@ARTICLE{MURANO_2023_ARTICLE_MQDRZ_485254, AUTHOR = {Murano, F. and Quochi, V. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Rigobianco, L. and Zinzi, M.}, TITLE = {Describing Inscriptions of Ancient Italy. The ItAnt Project and Its Information Encoding Process}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {This paper discusses the challenges addressed in the digital scholarly encoding of the fragmentary texts of the languages of Ancient Italy according to the TEI/EpiDoc Guidelines in XML format. This contribution describes the solutions and customisations that have been adopted for dealing with the peculiarities of our epigraphical documentation and with the formalisation of epigraphical information deemed interesting for data retrieval in a historical linguistic perspective. The making of a digital corpus consisting of new critical editions of selected inscriptions is a work carried out in the context of the project "Languages and Cultures of Ancient Italy. Historical Linguistics and Digital Models", which aims to investigate the languages of Ancient Italy by combining the traditional methods, proper to historical linguistics, with methods and technologies proper to the digital humanities and computational lexicography. More specifically, the purpose of the project is to create a collection of interrelated digital language resources which comprise: 1) the digital corpus of texts editions; 2) a computational lexicon compliant with the Web Semantic requirements; 3) a relevant bibliographic reference dataset encoded according to the FRBRoo/LRMoo specifications. Additionally, selected textual data and scientific interpretations will be encoded by using CIDOC CRM and its extensions, namely CRMtex and CRMinf. The present contribution tackles one of the main aspects of the project, and proposes significant innovations in the encoding of critical editions for epigraphic texts of fragmentary languages, which will hopefully foster future interoperability and integration with other external datasets, a paramount concern of the project.}, KEYWORDS = {text encoding, ancient languages, digital epigraphy, TEI/EpiDoc}, PAGES = {15}, URL = {https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3606703}, VOLUME = {16}, DOI = {10.1145/3606703}, PUBLISHER = {Association for Computing Machinery (New York, NY, Stati Uniti d'America)}, ISSN = {1556-4711}, JOURNAL = {Journal on computing and cultural heritage (Online)}, } @ARTICLE{VENUTI_2023_ARTICLE_VDBTPBCM_485318, AUTHOR = {Venuti, M. C. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F. and Tessarolo, L. and Prontera, A. and Bovet, D. and Cattaneo, G. and Melis, V.}, TITLE = {La 'Galassia MQDQ: ' un concetto di filologia tradizionale, digitale, sostenibile}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {The investigation of intertextuality within a corpus of Latin poetry is the main objective of the research functions of the so-called 'Musisque Deoque Galaxy': formular recurrences, and lexical and metric-verbal co-occurrences draw a dense network of relationships between texts, where poetic memory presents itself in various modalities. This contribution aims to analyse the latest developments in the "Musisque Deoque Galaxy" both from the point of view of the tools created to enable new textual acquisitions and new analyses, and from the technological point of view, with reference to the work carried out to ensure a long-term sustainability.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital textual corpora, Domain Specific Languages (DSL), Sustainability, Latin poetry, Carmina Latina Epigraphica, MQDQ Galaxy}, PAGES = {71-120}, URL = {https://hdl.handle.net/10278/5032220}, VOLUME = {4}, DOI = {10.30687/mag/2724-3923/2023/07/003}, PUBLISHER = {Edizioni Ca' Foscari (Venezia, Italia)}, ISSN = {2724-3923}, JOURNAL = {Magazèn}, } @ARTICLE{DELGRATTA_2022_ARTICLE_DDZBB_472290, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Zenzaro, S. and Boschetti, F. and Bambaci, L.}, TITLE = {La Filologia come sistema dinamico}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Introduciamo un approccio formale all'evoluzione del contenuto informativo veicolato da documenti umanistici, con particolare attenzione alla prospettiva filologica e alle problematiche tipiche ad essa connesse (studio della tradizione, confronto tra testimoni, selezione e scelta delle lezioni, edizione di un testo, etc). Proponiamo un modello matematico in grado di formalizzare diversi fenomeni complessi in vari ambiti di ricerca quali la Linguistica Computazionale, la Filologia Digitale e l'Ingegneria del Software, soprattutto quando questi vengono applicati all'analisi di documenti e testi di interesse storico-letterario.}, KEYWORDS = {computational philology, formal philology, digital humanities}, PAGES = {1-20}, URL = {https://umanisticadigitale.unibo.it/article/view/13684}, VOLUME = {13}, DOI = {10.6092/issn.2532-8816/13684}, ISSN = {2532-8816}, JOURNAL = {Umanistica Digitale}, } @ARTICLE{SICILIANO_2022_ARTICLE_SD_472277, AUTHOR = {Siciliano, A. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Dalla Stampa al Digitale: Un Modello di Codifica per l'Edizione delle Postille di Giorgio Bassani}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Le postille annotate da Giorgio Bassani sui suoi libri rappresentano una via d'accesso privilegiata alla sua officina, consentendo di ricostruire la genesi delle opere e del profilo intellettuale di un importante scrittore del Novecento. In sede di edizione pongono però numerose problematiche, di classificazione, rappresentazione e sistematizzazione dei dati, di fronte a cui lo strumento digitale si rivela oltremodo vantaggioso. Il presente contributo riflette sul tema, presentando il prototipo di edizione digitale costruito sul caso di studio delle annotazioni alla Scuola dell'uomo di Guido Calogero (Firenze, Sansoni, 1939) e ragionando sulle importanti potenzialità del markup XML-TEI nel trattamento e nella rappresentazione di un oggetto testuale complesso, strutturato e a volte sfuggente qual è la postilla.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Digital Philology, Postille, Giorgio Bassani, Computational Philology}, PAGES = {1-26}, URL = {https://umanisticadigitale.unibo.it/article/view/13688}, VOLUME = {13}, DOI = {10.6092/issn.2532-8816/13688}, ISSN = {2532-8816}, JOURNAL = {Umanistica Digitale}, } @ARTICLE{DELGROSSO_2021_ARTICLE_DFMTN_458287, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Fihri, D. F. and Mohajir, M. E. and Tonazzini, A. and Nahli, O.}, TITLE = {Challenges in the digital analysis of historical laminated manuscripts}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we analyze and discuss the characteristics of a system for the effective digital preservation and fruition of historical manuscripts degraded by the process of lamination. The most significant degradation caused by lamination is that the parchment or paper support loses its flatness, and usually presents ripples and warnings. This, together with the affixed translucent varnish, dramatically impair the digital acquisition process, so that light reflections in the more disparate directions affect the digital images. A digital system to contrast this irreversible and progressive degradation and to enable an effective access to the fragile asset should provide a number of functionalities: specialized digitization, able to avoid reflections as much as possible; image enhancement, devised to correct the residual degradations and enhance the text for an easier legibility; semi-automatic transcription of the virtually restored pages; and, finally, scholarly encoding and linguistic analysis, which should adapt existing tools to the specificity of the primary source (writing system and language). As a case study, we will make reference to the "Poem in Rajaz on medicine", written by Abubacer in the XII century, and conserved in the Al Quaraouiyine Library located in Fez, Morocco. The feasibility study for the realization of such a system is of general utility, in that it can provide guidelines for the digitization, the enhancement and the text encoding of the many laminated manuscripts conserved in other historical archives. On the other hand, from the cultural heritage point of view, the experimentation on the "Poem in Rajaz on medicine" could foster the systematic philological and ontological study of a unique piece of our documental heritage: the longest poem of medieval Islamic medical literature.}, KEYWORDS = {Cultural Heritage Digital Safeguard, Historical Manuscript Digitization, Document Image Processing, Linguistic Analysis, Ontological Analysis}, PAGES = {34-43}, URL = {https://innove.org/ijist/index.php/ijist/article/view/190}, VOLUME = {5}, DOI = {10.57675/IMIST.PRSM/ijist-v5i1.190}, PUBLISHER = {[El Mohajir Mohammed] ([S. l. ], Marocco)}, ISSN = {2550-5114}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Information Science and Technology}, } @ARTICLE{GIOVANNETTI_2021_ARTICLE_GABDDM_457778, AUTHOR = {Giovannetti, E. and Albanesi, D. and Bellandi, A. and Dattilo, D. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {An ontology of masters of the Babylonian Talmud}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {The purpose of this research is to build an ontology of the masters appearing in the Babylonian Talmud (BT). The ontology built so far has been shared as a Linked Open Data and it will be linked to existing vocabularies. This work has been developed in the context of the Babylonian Talmud Translation Project, where more than eighty Talmudists are working together, since 2012, at the translation (comprehensive of explicative notes and glossaries) of the Talmud into Italian. The construction of the resource has involved the application of tools leveraging on computational linguistics approaches. The ontology, already describing more than 500 masters, constitutes the first portion of a more comprehensive Talmudic Knowledge Base where the text itself, the terminology, the entities, and the concepts constituting the BT will be formalized and linked to each other.}, KEYWORDS = {ontology, babylonian talmud, terminology, word alignment, linked open data, semantic web, knowledge representation}, PAGES = {725-737}, URL = {https://academic.oup.com/dsh/article-abstract/37/3/725/6410110}, VOLUME = {37}, DOI = {10.1093/llc/fqab043}, PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press (Oxford, UK, Regno Unito)}, ISSN = {2055-7671}, JOURNAL = {Digital Scholarship in the Humanities}, } @ARTICLE{NAHLI_2021_ARTICLE_ND_463930, AUTHOR = {Nahli, O. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Structuring Arabic lexical and morphological resources using TEI: theory and practice}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {An Arabic word can be described according to its lexical and morphological information. The lexical information, conveyed by the root, consists of both semantic meaning and syntactic properties (e.g. parts of speech). The morphological information, encoded by patterns, is useful to group the words having similar syntactic, inflectional and semantic behaviour. Lexical analysis and morphological analysis have been separately described since the very first studies of the Arabic language. Although several scholarly works have illustrated Arabic lexicon models that encode semantic meanings, a systematic description of word patterns is still strongly lacking. In this work, we have implemented an exhaustive resource consisting of two levels: lexical and morphological. The lexical level collects information extracted from the dictionary al=q¯am¯us al=muh. ¯?t.. The morphological level describes pattern formalization, which allows to enrich word descriptions with additional semantic, morphosyntactic and inflectional information. To build our digital resource, taking into account primary source, lexical requirements, and reusability, we followed the guidelines provided by the Text Encoding Initiative (abbreviated as TEI). In particular, we adopted the TEI module for the encoding of digital dictionaries and lexicons to formally represent the medieval al=q¯am¯us al=muh. ¯?t. dictionary. Given the complexity of describing the morphological information present in the patterns, we also used the TEI module devoted to encoding feature structures. Consequently, we are building an exhaustive resource formed by the lexical and the morphological blocks. These two components are distinct but complementary resources where the lexical data are connected to morphological information. In addition, the morphological resource can be used as a stand-alone tool that allows the morphological analyzers to capture aspects of meaning that cannot be identified by current systems.}, KEYWORDS = {classical Arabic dictionary, digital lexicography, al=q'}, PAGES = {3-14}, URL = {https://innove.org/ijist/index.php/ijist/article/view/191}, VOLUME = {5}, PUBLISHER = {[El Mohajir Mohammed] ([S. l. ], Marocco)}, ISSN = {2550-5114}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Information Science and Technology}, } @ARTICLE{SALVATORI_2021_ARTICLE_SBD_472280, AUTHOR = {Salvatori, E. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {A un anno da AIUCD2021}, YEAR = {2021}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, AIUCD}, PAGES = {1-4}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85127630558\&origin=inward}, VOLUME = {2021}, DOI = {10.6092/issn.2532-8816/14209}, ISSN = {2532-8816}, JOURNAL = {Umanistica Digitale}, } @ARTICLE{GIOVANNETTI_2020_ARTICLE_GBDDMPP_453583, AUTHOR = {Giovannetti, E. and Bellandi, A. and Dattilo, D. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S. and Pecchioli, A. and Piccini, S.}, TITLE = {The Terminology of the Babylonian Talmud: Extraction, Representation and Use in the Context of Computational Linguistics}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {A formal digital structuring of the terminology of the Talmud is being carried out in the context of the Project for the Translation of the Babylonian Talmud in Italian. The terminological resource was encoded in the form of a multi-language Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary (Hebrew-Aramaic-Italian) according to the principles of the Meaning-Text Theory. The construction of such a resource was supported by text processing and computational linguistics techniques aimed at automatically extracting terms from the Italian translation of the Talmud and aligning them with the corresponding Hebrew/Aramaic source terms. The paper describes the process that was set up for the construction of the terminological resource with the ultimate goal of illustrating the advantages of the adoption of a formal linguistic model. The terminological resource aims, indeed, to be a useful tool to deepen the characteristics of the languages of the Talmud, to help translators in their work and more generally scholars in their study of the Talmud itself.}, KEYWORDS = {Babylonian Talmud, Computational Linguistics, Explanatory and Combinatorial Lexicology}, PAGES = {61-74}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/453583}, VOLUME = {XXV}, DOI = {10.1400/283235}, PUBLISHER = {Giuntina (Firenze, Italia)}, ISSN = {2282-4499}, JOURNAL = {Materia giudaica Print}, } @ARTICLE{DELGROSSO_2019_ARTICLE_DCCDGMSS_427276, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Capizzi, E. and Cristofaro, S. and De Luca, M. R. and Giovannetti, E. and Marchi, S. and Seminara, G. and Spampinato, D.}, TITLE = {Bellini's Correspondence: a Digital Scholarly Edition for a Multimedia Museum}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Within the "Museo Virtuale della Musica BellinInRete" project, a corpus of letters, written by the renowned composer Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835) from Catania, will be encoded and made publicly available. This contribution aims at illustrating the part of the project regarding the implementation of the prototype for the metadata and text encoding, indexing and visualisation of Bellini's correspondence. The encoding scheme has been defined according to the latest guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative and it has been instantiated on a sample of letters. Contextually, a first environment has been implemented by customizing two open source tools: Edition Visualization Technology and Omega Scholarly platform. The main objective of the digital edition is to engage general public with the cultural heritage held by the Belliniano Civic Museum of Catania. This wide access to Bellini's correspondence has been conceived preserving the scholarly transcriptions of the letters edited by Seminara within her most recent critical edition (Olschki, 2017). The digital edition of the corpus takes care of handling the correspondence metadata by means of the correspDesc TEI tagset. Finally, Bellini's letters will be accessible via the Web platform as well as integrated into a forthcoming interactive and multimedia tour hosted at the museum.}, KEYWORDS = {digital scholarly edition, correspondence, Digital and Computational Philology, Software Design, Vincenzo Bellini, Music, Multimedia Museum}, PAGES = {23-47}, URL = {https://umanisticadigitale.unibo.it/article/view/9162/9918}, VOLUME = {7}, DOI = {10.6092/issn.2532-8816/9162}, ISSN = {2532-8816}, JOURNAL = {Umanistica Digitale}, } @ARTICLE{MUGELLI_2016_ARTICLE_MBDDKT_364960, AUTHOR = {Mugelli, G. and Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Khan, F. and Taddei, A.}, TITLE = {A user-centred design to annotate ritual facts in ancient greek tragedies}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {Euporia is an annotation system developed with a user-centred approach for the study of ritual and religion in ancient Greek tragedy. Euporia adopts a domain specific language (DSL) and a lightweight web user interface in order to offer digital support to an anthropological study of ancient Greek tragedy that compares ritual as it is performed or described in Greek tragedy with ancient ritual as it can be reconstructed from literary, archaeological, and epigraphic sources. The case study discussed in this paper (Aesch. Ag 67-71) shows one of the main features of Euporia: the ability to annotate different readings and different interpretations of the text and their consequences in the reconstruction of ancient Greek ritual.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Philology, Digital Humanities, Digital Classicist, Computational philology, Computational Linguistics}, PAGES = {103-120}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-85007489227\&origin=inward}, VOLUME = {59}, DOI = {10.1111/j.2041-5370.2016.12041.x}, PUBLISHER = {Institute of Classical Studies, University of London (London, Regno Unito)}, ISSN = {0076-0730}, JOURNAL = {Bulletin-University of London. Institute of Classical Studies}, } @ARTICLE{DELGROSSO_2013_ARTICLE_D_288049, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Indexing techniques and variant readings management}, YEAR = {2013}, ABSTRACT = {This paper illustrates indexing routines developed for the G2A Web Application, a philological system totally open source designed by the Team of the ILC-CNR of Pisa within the context of the ERC project Greek into Arabic. Philosophical Concepts and Linguistic Bridges (Ideas AdG 249431). Section 1 introduces the concept of 'index' in this peculiar field. The indexing process implemented by the ILC-CNR Team for the G2A Web Application is illustrated in Section 2. Section 3 discusses the component of textual criticism.