualism, Parallel multimedia}, PAGES = {46-51}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-84905815787\&origin=inward}, ISBN = {9781627484770}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {MMEDIA 2013}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Venice}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {21-26 April 2013}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of a meeting held at NexComm 2013, The Fifth International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2013)}, EDITOR = {Davis, P.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_B_276322, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {An Integrated System for Generating and Correcting Polytonic Greek OCR: The Proof-reading Process}, YEAR = {2013}, URL = {http://www.digitalclassicist.org/wip/wip2013.html}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Digital Classicist Seminars}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {London}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19/07/2013}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_B_276333, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Acquisizione e Creazione di Risorse Plurilingui per la Filologia Classica in Ambienti Collaborativi-Tre Casi d'Uso}, YEAR = {2013}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/276333}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {II Convegno AIUCD 2013}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Padova}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {11 Dicembre 2013}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_B_276335, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {The Proof-reading Process}, YEAR = {2013}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/276335}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Open Philology Seminar}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Leipzig}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {8 August 2013}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_BBD_276332, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Bozzi, A. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Library of components for the Computational Philological Domain dealing with TEI markup guidelines: CoPhiLib}, YEAR = {2013}, KEYWORDS = {collaborative philology}, PAGES = {160-162}, URL = {http://digilab2.let.uniroma1.it/teiconf2013/program/posters/abstracts-posters#C162}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Roma}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {3-4 October 2013}, BOOKTITLE = {The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web Book of Abstracts, Abstracts of the TEI Conference and Members Meeting 2013}, EDITOR = {Ciotti, F. and Ciula, A.}, } @TECHREPORT{BOSCHETTI_2013_TECHREPORT_B_276326, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Acquisition of texts and development of linguistic tools for Greek, Latin and Italian corpora}, YEAR = {2013}, ABSTRACT = {This report illustrates the activities of Federico Boschetti, researcher at the ILC-CNR of Pisa, Italy, during the visit at the Perseus Project (Dec. 2012 Jun. 2013), aimed at the development of methods and tools for the localization in Italian of digital resources for the study of classics. After a short introduction that contextualizes the visit, the lines of investigation and development are described: a) the collaborative multilingual proofreader, b) the Ancient Greek WordNet linked to the Italian WordNets and c) the alignment of original texts to the Italian translations. The conclusion discusses the relations among the products of these activities.}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/276326}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2013_MISC_B_276330, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Acquisition and Creation of Multilingual Resources for Classical Philology in Collaborative Environments: Three Use Cases}, YEAR = {2013}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/276330}, } @ARTICLE{LAM_2012_ARTICLE_LVB_321606, AUTHOR = {Lamé, M. and Valchera, V. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Epigrafia digitale: paradigmi di rappresentazione per il trattamento digitale delle epigrafi}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {The article is divided into two parts: the first presents some theoretical and methodological aspects of traditional epigraphy, which can be the theoretical basis for digitization of entries. In particular, the attention is focused on the autopsy of the epigraph. The second part concerns the description of a systematic model for the digital representation of an epigraphic text, based on nine levels of independent analyses, according to the principles of the stand-off mark-up.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Epigraphy, Digital Philology}, PAGES = {386-392}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/321606}, VOLUME = {74}, PUBLISHER = {Fratelli Lega Editori (Faenza, Italia)}, ISSN = {0013-9572}, JOURNAL = {Epigraphica}, } @ARTICLE{LAM_2012_ARTICLE_LVB_217376, AUTHOR = {Lamé, M. and Valchera, V. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Epigrafia digitale. Paradigmi di rappresentazione per il trattamento digitale delle epigrafi}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {The article is divided into two parts: the first presents some theoretical and methodological aspects of traditional epigraphy, which can be the theoretical basis for digitization of entries. In particular, the attention is focused on the autopsy of the epigraph. The second part concerns the description of a systematic model for the digital representation of an epigraphic text, based on nine levels of independent analyses, according to the principles of the stand-off mark-up.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Epigraphy Digital Philology}, PAGES = {331-338}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/217376}, VOLUME = {74}, PUBLISHER = {Fratelli Lega Editori (Faenza, Italia)}, ISSN = {0013-9572}, JOURNAL = {Epigraphica}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MANCA_2012_INPROCEEDINGS_MSMTB_219614, AUTHOR = {Manca, M. and Spinazzè, L. and Mastandrea, P. and Tessarolo, L. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Musisque Deoque: Text Retrieval on Critical Editions}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {This paper aims at illustrating the main features of the Musisque Deoque Project, which provides a fully freely searchable archive of Latin poetry equipped with critical apparatus. The first part explains how variants are mapped on the reference edition and the second part illustrates the web interface to retrieve sequences of words taking into account possible variants.