}, KEYWORDS = {Computational and collaborative philology}, PAGES = {211-230}, URL = {http://www.greekintoarabic.eu/index.php?id=101\&reset=1}, VOLUME = {3}, PUBLISHER = {Pacini Editore (Pisa, Italia)}, ISSN = {2281-2687}, JOURNAL = {Studia graeco-arabica}, } @INCOLLECTION{BOSCHETTI_2023_INCOLLECTION_BBDMKBT_484489, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Bambaci, L. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Mugelli, G. and Khan, A. F. and Bellandi, A. and Taddei, A.}, TITLE = {Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Annotations of Ancient Texts: The Euporia System}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {Euporia is an annotation system originally created to study the ritual dynamics in ancient Greek tragedies from an anthropological perspective. The system is designed to be flexible enough so that it can be easily extended in other directions of multidisciplinary research. The system combines the simplicity of a web interface pared down to its essential elements with the expressivity of a domain-specific language parsed with ANTLR, that avoids the verbosity of general-purpose markup languages (such as XML-TEI) during the annotation phase. In this way, the user is focused on domain-specific tasks by writing concise annotations. Upon exportation of our data, interoperability is ensured by two measures: references to the annotated text are translated from a system based on progressive word numbers to the Canonical Text Services (CTS) system, and the annotations are translated into XML-TEI. An annotation is constituted by a text reference, a condition related to variant readings and interpretations of the same text, as well as by a sequence of tags. Tags are created by following a bottom-up approach: they are progressively introduced and reused by the domain-expert during the annotation process. During revisions, tags are grouped and mapped onto an ontology, in order to enable and to exploit the identification of relations among the tags in querying the annotated corpus. Being designed for interoperability, our approach can be extended to other research fields (e.g. philology, archaeology) through the creation of new domain-specific languages and domain-specific tagsets, in order to improve the functionalities of the Euporia system.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Euporia, Domain Specific Languages, CoPhiLab, Digital Philology}, PAGES = {172-223}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484489}, VOLUME = {6}, DOI = {10.1163/9789004527119_008}, PUBLISHER = {Brill Academic Publishers (Leiden, NLD)}, ISBN = {9789004527119}, BOOKTITLE = {The Ancient World Goes Digital}, EDITOR = {Juloux, V. B. and Di Ludovico, A. and Matskevich, S.}, } @INCOLLECTION{VAGIONAKIS_2022_INCOLLECTION_VDBBDMM_472291, AUTHOR = {Vagionakis, I. and Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Baroni, P. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Mancinelli, T. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' Meets CLARIN-IT}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {This paper presents 'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions', a resource in the domain of Digital Epigraphy developed at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice and supported by CLARIN-IT as part of its actions addressed to initiatives, projects and events in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. The paper begins with a brief outline of the project within which the resource was created and then goes into a more in-depth description of the main methodologies used to develop the resource (EpiDoc and EFES) and of their benefits. The paper then focuses on the cooperation of the project with the Venice Centre of Digital and Public Humanities and the Italian node of CLARIN, also illustrating the dockerization process applied to the resource hosted on the CLARIN-IT servers. Some desiderata for future developments are outlined as well. The paper ends with some remarks about the widening of CLARIN horizons towards Digital Epigraphy and on the role of its K-Centres in this respect.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Epigraphy, Digital Classics, Ancient Greek, Crete, Institutions, Text Encoding Initiative, TEI, EpiDoc, EpiDoc Front-End Services, EFES, Virtual Language Observatory, Dockerization, ILC4CLARIN, CLARIN-IT, CLARIN}, PAGES = {139-150}, URL = {https://ecp.ep.liu.se/index.php/clarin/article/view/424/382}, VOLUME = {189}, DOI = {10.3384/9789179294441}, ISBN = {978-91-7929-444-1}, BOOKTITLE = {Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021}, EDITOR = {Monachini, M. and Eskevich, M.}, } @INCOLLECTION{BOSCHETTI_2021_INCOLLECTION_BDS_461545, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Spinazzè, L.}, TITLE = {La galassia Musisque Deoque: storia e prospettive}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {The resources in support of Latin scholars created under the scientific direction of Paolo Mastandrea are numerous; the undertaking of Musisque Deoque, which aims at equipping the entire corpus of ancient Latin poetry with "significant variants", is the most emblematic effort, open to further developments. Looking at the general history of these projects, we try to trace the future path of the "Musisque Deoque galaxy" within Open Science.}, KEYWORDS = {Classical philology, Latin poetry, Intertextuality, Open data, FAIR principles}, PAGES = {405-419}, URL = {https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/media/pdf/books/978-88-6969-558-2/978-88-6969-558-2-ch-26.pdf}, VOLUME = {32}, DOI = {10.30687/978-88-6969-557-5/026}, PUBLISHER = {Edizioni Ca' Foscari (Venezia, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-6969-557-5}, BOOKTITLE = {Paulo maiora canamus-Raccolta di studi per Paolo Mastandrea}, EDITOR = {Venuti, M. and Manca, M.}, } @INCOLLECTION{BOSCHETTI_2017_INCOLLECTION_BDD_382022, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {The role of digital scholarly editors in the design of components for cooperative philology}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {This contribution is focused on the role of the digital scholarly editor in the continuous process of analysis, development and evaluation of libraries of components for cooperative philology.}, KEYWORDS = {digital editions, collaborative and cooperative philology, digital philology}, PAGES = {249-253}, URL = {https://www.sidestone.com/books/advances-in-digital-scholarly-editing}, ISBN = {978-90-8890-484-4}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing}, EDITOR = {Boot, P. and Cappellotto, A. and Dillen, W. and Fischer, F. and Kelly, A. and Mertgens, A. and Sichani, A. and Spadini, E. and Van Hulle, D.}, } @INCOLLECTION{DELGROSSO_2013_INCOLLECTION_DM_288051, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Una Applicazione Web per la Filologia Computazionale. Un esperimento su alcuni scritti autografi di Ferdinand de Saussure}, YEAR = {2013}, ABSTRACT = {Nel progetto PRIN "Per un'edizione digitale dei manoscritti di Ferdinand de Saussure", il cui scopo era approntare una serie di strumenti utili all'edizione di- gitale degli autografi saussuriani, il gruppo di ricerca e sviluppo di filologia com- putazionale guidato da Andrea Bozzi e presente presso l'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "Antonio Zampolli" (ILC-CNR, Pisa) ha individuato i requisiti ed implementato le funzionalita? rispondenti alle esigenze dichiarate degli studiosi di questi materiali.}, KEYWORDS = {filologia computazionale, piattaforma web}, PAGES = {131-157}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288051}, PUBLISHER = {Edizioni dell'Orso (Alessandria, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-6274-478-2}, BOOKTITLE = {Guida per un'edizione digitale dei manoscritti di Ferdinand de Saussure}, EDITOR = {Gambarara, D. and Marchese, M. P.}, } @EDITORIAL{SALVATORI_2021_EDITORIAL_SBD_484494, AUTHOR = {Salvatori, E. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale (Selected Papers AIUCD 2021)}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Curatela dei selected paper (Dossier) della conferenza AIUCD2021.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, AIUCD2021, AIUCD, Umanistica Digitale, Informatica Umanistica}, PAGES = {1-197}, URL = {https://umanisticadigitale.unibo.it/issue/view/1033}, VOLUME = {11}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ZENZARO_2023_INPROCEEDINGS_ZDBR_484956, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F. and Ranocchia, G.}, TITLE = {Ease the collaboration making Scholarly Editions: the GreekSchools case study}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {CophiEditor is a Digital Scholarly Editing Web platform based on Domain Specific Languages (DSL-based DSE). We are developing this platform in the context of the GreekSchools-885222 ERC project in which it is being used for the constitutio textus of Philodemus of Gadara's Arrangement of the Philosophers. The digital papyrological edition of these texts is challenging in many ways, as most of the Herculaneum papyri are highly fragmentary because they are carbonized and damaged. One of the main goals of the CophiEditor is to provide a full-fledged collaborative environment in order to support the scholar's editorial work. In this poster we show how the progress of CophiEditor eases the collaboration between scholars and the role played by the Web Annotation Data Model (WADM) for data representation and interchange.}, KEYWORDS = {Domain Specific Languages Computational Philology Digital Philology Web Annotation Data Model DSE tools}, PAGES = {230-232}, URL = {http://www.aiucd2023.unisi.it/atti/}, PUBLISHER = {Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna (Bologna, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-942535-7-3}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {LA MEMORIA DIGITALE: XII CONVEGNO ANNUALE AIUCD}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Siena}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5-7 giugno 2023}, EDITOR = {Carbé, E. and Lo Piccolo, Gabrieleand Valenti, Alessia and Stella, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_BBDDGNZ_472289, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Burgassi, C. and Del Gratta, R. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Guadagnini, E. and Nahli, O. and Zenzaro, S.}, TITLE = {Il Laboratorio di Filologia Collaborativa e Cooperativa (CoPhiLab) del CNR-ILC: dati, strumenti, servizi e infrastrutture}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Questo contributo illustra le attività e le risorse del Laboratorio di Filologia Collaborativa e Cooperativa (CoPhiLab) dell'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "A. Zampolli" del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-ILC), con particolare attenzione all'uso delle infrastrutture di ricerca nazionali e internazionali.}, KEYWORDS = {Filologia Computazionale, Modelli Formali, Lingua Araba, Domain-Specific Languages, Ingegneria del Software}, PAGES = {45-50}, URL = {https://www.eventi.garr.it/it/conf22}, DOI = {10.26314/GARR-Conf22-proceedings}, PUBLISHER = {Associazione Consortium GARR (Roma, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-946629-1-7}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CondiVisioni. La rete come strumento per costruire il futuro}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Palermo}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {18/05/2022-20/05/2022}, BOOKTITLE = {CONDIVISIONI La rete come strumento per costruire il futuro}, EDITOR = {Mieli, M. and Volpe, C.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{PELLINO_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_PSDS_465656, AUTHOR = {Pellino, S. and Sichera, P. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Spampinato, D.}, TITLE = {Dalla codifica alla fruizione: l'edizione digitale Bellini Digital Correspondence}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {L'articolo illustra le attività svolte per la realizzazione dell'edizione scientifica digitale delle lettere autografe belliniane (Bellini Digital Correspondence). Il progetto si inserisce in un contesto didattico finalizzato alla rappresentazione e fruizione della corrispondenza del maestro catanese. In seno alle attivita? e? stato sviluppato un tool di gestione delle regioni d'interesse e la personalizzazione del software EVT.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital scholarly edition, correspondence, software design, XSLT, Vincenzo Bellini}, PAGES = {163-168}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/6848/1/Proceedings_AIUCD2022.pdf}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6848}, PUBLISHER = {Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna (Bologna, ITA)}, ISBN = {9788894253566}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XI Conferenza annuale AIUCD. Culture digitali. Intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Lecce}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {1-3/6/2022}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings della XI conferenza nazionale AIUCD-Culture digitali. Intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media}, EDITOR = {Ciracì, F. and Miglietta, G. and Gatto, C.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ZENZARO_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_ZDBR_472278, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F. and Ranocchia, G.}, TITLE = {Verso la definizione di criteri per valutare soluzioni di scholarly editing digitale: il caso d'uso GreekSchools}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo propone alcuni criteri di valutazione per l'analisi degli approcci all'editing testuale. Dopo averli presentati brevemente, si mostra come sono stati applicati alle attività finora svolte nel contesto del progetto ERC-885222 GreekSchools per quanto riguarda la progettazione e lo sviluppo di una piattaforma web collaborativa che fa uso di linguaggi specifici di dominio (DSL) finalizzata allo studio scientifico e alla pubblicazione di testi papiracei mediante edizioni critiche digitali.}, KEYWORDS = {DSL linguaggi specifici di dominio, filologia computazionale, ingegneria del software, papirologia digitale, Domain Driven Design}, PAGES = {20-25}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/6848/1/Proceedings_AIUCD2022.pdf#page=30}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6848}, ISBN = {9788894253566}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2022. Culture digitali. Intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Lecce}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {1/06/2022-3/06/2022}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2022-Proceedings. Culture digitali. Intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media}, EDITOR = {Ciracì, F. and Miglietta, G. and Gatto, C.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGRATTA_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_DBDB_472299, AUTHOR = {Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Bambaci, L.}, TITLE = {La Filologia come sistema dinamico: qualche considerazione preliminare}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {In questo articolo introduciamo un approccio formale all'evoluzione dei documenti con particolare attenzione alla prospettiva filologica e alle problematiche tipiche connesse. Proponiamo un modello/framework matematico in grado di formalizzare diversi fenomeni complessi in vari ambiti di ricerca quali la Linguistica Computazionale, la Filologia Digitale e l'Ingegneria del Software, in particolare quando questa viene applicata all'analisi di documenti e testi di interesse storico-letterario.}, KEYWORDS = {approccio evoluzionistico, modello formale, analisi documentale e testuale, sistema dinamico, filologia computazionale}, PAGES = {484-490}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/6712/1/AIUCD2021_BOA-versione3A.pdf#page=500}, VOLUME = {aiucd2021}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6712}, ISBN = {9788894253559}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale-DHs for society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19/01/2021-22/01/2021}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale-DHs for society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age. Book of extended abstracts of the 10th national conference}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{RICCUCCI_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_RDVC_472300, AUTHOR = {Riccucci, M. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Valecchi, F. and Causarano, G.}, TITLE = {Testimoniare il Lager: l'informatica al servizio della memoria}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo illustra il lavoro condotto in seno al progetto di ricerca Voci dall'inferno: le parole per dirlo, condotto e coordinato da Marina Riccucci (Università di Pisa) con il supporto del Dott. Angelo Mario Del Grosso (Università di Pisa) e della Prof.ssa Frida Valecchi. Nel caso specifico sarà dedicata particolare attenzione alla rappresentazione digitale XML-TEI di una testimonianza manoscritta inedita di una donna sopravvissuta alla deportazione in Lager, nonché allo sviluppo di un componente innovativo per l'elaborazione dei documenti digitali, integrato nell'applicazione web Memoriarchivio - software creato specificamente per Voci dall'inferno e che rappresenta un fondamentale strumento per archiviare e analizzare le risorse testuali oggetto d'analisi.}, KEYWORDS = {italianistica digitale, codifica del testo, testimonianze, lager, lessico dantesco, XML-TEI, Saxon-js}, PAGES = {567-572}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/6712/1/AIUCD2021_BOA-versione3A.pdf#page=583}, VOLUME = {aiucd2021}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6712}, ISBN = {9788894253559}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale-DHs for society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19/01/2021-22/01/2021}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale-DHs for society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age. Book of extended abstracts of the 10th national conference}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{VAGIONAKIS_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_VDBBDMM_461540, AUTHOR = {Vagionakis, I. and Del Gratta, R. and Boschetti, F. and Baroni, P. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Mancinelli, T. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' Meets CLARIN-IT}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {This paper describes a project in the domain of Digital Epigraphy named 'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' and developed at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. The project is supported by CLARIN-IT as part of the actions addressed to initiatives, projects and events in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. The main goal is to make the project visible through CLARIN channels with the hope that it will be a forerunner for other digital epigraphy projects in CLARIN. The article illustrates also the dockerization process applied to the 'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' project, currently hosted on the CLARIN-IT servers.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Epigraphy, Digital Classics, Ancient Greek, Crete, Institutions, Text Encoding Initiative, TEI, EpiDoc, EpiDoc Front-End Services, EFES, Virtual Language Observatory, Dockerization, ILC4CLARIN, CLARIN-IT, CLARIN}, PAGES = {48-53}, URL = {https://office.clarin.eu/v/CE-2021-1923-CLARIN2021_ConferenceProceedings.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CLARIN Annual Conference 2021}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Virtual Edition}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-29/09/2021}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2021 (Virtual Edition)}, EDITOR = {Monachini, M. and Eskevich, M.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_DFENT_439862, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Fassi, F. D. and El Mohajir, M. and Nahli, O. and Tonazzini, A.}, TITLE = {Digital safeguard of laminated historical manuscripts: the treatise "Poem in Rajaz on medicine" as a case study}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we analyze and discuss the characteristics of a system for the effective digital preservation and fruition of historical manuscripts degraded by the process of lamination. As a case study, we will make reference to the "Poem in Rajaz on medicine", written by Abubacer in the XII century, and conserved in the Al Quaraouiyine Library located in Fez, Morocco. The conceived system should have at least four main functionalities: image acquisition (i.e. digitization), image enhancement, text encoding, and linguistic analysis. Based on the evaluation of the manuscript damages, the acquisition set up should be designed in such a way to be able to avoid reflections as much as possible. Suitable digital image processing techniques should also be devised to correct the residual degradations and enhance the text for an easier legibility. Finally, semi-automatic transcription, scholarly encoding and linguistic analysis, to be performed on the virtually restored pages, should adapt existing tools to the specificity of the primary source writing system and language. The feasibility study for the realization of such a system is of general utility, in that it can provide guidelines for the digitization, the enhancement and the text encoding of the many laminated manuscripts conserved in other historical archives. On the other hand, from the cultural heritage point of view, the experimentation on the "Poem in Rajaz on medicine" could foster the systematic philological and ontological study of a unique piece of our documental heritage: the longest poem of medieval Islamic medical literature.}, KEYWORDS = {Cultural Heritage, Digital Safeguard, Historical Manuscript Digitization, Document Image Processing, Linguistic Analysis, Ontological Analysis}, PAGES = {192-197}, URL = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9357192}, DOI = {10.1109/CiSt49399.2021.9357192}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE (New York, USA)}, ISBN = {978-1-7281-6646-9}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CiSt'2020-6th IEEE Congress on Information Science \& Technology}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Agadir-Essaouira, Morocco}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {June 5-12, 2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_DGM_427281, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Giovannetti, E. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Enriching a Multilingual Terminology Exploiting Parallel Texts: An Experiment on the Italian Translation of the Babylonian Talmud}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {Parallel texts can represent an extremely useful source of information in a number of text and linguistic processing tasks. In this work we show an experiment conducted on the Italian translation of the Babylonian Talmud, a text we have analyzed and processed to support in the construction of a multilingual Hebrew/Aramaic/Italian terminological resource. The approach we adopted comprised: i) the TEI encoding of the text, ii) the automatic extraction of the Italian terms, iii) the addition of Hebrew/Aramaic terms via word-by-word alignment, iv) the revision of the obtained results.}, KEYWORDS = {multilingual terminology, parallel text, text alignment, babylonian talmud}, PAGES = {119-124}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/6316/1/AIUCD_2020_volume_FINAL.pdf}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6316}, ISBN = {978-88-942535-4-2}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {IX Convegno Annuale AIUCD}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Milano: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {15-17/01/2020}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{NAHLI_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_ND_439789, AUTHOR = {Nahli, O. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Creating Arabic Lexical Resources in TEI; A Schema for Discontinuous Morphology Encoding}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {This article aims at formally grouping lexical and morphological information in order to obtain an electronic resource with respect to the Arabic language starting from the classical dictionary al=q?m?s al=mu???. This contribution examines practical aspects about the adoption of the guidelines provided by the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) to encode the Arabic dictionary as a primary source. Moreover, the contribution points out a possible way to integrate semantic, morphological and syntactic information characterizing word patterns within the same TEI document. Specifically, the formalization of word patterns allows us to emphasize additional morphosyntactic regularities mainly concerning word distribution within sentences. Consequently, the obtained digital object represents both the medieval Arabic dictionary and a suitable resource that can be exploited for a number of Natural Language Processing tasks.}, KEYWORDS = {classical Arabic dictionary, digital lexicography, al=q?m?s al=mu???, word patterns, TEI}, PAGES = {9}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/439789}, DOI = {10.1109/CiSt49399.2021.9357273}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE (New York, USA)}, ISBN = {978-1-7281-6646-9}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {IEEE-CIST2020 DPWH}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Agadir-Essaouira, Morocco}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5/06/2021-12/06/2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{RICCI_2020_INPROCEEDINGS_RMBSD_430888, AUTHOR = {Ricci, L. and Melighetti, F. and Boschetti, F. and Salvatori, E. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {DH as an Ideal Educational Environment: the Ethnographic Museum of La Spezia}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {The authors present the outcomes of an educational experimentation that took place in the academic year 2018-2019 at the degree course in Informatica Umanistica at the University of Pisa. The first objective of the project concerned the digitization of a corpus of postcards from the period of the First World War owned by the ethnographic Museum of La Spezia "G. Podenzana". The aims of the work are not only the historical study of the corpus, but also the organization of a public history project with the Museum.}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities}, PAGES = {222-226}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/id/eprint/6316}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6316}, ISBN = {978-88-942535-4-2}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Milano}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {15/01/2020-17/01/2020}, BOOKTITLE = {Quaderni di Umanistica Digitale}, EDITOR = {Marras, C. and Passarotti, M. and Franzini, G. and Litta, E.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2018_INPROCEEDINGS_DBGMN_390296, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Bellandi, A. and Giovannetti, E. and Marchi, S. and Nahli, O.}, TITLE = {Scanning is Just the Beginning: Exploiting Text and Language Technologies to Enhance the Value of Historical Manuscripts}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present a digital process for the explicitation of the textual, linguistic and semantic content of historical manuscripts. The proposed workflow is composed of a sequence of incremental steps, each of which is described both on a methodological and practical perspective. The steps are: 1) visualization and structuring of metadata, 2) transcription, 3) structural encoding, 4) annotation, 5) lexical and conceptual structuring.}, KEYWORDS = {Computational Lexica, Digital Scholarly Editing, Digital Humanities, al-Qamus al-Muhit}, PAGES = {214-219}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390296}, DOI = {10.1109/CIST.2018.8596373}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE (New York, USA)}, ISBN = {978-1-5386-4385-3}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CIST 2018 WH-MNLP}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {MARRAKECH, MOROCCO}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {21-27/10/2018}, BOOKTITLE = {Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST}, EDITOR = {Al Achhab, M. and El Mohajir, M. and Jellouli, I. and El Mohajir, B. E.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{PESINI_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_PDB_288074, AUTHOR = {Pesini, L. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Bozzi, A.}, TITLE = {F. de Saussure e la linguistica romanza. Un'applicazione web per l'edizione elettronica dei manoscritti}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {Se il ruolo di F. de Saussure nella linguistica indoeuropea e nella linguistica generale è ben noto, il suo interesse nell'ambito della linguistica romanza è stato quasi del tutto trascurato dagli studiosi. Fino ad oggi è stato difficile valutare il contributo di Saussure alla romanistica, dato che i suoi lavori (riguardanti soprattutto i patois francesi e la toponomastica) restano in gran parte inediti.Soltanto nel quadro di una nuova edizione critica digitale di tutte le opere di Saussure sarà possibile apprezzare il suo profondo interesse per la filologia romanza e far luce sul ruolo che lo studio dell'evoluzione delle lingue neolatine ebbe nella riflessione generale di questo linguista, sia comparatista che romanista.}, KEYWORDS = {Computational and collaborative philology, digital humanities, software engineering}, PAGES = {239-254}, URL = {http://www.atilf.fr/cilpr2013/actes/section-16/CILPR-2013-16-Pesini-Bozzi-Del_Grosso.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {Société de linguistique romane/ÉLiPhi (Strasbourg, FRA)}, ISBN = {979-10-91460-32-3}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Nancy}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {15-20 juillet 2013}, EDITOR = {Buchi, É. and Chauveau, J. and Pierrel, J. M.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ABRATE_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_ADGLLMMPP_282569, AUTHOR = {Abrate, M. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Giovannetti, E. and Lo Duca, A. and Luzzi, D. and Mancini, L. and Marchetti, A. and Pedretti, I. and Piccini, S.}, TITLE = {Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {In the last few years the amount of manuscripts digitized and made available on the Web has been constantly increasing. However, there is still a considarable lack of results concerning both the explicitation of their content and the tools developed to make it available. The objective of the Clavius on the Web project is to develop a Web platform exposing a selection of Christophorus Clavius letters along with three different levels of analysis: linguistic, lexical and semantic. The multilayered annotation of the corpus involves a XML-TEI encoding followed by a tokenization step where each token is univocally identified through a CTS urn notation and then associated to a part-of-speech and a lemma. The text is lexically and semantically annotated on the basis of a lexicon and a domain ontology, the former structuring the most relevant terms occurring in the text and the latter representing the domain entities of interest (e.g. people, places, etc.). Moreover, each entity is connected to linked and non linked resources, including DBpedia and VIAF. Finally, the results of the three layers of analysis are gathered and shown through interactive visualization and storytelling techniques. A demo version of the integrated architecture was developed.}, KEYWORDS = {language technologies for digital cultural heritage, lexica and ontologies, data visualization}, PAGES = {8}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/282569}, ISBN = {978-2-9517408-8-4}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {LREC 2014-The 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Reykjavik}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {26-31 maggio 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_DMMP_288069, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S. and Murano, F. and Pesini, L.}, TITLE = {A collaborative tool for philological research: experiments on Ferdinand de Saussure's manuscripts}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {The present paper describes a philological-computational tool developed by the Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (ilc - cnr) of Pisa, aimed at creating a digital edition of Ferdinand de Saussure's unpublished manuscripts. Since the use of a digital edition and of the most modern computer technology allows a more in-depth research, the ilc is developing a set of digital tools in order to take ad- vantage of both the documents and the related information added by the scientific community. The integration exploits the Java enterprise platform by organizing the different features in modules. Thus, the tool meets the following requirements: (i) converting legacy digital resources into valid Xml documents (tei compliant); (ii) parallel visualization among imported texts and related images; (iii) search and in- dexing; (iv) handling of variant readings; and (v) collaborative annotation.}, KEYWORDS = {Computational and collaborative philology}, PAGES = {163-175}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288069}, PUBLISHER = {CLEUP (Padova, ITA)}, ISBN = {978-88-6787-260-2}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Aiucd}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Padova}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {11-12 december 2013}, BOOKTITLE = {Collaborative Research Practices and Shared Infrastructures for Humanities Computing}, EDITOR = {Agosti, M. and Tomasi, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_DN_295187, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Nahli, O.}, TITLE = {Towards a flexible open-source software library for multi-layered scholarly textual studies: An Arabic case study dealing with semi-automatic language processing}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {This paper presents both the general model and a case study of the Computational and Collaborative Philology Library (CoPhiLib), an ongoing initiative underway at the Institute for Computational Linguistics (ILC) of the National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy. The library, designed and organized as a reusable, abstract and open-source software component, aims at solving the needs of multi-lingual and cross-lingual analysis by exposing common Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The core modules, coded by the Java programming language, constitute the groundwork of a Web platform designed to deal with textual scholarly needs. The Web application, implemented according to the Java Enterprise specifications, focuses on multi-layered analysis for the study of literary documents and related multimedia sources. This ambitious challenge seeks to obtain the management of textual resources, on the one hand by abstracting from current language, on the other hand by decoupling from the specific requirements of single projects. This goal is achieved thanks to methodologies declared by the "agile process", and by putting into effect suitable use case modeling, design patterns, and component-based architectures. The reusability and flexibility of the system have been tested on an Arabic case study: the system allows users to choose the morphological engine (such as AraMorph or Al-Khalil), along with linguistic granularity (i.e. with or without declension). Finally, the application enables the construction of annotated resources for further statistical engines (training set).}, KEYWORDS = {Design, Information Engineering, Design Patterns, Text Processing, Arabic Natural Language Processing}, PAGES = {285-290}, URL = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?tp=\&arnumber=7016633\&queryText%3Ddel+grosso+philology}, DOI = {10.1109/CIST.2014.7016633}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE (New York, USA)}, ISBN = {978-1-4799-5978-5}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Third IEEE International Colloquium in Information Science and Technology (CIST)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Tetuan, Morocco}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {20-22/10/2014}, BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Cinference Publications-Catalog Number: CFP1467R-ART}, EDITOR = {El Mohajir, M. and Al Achhab, M. and Chahhou, M. and Mounir, A. and El Mohajir, B. and Pirrelli, V. and Zarghili, A. and Elfar, M.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_DB_276328, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Collaborative multimedia platform for computational philology}, YEAR = {2013}, ABSTRACT = {This paper aims at illustrating a collaborative and modular web platform in the domain of digital and computational philology. The proposed work deals with parallel multilingual and multimedia resources. Two case studies are discussed in order to show the flexibility of the designed platform. The reusability of the components in different projects is achieved by abstract modeling and through the application of effective design patterns. The platform deals with textual resources and associated multimedia content, which can be retrieved by the metadata and shown in parallel (e.g., the page image of a manuscripts and the related transcription). The library of components will distribute under GPL 3.0 license and available at https://github.com/CoPhi.}, KEYWORDS = {Computational philology, Digital philology, Enterprise systems, Multilingualism, Parallel multimedia}, PAGES = {46-51}, URL = {http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-84905815787\&origin=inward}, ISBN = {9781627484770}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {MMEDIA 2013}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Venice}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {21-26 April 2013}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of a meeting held at NexComm 2013, The Fifth International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2013)}, EDITOR = {Davis, P.