}, KEYWORDS = {Computational Philology}, PAGES = {127-138}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/219614}, VOLUME = {26}, PUBLISHER = {Gesellschaft für Sprachtechnologie und Computerlinguistik (Germania, Germania)}, ISSN = {0175-1336}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities (ACRH)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Heidelberg}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5 gennaio 2012}, BOOKTITLE = {Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (JLCL)}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2012_INPROCEEDINGS_B_220739, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {A Language Independent Pedagogical Model for Greek, Latin and Arabic}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {Pedagogical tools in a collaborative environment for ancient languages learning is illustrated.}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/220739}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {New Approaches to Historical Languages-Tufts University Workshop}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Medford, MA-Tufts University}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {7 giugno 2012}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2012_INPROCEEDINGS_B_220750, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Data Sets and Software Components: Adjustment and Reuse}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {Building (or extending) a digital environment to study ancient authors requires the management of digital resources that must be adjusted asynchronously and the development of software components highly decoupled.}, KEYWORDS = {reuse digital humanities infrastructure components}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/220750}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {The Papyrus and the Hypertext. Athenaeus in the Scholarly Kitchen}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Parigi}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5 maggio 2012}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2012_INPROCEEDINGS_B_220771, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {OCR Evaluation and Parallelization}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {The scalability of the OCR applied to a large amount of documents is discussed. In particulare, unsupervised methods to evaluate the accuracy of the OCR and parallelization of the processes, in order to reduce the time to perform the recognition, are illustrated.}, KEYWORDS = {OCR parallelization evaluation}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/220771}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Digital Humanities Seminars}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Leipzig}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {10 ottobre 2012}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2012_INPROCEEDINGS_B_221554, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {La localizzazione in lingua italiana dell'infrastruttura per lo studio dei classici greci e latini costituita dal Perseus Project}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {The parallelization of Greek and Latin texts with translations in Italian is discussed.}, KEYWORDS = {localization cyberinfrastructure}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/221554}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Convegno annuale dell'Associazione di Informatica Umanistica e Culture Digitali}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Firenze}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {14 dicembre 2012}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2012_INPROCEEDINGS_BDL_221560, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Lamé, M.}, TITLE = {Strumenti per l'analisi di testi bilingui al servizio dell'epigrafia digitale}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {Model for visualization and retrieval of bilingual epigraphic texts in parallel.}, KEYWORDS = {allineamento bilinguismo}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/221560}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Incontro di studi sulla versificazione epigrafica dall'antichità all'umanesimo}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Venezia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {3 maggio 2012}, } @TECHREPORT{BOZZI_2012_TECHREPORT_BGBNMPRD_390781, AUTHOR = {Bozzi, A. and Giovannetti, E. and Boschetti, F. and Nahli, O. and Marchi, S. and Piccini, S. and Ruimy, N. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Greek into Arabic: contents, technologies and (humanistic and scientific) applications of a new software}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {This contribution aims to describe the methodological approach to Digital Philology by means of the G\&A Web Application. It also shows running examples for the: 1) Visualization and ordering of parallel texts subdivided in pericopes; 2) Linguistic annotations; 3) Scholarly comments; and 4)Search functions}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, computational philology, software engineering, Greek into Arabic, Computational linguistics}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390781}, } @TECHREPORT{DELGROSSO_2012_TECHREPORT_DB_221671, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Parallel OCR for Ancient Greek Critical Editions}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {This project is focused on the parallelization of OCR processes applied to Ancient Greek critical editions. Two experiments have been performed. The first experiment is related to parameters differently tuned on the nodes of the grid, in order to identify the best combination that improves the accuracy of the recognition. The second experiment concerns the application of OCR with the best parameters on sample pages by a divide et impera strategy. Results related to the performances of the parallelization are discussed.}, KEYWORDS = {OCR Ancient Greek Parallelization}, URL = {http://www.hpc-europa.eu/files/2012/Hum_1263_DEL%20GROSSO%20Angelo%20Mario.pdf}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2012_MISC_B_221568, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Iperspazi del mondo mediterraneo}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {Investigation in parallel of multilingual semantic spaces.}, KEYWORDS = {semantic spaces}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/221568}, }