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{SICILIANO_2023_INPROCEEDINGS_SD_491768, AUTHOR = {Siciliano, A. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Giorgio Bassani's notes between tradition and innovation}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {This contribution illustrates the preliminary results of the project concerning Giorgio Bassani's personal library. The project provides both a printed traditional edition of the notes he wrote on his books and the development of a digital environment to browse and analyze them.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Digital Philology, Giorgio Bassani, Digital Scholarly Editions}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8107868}, DOI = {10.5281/zenodo.7961822}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Graz, Austria}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {10-14/07/2023}, BOOKTITLE = {Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity}, EDITOR = {Scholger, W. and Vogeler, G. and Tasovac, T. and Baillot, A. and Helling, P.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_BDGZ_484475, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Guadagnini, E. and Zenzaro, S.}, TITLE = {L'annotazione del testo}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo illustra le potenzialità offerte dall'uso dei Linguaggi Specifici di Dominio (DSL) per la produzione di note, commenti, apparati e testi scientifici. Il modello Euporia e l'approccio DSL-Based DSE sono richiamati come possibile alternativa alla codifica mediante XML/TEI per la produzione di edizioni scientifiche digitali.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Filologia Digitale, Domain Specific Languages, Euporia, DSL-based DSE}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484475}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Filologia Digitale e Testi Italiani Antichi. Verso un sistema integrato di ricerca}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-28/06/2022}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_D_484398, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Forme di elaborazione per il Codice Pelavicino Digitale. Usare, Riusare ed Estendere l'Edizione}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo illustra alcune attività condotte in seno al progetto di edizione digitale denominato "Codice Pelavicino". In particolare la presentazione si focalizza sulla rappresentazione dei termini notevoli, sulla presentazione del testo in formato PDF e sulla specificità della codifica come componente di un sistema FAIR.}, KEYWORDS = {Codice Pelavicino, Digital Humanities, Filologia Digitale, Edition Visualization Technology, XML/TEI}, URL = {https://pelavicino.labcd.unipi.it/}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {L'edizione digitale del Codice Pelavicino-Presentazione del lavoro completo}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Sarzana}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {26/03/2022}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_DZB_484339, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Zenzaro, S. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {CNR-ILC team e il progetto ERC 885222-GreekSchools}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Presentazione del team di lavoro e delle attività svolte in seno al progetto ERC 885222-GreekSchools durante il convegno di Papirologia Ercolanese organizzato dal 5 al 9 settembre 2022 presso il Castello Pasquini di Castiglioncello (Livorno).}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Digital Papyrology, Digital Scholarly Edition, ERC, GreekSchools, DSL-based DSE}, URL = {https://greekschools.eu}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Convegno di Papirologia Ercolanese}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Castiglioncello}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {5-9/09/2022}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MARINETTI_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_MMQBBDPRSZMM_479194, AUTHOR = {Marinetti, A. and Murano, F. and Quochi, V. and Ballerini, M. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Piccini, S. and Rigobianco, L. and Solinas, P. and Zinzi, M. and Mallia, M. and Middei, E.}, TITLE = {Challenges in Encoding Fragmentary Attested Languages}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {The ItAnt project investigates the langages of ancient Italy, whose only attestation consist in epigraphic evidence, focusing on Venetic, Oscan, Faliscan and Celtic languages. For this purpose, the project combines the traditional method proper to historical linguistics with the setting up of digital technologies, developing computational tools specifically designes to create a digital set of interrelated resources.}, KEYWORDS = {digital epigraphy, eLexicography, Linguistic Linked Open Data, Text Encoding}, URL = {https://ciegl2022.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/30}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XVI Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia greca e latina}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Bordeaux}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {29 agosto-settembre 2022}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{RANOCCHIA_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_RPVPFVAMRRCPPZBDE_472284, AUTHOR = {Ranocchia, G. and Puglia, E. and Vassallo, C. and Pernigotti, C. and Fleischer, K. and Verhasselt, G. and Alessandrelli, M. and Miliani, C. and Romano, F. P. and Rosi, F. and Caliri, C. and Pavone, D. P. and Preisler, Z. and Zenzaro, S. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Enea, A.}, TITLE = {The Greek philosophical schools according to Europe's earliest history of philosophy. Towards a new pioneering critical edition of Philodemus' Arrangement of the Philosophers}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Our knowledge about Greek philosophical schools is mostly second-hand and based on Diogenes Laërtius' Lives of Eminent Philosophers (3rd century AD) and Philodemus' Arrangement of the Philosophers (75-50 BC), a treatise in several books which represents the earliest 'history of philosophy' to have reached us directly from antiquity. From this work exclusively preserved by the Herculaneum papyri we may derive a virtually systematic account of the history of Greek philosophical schools, which is unique in its kind.}, KEYWORDS = {papyrology, digital papyrology, digital humanities, digital cultural heritage}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/472284}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XXXth International Congress of Papyrology}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Paris}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {25/07/2022-30/07/2022}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{VENUTI_2022_INPROCEEDINGS_VD_484399, AUTHOR = {Venuti, M. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {La Galassia Musisque Deoque}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo illustra il lavoro di riorganizzazione della galassia MQDQ in un sistema distribuito e collaborativo, facendo uso di Domain Specific Languages accanto alla modalità tradizionale di codifica mediante XML/TEI.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Filologia Digitale, MQDQ, Filologia Collaborativa, Domain Specific Languages}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484399}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Maratona DH}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Venezia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {13/10/2022}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_D_484396, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {How to leverage Domain-Driven Design to foster Digital Scholarly Editing and DSL}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {The field of digital scholarly editing is deemed to be particularly challenging from a software engineering point of view. Indeed, after decades of research activities, computational philology still lacks effective tools and efficient procedures organized in common interfaces, decoupled application services and domain-specific commodities. As a matter of fact, there is neither convergence on how to model software applications to meet philological requirements nor traditional philologists fully satisfied with the current digital solutions. By adopting the Domain Driven Design approach, we start our modeling activities by defining the problem space of our domain which, in turn, is broken into small components (called sub-domains) to progressively refine the ongoing digital models. In this way, together with the experts, we are able to identify the main capabilities of the field we want to model and strive to design coherent domain-specific solutions for such capabilities (bounded contexts).}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Domain-Driven Design, Digital Philology, Euporia, Domain-Specific Languages}, URL = {https://easychair.org/cfp/EUPORIA2021}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {EUPORIA2021: Webinars in Theories and Practices of the Annotation through Domain-Specific Languages}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {online}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {15/03/2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_D_484397, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {La codifica testuale delle testimonianze inedite, manoscritte, audio e video}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo intende illustrare gli aspetti più significativi della rappresentazione digitale delle testimonianze sia scritte sia orali, inquadrando la proposta in una prospettiva infrastrutturale e di sostenibilità delle risorse digitali prodotte.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Informatica Umanistica, Archivi Digitali, Voci dall'Inferno, XML/TEI}, URL = {https://www.unipi.it/index.php/archivio/event/6081-voci-dall-inferno-le-testimonianze-dei-sopravvissuti-ai-lager}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Voci dall'Inferno. Le testimonianze dei sopravvissuti ai Lager}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa, Palazzo "La Sapienza"}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {10/12/2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_DT_484390, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Tessarolo, L.}, TITLE = {Lavori in corso: trasferimento di competenze per una re-ingegnerizzazione del sistema la "galassia MQDQ"}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {L'intervento illustra le attività in corso presso il centro VeDPH dell'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia informate dal progetto di visiting scholar tra il dipartimento di Scienze Umane e l'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale CNR-ILC volto alla reingegnerizzazione della tecnologia su cui poggiano i progetti della galassia Musisque Deoque (MQDQ).}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanties, Archivi Digitali Latini, MQDQ, XML/TEI, Filologia Collaborativa}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484390}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Biblioteche digitali di testi latini in Italia. Per un progetto di archivio comune}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Venezia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {28 giugno 2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{MARINETTI_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_MMQBBDPRS_461529, AUTHOR = {Marinetti, A. and Murano, F. and Quochi, V. and Ballerini, M. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Piccini, S. and Rigobianco, L. and Solinas, P.}, TITLE = {Languages and Cultures of Ancient Italy. Historical Linguistics and Digital Models}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {The abstract accompanies a poster presenting an overview of the project "Languages and cultures of Ancient Italy", which had just started. The project brings together competences from Historical Linguistics, Computational Lexicography and Digital Humanities. The main objective of the project is to investigate the cultures of ancient Italy on the basis of theirlinguistic documentation (7th - 1stc. B.C.) by means of digital tools specifically tailored for their peculiarities.}, KEYWORDS = {digital epigraphy, computational lexicons, text-lexicon linking, restsprachen, digital models, digital humanities}, PAGES = {528-532}, URL = {https://aiucd2021.labcd.unipi.it/en/book-of-abstracts-conference/}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {10th National Conference of Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa (Virtuale)}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {19-22 gennaio 2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ZENZARO_2021_INPROCEEDINGS_ZBD_472303, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Domain Specific Languages on editing papyri: the GreekSchools case study}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Within the ERC AdG 885222-GreekSchools we aim to manage the edit of multiple papyrologic texts: diplomatic and literary editions and the corresponding apparatuses and their translations. To endow scholars with automatic consistency and coherence of editorial choices and to support the whole editing process, we leverage Domain Specific Languages (DSLs): a formal language definition in a bounded domain. Digital text editing can be handled in multiple ways depending on the editorial purpose. We identify four possible editing approaches to digital textual scholarship: (1) word processor; (2) structured text (e.g. XML); (3) GUI-centric; (4) domain specific language (DSL). Each of them has pros and cons. In particular we analyse five dimensions: familiarity, compactness, completeness, data elaboration support, and the need of technical training. With familiarity we refer to how much the scholar can avoid shifting his established working paradigm/environment. Compactness is the ratio between quantity of information and formalisation size. Completeness refers to the information the content represents. The capability to extract or deduce information from the data is addressed by data elaboration support. Finally, we consider important to evaluate the amount of technical training for text editing. For example, structured texts grant completeness of information, while requiring extensive technical training. In this context only the DSL approach encompasses all these dimensions while the other approaches compromises on some of them. We propose a DSL-based editor that will support and improve the editing workflow in the context of the ERC project.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Digital Papyrology, GreekSchools, Computational philology}, URL = {https://www.clarin.eu/content/clarin-bazaar-2021#data-curation-using-nlp}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {CLARIN Annual Conference 2021}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {27-29/09/2021}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{CATERINO_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_CBMDSD_430369, AUTHOR = {Caterino, A. F. and Battaglino, G. and Marini, A. and Di Meglio, A. and Silvi, D. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Letteratura e filologia come scienze esatte: per un nuovo statuto scientifico dell'umanista informatizzato}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {La leggenda vuole che fosse inciso all'entrata dell'accademia platonica il motto «???????????? ?????? ??????». La geometria è qui intesa come la scienza stessa, quell'esatezza di calcolo indispensabile a cogliere determinate strutture armoniche all'interno dell'arte; strutture che, in fin dei conti, costituiscono la vera e propria ossatura del concetto di bello. Per meglio concepire il bello nella sua struttura è quindi necessario avere una capacità d'analisi matematica, geometrica. Oggi l'informatica sa venire incontro proprio alla necessità dell'umanista di rendere il suo lavoro più specifico e preciso, al fine di ottenere dal proprio lavoro migliori esegesi, migliori ricostruzioni testuali, migliori approcci critici utili a una fruizione più consapevole dello stesso testo letterario. Il panel vorrebbe quindi raccogliere ricerche e testimonianze di chi si occupa e preoccupa di applicare l'informatica agli studi filologici e letterari, con la volontà ultima di superare le barriere che contrappongono in modalità integralista gli studia humanitatis alle cosiddette scienze esatte. Esso nasce come estensione delle ricerche informatico-umanistiche condotte presso l'Università degli Studi del Molise dal gruppo di studi Eterodossie e dissenso nella letteratura italiana, ma vuole ovviamente aprirsi a chiunque creda - in maniera critica e ragionata - alla causa delle digital humanities.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities}, URL = {https://www.italianisti.it/associazione/congressi-adi/letteratura-e-scienze}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {XXIII Congresso ADI-Associazione degli Italianisti}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {12/09/2019-14/09/2019}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_D_430160, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Multilingual Word-by-word alignment. Methodology and some preliminary outcomes towards the construction of multilingual Lexicon within the "Traduzione del Talmud Babilonese" project}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Textual scholars have been exploiting for long time multilingual resources in their daily work to better understand the primary sources they inquire. Bitexts are parallel texts which turn out to be useful in a number of cross-linguistic and comparative processing tasks. This talk will show the workflow adopted within the research activities conducted on the Italian translation of the Babylonian Talmud. More specifically, I will illustrate the ongoing work towards the construction of a multilingual Hebrew/Aramaic/Italian terminological resource by means of stochastic generative approaches to word-by-word text alignment. The related literature discusses plenty of techniques concerning this topic. The alignment tool I developed is grounded on generative models (i.e., IBM and HMM models), which are a collection of non-supervised machine learning algorithms, to calculate the probability of linking two words in a multilingual term pair. From a technical standpoint, beside the adopted models, which are based on an alignment function and on an unsupervised training procedure devoted to estimating the unknown probability distributions, other machine learning approaches to word alignment exist that encompass discriminative techniques, which are based on a target function and on a supervised learning process exploiting labeled training data set. The implemented models were widely adopted in the literary domain, as they are able to profitably handle interpretative bitexts modeling also deletion, insertion, transposition phenomena without having an extant labeled data set. The workflow I will present encompasses four distinct phases: 1) The encoding of the parallel text, which has been carried out according to the last TEI recommendations. In particular, the linking-target approach described within the Module 16 of the guidelines was used. 2) The semi-automatic extraction of the Italian terms, which has been carried out by means of linguistic analysis technologies available at the Institute of Computational Linguistics (ILC-CNR). These tools include a stochastic component for terminology extraction. 3) The addition of Hebrew/Aramaic terms to the Italian extracted ones via word-by-word alignment to automatically process the three main ancient languages appearing in the Talmud, namely mishnaic Hebrew, biblical Hebrew and babylonian Aramaic. 4) Finally, the revision of the obtained results through an ad-hoc implemented web-based application. This final step is devoted to build a ground truth and/or a gold training set allowing us to perform a complete validation process of the alignment outcomes. For the time being, 219.000 tokens have been analyzed, extracted from four tractates of the Babylonian Talmud which were translated so far."}, KEYWORDS = {bilingual word alignment, translation}, URL = {http://www.ens-lyon.fr/evenement/recherche/machine-learning-donnees-textuelles-et-recherche-en-sciences-humaines-et}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Machine learning, données textuelles et recherche en sciences humaines et sociales}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {ENS de Lyon}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {25/11/2019-26/11/2019}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_D_430161, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Verso la definizione e l'implementazione di una piattaforma orientata allo studio critico del testo}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo illustra le caratteristiche della piattaforma in sviluppo presso ILC per lo studio scientifico del testo e in parte impiegata per la realizzazione dell'edizione digitale delle lettere di Bellini.}, KEYWORDS = {BelliniInRete, Digital Scholarly Editing, Digital Philology, Computational Philology}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/430161}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Il progetto BellinInRete digital correspondence. Per un'edizione critica digitale delle lettere di Vincenzo Bellini}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Coro di Notte-ex Monastero dei Benedettini-piazza Dante 32, Catania}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {29/10/2019}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_DCCSS_429947, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Capizzi, E. and Cristofaro, S. and Seminara, G. and Spampinato, D.}, TITLE = {Promoting Bellini's legacy and the Italian opera by scholarly digital editing his own correspondence}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {This contribution aims at illustrating the ongoing work towards the digital scholarly editing, long-term preservation, web publishing and computational exploiting of 41 letters, written by the renowned composer Vincenzo Bellini. The correspondence is kept at the Belliniano Civic Museum of Catania and is being encoded in XML according to the last TEI guidelines. The edition will be made accessible both via web - exploiting the Edition Visualization Technology (EVT) - as well as integrated into an interactive and multimedia tour within the museum. The digital edition is based on the recently published transcriptions made by Seminara. The encoding scheme has been defined according to the edition requirements, the TEI best practices and the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) guidelines - where the musical context must be specified. Our initiative has some elements of innovation that distinguish it from similar projects, such as the Van Gogh letter project or the DALF project. For instance, we encode the circumstance that the letters themselves have also the purpose of acting as envelopes. In fact, they are folded on themselves and postmarks and wax seals are sometimes affixed on them. The edition takes care of handling the correspondence metadata by means of the correspDesc TEI tagset, thus providing the opportunity to exploit the correspSearch API. This approach has allowed us to enrich the encoding of the document both in its logical and physical structure and in indexing letters by sender, recipient, date, and places. The museum context and the educational purposes have even led us to the definitions of some lists of named entities. Within these resources we have adopted the Semantic Web and LOD paradigm by encoding external references to authoritative repositories such as RISM and DBpedia. Finally, we implemented some useful EVT extensions to automatically handle hotspots and to show critical notes that accompany the text.}, KEYWORDS = {TEI, DSE, Vincenzo Bellini, Digital Correspondence}, URL = {https://gams.uni-graz.at/o:tei2019.118}, DOI = {10.5281/zenodo.3461673}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {What is text, really? TEI and beyond (TEI 2019)}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {University of Graz, Austria}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {16/09/2019-20/09/2019}, BOOKTITLE = {What is text, really? TEI and beyond}, EDITOR = {Vogeler, G.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_DP_430371, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Piccini, S.}, TITLE = {Fixing the Movements of Thought in Text and Terminology: the Effectiveness of Scholarly Digital Tools on Saussure's Writings}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {The aim of this contribution is to present and discuss some recent activities, carried out by the Institute of Computational Linguistics (CNR - Pisa), devoted to representing in an explicit and formal way the diachronic evolution of concepts and terms occurring in Saussure's manuscripts. In the first part of the presentation, we will briefly outline some theoretical aspects concerning the diachronic standpoint in terminology and the "best practices" to be followed when modelling (diachronic) terminological resources. Then, some examples of terminological evolution will be provided, taken from the electronic lexicon Simple_FdS, built within the PRIN project "Per un'edizione digitale dei manoscritti di Ferdinand de Saussure" (2008-2011), based on the Generative Lexicon theory elaborated by Pustejovsky (1995). Terminological data will be shown in LexO, a Web-based and collaborative web editor, which allows for building lexical and terminoontological resources, compliant with the Semantic Web technologies (RDF and OWL). In the second part of the talk, starting from the outcomes of the aforementioned project, we will present the scholarly digital platform aimed at describing and analysing text resources. The encoding approach follows the current de facto standard in representing textual resources, namely the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) guidelines. In particular, we adopted the tag sets defined in the Module for Transcription of Primary Resources. An example will be illustrated on how describe and visualize the process of writing in Saussure's manuscripts. The example was implemented exploiting the Omega framework as well as the Edition Visualization Technology (EVT). In such a way, scholars have at their disposal a powerful tool for searching additions, deletions, substitutions, retracings, different hands, transpositions, marginal and interlinear notes, and all the other textual phenomena significant to understanding the "Movements of thought" which emerge in the handwritten pages.}, KEYWORDS = {Saussure, Digital Humanities, Digital Scholarly Editing, Digital Philology, Computational Philology}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/430371}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Philosophy of Language and Digital Humanities}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Rende (CS)}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {07/05/2019-09/05/2019}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELTURCO_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_DMDCDZ_430159, AUTHOR = {Del Turco, R. R. and Martignano, C. and Di Pietro, C. and Cacioli, G. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Zenzaro, S.}, TITLE = {DSE Visualisation with EVT: Simplicity is Complex}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Edition Visualization Technology (EVT) is an open source tool to produce digital scholarly editions on the basis of TEI XML-encoded documents. Born to serve the goals of a single project, the Digital Vercelli Book, it has been developed in such a way as to become a general purpose tool. Several DSE projects are using it to publish digital editions, in fact many researchers have found in EVT the perfect tool for their needs: it is easy to configure and deploy, it is fully customizable, it includes several useful research tools out of the box.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Philology, Digital Scholarly Editing}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.34894/B6T1YD}, DOI = {10.34894/B6T1YD}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Compexities}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Utrecht}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {09/07/2019-12/07/2019}, BOOKTITLE = {Complexities}, EDITOR = {Pierazzo, E. and Ciotti, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{SALVATORI_2019_INPROCEEDINGS_SBD_400259, AUTHOR = {Salvatori, E. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {From collaborative transcription to interdisciplinary education: the postcards of the Great War case}, YEAR = {2019}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Public History, Collaborative Philology, Text Encoding, Digital Philology, Web Application, Educational, Digital Textual Scholarship}, PAGES = {211-215}, URL = {http://amsacta.unibo.it/6361/}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6361}, ISBN = {978-88-942535-3-5}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Didattica e ricerca al tempo delle Digital Humanities / Teaching and research in Digital Humanities' era}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Udine}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {23-25/01/2019}, BOOKTITLE = {Didattica e ricerca al tempo delle Digital Humanities / Teaching and research in Digital Humanities' era. Ottavo Convegno Annuale 8th Annual Conference AIUCD 2019 (Udine, 23-25 gennaio 2019) Book of Abstracts}, EDITOR = {Allegrezza, S.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2018_INPROCEEDINGS_D_390305, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Verso la definizione e l'implementazione di un processo per la gestione dell'informazione in ambito bibliografico e archivistico}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {L'intervento ripercorre alcune iniziative svolte negli anni passati in collaborazione con il liceo classico Medi-Livatino. Si introduce un processo di digitalizzazione e di analisi di documenti testuali volto alla gestione e allo studio dell'informazione testuale in ambito filologico. In particolare si sottolineano gli aspetti che accomunano il lavoro ingegneristico-tecnologico con quelli maggiormente bibliografici e archivistici relativi alla conservazione e alla fruizione di risorse testuali. Si evidenziano gli sviluppi di attività dedicate alla cultura digitale e all'applicazione di strumenti computazionali per l'analisi e lo studio di tesi storici nell'ambito della didattica. In perfetta sintonia quindi con le linee guida del Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale.}, KEYWORDS = {PNSD, liceo classico, biblioteche innovative, archivi digitali}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390305}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Cultura Digitale: a scuola di innovazione}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {San Marco dei Cavoti (Benevento)}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {17-18/5/2018}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2018_INPROCEEDINGS_DCCCDR_390989, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Cacioli, G. and Cavallero, C. and Cioffi, R. and Di Pietro, C. and Rosselli Del Turco, R.}, TITLE = {Encoding and publishing the Life of San Teobaldo using EVT: challenges and rewards}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {This contribution aims at illustrating both the scholarly work and the development outcomes that have been achieved while working towards a digital edition of the Life of San Teobaldo (an hagiography of the patron saint of the city of Alba, Italy). The text, physically embodied in an ancient palimpsest scroll, has been encoded using the TEI-XML standard and published by means of the Edition Visualization Technology tool. EVT has been appropriately customized and extended with new features concerning image visualization, diplomatic edition display and textual search. A working progress demo is available at < http://licodemo.ilc.cnr.it/evt-rotulo >.}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, evt, computational philology, Rotulo vita San Teobaldo}, URL = {https://drive.google.com/file/d/19SQqvy4vwG_-irpelu7ro3Q1QdZjcsZJ/view?usp=sharing}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {EADH 2018: "Data in Digital Humanities"}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {7-9/12/2018}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2018_INPROCEEDINGS_DCDGMSS_384781, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Cristofaro, S. and De Luca, M. R. and Giovannetti, E. and Marchi, S. and Seminara, G. and Spampinato, D.}, TITLE = {Le lettere di Bellini: dalla Carta al Web}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {Nel contesto del progetto "Museo virtuale della Musica BellinInRete" sarà reso fruibile, attraverso un processo di acquisizione, codifica e pubblicazione digitale, un corpus di lettere di Vincenzo Bellini, compositore catanese del XIX secolo. L'edizione digitale delle lettere belliniane sarà consultabile in rete e, inoltre, sarà integrata in un percorso museale interattivo in allestimento presso il Museo Civico Belliniano di Catania.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Edition, Digital Scholarly Platform}, PAGES = {60-64}, URL = {http://www.aiucd2018.uniba.it/content/AIUCD2018-BoA.pdf}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5997}, ISBN = {9788894253528}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2018 Conference}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Bari}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {31/01/2018-02/02/2018}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2018-Book of abstracts}, EDITOR = {Spampinato, D.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BELLANDI_2017_INPROCEEDINGS_BBKDM_366612, AUTHOR = {Bellandi, A. and Boschetti, F. and Khan, A. F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Monachini, M.}, TITLE = {Provando e riprovando modelli di dizionario storico digitale: collegare voci, citazioni, interpretazioni}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {Il dizionario storico è il luogo d'incontro privilegiato di linguistica e lessicografia e filologia e critica letteraria. Nella prima parte prendiamo in considerazione un caso di studio piuttosto noto, relativo all'espressione "provando e riprovando", per mostrare come perfino i luoghi citati nei dizionari, che sono introdotti con lo scopo di disambiguare i termini in contesto, non siano privi di controversie interpretative. Nella seconda parte, molto più dettagliata e più tecnica, tentiamo di aggiungere ai modelli lessicali e citazionali già esistenti ed aperti soluzioni minime che ci permettano di collegare voci, citazioni e interpretazioni all'interno dell'universo dei Linked Open Data.}, KEYWORDS = {Linked Open Data LOD}, PAGES = {119-125}, URL = {http://aiucd2017.aiucd.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/book-of-abstract-AIUCD-2017.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2017 Conference \& 3rd EADH Day}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Roma, Università "Sapienza"}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {24-28 January 2017}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD 2017 Conference}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2017_INPROCEEDINGS_D_384783, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Domain Driven Design and Domain Specific Modelling for Digital Textual Scholarship}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {Over the last years, the digital turn and the world wide web have led historical studies towards an automatic processing of their own data and consequently towards new forms of scholarly editing and publications. In this framework, scholars have adopted digital models, electronic elements and computational features in their work, but these new instruments are generally derived from other disciplines. For example, they exploit optical character recognition from image processing, corpora annotation and natural language processing from computational linguistics, text alignment from bioinformatics, text meaning from knowledge engineering, text presentation from data visualization. However, these latter research areas do not cover entirely the specificity of the fundamental requirements of the scholarly domain (for instance, treebank data models do not provide the adequate abstractions to manage multiple variant readings and multiple text interpretations). To exceed these issues, it is essential to adopt correct design approaches devoted to analyze the problem space of the historical source editing field. This rigorous and formal analysis will shape suitable architectures, design patterns, data abstractions and procedural abstractions for the constitutive features of the digital scholarly editions. Moreover, this modelling process will produce generic, flexible, maintainable and reusable digital models and modular textual scholarly environments. This contribution aims at discussing software engineering approaches, within an object-oriented paradigm, towards the definition of domain specific abstractions (DS-ADTs). In this way, it will be possible to accommodate domain needs by formally defining core "unities of concerns" which actually adhere to both the traditional and the digital editorial domain.}, KEYWORDS = {Domain Driven Design, Digital Scholarly Editing, Computational Philology, Digital Philology}, URL = {http://atlasfontium.pl/edition2.0/Home-and-News.php}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Historical Source Edition 2. 0}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Warsaw, Poland}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {6/10/2017-7/10/2017}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2017_INPROCEEDINGS_D_390293, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Digital Textual Scholarship Tools: From Digitizing Historical Archives To Digital Scholarly Editing Models}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {The contribution illustrates fundamental aspects concerning the digitization of a historical archive for scholarly studies. During the first part of the talk I briefly introduce the standard reference model for digital archives, thereafter, I will show some features and technologies about the production of digital facsimiles from original primary sources. Beside this topic the metadata issues will be pointed out. Afterwards, digital transcription tools and text recognition tasks will be highlighted. Highlights on digital textual scholarship will introduce the text encoding and the annotation topics. This talk ends with an overview of tools for visualizing, indexing and searching textual content.}, KEYWORDS = {historical archive, digital textual scholarship, digital humanities, digital libraries, computational philology, software engineering}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390293}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {International Workshop on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Fez, Marocco}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {24-25/11/2017}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2017_INPROCEEDINGS_DGM_377409, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Giovannetti, E. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Il modello a microkernel di Omega nello sviluppo di strumenti per lo studio dei testi: dagli ADT alle API}, YEAR = {2017}, KEYWORDS = {microkernel, studio del testo, Omega, ADT, API}, PAGES = {199-205}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/377409}, ISBN = {978-88-942535-1-1}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2017 Conference}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Roma}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {24-28/01/2017}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2017_INPROCEEDINGS_DGM_377413, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Giovannetti, E. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Thinking like the "Modern Operating Systems": The Omega architecture and the Clavius on the Web project}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {The current digital turn in studying and analyzing historical documents results in both having machine actionable cultural data and providing software able to process them. However, these data and services often lack in integration strategies among them in order to be reused in other contexts different from the original ones. As pointed out by Franz Fischer in a worthy of note article: "There is no out-of-the-box software available for creating truly critical and truly digital editions at the same time" [1]. Likewise, Monica Berti stated that is now important to "build a model for representing quotations and text reuses of lost works in a digital environment" [2]. In this vision Bridget Almas is in charge of developing an integrated platform for collaboratively transcribing, editing, and translating historical documents and texts. She claimed that through this platform, called Perseids, students and scholars are able to create open source digital scholarly editions [3]. A number of interesting projects are currently under development to realize general models, digital services, and online tools that can be adopted as part of a long-term infrastructure for managing digital editions. Among Perseids and others, we cite as reference systems (a) the Textual Community project led by P. Robinson and B. Bordalejo, (b) the AustESE project led by the Australian eResearch group, (c) the Tagore Online Variorum "Bichitra" project led by Sukanta Chaudhuri, (d) Homer Multitext led by Neel Smith and Christopher Blackwell, (e) Sharing Ancient Wisdoms founded by the HERA network.}, KEYWORDS = {Omega, object-oriented design, digital scholarly editing, clavius on the web}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/377413}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Global Philology Open Conference}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Leipzig}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {20-23/02/2017}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2016_INPROCEEDINGS_DBMG_360640, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F. and Marchi, S. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {Vantaggi dell'Astrazione attraverso l'Approccio Orientato agli Oggetti per il Digital Scholarly Editing}, YEAR = {2016}, KEYWORDS = {Object Oriented Design, ADT, Digital Textual Scholarship}, URL = {http://www.himeros.eu/aiucd2016/c33.pdf}, DOI = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5559}, ISBN = {978-88-942535-0-4}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Quinto Convegno Annuale AIUCD. Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilità, analisi del testo e infrastrutture}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Ca' Dolfin, Venezia, Italia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {7-9/09/2016}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ABRATE_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_ADGLMMPP_282564, AUTHOR = {Abrate, M. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Giovannetti, E. and Lo Duca, A. and Marchetti, A. and Mancini, L. and Pedretti, I. and Piccini, S.}, TITLE = {Il Progetto Clavius on the Web: tecnologie linguistico-semantiche al servizio del patrimonio documentale e degli archivi storici}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {L'obiettivo del progetto Clavius on the Web è quello di valorizzare una parte dei manoscritti conservati dall'Archivio storico della Pontificia Università Gregoriana (APUG). Il progetto prende in esame alcuni manoscritti relativi a Christophorus Clavius (1538-­1612), matematico e astronomo gesuita. I manoscritti sono digitalizzati, trascritti, tradotti e analizzati dal punto di vista linguistico, lessicale e semantico. La terminologia e le entità di dominio individuate nel testo sono strutturate in un lessico e una ontologia, e collegate a risorse già disponibili sulla Rete secondo i principi dei Linked Data. La loro visualizzazione sul Web è implementata mediante tecniche di Data Visualization: la prima si basa sulla corrispondenza tra testo, traduzione e immagine mentre la seconda ha lo scopo di mostrare i contenuti delle analisi, con particolare enfasi alla navigazione delle risorse lessicali e ontologiche prodotte durante le varie fasi.}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/282564}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD 2014-Terzo convegno annuale: La metodologia della ricerca umanistica nell'ecosistema digitale}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Bologna}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {18-19 Settembre 2014}, BOOKTITLE = {AIUCD2014-La metodologia della ricerca umanistica nell'ecosistema digitale-Abstracts 3rd annual conference, 18-19 settembre 2014}, EDITOR = {Rossi, F. and Tomasi, F.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BCD_288061, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Caruso, L. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Euporia: Un'esperienza di Filologia Collaborativa a scuola, per promuovere il circolo virtuoso fra ricerca e didattica}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288061}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Internet Festival}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Pisa}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {11 ottobre 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BD_288063, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Progetto Euporia: Gli studenti incontrano la Filologia Collaborativa}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288063}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Annotazione Linguistica e Retorica di Testi Greci con Traduzione a Fronte}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {San Marco dei Cavoti (BN)}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {23 Maggio 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_BDKLN_288058, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Khan, A. F. and Lamé, M. and Nahli, O.}, TITLE = {A top-down approach to the design of components for the philological domain}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {This paper focuses on the methodology applied to the development of components in the domain of collaborative philology in the Memorata Poetis Project. This initiative, led by the University of Venice, coordinates eight units sharing the same cyber-infrastructure and is co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research (PRIN 2010/11). The project aims to study the multilingual intertextuality between epigraphic texts and literary epigrams, the transmission of themes, motives, etc. between different communicative situations (epigraphic versus literary) and different civilisations (Greek, Latin and Italian). As a control group, we analyse a corpus of epigraphic and literary texts in Arabic which do not belong to the same tradition as the others. The study of intertextuality affects both the reconstruction of the text (constitutio textus), by providing variants from the indirect tradition, and its interpretation (interpretatio), by widening the contexts in which the text has been reused.}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288058}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {DH2014}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Lausanne}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {8-12 july 2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Digital Humanities 2014-Book of Abstracts}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2014_INPROCEEDINGS_DN_288053, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Nahli, O.}, TITLE = {Towards a flexible open-source software library for multi-layered scholarly textual studies-An Arabic use-case dealing with semi-automatic language processing}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {This paper presents both the general model and a case study of the Computational and Collaborative Philology Library (CoPhiLib), an ongoing initiative underway at the Institute for Computational Linguistics (ILC) of the National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy. The library, designed and organized as a reusable, abstract and open-source software component, aims at solving the needs of multi-lingual and cross- lingual analysis by exposing common Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The core modules, coded by the Java programming language, constitute the groundwork of a Web platform designed to deal with textual scholarly needs. The Web application, implemented according to the Java Enterprise specifications, focuses on multi-layered analysis for the study of literary documents and related multimedia sources. This ambitious challenge seeks to obtain the management of textual resources, on the one hand by abstracting from current language, on the other hand by decoupling from the specific requirements of single projects. This goal is achieved thanks to methodologies declared by the "agile process", and by putting into effect suitable use case modeling, design patterns, and component- based architectures. The reusability and flexibility of the system have been tested on an Arabic case study: the system allows users to choose the morphological engine (such as AraMorph or Al- Khalil), along with linguistic granularity (i.e. with or without declension). Finally, the application enables the construction of annotated resources for further statistical engines (training set).}, KEYWORDS = {Computational and collaborative philology, API}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288053}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {ANLP IEEE CIST14}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Tetuan, Morocco}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {20-22/10/ 2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_BBD_276332, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Bozzi, A. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Library of components for the Computational Philological Domain dealing with TEI markup guidelines: CoPhiLib}, YEAR = {2013}, KEYWORDS = {collaborative philology}, PAGES = {160-162}, URL = {http://digilab2.let.uniroma1.it/teiconf2013/program/posters/abstracts-posters#C162}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Roma}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {3-4 October 2013}, BOOKTITLE = {The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web Book of Abstracts, Abstracts of the TEI Conference and Members Meeting 2013}, EDITOR = {Ciotti, F. and Ciula, A.}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_DMPM_288072, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Murano, F. and Pesini, L. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {A Web tool for philological research. An experiment on some Saussurean writings}, YEAR = {2013}, ABSTRACT = {The work describes a philological-computational tool developed by the Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale, CNR, Pisa to create a digital edition of Ferdinand de Saussure's unpublished manuscripts. Since the use of a digital edition and of the most modern computer technology allow a more in-depth research, the ILC is developing a set of digital tools to facilitate the research and to take advantage of both the documents and the related information by the scientific community.}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, digital humaniteis, software enginnering}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288072}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {AIUCD2013}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Padua, Italy}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {11-12 December 2013}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{LAM_2013_INPROCEEDINGS_LD_390563, AUTHOR = {Lamé, M. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {WE ARE ALL DISABLED!}, YEAR = {2013}, ABSTRACT = {This is not a technical proposition. This is a very humble web user's testimony from so­called enabled and disabled people: any human being is disabled when it comes to accessing digital information, as it requires a device ­ that is a computer ­ to be reasonably understandable, perceivable, operable and robust, unless one wants to print the binary code of a movie, such as La Jetée by Chris Marker as the artist David Guez recently did for his art exhibition at Centre Pompidou.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Publishing, w3c, web}, URL = {https://www.w3.org/2012/12/global-publisher/statements-of-interest/21-WeAreAllDisabled.pdf}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {A W3C Workshop on Digital Publishing}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Centre Pompidou, Parigi}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {16-17/09/2013}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{BOSCHETTI_2012_INPROCEEDINGS_BDL_221560, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Lamé, M.}, TITLE = {Strumenti per l'analisi di testi bilingui al servizio dell'epigrafia digitale}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {Model for visualization and retrieval of bilingual epigraphic texts in parallel.}, KEYWORDS = {allineamento bilinguismo}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/221560}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Incontro di studi sulla versificazione epigrafica dall'antichità all'umanesimo}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Venezia}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {3 maggio 2012}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DELGROSSO_2012_INPROCEEDINGS_D_390669, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Evaluation and parallelization of large-scale polytonic Greek OCR}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {This work aims to face the rapid digitization of Greek texts not yet in digital libraries, illustrating 1) what is an OCR engine; 2) what makes Greek OCR hard; 3) the work provided by Robertson and Boschetti; 4) future challenges on parallel architectures and proof reading system.}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, computational philology, digital humanities, computer engineering}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390669}, CONFERENCE_NAME = {Digitizing Greek Literature}, CONFERENCE_PLACE = {Department of Computer Science of Leipzig University}, CONFERENCE_DATE = {15/10/2012}, } @TECHREPORT{DELGROSSO_2014_TECHREPORT_D_354195, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Processo di analisi e indicizzazione dei testi digitalizzati di Cristoforo Clavio}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo descrive il rilascio del componente di analisi linguistica sviluppato dall'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale in seno al progetto Clavius on the Web (CoW). Contestualmente vengono presentate le risorse utilizzate nonché i dati e i vincoli di input e quelli di output.}, KEYWORDS = {Clavius on the Web, Lemmatizzazione, Latino}, URL = {http://www.claviusontheweb.it}, } @TECHREPORT{DELGROSSO_2013_TECHREPORT_DGP_354193, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Giovannetti, E. and Piccini, S.}, TITLE = {Definizione del modello di filologia computazionale}, YEAR = {2013}, ABSTRACT = {Il documento illustra il lavoro di analisi condotto durante la prima fase del progetto Clavius on the Web. Nelle sezioni del documento si descrivono le modalità secondo le quali il modello generale della piattaforma di gestione dei testi verrà implementato partendo dalle esigenze degli studiosi dei manoscritti originali di Clavius digitalizzati e messi a raffronto con i file di trascrizione.}, KEYWORDS = {Clavius, Clavius on the web, Literary Computing, Computational Philology, Lexica, Latin, Semantic Web}, URL = {http://claviusontheweb.it/}, } @TECHREPORT{BOZZI_2012_TECHREPORT_BGBNMPRD_390781, AUTHOR = {Bozzi, A. and Giovannetti, E. and Boschetti, F. and Nahli, O. and Marchi, S. and Piccini, S. and Ruimy, N. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Greek into Arabic: contents, technologies and (humanistic and scientific) applications of a new software}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {This contribution aims to describe the methodological approach to Digital Philology by means of the G\&A Web Application. It also shows running examples for the: 1) Visualization and ordering of parallel texts subdivided in pericopes; 2) Linguistic annotations; 3) Scholarly comments; and 4)Search functions}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, computational philology, software engineering, Greek into Arabic, Computational linguistics}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390781}, } @TECHREPORT{DELGROSSO_2012_TECHREPORT_DM_391001, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Il trattamento digitale dei manoscritti di F. de Saussure}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo presenta i risultati del progetto PRIN2008 Per un'edizione digitale dei manoscritti di Ferdinand de Saussure", finanziato dal Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca italiano per il biennio 2009-2011.}, KEYWORDS = {prin, saussure, digital humanities, computational philology, digital philology}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/391001}, } @TECHREPORT{DELGROSSO_2011_TECHREPORT_D_385881, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {The Web-Based System for the Management of Greek-Arabic Texts}, YEAR = {2011}, ABSTRACT = {The work carried out by the ILC-CNR unit in the first period of "Greek into Arabic" has been organized into three main activities, each one devoted to the development of a web-based framework for the study of and collaborative search on the pseudo-Theology of Aristotle and on its Greek sources}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Philology, Digital Humanities}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/385881}, } @TECHREPORT{DELGROSSO_2010_TECHREPORT_DG_354196, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Giovannetti, E.}, TITLE = {Sistema di gestione della banca dati lessicale}, YEAR = {2010}, ABSTRACT = {Il documento descrive l'analisi e lo studio preliminare svolto sul sistema di gestione della banca dati lessicale sviluppato nell'ambito dei progetti PAROLE, SIMPLE e CLIPS}, KEYWORDS = {Lessico elettronico, piattaforma web}, PAGES = {21}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/354196}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2023_MISC_DS_484322, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Spampinato, D.}, TITLE = {Bellini Digital Correspondece}, YEAR = {2023}, ABSTRACT = {Bellini Digital Correspondence (BDC) è un progetto di edizione scientifica digitale relativo alle lettere autografe di Vincenzo Bellini. Il fondo è conservato presso il Museo Belliniano di Catania. Il carteggio comprende 40 unita? testuali per 35 unita? codicologiche, riprodotte in 111 immagini digitali. BDC implementa una piattaforma per la filologia digitale applicata al testo belliniano la cui base critica si regge sul lavoro realizzato dalla prof.ssa Graziella Seminara nel 2017. L'edizione tiene conto di diverse tipologie di fruitori: specialisti, visitatori del museo, che usufruiscono dell'edizione all'interno del percorso museale. L'edizione digitale e? stata realizzata in accordo con le linee guida dettate dalla Text Encoding Initiative e integra una fruizione via Web grazie al software Edition Visualization Technology. BDC è completamente open source e open access. Il sito Web, che accompagna l'edizione, illustra con dovizia di particolari tutte le fasi del progetto, i principi editoriali, le scelte di rappresentazione digitale del testo e l'ampio gruppo di persone coinvolte.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Edizioni Scientifiche Digitali, Vincenzo Bellini, Filologia Digitale, Digital Scholarly Edition, Edition Visualization Technology}, URL = {http://bellinicorrespondence.cnr.it/}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2022_MISC_BD_484483, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Una bussola per navigare nei mari digitali: il ruolo di un K-Centre CLARIN per le esigenze degli studiosi}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {The contribution will give an overview about the structure of the Common Language Research Infrastructure (CLARIN) and its initiatives devoted to the DH, both at the European and at the national level as well as the activities of a new CLARIN Knowledge Centre: the DiPText-KC. Furthermore, it will introduce the practices that we suggest for a workflow to digit(al)ize texts and how to host projects in ILC4CLARIN through the assistance of the DiPText-KC.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, CLARIN, DiPText-KC, CoPhiLab, Digital Philology}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484483}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2022_MISC_BDMTP_484468, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Macchiarelli, A. and Tanozzi, F. and Puliero, J.}, TITLE = {The Remains of the Text-Natural Language Processing}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {The seminar presents some digital technologies for the study of texts of literary nature mediated by the use of computational tools. Specifically, the following topics are addressed: a) Coronelli's Epitome Cosmografica; b) Aratus' Phaenomena and the art of composing acrostics; c)Latin poets between astronomy and mythology d) Lemmatisation and Semi-automated linguistic analysis of Latin texts e) Musisque Deoque: a powerful instrument to study intertextuality.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Digital Philology, Summer School, MQDQ, NLP}, URL = {https://www.unive.it/data/33113/2/60398}, } @MISC{ZENZARO_2022_MISC_ZBD_472305, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Relazione sugli avanzamenti della piattaforma per il progetto GreekSchools}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Relazione sugli avanzamenti della piattaforma per il progetto GreekSchools}, KEYWORDS = {GreekSchools, Digital Humanities, Digital papyrology}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/472305}, } @MISC{ZENZARO_2022_MISC_ZDB_484324, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {CophiEditor & Viewer}, YEAR = {2022}, ABSTRACT = {Piattaforma di Filologia Digitale, Computazionale, Collaborativa e Cooperativa in sviluppo presso CNR-ILC nel contesto del progetto ERC Advanced Grant 885222-GreekSchools "The Greek Philosophical Schools according to Europe's earliest 'history of philosophy'. Towards a new pioneering critical edition of Philodemus' Arrangement of the Philosopher". La piattaforma implementa il modello di Edizioni Scientifiche Digitali DSL-based DSE.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Filologia Digitale, Filologia Computazionale, Filologia Collaborativa, Edizione Scientifica Digitale, GreekSchools, DSL-based DSE}, URL = {https://cophi.github.io/gs-data-service-api/#/}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2021_MISC_BD_484394, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Problemi tecnici e questioni teoriche nella gestione degli archivi digitali di testi}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Il seminario illustra alcune potenzialità offerte dalla rappresentazione digitale di testi d'interesse umanistico. Si prenderà spunto dall'archivio di testi latini conservato e fruibile dalla piattaforma Musisque Deoque per poi passare ad alcuni esempi di indagine condotti mediante il linguaggio di interrogazione XQuery.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Filologia Digitale, Filologia Computazionale, MQDQ, Archivi Digitali di Testi, XML/TEI}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484394}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2021_MISC_D_484395, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Preparing the XML-TEI text for Euporia}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Seminario introduttivo alla codifica XML/TEI per la rappresentazione digitale di testi d'interesse storico, letterario e umanistico.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Euporia, Filologia Digitale, XML/TEI, CoPhiLab}, URL = {https://cophilab.ilc.cnr.it/euporia-2021/}, } @MISC{TESSAROLO_2021_MISC_TDB_484490, AUTHOR = {Tessarolo, L. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {florilegiasyriaca}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Il portale di produzione e fruizione delle edizioni dei testi critici restituiti al pubblico durante il lavoro del team del progetto ERC 758732-FLOS}, KEYWORDS = {ERC, Digital Humanities, Digital Philology, FLOS, DSL-based DSE}, URL = {https://www.florilegiasyriaca.eu/}, } @MISC{ZENZARO_2021_MISC_ZDB_472307, AUTHOR = {Zenzaro, S. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {CophiEditor A collaborative web platform for the creation of scholarly digital editions}, YEAR = {2021}, ABSTRACT = {Relazione di avanzamento della piattaforma per il progetto GreekSchools}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Digital papyrology, GreekSchools}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/472307}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2020_MISC_BD_484370, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Textual markup (typographic, structural, semantic: HTML, CSS, XML)}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {Lezione tenuta nel contesto dell Summer School organizzata nel 2020 dal centro Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH)}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Public Humanities, XML/TEI, Digital Scholarly Edition, VeDPH}, URL = {https://vedph.github.io/summercamp/}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2020_MISC_D_484365, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Dalla Recensio all'Emendatio Digitale. Teoria, metodi e applicazioni della filologia digitale}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {Presentazione svolta nel contesto del ciclo di webinars di informatica umanistica a cura di G. Ferrante e A. Mazzucchi intitolato "La tecnologia informatica applicata alle scienze filologiche e librarie". Il seminario, inserito nel corso di Alta Formazione in Storia e Filologia del Manoscritto e del Libro Antico della Scuola Superiore Meridionale (Girolamini), introduce in 5 ore di lezione all'uso dei linguaggi di markup per la rappresentazione e conservazione digitale di risorse filologiche e di apparati critici.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Filologia Digitale, XML/TEI, Digital Scholarly Edition, Apparati Critici Digitali}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484365}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2020_MISC_D_484376, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Git per edizioni digitali collaborative su GitHub}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {This workshop will cover the basic functionalities of the software Git and the platform GitHub. Two days, each day divided into two parts of three hours each. Morning sessions: presentation of Git topics/features (theory and practice) Afternoon sessions: hands-on exercises (developing a dynamic and collaborative digital scholarly edition) Total hours for the workshop 12 hours. Objectives of the workshop: Learning the most relevant features regarding Git tool with references to GitHub platform. Git is a "distributed" Version Control System. It is able to handle the history of the changes made to tracked resources over a time period. Git allows users to manage the evolution of collaborative documents and to revisit and/or revert the content of these documents to a particular older state. GitHub is a development platform where it is possible to host and review Git repositories, and many more functionalities. First day topics: Introduction to systems for version control Preliminaries about command line environment Installing Git and testing the correctness of the local installation Git design model and the basic work-flow Local version control: git init, git status, git add, git commit, git log Local files: git rm, git mv Second day topics: Git help: git help and man pages Remote basics: GitHub, git remote, git push, git fetch, git pull Searching and examination: git diff, git grep Advanced log options Branching system: git branch, git checkout, git merge Handling the commit history: git rebase, git reset}, KEYWORDS = {git, github, Digital Scholarly Edition, Filologia Collaborativa, Filologia Digitale}, URL = {https://www.unive.it/data/33113/2/43767}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2020_MISC_DPCDFG_484385, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Piccini, S. and Cosenza, G. and D'Ottavi, G. and Fadda, E. and Gambarara, D.}, TITLE = {Saussure General Linguistics Project: Beyond the Course. A Knowledge Site for Rethinking Saussure's General Linguistics}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {The project is primarily committed to establish a standard scholarly edition of Saussure's General Linguistics related texts, making use of a consistent philological methodology, i.e. aware of the profoundly different textualities of the available sources, that is: autograph unfinished notes for a book, didactic materials (students' notes and Saussure's), and an edited volume.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humaniteis, Digital Scholarly Edition, Saussure's manuscripts, Filologia Digitale, Filologia computazionale}, URL = {https://github.com/saussure-team/general-linguistics-project}, } @MISC{DELTURCO_2020_MISC_DCDDMMSZ_484347, AUTHOR = {Del Turco, R. R. and Cacioli, G. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Di Pietro, C. and Martignano, C. and Memaj, J. and Spinelli, F. and Zenzaro, S.}, TITLE = {EVT-Edition Visualization Technology 2 (v. beta 2)}, YEAR = {2020}, ABSTRACT = {EVT (Edition Visualization Technology) is a software for creating and browsing digital editions of manuscripts based on text encoded according to the TEI XML (http://www.tei-c.org/) schemas and Guidelines. This tool was born as part of the [Digital Vercelli Book] (http://vbd.humnet.unipi.it/) project in order to allow the creation of a digital edition of the Vercelli Book, a parchment codex of the late tenth century, now preserved in the Archivio e Biblioteca Capitolare of Vercelli and regarded as one of the four most important manuscripts of the Anglo-Saxon period as regards the transmission of poetic texts in the Old English language. To ensure that it will be working on all the most recent web browsers, and for as long as possible on the World Wide Web itself, EVT is built on open and standard web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Specific features, such as the image viewer, are entrusted to the most effective and stable ones (e.g. Openseadragon in the case of the image viewer), again chosen among the open source and best supported ones to reduce the risk of future incompatibilities. The general architecture of the software, in any case, is modular, so that any component which may cause trouble or turn out to be not completely up to the task can be replaced easily. This version is based on the AngularJS programming framework and implements the MVC (Model - View - Controller) design pattern.}, KEYWORDS = {edizioni scientifiche digitali, filologia digitale, critica testuale, filologia di testi medievali, edizioni diplomatiche, web-publishing, XML/TEI, HTML5, CSS, AngularJS, visualization software, manuscript viewer}, URL = {http://evt.labcd.unipi.it/}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2019_MISC_BD_430372, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Digital Philology}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Session outline: 1) Introduction 1a) Computational Linguistics and Digital Philology 1b) Collaboration vs Cooperation 1c) Defining Data Types and APIs for Scholarly Editing 1d) The Hermeneutical circle 2) Digital Ecdotics 2a) Representation of Textual Phenomena by TEI-XML 2b) Representation of Textual Phenomena by Domain-Specific Languages 2c) Visual Presentation of Encoded Data 2d) Stemma Codicum and Alignment of Variants 2e) Querying Encoded Data 3) Digital Hermeneutics 3a) Linguistic and Stylistic Analyses 3b) Thematic Analysis 3c) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Philological Issues 3d) Semantic Querying 4) Conclusion 4a) Putting All Together 4b) Further Perspectives Seminar readings - Boschetti, Federico, e Angelo Mario Del Grosso. 2015. «TeiCoPhiLib: A Library of Components for the Domain of Collaborative Philology». Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, n. 8. https://doi.org/10.4000/jtei.1285 - Burnard, Lou. 2014. WHAT IS THE TEXT ENCODING INITIATIVE?. OpenEdition Press. http://books.openedition.org/oep/426 - Schmidt, Desmond. 2010. «The inadequacy of embedded markup for cultural heritage texts». Literary and Linguistic Computing 25 (3): 337-56. https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqq007 Further reading - Berti, Monica, Bridget Almas, David Dubin, Greta Franzini, Simona Stoyanova, e Gregory Ralph Crane. 2014. «The Linked Fragment: TEI and the Encoding of Text Reuses of Lost Authors». JTEI 8. https://doi.org/10.4000/jtei.1218 - Bozzi, Andrea. 2014. «Computer-assisted Scholarly Editing of Manuscript Sources». In New publication cultures in the humanities: exploring the paradigm shift, P. Davidhazi (ed.), 99-115. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. http://www.oapen.org/record/515678 - Driscoll, Matthew James, e Elena Pierazzo, (eds) 2016. Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories and Practices. Vol. 4. Digital Humanities Series. Open Book Publishers. Chapters 2-4. http://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/483/digital-scholarly-editing-theories-and-practices/eec262cdd3121ebd5eb2bf78581594f2}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, digital humanities}, URL = {https://github.com/SunoikisisDC/SunoikisisDC-2018-2019/wiki/Summer2019-Session2}, } @MISC{CARDAMONE_2019_MISC_CD_430891, AUTHOR = {Cardamone, R. D. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {L'edizione digitale: una risorsa per tutti}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Presentazione dell'edizione digitale degli statuti quattrocenteschi di Monterosso al Mare completa di immagini, trascrizione e traduzione.}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities, digital scholarly edition}, URL = {https://www.cfs.unipi.it/2019/11/27/gli-statuti-quattrocenteschi-di-monterosso-restituiti-alla-comunita/}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2019_MISC_D_430821, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Introduzione sistema git per edizioni collaborative}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Il sistema più diffuso per il controllo di versione per risorse elettroniche (VCS - Version Control System) e' oggi "git", un sistema open source ad architettura distribuita tra i più utilizzati per lo sviluppo di grandi progetti collaborativi, come ad esempio il kernel di Linux. La prima parte del seminario introdurrà il modello generale e i principi di progettazione che sottendono l'ambiente di versionamento, come ad esempio lo stato delle risorse, il workflow di lavoro, l'ambiente in locale e quello in remoto. Verranno anche mostrati i comandi più importanti per un efficace utilizzo dello strumento, come la creazione di un repository, fare commit degli aggiornamenti e salvare le modifiche su un host remoto. L'obiettivo è quello di fornire ai partecipanti una prima panoramica sul funzionamento del sistema git facendo ampio uso dell'interfaccia a riga di comando da terminale. La seconda parte del seminario introdurrà la piattaforma github, uno dei più comuni host per la gestione remota e collaborativa di repository git. Sarà mostrata quindi sia la procedura per creare un account sulla piattaforma sia le modalità di gestione per un semplice progetto collaborativo di codifica di testi.}, KEYWORDS = {git, github, summer school, digital humanities}, URL = {http://digitaltools.labcd.unipi.it/past-editions/program2019/}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2019_MISC_D_430828, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {AliEval-Revisione allineamento di testi paralleli multilingua}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Sistema per la revisione di testi paralleli allineati parola per parola}, KEYWORDS = {bitext alignment, digital humaniteis, talmud}, URL = {http://omega.ilc.cnr.it/dev/proofreader/}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2019_MISC_D_430903, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Visualizzatore immagini con tiling per software evt2js}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Sviluppo componente web per la visualizzazione ottimizzata delle immagini ad alta risoluzione in seno al progetto di visualizzazione di edizioni digitali scientifiche EVT. Nello specifico il visualizzatore è stato implementato per l'edizione digitale della vita di San Teobaldo. La fonte originale è conservata presso la Diocesi di Alba.}, KEYWORDS = {digital scholarly edition, EVT, viewer}, URL = {https://www.visitmudi.it/EVT/}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2019_MISC_DP_430373, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Piccini, S.}, TITLE = {Approcci digitali e computazionali allo studio dei documenti manoscritti della tarda latinità: il caso Clavius}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {Introduzione alle digital humanities e alla lessicografia digitale con esempi e riferimenti tratti dal progetto Clavius on the Web.}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities, digital philology, digital lexicography}, URL = {https://www.dipartimentidieccellenza-dilef.unifi.it/vp-122-calendario-attivita-didattica-marzo-2019.html}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2019_MISC_DS_445759, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Spampinato, D.}, TITLE = {Edizione digitale delle Lettere di Bellini}, YEAR = {2019}, ABSTRACT = {La codifica dell'edizione scientifica digitale è condotta seguendo le ultime linee guida della Text Encoding Initiative e istanziata su un campione rappresentativo di missive. L'edizione è accessibile via web con il software open source: Edition Visualization Technology; ma è anche stata progettata per essere integrata nel percorso museale interattivo e multimediale in allestimento, senza rinunciare al rigore scientifico della trascrizione delle lettere presente nella recente edizione critica.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Scholarly Edition, TEI, Vincenzo Bellini, Digital Correspondence}, URL = {http://licodemo.ilc.cnr.it/bellini-in-rete}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2018_MISC_BD_390656, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Euporia: Piattaforma digitale per l'annotazione tramite Domain Specific Languages di testi multilingui disposti in parallelo}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {Piattaforma digitale per l'annotazione tramite Domain Specific Languages di testi multilingui disposti in parallelo}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities, computational philology, digital philology}, URL = {https://github.com/CoPhi/euporia}, } @MISC{CRISTOFARO_2018_MISC_CDS_445805, AUTHOR = {Cristofaro, S. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Spampinato, D.}, TITLE = {Chiosco Voci di Pietra}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {Il chiosco multimediale Voci di Pietra è stato installato come postazione in locale all'interno del percorso museale in occasione della omonima mostra. Il totem touch screen permette la navigazione tra le informazioni raccolte nelle schede, nei video e nelle immagini digitalizzate, sia in italiano che in inglese, per favorire l'approfondimento della visita.}, KEYWORDS = {Museum, Epigraphy, EpiDoc, TEI}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/445805}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2018_MISC_DM_484667, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Edizione digitale del Rotulo di San Teobaldo}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {Applicazione web per la consultazione dell'edizione digitale del Rotulo di San Teobaldo proprietà della Diocesi di Alba.}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, web application, evt, enhanced visualization}, URL = {https://www.visitmudi.it/rotulo-di-san-teobaldo/}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2018_MISC_DM_484669, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Bellininrete Web Application}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {Applicazione web sviluppata in seno al progetto Bellininrete per lo studio e la consultazione della corrispondenza del maestro catanese Vincenzo Bellini.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Edition, Digital Scholarly Platform, web application}, URL = {http://bellinicorrespondence.cnr.it/evt}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2018_MISC_DMA_390394, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S. and Albanesi, D.}, TITLE = {Omega Project: Omega: Piattaforma Multi-modulare per lo studio scientifico del testo}, YEAR = {2018}, ABSTRACT = {Piattaforma per lo studio del testo con prospettiva scientifico-filologica.}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities, computational philology, software engineering}, URL = {https://github.com/literarycomputinglab/OmegaProject}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2017_MISC_D_390356, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Annotazioni collaborative di testi storici}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {Con l'avvento delle tecnologie e degli strumenti digitali, l'annotazione di testi (storici) è divenuta ancora più importante ed essenziale nel lavoro di strutturazione, di analisi e di comprensione dei fenomeni testuali. Inoltre, considerando gli aspetti più filologici, la realizzazione di una edizione digitale semanticamente connotata determina il bisogno di arricchire il testo con informazioni di varia granularità, di varia natura e di vario tipo. Questo intervento presenterà un approccio all'annotazione che tragga vantaggio dal Web semantico e dalle sue tecnologie. Le risorse testuali verranno caratterizzate da una forte interconnessione con risorse esterne favorendo di fatto la costruzione e l'interrogazione di un'unica banca dati globale, condivisa e formalmente descritta. In concreto, verrà presentato come scrivere annotazioni in RDF, utilizzando strumenti di annotazione disponibili sul web: a) il Text Encoder and Annotator (TEA); b) Annotarium. Il primo orientato alla trascrizione e all'annotazione delle risorse testuali, il secondo orientato alla gestione e alla interrogazione full-text e concettuale delle risorse annotate.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, tools, software engineering, semantic web, digital edition}, URL = {https://digitaltools.labcd.unipi.it/past-editions/resources2017/#DelGrosso}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2017_MISC_D_390782, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Modelli Concettuali e Architetture orientate agli oggetti per la Progettazione e lo Sviluppo di una Digital Scholarly Platform}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {L'intervento affronta temi legati alla progettazione concettuale e alla definizione di architetture software object-oriented per lo sviluppo di una Digital Scholarly Platform}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, computational philology, software engineering}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390782}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2017_MISC_D_390783, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Tools for Digital Textual Scholarship}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {la presentazione illustra le architetture software per la realizzazione di biblioteche digitali e archivi digitali, con particolare riguardo agli aspetti di studio filologico del testo}, KEYWORDS = {computational philology, digital philology, digital humanities}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390783}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2017_MISC_D_390784, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Strumenti software per lo studio e l'analisi di risorse testuali}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo introduce i principali strumenti digitali per l'analisi dei testi letterari. Inoltre saranno illustrati gli strumenti sviluppati dal gruppo di Literary Computing dell'Istituto}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities, digital philology, software, software engineering}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390784}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2017_MISC_D_484913, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Introduzione alle tecnologie digitali per la redazione e la pubblicazione di contenuti Web}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {Introduzione alle tecnologie digitali per la redazione e la pubblicazione di contenuti Web}, KEYWORDS = {tecnologie web, html, css}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/484913}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2017_MISC_DM_390360, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Clavius on The Web search framework}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {Search engine and restful API developed within the Clavius On the Web project.}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities, computational philology, software engineering, search engine}, URL = {https://github.com/literarycomputinglab/ClaviusSearch}, } @MISC{GIOVANNETTI_2017_MISC_GD_390396, AUTHOR = {Giovannetti, E. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {LicoLab@LabexObvil}, YEAR = {2017}, ABSTRACT = {This talk illustrates some aspects of our research activities, specifically some outcomes carried out during designing and developing a digital environment for textual scholarship.}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities, computational philology, software engineering}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390396}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2016_MISC_D_390558, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {il progetto "Cultura Digitale": Promozione alla cittadinanza Digitale}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo presenta il lavoro di allineamento e traduzione svolto con strumenti digitali dagli studenti del Liceo Classico Medi-Livatino di San Marco dei Cavoti (BN) su una selezione di passi tratti dall'opera di Ippocrate "Sulle Arie, Sulle Acque, e Sui Luoghi".}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities, cultura digitale, tools, scuola digitale}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390558}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2016_MISC_D_355220, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Modelli concettuali e architetture Object-Oriented per la progettazione e lo sviluppo di una Digital Scholarly Platform}, YEAR = {2016}, ABSTRACT = {"OOP e DH": incontro possibile? E' possibile modellare il dominio relativo allo studio scientifico del testo attraverso l'approccio Object-Oriented? Cosa implica, dal punto di vista metodologico e tecnologico, progettare e sviluppare strumenti modulari e riusabili per l'analisi scientifica di risorse testuali? L'intervento esaminerà questi e ad altri temi di natura ingegneristica nell'ambito delle Digital Humanities. Il seminario, quindi, ripercorrerà alcuni risultati ottenuti all'interno della linea di ricerca presente presso l'ILC-CNR orientata allo sviluppo di componenti software per sistemi Web di linguistica e filologia computazionale volti al trattamento di testi di tradizione medievale, a stampa e di autori moderni e contemporanei. La progettazione di strumenti computazionali nel dominio delle Digital Humanities deve necessariamente rispondere alle esigenze di diverse tipologie di utenti: 1) l'utente generico, inteso come persona curiosa oppure pubblico poco esperto che ha comunque competenze per arricchire il prodotto digitale; 2) l'utente accademico, inteso come lo studente, il docente, o il ricercatore, in grado di aumentare la significatività, l'espressività e la rilevanza della risorsa digitale, 3) il programmatore, inteso come sviluppatore di applicazioni nel campo dell'Informatica Umanistica. Durante il seminario si introdurranno le basi della modellazione Object-Oriented a partire da concreti casi di studio ed esperienze maturate in progetti di ricerca nazionali ed internazionali. In particolare, si illustreranno gli esiti di alcune iniziative: oil progetto "Clavius On the Web", finanziato dal Registro.it, che vede coinvolti due istituti del CNR di Pisa (IIT-CNR e ILC-CNR) e l'Archivio Storico della Pontificia Università Gregoriana (APUG); oil progetto "Greek into Arabic", finanziato dall'European Resource Council e diretto dalla Prof.ssa Cristina D'Ancona dell'Università di Pisa; oil progetto PRIN "Per un'edizione dei manoscritti di F. De Saussure", diretto dal Prof. Daniele Gambarara dell'Università della Calabria. oil progetto "Talmud" finanziato dal MIUR e partecipato dal CNR, dall'Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche e dal Collegio Rabbinico Italiano.}, KEYWORDS = {Object-Oriented, UML, Filologia Computazionale, Literary Computing, Digital Humanities}, URL = {http://www.labcd.unipi.it/seminari/angelo-mario-del-grosso-modelli-concettuali-e-architetture-object-oriented-per-la-progettazione-e-lo-sviluppo-di-una-digital-scholarly-platform/}, } @MISC{DANCONA_2015_MISC_DBNFCBDM_390659, AUTHOR = {D'Ancona, C. and Bozzi, A. and Nahli, O. and Farina, M. and Coda, E. and Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S.}, TITLE = {Banca dati testuale Greek into Arabic}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {Banca dati testuale con la codifica XML della pericopatura dei testi Greco-Arabo di alcuni trattati delle Enneadi di Plotino.}, KEYWORDS = {Digital Humanities, Computational Philology, Greek into Arabic, http: //g2a. ilc. cnr. it}, URL = {http://g2a.ilc.cnr.it/}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2015_MISC_D_390562, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Una applicazione Web per lo studio specialistico dei testi. Il modello adottato e i risultati fino ad oggi ottenuti}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {Il lavoro si concentra sulla realizzazione di una libreria di moduli software relativi ad una applicazione Web per la Textual Scholarship. Tale libreria è basata su un modello che considera la molteplicità degli approcci per analizzare un testo, soprattutto, ma non esclusivamente, antico. In questo quadro il modello prende in considerazione elementi di carattere filologico e linguistico fra i quali anche quelli che derivano dalla Linguistica computazionale. Dal momento che è impensabile che un sistema, sia pure complesso e articolato in sottosistemi, possa ambire a intervenire in qualunque punto della filiera delle analisi scientifiche sui testi, il lavoro è particolarmente apprezzabile perché impostato sulla base di una architettura informatica multi-modulare. In tal modo è possibile inserire nel sistema un cospicuo numero di moduli software ed è aperto alla possibilità di inserirne (o farne inserire) molti altri a seconda di specifiche necessità. Fra i moduli più significativi, sono già attivi quelli per: 1) l'annotazione di parti di testo (dalla singola parola ad una espressione completa, ecc.); 2) la classificazione delle annotazioni stesse secondo una tipologia indicata dall'utente (per esempio, annotazione di tipo semantico, morfologico, ontologico, ecc.); 3) la produzione di indici e concordanze; 4) l'allineamento fra testo e eventuale traduzione (antica o moderna); 5) l'estrazione di named entity (NER). Il modello e i moduli realizzati hanno mostrato grande efficacia in almeno 3 progetti: 1) Progetto PRIN 2008 "Edizione digitale dei manoscritti di F. de Saussure; 2) Progetto ERC advanced grant "Greek into Arabic: Philosophical Concepts and Linguistic Bridges"; 3) Progetto "Traduzione Italiana del Talmud Babilonese". L'applicazione parzialmente già realizzata prevede un auspicabile sviluppo nei prossimi anni con sperimentazioni su testi manoscritti di autori moderni e contemporanei, oltre che su opere antiche e medievali per finalità di critica testuale, è interamente open source e sviluppata con l'utilizzo di standard internazionali, quali,tra l'altro, il sistema di mark-up TEI.}, KEYWORDS = {computational philology, digital humanities, software enginnering}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390562}, } @MISC{MANCINI_2015_MISC_MPDL_390658, AUTHOR = {Mancini, L. and Pedretti, I. and Del Grosso, A. M. and Luzzi, D.}, TITLE = {Banca dati testuale codifica delle lettere Cristoforo Clavius}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {Banca dati testuale delle lettere di Cristoforo Clavio derivante dal lavoro di codifica fatto adottando il vocabolario XML e le linee guida della text encoding initiative (TEI). L'attività è frutto del progetto Clavius on The Web.}, KEYWORDS = {digital humanities, Cristoforo Clavio, computational philology, TEI-XML}, URL = {http://claviusontheweb.it}, } @MISC{MARCHI_2015_MISC_MD_390657, AUTHOR = {Marchi, S. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Greek into Arabic philological Web platform}, YEAR = {2015}, ABSTRACT = {Piattaforma filologico-computazionale sviluppata nell'ambito del progetto ERC 2009 Advanced Grant n. 249431. Titolo: Greek into Arabic. Philosophical concepts and linguistic bridges.}, KEYWORDS = {computational philology, digital humanities, ERC, Greek into Arabic}, URL = {http://g2a.ilc.cnr.it/}, } @MISC{BOSCHETTI_2014_MISC_BD_288059, AUTHOR = {Boschetti, F. and Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {La filologia computazionale e collaborativa al liceo}, YEAR = {2014}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/288059}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2014_MISC_DB_390785, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Boschetti, F.}, TITLE = {Progetto pilota EUPORIA. Annotazione linguistica e retorica di testi greci con traduzione a fronte dell'Elena di Euripide}, YEAR = {2014}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo illustra i risultati del progetto Euporia.}, KEYWORDS = {digital philology, computational philology, digital humanities}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390785}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2012_MISC_DMMP_390653, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M. and Marchi, S. and Murano, F. and Pesini, L.}, TITLE = {Banca dati testuale Codifica Théorie des sonantes}, YEAR = {2012}, ABSTRACT = {Banca dati testuale XML della Théorie des sonantes edito dalla Marchese nel 2002.}, KEYWORDS = {PRIN, Saussure, Digital philology, Computational philology, Digital Humanities}, URL = {http://licodemo.ilc.cnr.it:8080/Saussure_Wapp/controlPanelView.xhtml}, } @MISC{DELGROSSO_2011_MISC_D_390786, AUTHOR = {Del Grosso, A. M.}, TITLE = {Moduli e componenti di Pinakes Text}, YEAR = {2011}, ABSTRACT = {Il contributo illustra i moduli dell'applicativo Pinakes Text implementati per il progetto ERC 2009 Advanced Grant n. 249431. Titolo: Greek into Arabic. Philosophical concepts and linguistic bridges.}, KEYWORDS = {computational philology, digital philology, software engineering, greek into arabic, erc}, URL = {https://publications.cnr.it/doc/390786}, }